Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, December 13, 1888, Image 2
£ .WAYS LEAD. llBAUil & CO. r i Si i you visit Americas. \V ? e do he at closer figures than other J 00 cents worth for every do!* if $ 5,00 wotb ' i upward is en. piAmrE, a tick •!, giving the pair of shoes without any cost ly 1 st. b later quality sells at 35 c ev- dries, Laces, etc etc. moger. STORE. AMERICUS, GA. H 1 CrOOcLs 'I ED PRICES. bs of the season in 2 S HATS, NOTIONS, etc. |CCO, SUGAR AND COFFEE < ti price with any house in 1 r dJ- EORGIA. vo crest to inspect our goods and get ) ETITION. ieral patronage of our friends and continuance of the same in the & ARRINGTON. *088**1213* ,1 M I EltS IN 9 GROCERIES 9 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, Ga. constantly full line *; arriving a of et - (-class store, and at prices which petitioan.. ■Ivon will be satisfied that HAT THEY SAY. 20 FOR THIS STYLE «I. of Kxtra AttHchinents Free with Oftcli hi»»e. W<*!fr»i*re<l for fjl years. T fi IA Tj in four own htuwv bettor* \ro jcu V )-: y PljiliAOKLl’HlA V IN(!KH in equal to ady linger. iliu\ oi lier «otoj«rjiwi cha^ga $-1 0 for. Send for Circular wllb iu- -WOOD CO., nib Street, fuilaheu'hh, f* MALSBY S; AVERY, HI Forsyth HI., ATLANTAGEORGIA. Ht)l TIIUHN .... Mv.NAC; ICH.'S for I-mrK co.’s Eclipse Traction Knslntw,Portable En^i, lw Engines, First Class Automatic Engines. 1 Stationary Ice Making anil Rrfrigeraling ■A Mar liin on, Separating: and Vibrating Thresh¬ ers! Cotton (tins and Presses. * Tr ~* J ^5*\_4- «Zy' ‘ "? l Catalogue sent by mention in this paper. a* - ^soter wagon comp a wy $8*53^ Ip'dosingout its busines* arid /£$?&, ^« 7 T?r: V» r, r MrcVr* HAS ON HA IT D >r>C ,. a fine stock of j -Sf ffjp 0 WER 4000 ! s£/J •'Y> ••■'CfthcfiTrlsbratedTruasAxIcWaronj -.-i's' of ell styled and si*e», which will • • tx-eoki mmmrnrnm KSBMIi AT A BOW !3 THE TIME TO BUY AT A BOTTOM E*$*(CE, Aualc 4 V.'apsn inaiio fwwu \V«st Virginia Oak, ll'Vkory. and P«i>W, inferior the beat qtra’-tv pro, ft J raiperior in every particular aid to froUes now on i }jo market. Eabmor warranted tin opportunity for rare money. All Wagons are «ao year, Oar fr.rcweil offer. WEBSTER WACOM CO. Write for prices asd terras. MOUND&’-'iUE. Marshal! On., W. Va. Ludden & Bales’ Southern Music Heusg. 8 % i* « The Great Wholesale Plano and Organ Ilepot or the South. The Best Place The, to Mafcnt buy; The Cheupekt Place tu buy; Record Over Place to buy. A IHaanlflccut placed Ih south- 40,000 Pin non und Organs orga eru Homes since t 870. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 1st, 1887. Boom for the procession. It’s a long one. It’s head in Macon, and rear in Savannah. 200 miles of wagons containing 40,000 Pianos anil Organs sold by L. A B. 8. M. H. since 1870. Are we in earnest 1 Certainly-. We are a We house. We do a Urge trade. Wo sell Pianos and Organs and the in all Southern States. We have 20U Agencies. exaggerated. above statement is not in the least How have we over built up such an immense trade ? By en terprise, progt essiv* business make methods and square friends. dealing. We work We our take patrons them our into partnership, it for them, profits and actually give them as were, divide more than their money’s worth. ! Our r,anre Capital, our Spot Cash, our llfe-tlmo experience, our shrewdness as buyers, our tchole heft, in fact, is need in securing bargains , and then we let our fHonda in on I ha ground floor. That’s a Way wehqgg. Fall and Winter Bargains 1887-88 Kurin,lev tTnslupi-Out Sale over. Warcroom crowded witlr Superb New I ijHlritmrnts.— immense purchases direct from Factories. Greater Baj’rcuins than ever, for Fall und \V inter, 1887-88. Not reduced prices and poorer instru- merits, but the same low 'prices and better instruments. Greater value for the money. Of our lowest-priced They Instruments vastly improved this is specially and true. proud of them. are Hard to describe we are such bargains on paper, but we’ll try. nrtt *210 PIANO.-Law size, elegant roe©- V / wood case, carved Ickb. serpentine reliable plinth, instrument sweet tone, full sivyears’ Complete guarantee. outfit: Plush A stool, embroider¬ every ed way. largr* instructor, music book, all freight paid. cover, Queen Anne truBaea. A favorite styla Thousands sold. Outfit oomplete. ACR V go5 ORGAN.-Tvro walnut Extended sets Reeds. lamp Fiv. / stops. Elegant case. paneled, top, wfta stands, music rack, ornamented an<i stool, instructor, music book, and all freight paid. /^iUR 865 ORGAN.- Four sets Reeds. Tan Rcnulno Btops. Beautiful case. A most desir¬ able Parlor Or?fan. Competition chaUenged. Rare Rargains f every one. Thousands of each sold, and buyers invariably more than pleased. An Immense Stock from World’s Best Makers, to suit all tastes and purses. Over 300 different styles to choose from. PIANOS—Ffalckerins, Nlasnn * TTamlia, niatbusheU, Bent, Arlon, 8100 to 81,000. ORGANS.— tlaeen ,V Hamlin, Packard, Bay State, 824 to 8750. Easiest Terms ever heard of. From $8 to $10, paid monthly, will secure an Elegant Instrument. One price to all. That’s our wav. Prices marked In plain figures on each instrument and no deviation made to any. We charfro no more, take no lest. This square way ensures to all the lowest prices. print, So easy and to exactly buy from represented. us. Everything FiUl informa¬ in plain as tion given in liviue: circulars. thousand Betters carefully answer¬ ed. Parties a miles off can buy lust as well as if in Savannah. Three-fourths of our entire trade is done by correspondence. REHRMBF.R.— Lowest prices; Rosiest terms; Bes* instruments; Bine stools and covers; All freight paid; 15 days'trial; ftix years' guarantee; Square dealing; One price only; Money saved all I LUDDEftS&BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, 6A # MS. ChlTdreT^uficriMf^rumtnes^^SH^n^^^ar*. aytes can’t be relieved by so-called gers which only tickle the palate. worm loxen- tested B. The time-tried cure IS A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. As you value the life of your child, don’t wait until spasms and incurable sickness seize it, but get this reliable remedy at once; it never fails! When e iiusfiE i b7* children pick their nose, grind theirteeth. ari f vest.ess, unnatural in their appetite, they arc quite should likely troubled w’Kh Worms, prompt tts'tit meas¬ ures be takon and B.A.fah orti’s Vmsnfngn be given thorn according‘to hirer tions it has saved many a child from death and ,71. ! lX tprescrve yo'ir sweet child from linearly grave Pfl NT RUN I RISK work out itadeatruction. When orms to sleep well, is restless, a child fails to unnatural in its appetite and grinds its teeth, you have strong indications of Worms; the positive cure for this is H. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. Ask your child druggist from lor its it. Its timel use may save your grave. 'sinAspini *p03^uu.x«nS 5CMVNI ssoappy uo njujk’f ins •UOTHMnfnOftgy, in spaoN *S|Ooe puu •sqjng ‘siueij o^a|du>o3 ein jjcmiftriuoi) jotuomt.iossu v 9n/)ojn^vj on jo p9^vdq*njj/ uhq p •nV«T 33 HJ Y?i! I BORDER VAPOR STOVE mm j& 3 f$ - v a Y t :'£^ # J. i i w-*. S.4 V 'j*r ,A, fe«S rT- • : i y it ■ X, f-, X - ,y in., 5 . vli r ''~* 1 V. iM l •d) Clio-, for sale by all Firat-ClzyaB 2 >f alera, ; yuan Joes net tesp ii seri i postal to in, Er,-o for copy of Twin turns.- Journal. Twin Burner Stove Co., 'Vi 1 .) 713 Wssh. 81 .. St. iaOj’i. 9 c. El Remarkable CTatsse. Mn. Henry Ellis, 500 Scott street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, writer*: “ Dr. ij. B. Hartman & Co.,Con,’ mbu s,0. : I am induced by a sense of duty to trie suffering to makeabriefstatement of your remark¬ able cure of myself. I was a most miser-, able sufferer from the various annoying «nd distressing diseases of deli-rate persons, which earned me to bs confined to my bed for a long time, being too weak la even bear my weight upon my feet. 1 was treated in by the most reputable physi¬ cians our city, each and a .11 sayingtliey co.dd do nothing for me. I Had given up all hopes of ever being well. In this con¬ dition I began to take your M ANA 1 . 1 H and PERTOA, arid I am most happy to say in three months I was perfectly well —entirely cured, without any appliances or Mr. support ofsny kind.” Sura G. A. Proehl, New Portage, mit County, Ohio, writes ; “ My wile has been sick for about five years. In the first place Ihedoctor called it leucorrlitca, and treated it about one y ear, and she grew worse, and turned to ulceration of the womb, and was treated for that two years, but she grew worse and the doctor gave her lip. Then 1 employed Dr. Un¬ derwood, one of the best doctors of Akron, but under his treatment she grew worse, She was paralyzed; she had lost all of the sense of feeling and her eyesight. 8 he could not walk for nearly nderwood two years. About six months ago (J gave herup. She tried your Peruna. She has taken three bottles, and it did more good than any other medic ine. The pa¬ ralysis lias about left her; her eyesight the n getting better, We will continue uss of Piruna untu 6 he is well.” Mr. IsaacNicodemus, Sohellsburg,Bed¬ induced, ford County, Pa.,write*: 'I am by a sense of duty to the suffering, to make a brief statement of your remarkablehelp, as a sufferer of catarrh in my head and throat. I doctored with or e of the best physicians in our place for that dreaded disease,catarrh, and found no leliet. But in 1 SB 3 I lost my speech, and was not cole to do any kind of work, for near three months. I could neither eat nor sleep, Pekuna and M ana lit* did wonders for me. I used three bottles of Pmu*A“ oneofM anaun, and now I am whet, ter health than I have been for ten years and I can heartily recommend your med¬ icine to all suffering from thut dread dis¬ ease, catarrh,” Sterling, Ohm, . Mr. I. W. Wood, Mt. says: " Your medicine gives good highly satis¬ ot faction. My customers speak ks curative properties.” SHt'A^HHpoRMN 3PBOF. wFKauid iCERVOCS WUBkHCMADiJ MBItjrt HARRIS tions, too brain ftcolndulgenj- werfcJJ ami over while nj tiot tcroporiic ,em* a T Ksssar'gs? k Radical Curt FOB iPESSJTORRHEA Take {3K« 1 , remedy SSSSi.**5 a **• ABTD thouaand*. with aul nttenU"n»“ JMPOTENCY. terfbre » « . rna or c,j-, JrfiAn p« venleuw. j#9“Tootod tor la oyer 6 ssh-Io.t: Sil-oPAMtigsS /cars tiy ubo ♦’iou* «nd« of casts. ¥te© v- PACKACJi. TRIAL I f I SIND ADDRESS r Bt.rengtU ropW'D HARRIS RENIE CO., mtCkeM™ 30(1’j North ltlth Kt., St. Uks Mokth’STriatmemt, #3 1 2 mqkths.JMh