Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, December 13, 1888, Image 3

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E ENTERPRISE. 1 it tho matter. post-oltleo at Ellavllle, as ’oid' lass For President, (BOVER CLEVELAND. Vice President, &Irs. Cleveland A Nil LEN G. THURMAN. For Governor, IN R. GORDEN.; For Congress, [H ARLES F. CRISP, 8^. 2j 'j *’ Ljcy lias four horses on tho track, Uiu> lyjflo for the race,are ready; others now, ns ten years back, ye t lining slow, but steady. f fgfi cn ndidates, this is to you all! ’fo b of . vou ’ - ‘ cut Atlanta’s your f ’ n Hall, l )er > ^ it you reach Yeu.ll get there through your paper. jkud the above lines and vote Itordingly* Lut fail to come out to the Con- A; Thursday and Friday nights. Iprof. Dozier of Pery, was in town L.i*eek. r - Air. Weldon preached here - jay and Tuesday nights. u!l Sewing Machines for CASH [installments. C. P. Davis [jdightful vain fell in our com- this week and farmers will ive to be wide awake. ue a large crowd attended the Ll services of Mrs. Allen §iy evening. lace glad to state that Mrs. pud is up again and spending in the country with her sis- (Andrew Chapel High School Lipen Monday July 9th. k L| Minnie Halley left Andrew Saturday fer her home at lell. % goods at the lowest prices, at Axelbau m &Co. Americus, Ga. v Fannie Merritt and Mr. E. Strange attended service at klship Sunday. K- Thompson of An Irew Chap- i Tuesday for his home in Tay. punty. kre considerable wind was a Lin at LaCrosse last Saturday, Ar down several trees, jfosrs Alman Cook and Brewster Manta spent Suml ly in that it , Lv L Honiady House. J. H. Cawood preajhed at fetbtist church Sunday. ■ L. \V. Dixon has an excellent ■f cotton. i Mitch Bolton returned home riday, we hope it will not he efore she will make us anoth- lit. te your purchases at the New [store, Americus (Hawing Ga. for and the get silk a t to tlie [free L of charge Thompson and Miss Minnie [y Leir of Andrew thanks Chapel to Mrs wish D to i¬ li’Ellaville many nice for the very rs a few days since. ft forget to call and get your it for the Ext etprise, I want r man in the county to have r. Mr. Blitch is visiting among rethren this week after filling gular ippointmont Saturday urn day. ft fail to give us a call when tome to Americus, to do your [ping. (rest" We will make Manager. it to your J. L. Mack New York Store. feturday night some one robbed of the croquet ground’s of everj ket, some talk of five dollars re- N being offered for the man that lit, oto Murray and Williams for lily Groceries, Hats, Shoes skery, Tinware, Notions, etc le hundred will accompany the H Rand from Americus Friday it. Special trains will run to Americus and Buena \ ista. fad the advertisement of Dixon i, in.this issue. Their stock is plete and tljey 'YU' sel1 y” u U at prices that defy com pet i- | Give them a call an(j satisfy (selves. CLEVELAND and Thurman Nominated. I Have resolv'd therefore to Ll Bargain* in Orr -erles, Shoes- Bo ds and Notions, AMSON DIXON AND WILLI its of pretty, new spring goods ie New York store, Americus Ga. > b ir.-ds c.f flour, just received lurray & William -. grocerie- good lot of family 1 , sh-m.R,& notions; wonderful pi f cash, A small per. v ■ bled for goods on tint' 4c.s will make a goofj I (cure them, and so' ■ Mr. Jos. Rnwlimd will move into M r. Murray’s handsome new resl- deuce tills week. Messrs J. F. Woods, II. T. Harper • . M. ( olum l(>lt Monday for Atlanta where they will represent Hcliley in tho State Alliance Convention. Why does’nt some one put 'M* a Livery and feed Htahle here, v o noticed severnl Drummers lent in * town the other day in an ox cart. . Miss Mi ttie Myers will open tv :t months school at New Prospect on Monday the 2ml of July; let the pa¬ trons give her a full attendance at the start. Mr. J. s. Royal of Americus gave us a call Tuesday, Mr. Royal has just taken a trip through the County as far up as Cedar Creek, and states that the rains have been very par- tial up in that portion of country. Mr. J. C. Bowipnd was badly hurt a few days ago while hauling stock to tiie mill, a suppling knocked him off of the coupling pole and the front wheel ran upon Ills breast bruising him up considerably but no is get¬ ting on finely now. Money for farmers. I am prepar ed to negotiate loans for farmers at a total commission of 12 per cent with interest payable once a year to wit, on Decemer 1st. Call and see me if you need money. Ciias. R. McCroky. The several Fanners Alliances of Schley County will elect delegate, one for every ten members, to attend the regular meeting of the County Alliances in Ellaville at nine o’clock July tiie 11th next. Jas. F. Woods President. We were fortunate enough to be present at the dosing excises of tiie Andrew Chapel High School and must say they were exceedingly good. The house was filled to over¬ flowing and great crowds stood around the windows and doors ea¬ ger to hear the speeches, and resi- tations. The B. V. Train helps a calf across a stock gap. Last Saturday as the ears came down from Judge Singletary’s to the switch, as it reached the stock gap it picked up a calf that was trying to cross and sent him about 39 or 40 feet over into Mr. Dixons field bruis¬ ing him up considerably, but did not kill him. Mrs. John Allen afterot years jour ney in this life closed her eyes in death Sunday at three o’clock while surrounded by relatives and friends she leaves a family of chrildren to mourn the loss but goes to meet a living husband who crossed the riv- er a few years since. Her remains wereintered in theCemetary at tins place Monday evening, Rev. C. I>. Adams officiating. The berieved family have our sympathy. A NARROW ESCAPE. Saturday evening as the B. V. train was making its second trip to Americus it ran on a broken rail a nd threw the tender off. The coaches being ahead of the Engine, and crossing over first, no doubt preven¬ ted a serious accident as the plat¬ form was crowded, when the Engine struck the rail it knocked it clear out, taring up tiie track about thirty feet. Ft>R REPRESENTATIVE. 1 respectfully announce myself a can- fjPlato for representative in the next leg¬ islature; subject to the democratic nom- ination, and solicit the support of tho voters in the county. Respectfnlly, Baldwin. E. S. ancuncement. To the Democratic Voters of Schley County. I here by anounc/ myself a candidate for repre* tjve of Schley Bounty s> nomination by the Der ty, I respetefully so' Respectfully iT j Tuiiu te To Vincent Pilcher (By A Friend) Mr. Pilcher was horn in Waren Co. Qa. 1811, Died in Americus (la. May 1888. After tii» Cluuitfful events of 77 years, the screen that at some time must fall between all our lives and Eternity, has dropped between us and our venerable friend. Wo fol¬ lowed him only to the point, where others may follow us. Friends cher¬ ished him in old njre, and loved ones did all in their power to alleviate his last Hulferiii'L He is gone, and more can not he done then pay n last tribnto to his dust. He was one of ttie men that had seen the territory that composes Schley Co. almost an unbroken for, est. lie grew up with tho County and was a living history of its peo¬ lie lived an life and did not court notoriety; yet pos¬ sibly no man in tho county conform! more favors than he. He had but few falts to hide by the grave- Though, at times porvocations may have been great, members of his family say they never saw him mad. Such a man deserved to live and could not fear to die. We cun not explore tho myster¬ ies that he congealed beyond the curtains of Time; yet we are satisfi¬ ed. liis memory is our inheritance, and sometimes when the storms o f life break upon us, memory will Hit back through other days, in mem¬ ory of his many bright examples that will serve to strengthen our feeble and reanimating natures. It is natural for li is family and triends, that he loved at'd that loved him so well, to mourn. But, though, the cold hand of destiny is inevita¬ ble there seems to come a shim¬ mering light from the heyound, that makes, even the doubtful bone, lint be tiiis as it may, our friend is wrapped in only forgetfulness wait. and repose —we can PUTNAM DOTS. Putnam, Ga. June 2<»th—It is about time for tiie hunters to com¬ mence shooting the doves. We are needing rain very much at present while some of our neighbors have bad a nice raimneariy every day last week. The colored people of Marion and Schley had a picnic at the tank Saturday. Their was a runoff Saturday while the train on the B. V. & E. R. R. was making a second trip to Americas, their was no serious accident, as nothing hut the lender j umped the track, caused from .i broken rail, and caused a delay of about three hours, Knowlton's mineral spring, at¬ tracts a very large crowd, and es¬ pecially on Sunday. Still the candidates come out, we wonder who will be the next repre- senativc of Schley. Prof. J. M. C’ollum has announced himself a candidate for representa¬ tive, would he glad for ail of his friends to support him he will be. sure to get there. We wonder if Prof. Merritt will not give a man of his profession a free ticket to the concert as he knows one never has any money. The young people ot Putnam at¬ tended the closing exercises of Professor McMath’s School at Drainville, he had quite a success, it would have done credit to a much larger place. Prof. J. M. Collum left Monday for Atlanta as a delegate from the Schley Co. Alliance. Col. G. P. Munro of Buena Vista came down Saturday and returned Monday, although George lias not been admited to the bar, yet he has had several cases. From Andrew Chapel. The farmers are about up with their work and are now feasting on the luscious watermelons. Some are complaining of dry weather, but there has been plenty of rain in this immediate vicini’ and crops are booming in eon quenee. 0 lie spring term ot tiie All Chapel High School, closed i the 22nd, with an exinhitiua a ‘ Which was quite a success dictions ana endeavors of few to the contrary not ing, and we would say tain lew who “just can Andrew chapel ' burst,” th boyjc GKDIt.UA SCHI.Ki COUNTY. Xirri 1 trator do bonis turn of Richard Sellars having filed his upi ileatlon in my office for letters of dismission f«om said Administration. Those are therefore to cite all par¬ ties interested whether kindred or creditors to sho w cause if any they can on or before the October Term nf the Ordinary’s Court to bo held on tiie 1st Monday it' October next why said application should not he granted. Witness my hand and oflioiul signature this Jimjo 19th 1888. T. J. Rosier Ordinary. GnoK'iiA St iii.KY County. Tf> n’l wiioin it may concer n J. V. Pilcher lots in due form ap¬ plied to the undernitfiteil for permn- nent letters of n-JininistriUiim on the estate of Vinson I'ileiu r lute of said County deceased and I \vi 1 pass up¬ on said application on the 1st .Mon¬ day in August 1888. Given under my hand ami official signature this June 11th. 1888. T. J. Dozier Ordinary Georgia SriiLi:\ County. Whereas K. 1 j. Worthy Adminis¬ trator of W. (d. hi inis deceased has tiled Ids petition for letters ot dis¬ mission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and ad¬ monish ill parties interested wheth¬ er kindred or creditors to show cause if any they can. on or before the first Monday in September 1888 why said petition should not be granted to said petitioner as prayed for. Given under my hand and old- end signature this May the 7th 188s T. .1. Dozier Ordinaey. A. S 1 - & L. Schedule. On and after February 1G, 18S8, trains oil the Americus, Preston and Dunipkiii railroad will run as follows: Sunday. I>ailv r ex. Sunday Sunday only. No.’a. only. No. 1. No. 3. hv Louvale, o.-.'iuam o:.30am l:U)j>ni I.umpkin, Hichiantl, 7:r>‘J“ 7:50 “ «:4U “ - t-2 :Pi“ I'raston, 8:20 “ 7:05“ i; .t Plains. 8; 15 7:io“ W .t Vr Americus, o Oh'i “ s:10,‘ W HO “ .v Amorit-iis, 2:15 “ 8;50“ i: u Huntington3:J) “ S .51 “ <* DeSoto, 3slo “ tl: 10 “ »u :15 “ Cobb, 4:0.>“ 0:25 “ Cn Johnson, 4.12“ 0:51 “ 5:1 hi “ onoy, 4:40 “ 9:50 “ 5:25 “ (’ordsle, b:ft, “ Kb 10 “ 5:15 “ Seville, 5:55 “ 10:40 “ S ii Koulielie, i»’40“ 11:20“ to r Abbeville, 7:25 *’ 11:50“ 7:25 “ Daily Suii-'ay. i x. Sunday only. Sunday No. No.O. only. No. 2. 4. Lv Abbeville, 5:3) a in 5:5unm 1:2:l , io Rochelle, 0:05 “ li:2*l “ 1:50“ Seville, 0:45 “ (1:53 “ 2 ; 2 ' “ ( ortiel-, 7: 35 “ 7: 30 “ V:ii~ “ Coney, 8:00 “ 7:50“ 3:2) “ •Dbus ,n, 8:23“ 8:0(1 “ 3:40 “ Gobi), 8:30 “ 8:15“ 8:4(5 “ DcSolo 8:50 “ 8:30 “ 4:01 “ lluntiiiffton 9:15“ 8:50“ 4:25“ Ar Ainorieus, 9:50“ 0:25 » 4:55 “ ov Americus 2:50 pm 0:35“ 5:05 “ Plains, 3:30“ 10:10“ 5:40“ Preston, 4:0.5 “ 1U; 40 “ 0.0 “ Richland, 4:40 “ 11:15“ 0:35 “ Luinjilciii, ft 20 “ 11:35“ 7:05 “ Ar Louvain, 0:00 “ 12; 15 pm 7:45“ J. N. HASS, (Jon. Supt. It. V. & E. R. 11. TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, April 15,1888 ■ trains will run as follows: GOING EAST. Lv Buena Vista 7:0<)a m Putnam 7:25 “ Ar Ellavllle *r Lv Eiiuviite LuOrosse Ar Americus GOING Lv Americus LaCrosse Ar Ell Lv 1 A i ! CEO. r. OHILD Adjustable Psrlsr Clair Go. 281 Wabash Ave. CRfGAGO., fk.Li.NDit- Theso two cuts J^sliow extreme the Chair In *'?$&'*if posii .mis. /i‘ T If is cicilyluljust- /wt83!*$b .,“*(■ • \4 mUo body fn iii w any ,ort and tha . aU li " siru ‘l >»@ 4 ' '^W ,01Ul This Cha ir i-; a HEW invention, THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAMBER MADE- And THE Chair for Herne, I :.valid 11 if v. riiysieinn.A s&Fader Socking '.'hair it i« r. n.fcrvt oi beauty ’ ureu . mu. .■.‘ & 4 SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. it) > . BE5»TKmyeE8a&»! »¥3 oimm Hf J Limnienf OTJXRL^eSiiH '■'Ciatica, f.crutches, ! CcrL ■-VR Lr.mbago, Sprainf, Muss’.fJ, BiKiiniatlia, Strain*, I.-cpUca., Darns, Stitches, Koof Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, £craw ; tings, Backache, W orins, 3ite«, Galls, Ewinney, ?:ni«o», Sores, Eaddis G.'.lla, i anions, Spavia Piias. crus, Cracks. THIS COOD OLD #TAW3-BY occompll^ie* for pver.vUody cxnctly ivCut !■ .\»1 forlt. On* oi the readout tor tha great jioiiularlty < i (he Mustang Liniment la foundinlts uci vernal uiipllrubllltv. Evcrj-body needs inch a mwliclnt'. Tlic I.i m’Berinnii needs It In case of accident. The Uonacwlle needs It for generalfaaidz nso. The f'nnnter needs IS for h'.i team#and Id. men. The Mechnnlo needs It always on his v.orfc bench. The Mi-JCV nseds it iu case of emergency. The I'lee.eer ncedait—can’tjetalon*without 1.. The Farraer needs it in hia house, ids stable, ud his stock yard. The Steamboat man *r ih» Bontwikn noeds la liberal supply afloat and oslioro. T.rC rSoTeo-tuneipr need* It—It Is Ms boat , lend and safest ri 1 lance. The BtacU-grower need.* It—it will save him iou nuds of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad rana r.eodr It and will need ft so ng as Ills life is around of ecridents and dangers. The Biicksvoodeman needs It. There 13 r.otli- ■ig like it as an outidoto for the dangers to life, : imb and comfort which surround tho pioneer. Tko Merchant needs It about his store among nis employees. Aoetdents will happen, and when hese come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted atonoe. Keep a Bottle in the House. 'Tls the best of jeonopjy. Immediate Keod B Eettle in the Factory. Its use in case oi acoldant pain and loss of wages. licet* it Bouio Alrrnyeln the Stable for use vi hen w,V >'i* THK REST ()L mmausamm aHBMQPKSr. ■mmimz < UJIiK l LTUARL i’AIMiUS is Column’s llunH OO'^. 1 Worl Vt ‘ published Weekly nt $1 • il! ■ it is a very Jar^e ei^'iit l»’ "‘vec column paper devoted ' lure. Horticulture. Horse, Cattle. SI fry, the Ho.- AfiUT.*- ACies*<L~ l*ccnll»p CharaderlDUtjj of Ameri* nwK • The :>■ B* und How ItCMtored. In tliia nge of bustle and hurry, an a;;o devoted to ;;reat projects and enterprises, the American people arc tubing the lead in the furtherance < f noble works, and in the advancement of the sciences and nrts. t o these they deserve to take a high rank, «ml through the united works of millions, the American continent ii fast being transformed from its untamed state and being placed on an equality with the older continents beyond the ocean. The Amer¬ ican people are fast, under these influences. developing into a nervous, energetic race, remarkable for its vlr.i and business quali¬ fications; yet there is danger that in the course of years these very elements may combine to the ruination cf the physical character of ths people, and leave them feeble and altogether different from their forefathers. General debility is now much to m ore be common the incrca«e than formerly, the and seems on .mcng masses. M my remedies lure been extensively advertised for thi, wide-spread complaint, but none of these have been so successful or met with such general favor as the remedy und manufactured named him" by Pbruxs, Dr. S. B. Hart¬ man, Mr, R.Goudy, by of Massillon, Stark S county, Ohio, write*: That he has been troubled sia Tor with general debility that and dyspep¬ induced several years; he was t > try Pkrvxa for ilia complaints, and I nit uf>cr using three bottlc3 0 f the medi¬ cine ha was greatly relieved. It braced ni n right up and gave him energy, and ascribes restored his him to his to IV-SUNA, youthful and vigor. Ha if cure says us a wonderful remedy. Adolph We llakhau* & Co., Springfield, O., write* : “ are having a good sale for Itsellsas well as nnv medicine we have, and gives the very host satisfac¬ tion.” Mrs. G. V/. Ns^dham, Newtonville, Clermont Countv, Ohio, says: “ I have been a great sufferer 'or the last six or seven years, with gc era! debility and change of life. 1 was very much reduced. I have taken four bottles of I'SKti XA, which han restored me t > perfect health and strength. We think 1'fiilU.XA a safe and grand medicine,” TXX33 MOORE COUNTY GRIT; Portaole Corn Kills uni Millstones. : i MB" ' i j? vJ'Lr^ 'BK II a m.m MU ' > Ui K? Tlio Iirnt In the World for making fine tabls mral; for grinding Corn, all Oats, ltye, llarloy a any mixed feed. It cuts fibrous matter b- tti. ilran r-uy known stotio or bubr. Bannpiee of Motd Bout on appUeatlon. Addrocs H. C. HILL3T0NE CO., PXRKEVifOOD, M0 3 RE CO, N. C Sj£ t* HHBwKs:..« HARWOOD’S CHAIR SEATS r ! t ■ WANTED i * SK ?5 I r AGfS * r* rg„ v iV UXyfeRFUL G/TCESS., o V. ikUTttr. K A ! tji f n. Sh’ Vr i V'iyh ?*n «• ihirUvr f » to ii.H 4( i ki ? * • :.*« I'UQO} r i . .* THE ENff-RPRISE •’ • MS*— [ c ")err<o ' r; * ‘/Won tbit/ %.o.&ck 5 ine With Twrl.o OH«r< Cul tVper .'vH-rat of ,eur om.i i.''-s *Jo:'*ny*.H. both Publications, One ’«Iar, —r on— $.3.00 (THREE DOLLARS). D XM QUEST'S j If ?■ * THE 3SS Of nil the illaanzirU’S. Com .MKtMO pTOKCl, I'oaas, AMO OTllBH blTUKJLHl Ar.’iM'.'TiOM. <:< «*u.tsd Autistic, S- iss- Tlhwt'Ulnl Tiriu, ANu *.vrrens. »,'1A Orifflnal /Steel Kngrav- In;)*, /‘Allege.i i’kit.-, uit l'lrturet onif pur H’ooiteutt, muKlu.j it th9 Mcdtl til JO- . jrii.e cf ,i»irrlc<t, Ji.trh hnlilar Mopr.liio hi i«!.'<duii toulolns a f rrmpon order Llattrctca aEtltihia tlir ino i any iwiicn in the fi.hion ite|Mrtinrni In ttiat numbrr, and In r :v of the ,!.t. manufectursit, niakh.R pcttirns (In ing the r tr<>f i*io \uliin of over thrvv iluilsrs. l)::MOIlfiST'S MONTHLY ia jurtty emitl.’d thn Wiirltl'a Mini. 1 Muitb* ae. Ttio l.ergeut tn t'rmi.lha bargiit -illllly Mspiilnn i.i Olrcnla'lnii, nul the beat TWO theTwrnty- Dollar 1 ' iwnwl. igsr will b« tiiiril year of Its pabllcstlon. It is continually im- nrovkd end no exian.lvalv as to place it at the hr# 1 ! of Family Periodical*, it con lain* TJ pages, haw fatty qiinrfo, .1 v-l/v. Iridn'i, Hav intly printed and illiistr.itvd. Puollsliotl hy AV r . .'vuuinga Dviuoivat, New York, AND BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED Y/iTH Tlio Enterprise at $3.00 Per Year. THE CHICAGO -»ZO FOR I89A $*5 # UJ OH 'ft s 51 V » tk Why pay ® i u v h • .# i- rv l-i •, when you Jftll obta.II 011« t'qild!l,V l livp i TU'i <TIiU.i i»i/ ‘ nn eight t>^ ilievt nix atiuil-i'-l <ii •>m •* t I -it rtiifjo, pmlueeiy illustrated, p n « I •*> t li . > i u > I i t» of oaJea^oreJ ptlVdV, «M t i « t <\ '1 eYi ti» tivtis each week U‘ .tjt Oi’iy'ml m fid; t tL 1 * j • • iff' i story ptiptarA* TUK < •" ‘'G ti >< fo iftTT prcuenW to the fphf.'c a irft ti. ii i ■ ti 'D i ■ t« »■ 1*/ thorn given hi my o' tlu: ,»t! J. I , * :• i* d*v s of contrlbutori has loo i j. re t y 8: :ptviluH»ml, uuT a immbor of now'H nr; n UU»\. m.iltltif UM: MbhilH the best, and in fa t the o.Jr, ~.»n story paper pub* lisbcd In the West. Tt:e pen . f UJ.V K. W THOMAS, of the People'* Olmrcli.CMf h •« i 'on •!*%.•»:r-it 1>y THE LKOli* KH for >' a ’i cm sf »rh i* a up ip n variety of subject* tinting <h co t k yei.r. .V> tnure pr >tourrd thinker nc r mere viiroroiis w -ih-• !!•-«■» l^r. Thomas could be found tit In pn m , t da . Ilia contribution* can oot fail to armi iq dot p interest. Ke.ul what cvli n mb r i TI1K I.f .tIGF.II will present to its Mibscr! <- 6, dudntc the coming roar, for the no tiinrtl pr:<- o ..VI. Installmentso£from four to kIx Sc rid St rp 8: imp pn#re o i War MemorifW, «\F.t*oH by those wi o w.i'o there, With at least two portraits of pr lnincid \ tt! ticipar*t« In the conflict, ono on cadi side; mi srU 1- roui t'. o p^n of BE. IL W. THOMAS, .f ths People** Church, Chicago; Woman’s I’rogm s, o .iut i<'te l by MIH8 ANNIE E. M YEItH; otic of tku r-s.^.wood letters, by VPIIX P. HART: a Sermon Id DH. 1' DkWiTT TALMAGE, of Brooklyn: arolu-mof Ansyort* t » Corre«pondont», and Comp'otc Htuii'-i, i o ;iy Humorous Paragraph® and CoUdviuie* in n-Z iei:t number to fill the large sheet. rm» OF bULSCAIPTION. One year, tuyabls 1 1 till on'.. i 0I.SO Eight montliB, * * : : 1.50 Bix : .80 TIIE IsI DGEE info* a !® by NewHdeaJera,Poft^ ai.a tors r.n<l Bubn.uiii!.oa Avout* througtiout Cnjfrd SI *tee, A sample copy will he mailed I-'lt KF »ny person ■ending name andsddre-eto the o‘»>' e of pnbUcaBom. All communications sjiuulj <"i sddIMwd to TPC CFICA30 LEDGER, 271 Franklin Street, Chicago, Ilk © Wr W&mm£ tig# Uifaiui^ Si’cclfrc for Lh'cr Diseisi. ■ J *. Jdo'vr. fur; ?>i<l»ilti tho hn«'fe, fiM’,,<r i;,tr—t;?u n ml8t«ken **• i;ip • d» i.-t •’» M CjVH< *<U*; dcinvLu?.'r- da ti* •*» nnfl Tt atcr- l>ias!i, < r huh rv i• •< . i mty HTHi «ru**u;Lm$; '»• -v-Is ul x ly anil Ur,; h*uu 'uriv ^; !*»: of iGrrnaf a paiui.'i ,in-; re. ice'; -yU. ■: U lifcVfn 'O'i' ¥i ry'“ apt v ' lv. y. 11 .,it 'Tpwll- -V„‘; S’3, VJ?U« b aliened u to