Schley County news. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1889-1939, July 25, 1889, Image 5

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PUBLISHED EVER Y THURSDAY. '-^subscription $1.00 A Year in ADVANCE. DON. McLEOD, Editor. El lav die Ga. Thursday July 5.1 ISSf). TKKMS FOlt ADVEHTIS1NO. LogiJ advertising - will be charged at rates al' lowed by law. I coal notices, first insertion, 10 cents a line, t , ac l, subsequent insertion, 5 cents a line. Special position charged extra. Reduced rates allowed on largo contracts. Yearly contracts will be made with merchants fora space in our advertising- columns, sujeet to changes. All advertising- Bills are due on presentation after the tirst insertion, unless other terms are previously 1 agreed upon. -yWetakeno risk on collecting. Parties unknown to usmus t pay in advance or furnish ' satisfactory reference. >*:' til letters on business must he addressed k R. DON. M cLEOD, TO Ellaville Georgia, jiTuil fTqiarUuyv Dr. Harp h is moved into his new office o.i Oglethorpe street. Dr. Smith says his lecont pear tree are litterally loaded down. The young men who spent Sunday in Cusseta, report a most delightful time. Mr. E. H. Cordell goes head on snake tails: lie killed twenty six rattle snakes on his place last week. A protracted meeting will begin next Saturday at Hopewell church. The pub lic generally, are invited. A builder with a gang of hands is busy building section houses in an oak grove on the South side ofCapt. Burton’s field. Mr. Milton Kent, who has been at tending the High School at this place, has secured the school at County Line, and we learn, is progiessing finely. The colored brother was in his glory yesterday; a big excursion passed here on the way to the colored firemans tour nament at Americus. Next ’Tuesday is the 30th, the day ap pointed for the Birmingham excursion mid many of our people w ho were stock holders are preparing to go, A horse belonging to Dr. McMichael was run over and killed Tuesday by tlie East-bound day train as it passed his place near Putnam. Tiie Women's Missionary Society meets in Buena Vista Saturday. Ellaville will be represented by Mrs Smith, Scovill, Murnby. Misses Mittie Mvers. ‘Addie Smith, Lula Murphy, * Mary and R ci I a Hornidy and others. In answer to the Republican’s enquiiy we will state that the report of our citi Tens News mass from meeting the cojiy » furuulwd set up by if <ly tlie «ecret‘irv 1 ’ * A new boiler and engine has just been added to Mr. Murray's steam saw and grist mill and its facilities for furnish ing lumber, meal, flour, and ginning and threshing have been very much enlarg «1. Atrip through Scliley county will convince any one that crops are better than they have been for years. Mr. Du pre .‘l'ca cock whom you all know io Le one of Schley's best farmers, says bis is the best he’s had in twelve years. A $20,000 hotel is badly needed in El / Dyillv: It could be filled with Yankees > in A\ inter nnd Floridians in Summer, Both would find health and comfort i» thls delightfully even climate and such a hotel would be the making of our lit fie city. lm Sdiley count v is grov\ ing lamous for – raising; Mr. Dan W. Rainov has a months old pig tint would do credit asssts zsex a i, a ]f fwt j en<rtli > unl timv tll1( i !l halt ” fed around. Retire glad to see tlmt our neighbor “‘Jf contemporaries, the Recorder, Re- 1'iiblican. Patriot and others, are liber fy ly m»rens Patronized and highly appreciated of Schley c-ouuty- and lie !*' auw NuWfy noiv haa a local pap.-r of 111 own. is no reason why th“se sliould dropped in the future. Each has its "" n distinctive lea tun 1 of interest and m< bt. making it well worth the small I’Lie of subscription. At the present crates almost any farmer can atfo.n take two or three weekly pnjiers and ^ ' ' d q:i d tlie money well spent. SCHLEY COUNTY NEWS. Scliley county was alive with picnics last Saturday. At the Camp Ground, Doziers mill and at Andrew Chapel, large crowds gathered and spent the day most delightfully. The Ellavillians who went out to the camp ground, came hack delighted with the treatment they received by the hospitable people of that neighborhood. The Schley County News is on our ex change list. The News is edited by Mr. R. Don McLeod, recently of scan, of Tallahassee, Fla. We knew Mr McLeod and his paper in Florida and both stood up at the head. The News bids fair to take the front rank among Georgia’s weeklies. Welcome to the news audits able editor.—Cuthdert Lib eral. We understand Mr. W. D. Murray, owing to other business engagement, in tends to rent out his cotton warehouse, in F.llaville, the coming season. This is a splendid opportunity for some one with a little capital and experience. Not withstanding our close proximity to to Americus, this ware house we learn has been handling two thou-and bales of cotton a season. The protracted meeting closed Mon day. Considerable religious feeling was manifested and fourteen accessions to the Methodist church were made. Eight by profession of faith, four by letter, and two by restoration. Considering the few who were not already members of some church, the showing is not a small one, by any means. Rev. Mr. Flanders, we think, can afford to rest easy on his oars, for awhile at least. “I have been selling goods to the farm ers of Schley county for fourteen years.” said one of the proprietors of the largest mercantile house in Americus totheed itor of the News a few Jays since, “and I conscientiously believe there is not a more prompt and reliable set of farmers on the globe. In ail of our accounts with the people oi Schley we have col lected almost every dollar, you will find them an excellent class of people, a steady reliable people.” Said be. Aside from its fertile soil and health ful climate Schley has another most de sirable and attractive feature-the church es and schools throughout, the country, the moral character of the people. Drink ing and swearing is comparatively little indulged in, especially among young men. The few drinking characters we have are those who contracted the habit cd the county. I Eto . * n <?iU ua > s s are seldom if ever se< n or heard of, gambling is unknown and a domineer ing, figtiting bully' does not exist in the county. 0x carts seeal to be sc -' aroe m tlm sec - the appearance of one on our streets Tuesday morning so frightened a mule belonging to John Blount, colored, that he broke loose from the lutcliing post and and struck out down Oglethorpe street like a lighting express train, carrying tlie jersey wagon with him. For a while it looke>t a. though th«e K „in K to I* ^ , j, u bllt the attractive store ami winning ways of Mr, Goodwin Greene so captivated the mule that he stopped there and cooled off. One of Ellaville’s gallant young disci pies of Blackstone. finding business in the legal profession rather dull at this season, and having a wife and baby to provide for, laid away his law books, closed his office, doffed.his standing col lar. congress gaiters and court house clothes, hauled on his seediest garments ’ seized a trowel and sallied forth to earn bread by the sweat of his brow- ii n - til the law bestness picked up. He had gotten a job of brick laying and earned over a hundred dollars before his friends missed him out of town. This is the uimi ( ,f pluck and push that wins; a man wit .h that kind of grit in his craw, wiU make ] us ma rk some day. ______________________ Stock-holders Excursion. - The old stock-holders, and their wives, £ y B v> – E . Railroad Company —»—....... excursion to Birmingham Ala., and re turti. Tickets will be good for one day only, going on train no. 53, leaving Amerscus 5.10 a. in. July 30th. Returning good on any passenger train of this company till August 3rd. inclusive. Those parties entitled to tickets in neighborhood of Americus will receive their tickets on application to undersigned. Uioh< in neighborhood of Elllaville apply to W . D. Muaray, and Buna Vista, to Hon. J M. Lowe, tickets will be ready Saturday July 27th. 1389. U. B. IIakuold Vice prest. Savannah – Western R. K. Americus Ga. July 24th, The Man From Terrell Determined not to run over a railroad train, a man with a clay-bank mule and two little boys stopped Saturday after noon in front of Peacock – Arrington store to wait for the BuenaVista train to leave town. The mule ddzed off into dream-land and the little boys played i hide-and-seek under the buggy seat while the man blinked one eye and 8quirted tobacco juice and looked anx- 10Urtly tovvar<1 tlie de i X)t > several blocks I away - ! ^that train would go on’ said ( i the and man “ rve ««t a long way to go j tludl am in c be dl mighty hurry.” it will “That be won J r ° ur way half wav to Putnam oefore you reach the crossing.” said a bystander. “May be it will, but I aint carin to take any chances with a blasted railroad train” said the man with the clay-bank mule and turning to the men standing around in front of the store he added; ‘Won all aint got no crops at all in this county. I ve traveled all day and aint seen a crop worth having.” “Why we were priding our selves on having the best crops we have bad for many years, and we always make enough to do us here,” said a farmer. “Maybe so,” responded the traveler, but if we had such as I have seen along the road to-day we’d feel like plowing up and planting over again,” “What road did you come?,”ask ed a farmer. “This one, right here!'’ said the fellow, pointing to the road leading out by Murray’s mill, “Why I m sure there are good crops along that road,” put in another farmer; Tip Barnes back here two miles has got some as tine corn on the left of the road as a man would wish to see and Mr. William's cotton right back there about a mile wiligtnakeover a bale to the acre, if noth ing happens to it. “May be goodjfor up here, but twouldn’t be any crop at all in our county,” persisted the fellow, let ting fly a gill of tobacco juice. About this time the train blew at the water tank four miles from town and the hero | | of out big of crops his decided drive it was What far enough way to on coun j ty are you from, with such crops, we cautiously enquired as he was slapping the clay-bank mule with the lines to wake him up, “Terrell county,” answer ed lie, glang mike!” and the fellow was off, leaving our citizens wondering if Annanias. Guliver or Eli Perkins ever stopped in Terrell county. Rcuolutions. The following resolutions were unan imously adopted at the close of our pro tracted meeting Monday. Whereas, tills community lias had the pleasure, and benefit of tlie ministrations of Rev. J, B, K. Smith in our pulpit for a number of days and have watched his life and observing his deportment among us, so that our confidence in him as a man, a Christian and miuistet of the gospel, is fixed, and our love for him deep and lasting; and whereas, we pro foundly regret that circumstances, be yond his control have conspired to force him from the itenerancy of the Method ist Episcopal church, the sphere in which we believe God interned him to labor, and for which, we believe him eminently fitted; Therefore be it Resolved 1st:—That we take this occa sion arid method of expressing our deep love and our abiding confidence for and in him as a man and as a fonuister, and to say that lie has endeared himself to us, both, by the benefits of his efforts in the pulpit and the pleasure of his ciim panioriship in our social circles, and we will fervently' pray the choicest blessings of God upon him and his in all the rela tious of life, and in all places where his lot may be cast. Resolved 2nd:—That recognizing as we do his eminent arid peculiar fitness for Li ie work of an itenerant Methodist preacher, we would gladly see him re turn to tlie place and work, to which God has evidently callen him; therefore without presuming to dictate to those in authority concerning the matters com mitted to their charge, modestly and most respectfully'request the members of the South Georgia conference, eapeo* ially the presiding elders, to use every means that may be legitimate and con sistant, to induce him to return to the r z zx p*, blessed by lus labors as our pastor. Resoived 3rd;-That we request the publication of these resolutions in the Schley County News and Wesleyan Chnstuin Ad\ocate am t iat a copy »« bus G \° eorgG. ,l ° “' l ’ 1,11 II h, a Chau man. E. 11. McUon. becata.y. Hon. A. C. Speer had a family reun ion at life residence on Sunday, la t Hi, youngest elnM.en, te iU nn.i Di,„ P twins lioys, liav mg attained their uia jp'y ity be celebrated it by calling all of his family that is living together, feasted and gave thanks for the {wiveiigo of such a reunion.—Recorder, ikrsiimal Mrs. Wooldridge of Columbus, is vis her daughter, Mrs. liarp. Miss Hattie Howard of Columbus, is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Harp this week. W. C. Wright, of Atnericus. spent Sunday in town. S. A. Williamson attended preaching in Columbus Sunday. Miss Kate Williams is visiting Miss Minnie Pryor, of Sumter county. MissMittie Myers' school at Corrinth has fifty-four regiar students. Mr. C. A. Marshall spent Sunday in Bronwond with his mother, who was quite sick. Miss Mamie Sims and Mr. Buchanan, of Friendship, attended services in this place Sunday. Mrs. W. H. McCrory and children, who have been visiting relatives at Cus seta, returned Monday. Miss Gabriella Clark of Sycamore nad Miss Jane Clark of Andersonville are visiting Mrs.G P. Subers. Mr. Thomas R. Slappy of Macon is visiting his parents in this comity and made the News office a pleasant visit Tuesday. Messrs T. A. Collins and Ed Cheney and Misses Mitch Bolton and Nelia Davis spent Tuesday at the delightful Knowl ton's m neral springs, Messrs Arrington and Dixon returned last Sunday, from a visit to Calhoun, Chattannooga and other places; they reporta week of pleasure, and an abun danfc crop of apples (?) in North Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meadows, accornpa nied by little Frank, left early yesterday to attend the grand picnic and reunion of old veterans on White Water creek in Macon County. Miss Ada Gaines, whose visit to friends in Ellaville enlivened our social eir cles for the past three weeks, departed Tuesday for her borne at Snow, Dooly County. The sad, solemn gloom that has over-shadowed the handsome phis of of « gallant ,, mercantile one our young clerks since her departure is wonderful ly, Strange! Prohibition A Failure. Robert J. Burdett has some rein irks in the Brooklyn Eagle • 1 this cry of tlie whiskey men. He says: J ust now a! i the enemies of prohibition are crying out that ‘Prohibition is a fail ure. But vou never hear a prohibitionist say that. It’s the fellows who want it to fail who raise that cry. Go slow about joining that cry, my boy. Not one of the States that adopted prohibition has repealed tlie Prohibition Amendment; not one.—Don't be in a hurry' to declare any cause, any movement that aims to make bad times good and good times bet ter. that aims to help men, a failure, even though , you see the ,, cause fiat ,, on its ... back, both legs broken-, and its sword arm twist ed. It isn't dead yet. Don’t believe too much in failures, my boy, lest you grow to be one yourself. Believe in success; it is a better watchword, lias a clearer ring to it, and a man looks and feels and is prouder and nobler lighting for success, than when he is struggling in the name of failure. Don't defend; attack. Don’t top to explain and apologize for the faults of your cause; maintain and en force its virtue. < B< 1CKEUYI <'R<iCKKRYl! A handsome line of Crockery ware just ret cl ved and marked low down at Peacock – Arrinigton's. Stop It If r,- you _____ have ) a „ cough stop it at.once by . " ending on Dr. Harp am! , getting a bottle of Scarborough’s celebrated cough drops, they never fail. 3 1.m. pd CHEAI’EST MONEY YET. Money to loan on improved farms at 0 per cent, interest. J. J. IIanesley, Americus, Ga. Barlow Block, Room No. 5. A COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION Will be held in this county on tne last Saturday in August by tlie County School Commissioner, to determine who 8liaU be ent i t led to the scholarship in the Geol . gia School of Technology. Each county K entitled to us many schoiar sljij# itS it has represented ves. For par tb’ffiars apply to C. H. Smith, County Commi8siouei , TftEWtW finusp. WGMAkr, al A ck«r pw^-ly and wont akin Is * !>»»»» ^ood, and *0! person* troubled few doses of BF,UU.S, BLOOD PURI FI Kit 4 BLo<>D MAKER wilj. remove the e.uise thoskiuwrill boDoinoand ti-ttu^iuaeut, ! irtnifjgLujiivvft Ip dot g^cait > oil noth!rig;, Jt is fully vyurronted. Dr. V.. II, $ mitts. JPkUggist. We will our locals en-ter-sperse. With just a P’ne or two, in verse; So that all Ad's., beneath this head, Will most as-sur-ed-’y be read. Carry your drie l fruit to T. A. Collins, Good lot of fruit Jars at. T, A. Collins Flour $4.50 per barrel, at Dixon Bros. Twenty seven men, sworn to lynch Tom Woolfork. in case the law fails to hang him, is reported to have organized in Bibb county at the scene of the mur der. and are wat ching the slow progress of law. A big lot of fruit jars at Peacock – j Arrington's; Cheap. . . T. Fifty pounds Pearl Grits tor $1 at A. Collins'. ‘‘INDIAN BLOUD SYRUP”, Cures all kind of nr.ooi) and skin desen ses‘ For sale by Dr, W. li. Harp The Old reliable Shelsroad Tobacco 50 cents per ibs. T. A. Collins To any young huty or gentlemen ut Schley county who will send us three good English words to rhyme with silver we will send the Schley county | News one year free. j Straw hats at cost. T. A. Collins “He kissed her un it r the silent stars.’ ! wrote a gushing j >oev, to the Cincinnati I Gazette, bht just imagine his surprise ! and indignation when be saw bis poem j in the paper next day and read: “He j kissed her under the cellar stairs.” ' ! Highest Market price Pai for ail cona ! iry produce. T, A. Collins. Baud anna Tobacco 3-’.| cents Ills, at. j T. A, Collins i WHY IS IT That people I buyer along- affray • cor.; plaining’ [ about thru continual tired n-elingy One bottle HEH<<>'HI.ooi> i‘l T Rt F ! E:-; a mi BLood.m v w111 ' remove th give neni a goo 1 ap;i -: iie uinl ro-rukiu* Ion. u . Smiil. Dm -i-t I OLD UMBRELLA?* R 'paired and made almost as good as ‘ new. Call oil Dock Weston at his bar-* ber s!| P- ADVICE r r;» MOTHERS. Mas, Winslow’s Soothi.-vo $vrtjp should always lie used wti> n chi !< Iron are cutting tecta It rcliev, ; (in-lidio-uil.-o rat oneefit- es natural, q del sic ,, by relieving the child from aitil the lilt I * cherub aware- is ‘bright as a button.” It. is vary pi*scant t< taste. I! soothes ih<; <■ iiil>i, softens t!>> gums, allays nil pain. r< •] i< v ■ s wl.o I ";;ai ill Ie.-’ in. bin v Hsaii.l is th.- 1 ..-. known i-me-iy ior dini-rama whether (irisintr from teething or other cause*. Twenty five cents a bottia. LOCAL LAW Notice is hereby Rivea that a; p-lieutions will I'* 1 made to tlie < ieoryin Lc'. 1 i.-liiture, at the pro« cut Ses: ioa, utU.itU '-1 liat a sa melt !.i\wbc'po-ee 1 Sev ,m hun.l.v.i ami ehrhra •ik.a fifth 1 P .1 cm* A me liii.'Kirofi ami f-atv - ixtn t k-rs <«. M. (.f SiTiley Couary \>corj;ia. i . L. Battle Robert Patton Wn McDow while getting off a mov ing train at Ncvli.’ui last Sunday, got a leg broken iu fix .• .daces. YOV CANNOTAKFOHD At this : a to;! of flic year to in* without a coir I reliable diarrhoea i.iiktm in the house, vs cramps, coHc, diarrhoea arid all intlum.ition of (%e sumoeae a:ai bowels are exccetlingly d.u i jrerous If not r.ttea led to a? once. One bottle of BEGRS’ Di AHiti'O;. V BALSAM will do more •rood in (-.*.-• is of this kind than >my other lut’d cineon earth. \Ve guarantee i!. I)r. (!. if.irutii Drii'fjri••:. A DM INISTKATOR’8 SALE By virtue of an order ftruntci! by ('hecourt * f Ordinary of Scliley County Gti. Slay term 18fv, will be sold l etor;; tlie Coni'; hou-«.- <l<s.*r« In tl.” town , ol . I .da \ ilf ■ on i uC'..kv AUK’.:.«t t the H:ti within th- homv ... k! the followln.- o • scribed lands to wit: One hundred acres off of lot No. 1501. one hw:i dred acres off of lo» No. 2(li, twtug Soutn ha . of said lot. Ninety acres off of South Imlf 1 ft No. < inc liuridn d x runty acres off < fh a Xo.’ila. Fifty ucres off of lot Ito,285. And o. 1 iiunn .vd arid fifty acres off of lot No. 2!4, all in the t :»lri eth Hist, oi bchlcy Co. containing i t all, ecvoii Iramlml uorcs more or less, bound, t North bv lauds of s. M. Cottle and $. W, Mini . deceased, and East by lands of R. IV. Smith d - ccHfiud und South by S. W. Smith d 'ce. sed m i (.'. Carter, and WcstbyA.H. Whprins. Sold us tiled re.pei'ty nf Mrs. Al, 1., Hurt deceased, tor the benefit of creditors and legiiLs-s. Ter; ..( cash. 1-4 mi A.T. Hart, Aduiiiib'trmnir. -5 9 \ * ANTE I* UC »y- MTU . AN EN VV DOCK The :r.ost won icrfti’ coPeMton <\ pructP-.i real value a d ov^fy-da.) i-m iov tho peopi « \ - or publl he- on (be irlocta. A marrrf of uiobry KHvinsurd nnu'.vi -jrniua far every one mv i it. Thousand; of beautiful, helpful', (if-rioim . sh. wi; g just he* to do everythiup. Noc< n.p. - titiorq iKirhiwi/' like it in Hie universe. When you gelect tliot ivfiieb is of trim value sales s.f surv, AU tlin er* ly desiitiiK paying cnployikt i Hiid looking for sort cthlna- thoroouhly if rut-rinks at an (s.xrrlordin ,vy low prtee, should tvrte i- r description and terwis on tlie most remarkable achievement in book making since the world. llCtfHU, SCAM CO., YELL – Box 3008. [ ST. LOUIS or 1’lllL ADF.I’Hl <V