Schley County news. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1889-1939, January 10, 1895, Image 4

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jtcrleg PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDA V Subscription $l.Ul i vearlN AOV 'NDE. R. B. HORN \T)Y. Proprietor. Terms * r ADVERTISING. Legal advertising will be charged at rates al owed by law ia I.oca 1 ’'''flees, first insertion, 10 cents aline a ch subsequent Insertion. ft eentsu line. hpoclnl position charged extra. lteduded rates alloweb on large contracts. Yearly contracts will he made with merchant" Tor a space | n our advertising colums, subject change. All r* ,v «*rtisirig Bids are due on presentation After first Insertion, unless o.her terms are pre vtously agreed upon. fS^-Wc take no risk on col.eetions, Parties unknown to us pay dvancc. jp*r*All letters tm misiness must bo address ed to the SCHLEY COUNTY NEWS Miss Ellen Dorch has been appointe. assistant librarian by the Governor. Cleveland and Hill have dined ti gether. and all is forgiven. Congressman Black made a grea< speech in the House last Thursday h support f theCarlis’e currency hill. The Republicans are determined if possible to prevent the Democrats from deciding the important measures now pending in Congress. The followers of Tom AVatson will hereafter be treated only to week!' doses of his reform doctrine. ••Oui Daily** was suspended last week. Every time Mr Cleveland's name i me* tioned, the Atlanta Constitution proceeds to chase itself around th block and yell fire. And the Honorabh Hoke Smith is stid Secretary of tin Interior — Ledger. Ex State School commissioner Brad well has been elected president of th State Normal school at a salary of $18.Ql a year. At the last session of the leg-* la 1 ure $10,000 was appropriated to t i school. The Columbus Ledger take a ver hopeful view cf the business outlook, and while it sees nothing particularly bright tor the immediate future it is <>) the opin on that the fall season of *95 will be one of the most prosperous that this section has known in yeai s. Gov Atkinson and Commissioner Nes bit. through the press, have made a 4 strong apptal to the •■progressive and patnto ic citizens of Georgia-* to erect a state building at the Cotton States Ex position. The Legislature appropriated $17,500 hut that can only be used forth' col eetion and niaintaiimnce of t!m staie'sdisplay; and Georgia by all means should have a building in which to exhibit to tlie world her wonderful resources. Riorden – Co. of New York, in re viewing the outlook for cotton a re strongly of the opinion that the price will be better later on, though they admit that opinions just now are little better than conjectures. They further say: "The hears here ridicule the idea of any considerable reduction of acre ege for the coming season, AVe think that they are wrong, We cannot he iieve ti .at the Southern farmers sue fooiish enougli to plant cotton largely to he sold at 5 cents or less, nor do we think that the present financial condition will allow them to do so. Moreover >t is not every year we have a season so piopituous for planting and picking as the last. For these reasons " e believe that the world will soon recognize the probability that the next flop is likely to l»e a small one and that much higher prices yyiil follow.*’ Cotton factories appear to b the b< t paying . property in the South. There are a number . f nulls ih South Carolina aud nearly all are making m n. v » u, 3 - the school fund. j The State Board of Appointment h;.s | fixed the school fond tor the onong year. Tlie sum that will go tO the schools under the apportionment amounts to $1,156,052. Tin* new law passed by the legislature at t he session jnst ended provides that the school fund shall he estimated by the Board of Apportionment, and if am f the specific taxes as estimated by this board should fall short, it is to be it,mb* good out of any other fund in the treasury not otherwise appropi inted. The gentlemen composing the hoard State School Commissioner Brad well. *. iomptroller-General Wright and Tre-tfi urer Hardeman— ma le the following estimates for :he fund fot the fiscal year of :89. r ). Liquor tax $102,000 show tax $1,500, dividends Georgia railroad stock $2 040; hire or convicts $15,000. fee oil inspec tors $17,(500. o..e ha f rental Western fr Alia tic railioad$2t0.°00, dimt appro priation $000,000, poll tax $208,000. Umier tin law. this estimate must he foitncoming. so that for tlie corning v<ar then* will he spent for the public elmols o the s'ate. $1,156,053. Tlie Rome Tribune save! Better times ire before us, within the grasp of 11 it heart attuned for their welcome. l.ei ns prepare by better lives for hettei lues, and for brighter days by brighter dispositions. Let us set a ight in the window for re urning prosperity and ake mirtii and music to his e< tuing And if the doleful sorcerer of woes and b uv-wows breaks in upon our festivity -*ts seize him and hold him under the pump! w r e must as absolutely frown upon the chronic malcontent, the croak er and the Jonah of the period, omni present and lamentably plural, as in common precaution we should he bound ro strike a viper from our daily path. “There are more newspaper women n Augusta than in any other city in Jeorgia. fhey are all doing excellent work, and are highly appreciated by the newspaper readers of the city. Go>! •less them, may they all continue to succeed.”—Augusta Evening News, Carlton Cornwell, foreman of Gazette did lleton. N J believes that Chamber lain's cough Remedy should he in eveiv mine. He used it lor a cold and it effect -d a speedy cure. He says: ‘It is indeed i grand re e<l\ I can command it to ill I have also seen it used for u hoot iog cough, with the best results.*• 25 – 50 cent hollies for sale by J N Client} – co. druggists. It is a cowardly spirit that quails he fore adversity. Newnansrille, Fla. Messrs Lipmpiuan Bros, .Savannah, Ua. Dear Sire—I wish to give my testimonial in egfiird toyour valuableniedieine.P I* P lo.i the . ure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, l il liousne-s, etc. In IStfl I was attacked wi'hliil iotis ai*(l muscular rheumatism, and have been i ma rtyr to it ever since. I tried all medicines Ici er heard of. and all lhe do dors in re.icli but I found otny temporal y relief; the p ins were so bad at times that I d|d not crewheth er I lived or died. My digestion became so im paired that ever thing 1 ate disagree 1 with me My wife also suffered so inten ely with ilyspep ia that her life was a burden to her; she would be confined to her bed for weeks at u timeism also suffered irreatly from giddiuessaod 1* ssof sleep Some time in March 1 was advi* d t..> take T* P P and before we, my wife and 1 had finished the s com) bottle >>1 P P P our d x- s t lull began to improve. My pains subsided so much that 1 have been able in work and . am feeling like doing what I haven’t done before in a number of years. We will continue tak ing PPP until we are entirely cured, and will cheerfully reeoominend it to all suffering h humnnitj. Kours very lc-peetfu J S DUPltlSS. For sale by Munro – w «d. Editor McIntosh of the Albany lJera’d gives the following very sound and sensible advice: ••Whenever you are inclined to think that you are working too many hours for the wag* s you re cieve. don't kick. Think of ilm him dreds ot thousands of people in ti e United States at this moment who have no work at all and are half starve' • They would be glad r.o get a position entailing double the Work tf the one you enjoy. There is good reason for the popular ity of ChamlM*riain‘s couirh Remedy. Davis – Buzzard of west Monterey clar . on co. Pa. say: "It has cured peon e that our physicians could do nothing for. \v, persuaded them to try a bottle of Cham i* 1 'luiii‘s Cough Remedv ami thev now recommend it yvitli the re"t of is. 25 – 50 cent bottles for sale by Dr J N Cheney – Co. Druggists. FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS. Mrs. Winslow’sSoolhin*r8> rup has been u.*d for over fifty years by mil lions «tf mothers for their children while teething, with p**i feetsu<*. vess. It aoothestlieuhild.softenstlieiruni* lays all pain, cures wind colic, «n«l is the best re,n<?dy for It willreUevethoj oor ««lc suffererimmcliat.ljr. 8old by Dru^isU every part of the world; Tweaty i r .* J 4 . T 11 m UM I? V t dili THE LARGEST WHOLESALE aNI) RETAIL Dry Goods, Clothing and Carpet HoUSe ill QnntViavti OiiutiiciiJ Gontwin Olir lineR of fine Silk ‘ind Wollen Dress Goods, clraks, carpets an.l ! adiesFurnish mf D*»^* r* cv ypllt’s oJ-Uii furnishillffs i. r> • and 1 everything pertaining to the drygoods business is com plete in every detail. Our trade so far is the largest we have ever known. This in the face of the low price of cotton and the depression of things generally, we con sider the greatest success we could hope to realize. prcves conclusively that Ave are headquarters for what we keep and that the people of this part of the country appreciate our efforts to gr 7 e them a stock, store and prices second to none in the South. Every garment ir our clothing department is right new and' fresh from the manufacturers, made es pecially for us, and is alto gether the finest fitting and most attractive line of fine custom-made c'othing the people of this country have ever had the opportunity of buying. The prices are low er than were ever known as the entire stock is ownea under the New Tariff Bill We cordially invite the trao ing putfiic to call and see us. Wheatly – Ansley, 415 (i 417 Jackson Street Americus, ga. 1 OR OVEH FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothino syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethi'g. with perfect success. It so»fii*s the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, ewes wi ti colic, and is the b* st remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the link* sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists m every par of the world. Twenty five cents a ooitle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs Winslows Sooth mg Syrup” and take liu oilier kind. One sirmige tiling that has never been explained is that those who know be: t h nv to run a newspaper are engaged in some otln-r business.—Marion Co Patriot. • I know an old soldier who had olir n ic diarrhoea of long standing to have been pe maneialy cured bv taking Chain! pi lain s ( o:ie. Cholera and Dim rho.a Remedy* says Edward Shun pi;, a pr unin'nt druggist of Minneapolis’ Minn. • ! have sold the rente iy in this city forever seven years and consider il superior t" any other medicine now on the market for Ism-ell complaints * 25 and 50 cent bottles of this rented for sale by J N Cheney – Co. druggists. The Horner Gazette truthful!} re m irks; "Tlie happiest people in t! e world are tko j e who keen out of debt, out of politics’ out of < ffiee, who smin notoriety make an honest living by h mest me ’ns, humbly serve tlie living G"d, quietly pursue the -even tenor ol their way,** and neglect no opportunity ot doing good to their fellow man.** “It is a pleasure to sell chamberlain's cough Remedy," says stickney – bint br, druggists. Republic, Ohio, "Because a customer after or*ce using it, is almost certain to cal! for it when again in need of such a rued cine. We "ell more of it than of any other cough med'cme we handle, and it always gives satisfaction." For cotigs. eolds and croup, it is wiiii out an « qual. For sale by J N Cheney. -«—_— Mr. Ira P. Wetinore. a prominent real estate agent of San Angelo, Texas, has used Chamberlain’s colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for several years as occasion repuired. and always with perfect succeas. He says: ‘•I find it a jierfect cure for our baby wlu-n troubled with colic ordysentary. I now feel that my outfit is not complete F c w itnout a bottle , of this Remedy at houie. For e by J N Cheney –, Co Druggist Call on usforDolls. Toys, Vanes, Chinn cups amis ulcers, Plates and uni Fine Stationery. Toilet z Bibles, Christmas Bo >ks and any Uine.- i, )( . p,- tf sent for a chi'd fiom = ;ie to ninety years old Besides a lull aud cn'nploie | 0i ello ' CL ‘ o r an « ,J|, > ftdsins, nuts,candv –call sui^i le tor HI dug the Box of paper and envelopes at 10 cts. unod writing papei at 5c per quite W ' ' mi. advertise Christmas goods we will giro with cash To our you every purd.nhe of r,(fc worth and over a uraw at our Elegant Doll Finely dressed, Three Feet High, “Simply Lovely” a joy and beauty forever. MUNR0– WALL IDic'^gg'is'bs ■—? il m i 5? ffl i CL •• Pi n " m V* p. t « ' *w Elk jt M gf-y I v f; •A l m m *; A G-REATI * Cut Price Furniture House The Oldest, Largest and cheapest Furniture Hiase iu W estern Georgia. CoMPETITON PARALIZED By their wonderful bargains. Solid OalcBod Room Suits $13.50 worth $20.00 Solid Oak Parlor Suits $20.00 worth 32 00 Mahogany finish Parlor Suits 13.50 worth 27.00 Solid Oak Side Board* $7.50 worth $15.00 Solid Oak side Boards $15.00 worth $25 00 Fancy Upholstered Rockets $1.15) worth $2.50 A large line of l omcy Tables, chairs, Rockers, Wardrobes, Hut Racks, Ladies Desks. Pictures and Easels AT HALF THEIR FORMER PRICES. -J !w CZ n j Broad Street Columbus, Ga i THE LEADING LOW PRICE FURNITURE HOUSE. .'.-.aVIfeJI At Prices that will inaieh 5c cotton in comparison. V n ( L Lj until Jan. 1st, 95: An elegant Upright Piano, guaranteed and first class, for cash only, *200.90 CELeijKATed. X7NTOS] i 5 ■ 4 s . SS Organ at $50.00 $75.00 (Style Diamond) are beauties. Watches, clocks and Jewelry, wedding presents, birthday gifts in gold and silver. Repairing of all kinds a Specialty. P. S.—If you wish a selection, write ns. Americus Jewelry and Music company, 421 Jackson St. Americus, Ga. Tilt Best Blood Remedy (. A. Tompson. . ___ Seymour t Ind 1w i " f‘> f » My sinf r Jennie when she was a young girl, suffered from white swelling which greatly impaired ■ • i i,__ her genera _,„ or ..* |,/,Qitb health an un i l nuvJe her blood 't*ry .lupiii c In the pi mg slie was notable to do lything anb oil Id scarcely get about. More than a year «go slie took three bottles of Bo. anie Blood and uoiv e is cer ainly cured. MASONIC. J"’■ w, “ hol '.l mi nicationson Thuretluy afternoon. 2 o elot-k p t x. before*the full iooon in each month. Abenleeil. Olli<*. Messrs Lippmun Bros., 8avannnh.C. Dear sire!-t iiought ii bottle <>l your F V I Hot smimre Ark, ami it Ins .'"ii<* iimi' 1 ' at llot ffoorl than three months troitmentur the Have vou no air«*nt-- in this put of tli«* «*nun fry, ,a l<*t im* knmv how mneh it will o-l K ,; t thieuol . six* vii.v hy u** pre s. Ii -penfully yours, .lames M NeWton. Buck lens Arnica Salve. Biuises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fi ver Sores. Tetter, Chapped Mantis. (J 1 ^ blains. Corns, and all .8k u Erupli""' 1 ' * and positively cure Piles, no pay rfi quire-1. It is guarranteed to give perIVT J satisfaction or money refunded* Price • c nts per box.