The Piedmont Republican. (Jasper, Ga.) 1890-1893, October 03, 1891, Image 4

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Mexican Mustang Liniment \ Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. “TERRE HAUTE NEWPORT” [Patent applied for 1 ^——=« It u very linht, at the same time very durable , and is the hand lament plraiure or bull none vehicle on the market. h WRITTEN GUARANTEE GIVEN ON EACH VEHICLE. Tit ouM’i S#»t Mini, cab bo attache! or !etaohe! la GUI IflSVTX. Vrlte tor fricu. Afeati Waatei. TERRE HAUTE CARRIA6E AND BU6RY CO, Terre Haute. Ind. THE “ENGER” BOGGY tz * * * I * * # ■Ask yolir T4 § K ‘.I for it. > ^5* iiy OIL. -V- -iS ». # # r * * * * f'lilly 6tiarai\tCC<L J\ll l\aV^ tl\^n\. PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. GEORGE ENGER & CO. OHIO ___- vJ ■ [0,! «iafP 98 j : i ! MVE-iWli)Rh DIB im •■I ..i STtft-.57s.C hicago tip A -1 *- * 1 1 k. H G'itixBUtfEin' WO#? IPlANO [Wll Factories f J i3tU4 0 yen t*RQJC 1 IV.‘v v P ■r 1 6 A YEffl 54 iS 5 . l HPEIIENCE woAlon» !irtyjr^ CURAj^ L\ METHODS, Control. 9 orders of or, .or from. sorrow or If tfcajr can\ 4 @SS all patients, In. OUT 81 -» >o and ap> » JEttSLA. • • • • • OPE'°«YOUl __ '»° "“f• ssx b MB sns^fdss‘smi 2,000 References. PameYh Is paper when you trite a. c? ji a/flEHE UK A UNITED TiMEfffltfi con ua BEff TfflS. I LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS. ! TIIK PIEDMONT REPUBLICAN has just entered upon its Sccoxd VGI.UMK. As an inducement to Republicans and other friends to subscribe and solicit Subscribers, that our circulation and ia i fluence may be increased, we offer the following low and ! liberal terms: Single Subscribers one Year, in advance *1.00. Six Mouths 50 ; Three Months 25 ■■ CLUB RATES t Six Khhscriliers, one Year, in advance *5.00. ” ” Six Months ” 2.50. Ten Subscribers, one Year, ” 7.50. ” ” Six Months, ” 4.00. Twenty Subscribers, one Year, 12 . 00 . ” ” Six Months, 7.00. ” ” Three Months, ” 4.00. To old Subscribers, in arrears we would say— PAY WHAT YOU OWE— RENEW, ALONE OR IN A CLUB GET NEW SUBSCRIBERS Wo have striven to make the REPUBLICAN a worthy and respected ex ponent of the Principles and Policy of the great patriotic Union-loving Party it represents, and a pure, trustworthy and instructive Family paper. We think that to some extent we have succeeded. Our friends say we have. Tie Future will ie aa iraprovefflent oa tie past - FRESHER NEWS A GREATER VARIETY— MORE ATTENTION OUR MAGNIFICENT RESOURCES, ANI) THE PROMOTION OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT. I^r’Reinittances may be made at our expense and risk. Our Republican friends, in Georgia at least,, should, and we hope will g > to work among their neighbors, and get up Clubs under one of onr propositions. GO TO WOliK NOW AND WORK HARD, AND PRE PARK FOR THE CAMPAIGN OF 189a. Addrkss, JASPEE, GA„ ELLIJAY SEMINARY. FURNISHES UNEXCELLED ADVANTAGES TO YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. SEEKING A THOROUGH EDUCATION. FACULTY consists of FOUR EXPEKIKNCED and PRACTICAL TEACHERS WELL FURNISHED SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN A HEALTHY PROGRESSIVE TOWN, TUITION from #1,00 to $2,00 per month. Incidental fee 25 cents per term. Board cheap; and Dormitories at small rent for Students who wish to board themselves. SPECIAL COURSE IX BOOK KEEPING $3,00 per month. Students admitted at any time Between July 1st. 1891, and April 15th. 1892. For further information address Rev. J. E T ai.lant, A. M. President of Faculty, Ellijay, Ga. 13-2-1. d. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS!! E.S. & H. C. Allred, (CJ^Are now receiving and opening a grand assortment of Seasonable Goods, which they invite their friends and the trading public to examine. They have now in store and will be constantly receiving fresh supplies of Groceries of all kinds— FLOUR. HAMS, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, LARD, Etc. t:o:f AN ASSORTMENT OF Beautiful : Dry: Goo & A FINE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. A large stock of Builders’ and other Hardware and Farming Implements &3r*They also have a large stock of FRESH AND PURE MEDICINES, Fauey Articles, Perfumery and Stationery. Physicians’ Prescriptions care¬ fully and accurately compounded. CRANDVIEW AVE, NEARLY OPP. COURT HOUSE. RH AU " If rrniAlf) Thorough, Practical Instruction. ■JbImUIT & STRATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE, LOUISVILLE. KY. PICKENS COUNTY ^GEORGIA. 0 Is situated in Middle North Georgia, about equi-distant between the South Carolina and Alabama lines, and between 40 and GO miles south of Tennessee. The county is about 2o miles long east and west, and about 18 miles wide—north and south, Containing alnjut 450 square miles with altitudes varying from 1000 to 8200 feet above Ocean-level, the mountains, hills and valleys affording EXPOSURE TO EVERY POINT OF THE COMPASS, About 20 per cent of the area is improved. The surface, generally, is HILLY and MOUNTAINOUS, With numerous vali.e vs through which How full fine creeks and smaller streams, many of which supply ABUNDANT AND CONSTANT WATER POWERS. The county is bounded on the east by the “Burleson range of mouu tains” in which are “Burleson” and “Grassy Kxon” each about 8200 feet above tide water; and on the west by the “Sharp mountain” range. A ridge, on which JASPER, the “MOUNTAIN QUEEN CITY” is situated—about 1700 feet above tide-water—passes through the middle north and south; and between this ridge, or plateau, and the mountain ranges described above, are scores of lesser mountains, with well-watered fertile Yalleys intervening. The formation is marble, free stone, and a species of granite, Com paratively speaking, . TUB MARBIiB BEOS ARB INEXHAUSTIBLE, there being enough in the county to supply the Southern Status tor Centuries. In quality it is equal to any and superior to most American marble,— and embraces besides Beautiful dazzling White, Pink, all Shades, and Beautiful and Brilliant Varegated, all susceptible of the finest finish and polish. Several quarries have been opened, and profitably worked, employing hundreds of hands. All hive orders ahead of their capacity; and other quarries quite as extens've are being opened—while the opening of others is contemplated. The soil of Pickens county is adapted to all the grains—corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, etc.,—and, also, to clover, Hungarian, blue, timothy and other grasses—all of which grow luxuriantly, But corn and wheat are the staple agricultural productions. Cotton of excellent staple is grown in the west eml of the county, and to a limited extent in other parts. Irish, Yam and Spanish flourishes, potatoes, affording cabbage, beets, turnips Ac yield abundantly, and Sorghum a rich product. With hill and mountain slope exposure to every point of the compass, combined with altitudes varrying from better 1,000 adapted to 3,200 feet, and fertile val¬ ley lands, no portion of the world is to the cultivation of APPLES, PEACHES, PEARS, QUINCES, and other hardy fruits, or to strawberries and the other small fruits. As to Graph Culture— Pickens is included in the Wonderful Piedmont Region now attracting attention as the coming seat of GRAPE GROWING AND WINE-TAXING in the United States. As a TOBACCO PRODUCING SECTION this cannot he excelled whether productiveness or quality be considered. In common with the entire extended Piedmont Region, Pickens coun¬ ty cannot he surpassed in adaptedness to Cattle and Stock-raising and Dairying on the most extensive scale. It ranks equal to any in the Union, and with ample transportation facilities will rapidly develope in this direc¬ tion. Large forest areas of chestnut-oak and other timber affording bark suitablk for tanning PURPOSES, suggest that this industry could be largely and profitably engaged in. The output from Tanneries and the Superior Hard-wood Timber would supply raw material foi manufacture of Leather, and the manu¬ facture of Furniture, and all other manufactures of wood in Jasper, the county seat, whose shipping facilities now excellent, will soon be equal to any interior shipping point. Within a few miles of Jasper, in different directions are Mineral Springs, one or two of which are reputed to possess remarkable medicin and curative properties, which with the pure air and picturesque mountain scenery combine to make The Mountain Queen City A Delightful Summer Resort. The Marietta and North Georgia railway, which traverses the coun¬ ty from near its south-eastern corner to its middle northern boundary, passes through Jasper; and the line of the Augusta and Chattanooga railway —whose construction is only a question of time—enters the county on the East, and crossing the Marietta and North Georgia at Jasper, leaves the county near its Northwestern corner. The Marietta and North Georgia railway affords a fine outlet - for its marble and other products southward through its connections at Atlanta, and Westward and North¬ ward by its connections at Knoxville; while the Augusta and Chattanooga will afford an outlet South-Westward by its connections at Chattanooga, and Eastward by its connections at Augusta. No county or locality- in tlxo Union Presents a More Iviting Field, for* investment, or Protn ises a Speedier or Biclaer return on capital and labor employed, Land is cheap, labor can he had in abundance as cheaply as any where—the demand for the products of the Quarries are a long way m advance of the present, or immediately pros¬ pective capacity to supply, In fact there is no product of the county—metallic or mineral, or of the forest, the stream, or the field, which does not find a waiting market and ready sale at remunerative prices. Any information desired will «/ be promptly furnished, and as fully as possible, on applica¬ tion to PIEDMONT REPUBLICAN JASPER, GA