The Pickens County herald. (Jasper, Ga.) 1887-????, March 29, 1888, Image 3

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THE HERALD. 1 ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. ! We want brief, newsy letters l'rom all I ul.s of the county upon live topics. Communications having for theii object the personal advancement of an individu¬ al charged for at regular adv. rates. nftncuun General Directory. Superior Court meets 4th Monday in April and September. COUNTY OFFICKRS. E, Ilood, Ordinary. S. K. McCutclien, C. S. C. & Treasurer. John E, Johnson, Sheriff. Geo. W. Fields, Tax Collector. 15. J. Allred, Tax Receiver. Thomas Ilonea, Surveyor, J. H. Dorsey, Coroner. Court of Ordinary meets 1st Monday in itch month. TOWN COUNCIL. Isaac Grant, Inteudant. F. C. Richards, L. J. Darnell, Commissioners. J. P. W. Dougherty, McHan, A. NT C. McClain, RELIGIOUS SERVICES, M. E, Church, South—Every 3d Sunday find Sunday night. —Rev. M. S. Williams. llaptist Church—Every 2nd Sunday and Saturday before.—Rev. Joseph B,Parham. FRATERNAL RECORD, Pickens Star Lodge, No. 220, F. A. M., elects First Saturday in each month, W. H. Simmons, W. M, W. B. Chambers, S. W. Wm. Westbrooks, J .W. 6. L, Mosley, Treasurer, M, C. McClain, Secretary, J. L» Mann, S. D, Isaac Grant, J, D. W. A. Reeves, Tyler, Jasper Lodge, No, 31, 1. O, O. F., meets 1st and 3rd Saturdays in each month, M. C. McClain, X, G. Isaac Grant, V. Gi E, J. Prather, Treasurer. A. W. McHan, Sec. s, K. MeCutchen, Per, Sec. Rev. A. M. Johnson, Chap. FT. L, Coffey* Con, M. Stoner, W. I. L. Mann, R. S. to N. G. J, E. Johnson, L. S, to N. G. F C. Richards, R. S. to V. G. J, ,S. Burdette, L. S. to V. G, A. J. Sliaryer, I. G, W. A. Reeves, O. G. Peter Cagle, R. S. S. W. H. Elliott, L. S. S. Knight* of Labor— Jasper Local, No. Vi796j meets 2d a- 4th Saturday nights and Friday nights before Hie 1st ,t 3rd, Militia districts. Town—No, 1098, 1st Friday. Isaac Grant, J. P. Liii. N. P. fovnisend—No. 1129. 2nd Saturday. •r. W. Harbin, J. P, David A. Payne, N. P. Dug Road—No. 899. 4th Saturday. Josiali Bagwell, J. P. j. Soseby, N. P. Brassy Knob—No. 1099. 1st Saturday. GeoriV. Fitts, J, P. If. L. Coffey, N. P; Sharp Top—No. 1182. 1st Saturday. John M. Gaddis, J, P. Andy Cdwart, N. P. Truckwliecl—No. 1030, 2d Saturday. Jas. Sliaryer, J. P. E. P. Watson, N. 1’. 't alking Rock—No. 794. 3rd Saturday. A. C. Jones, J. P. B. B. Bradley, N. P. Cross Roads—No. 1287. 1st Saturday, t. W. Holmes, J. P. It: F. Ellis, N. P. Ludville,—No. 1370. 3rd Saturday. J. D. Neal, J. P. S. Hamrick, N. P. Jerusalem—No liOl. 4th, Saturday. A V. P. Jones, J. I’. ErJley Ilolt. N. P. Fe‘ikMmon Tree—No, 1020. 4th Saturday. Wni. Bearden, J. P, i*. W. B. Chambers, N. 13 WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed Oehrely wrapped, to any adores s in the Uilited three f months receipt States for on of ONE DOLLAR Liberal discount allowed to postmas¬ ters. agents and clubs. Sample copies bailed free, . Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN Sfp'AliK. N. Y. ^UDSCRIHE FOR The Herald, Local News. Rain! Mud and slush! Did you ever see the like? A laundry fias been started up in Jasper. Col. E. W. Coleman, of Ellijay, is in Jasper. Next Tuesday will be our regu¬ lar sale day. To-day closes out the time for receiving bids on the building of the new Courthouse. Next Sunday is Easter. Vis¬ ions of beautiful colored eggs flit before our fancy. Several of our young folks went fishing last Saturday evening. They caught some very “fine” fish Hens make a great mistake in laying so many eggs in the sum¬ mer when eggs are cheap and tak¬ ing a vacation when eggs are forty cents a dozen. Last Saturday Shelley Bros. & Co., of Nelson, Ga„ bought of T. G. Simmons of this place, 664 dozen eggs. This is a pretty fair showing for Pickens county hens. Capt. Alexander destroyed two stills in the mountains east of Jas¬ per last Saturday. It Is not known whose stills they were. With uncovered head and hand to our heart we acknowledge a vis¬ it from the whole force of jasper’s young ladies one evening last week. We are still alive, We think; but the vision of so much lovliness is enough to make one giddy for a week. The Lord help us! Some of our anxious friends have been inquiring of us whefi our du¬ el with friend Coleman would take place. We shall be compelled, owing to the scarcity of pumpkins at this season, to put it off till next fall. We suppose that Bro. Coleman will agree to this post¬ ponement. W. C. Rochester & Co. paid our office a visit a few days ago. Their silver mine is located two miles south of Jasper and is said to be exceedingly rich. We saw some of the ore, but not being a miner¬ alogist we could not judge of the quality; though the gentlemen are confident that it is the richest vein in the South. Since the storm last week the owners would sell at a low figure as they want to get out of Pickens before anoth¬ er storm blows up. We will send one 18k Rolled Gold Finish Ring to any person who will send us 10 cent, Silver or stamps. Address, Star Jewelry Co., Dawsonviile, Ga. We learn that Ex-Solicitor Greer of Ellijay, has declared himself a candidate for the State Senate from this district in opposition ! o Dr. Ed. Watkins. Cob Greer, like Dr. Watkins, is a man of ability, forcible in debate, and has friends in the district who will lyto his standard. Watkins and Greer in the race insures a lively campaign, Gentlemen, don’t be bashful; put out your announce¬ ments and begin the music.—Blue Ridge Post. A PI.E3ANT SURPRISE, On last Friday evening just as the twilight was giving away to more sombre shades, and the hap- py moon was peeping over the mountain tops, out little village was ‘apprised by the clattering of horses’ feet and the rattling of buggy wheels On investigation g proved to be a party of young anf | gentlemen from Tate to attend a surprise party at the Pickett House. On arriving they joip.ed by some ol Jasper , were S j young paired people, to the ball and room the where party re- all j joined in the merry dance fill far j into the night. Altogethei it was one of the most enjoyable enter¬ tainments of the season. The en¬ tire party expressed themselves as being highly pleased and were pro¬ fuse in their thanks to Doctor and Mrs. l'ickett for their courtesies during the evening. Correspondence. Talking Rock. It seems that spring has hardly come yet. It is reported that the present fruit crop was killed by the recent cold spell. Prof. C. B. Vincent is sowing a good portion of his farm in clover this season- We think it would be profitable for our neighboring farmers to do likewise. Miss Sue Bryan spent a few days at her old home, Talking Rock Mills, last week. The storm Tuesday night did not do any damage here. Prof. C. C. Haley talks of giv¬ ing an exhibition at the close of his school. Success to him. Rev. M. S. Williams preached an excellent sermon at the Acade¬ my here last Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Darnell spent last week with her parents in Bartow county. Mr. B. F. Warlick has moved his saw mill about one mile south east of town and expects to do a great deal of Sawing. Mrs. J, W. Platon is visiting friends and relatives on Scared Corn this week. Mr. John Chastain is the youth who lost the coffee (O, how he grins!) and Mr. Lum Gartrell is the fellow who lost the rabbits. John is doing very well while Lum is not. It is thought by some that if Lum doesn’t get some rabbit soon he will take the fever. Thu rain fell very hard here last Sunday night and the creeks are booming It is feared that there will he considerable damage to fences, etc. Can’t we find a man to make the race for representative to make things lively with Bro. Jones? We suggest/the names of Prof. C. B. Vincent or Z. C. Morrison. Either of these gentlemen would make a good member. Rob. Dawsonviile Dots. Ed. Herald: If you will allow me space in valuable paper I will give you a few dots from Dawsonviile. We had quite a stdrm on the night of the 20th inst Several houses were unroofed and a lot of fencing blown down. G. R. Rob¬ inson lost a considerable amount of fqdder. Health in and around town is very good, with few exceptions. J. S. Taylor, our Ordinary, has been very sick but he is now get¬ ting out again. (We are sorry to learn that Judge Taylor has died since the above was vVritteri.—Fid.) Mr. Walter Richardson returned last week from Callahan, Fla., where he has been teaching ry and Writing schools. Walter a good one and we are all glad to see him af home. Hymen L. Richardson was rru: ried last Wednesday evening 1 Miss Minnie Smith, of Gainesville, Ga., daughter of H. It. Smith ikI the firm of Palrnour & Smith! They have our best wishe 4. Success to the Herat d P, A. G. NOTICE TO CONTRACT ORS. Sealed Proposals will In- 1 , v. <1 by t!| 29, undersigned 1888, ‘for until the erection 12 m., Thursday, of ItRiGI Mkggf a COURTHOUSE for Pickens county f Jasper, Drawings Georgia. i>e Plans, at Specifications the office of and th can seen Ordinary office lit Jasper, Ga., and Architect also at i of Bruce & Morgan, •S lanta, < la. J^VSfe^ontoZS..-. Tbe right is reserved to 8 ^ reject any j ’ f Address E. Jasper, HOOD, Pickens Ordinary, Co., I f i. | Petition for Incorporation •STATE OK GEORGIA, / PICKENS COUNTV: \ To the Superior Court of Pick ens County, Georgia: ' The petition of S. A^Darnell, H. M. Hall, and D. \Y. P'hdgett, of the county of Pickens, State of Georgia, W. W. Brown of the county of Bibb and K, C. Wade of the county of Quitman in said State oi Georgia, respectfully showeththatyourpetitioners desire to form themselves into a corpora¬ tion or body politic under the name and style of “The North Georgia Real Pstate and Mining Company,” for the purpose of car¬ rying on, in said State, a real es fate and mining business, purchas¬ ing and selling again, leasing and sub-letting, and improving real es¬ tate, testing, opening, developing, working, leasing, buying and sell¬ ing mines and mineral property of every kind and character, includ¬ ing marble deposits and marble property, with power to own and hold stock in any incorporated company, under the laws of said State or of the United States; with power to borrow money, and for this purpose to mortgage any real or personal property, of which said corporation may become seized and possessed; with power to pur¬ chase and hold real and property, to sue and ,'be sued, to contract and be contracted with, to have and use a corporate seal; and to have and exercise all power usually conferred upon corporations of a similar character under the laws of said State; that the capital stock of said company is to be Five thousand dollars, and which capi¬ tal stock may he increased if deem¬ ed necessary, to any sum not greater than One Hundred thou¬ sand dollars; the par value of the stock per share and the number ({ shares taken by each member of the corporation to be such as may be fixed by the members thereof; Jiid'Jeach share to entitle the hold¬ er thereof ro one vote at every {jneeting of stockholders. • Whesefore petitioners pray that they and their associates Sind suc¬ cessors may be incorporated and made a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of “The North Georgia Real Estate and mining Company” as aforesaid for She term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal for a further P'.riod, with the capital and in drease of the same as aforesaid, and for the purpose aforesaid; and with the right and power of and in said corporation to make by-laws, rules and regulations for the organ¬ ization, government and direction Of said corporation and its busi¬ ness; and that your petitioners may have conferred Upon them all other rights, franchises and privi¬ leges incident te corporations crea¬ ted by Courts according to the txjtutes of Georgia, as in such cas ps made and provided, and petitioners will ever pray. 7 Petitioners’ SfA. Darnell, Attorney. j F'iled in office and recorded tins March 26th, 1888. S. K. McCutchex, Clerk Superior Court. Pickens County, Ga. SherilPs Sales. Will be sold bai'ere the court house doer in Jasper, Pickens county, Georgia, w ithin the legal hours of sale 011 tbe first 7 uesday in April next,the follow ijigprop- e:t>, K-. wit: Lot of land number one huu- ; I died and eighty-one (181) in tiie 5th dis¬ trict and 2nd section said county contain¬ ing 100 acres more or loss, and levied on •as the property of Delilu. Tabriaux, guar- Mian-fi minor heir.-, of S. T.ibriaux, by virtue ol and to satisfy ;. Justice court fi f issued .: out the Justice's court, of 118' •patriot g. in favor of Francis ,11 -.t.i ii for use ot "i. G. Simmons vs . t,i Tali-' riiiux, guardian of the lieim of S.> Tab- riaiix. Properly pointed out by defend- nit and tenant in possession notified u’ turns <>i law. -Levy marie and . i in ued to nm by E. L Mnllinax, L, C, John E JoRus’so.v,' Fob. Z-. 188$ SliDtiif. TAKE YOU! COUNTY PAPER. LAUNDRY. I have opened up a laundry at Jasper and am prepared to do good work. The patronage of the peo¬ ple is solicited, and all work guar¬ anteed to be clone in first-class style W. 1 ’. Patton. Pickens Sheriff's sales. GKORUA, I’lCKKNS Col NTY. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next at the court bouse in said oouuty within bidder the for legal cash, hours the of following sale, to the high¬ est proper- tg, to wit:— Lot of land No 323 in the nth district and 2nd section of said county, contain¬ ing lfifi acres more or less; levied on as the property of J P Harrison by virtue of and to satisfy at tax execution issued by G W Fields, r v, for state and county tax¬ es for tho year 1887. Also at tbe same time and place lot of land No 211 in the 13th district and 2nd section of less; Bind levied county containing the 80 acres of more l’ or of N on A as Haggood, property by vir¬ 11 Hell, agent tue of ami to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by W Fields, t c, for state and county tax¬ es for the year 1887. Also at the same time and place lot of land No 20ft in the 12th district and 2nd section of said county containing 100 acres more or less; levied on as the property of II 1’ and Hell, satisfy agent for J A Horn, by virtue of to % tax ti fa for state and county taxes for tuc year 1887 against the said Lot. Also at the same time and place lot of land No 184 containing too acres more or less, lying in the 13th district and 2nd sec¬ tion of said county: levied on as the prop¬ erty of VV P Garrett, to satisfy a tax fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1887,.issued by G W Fields, 1 o. Also at tbe same time and place lot of land No 152 in the 5th district, and 2nd section of said county, levied on as the property of 8 .1 Eller, guardian and of Willie Eller, the to satisfy 1887, a state issued by county \V tax Fields ti fa for year G r c. Also at tbe same time and place lot of land No H>2 in the 24tli district and 2nd section of said county, levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax ii fa againstLOuisa A Dugger for state and county taxes for the year 1887. Also at the same time and place, 80 acres of lot of land No 104 in the 13th dis¬ trict and 2nd section of said county, lev¬ ied on by virtue of and to satisfy a state and county tax ii fa for tbe year 1887 against W II Dean. Also at the same time district and place 2nd section lot of land No 17 in the 12tli of said county, containing 100 acres more W or less; levied on as tbe property of G Sousey, agent of A G ltensheart, to satis¬ the fy a state and county tax li fa for year 1887. Also at the same time and place lot of land No 00 in the 4th disiriet and 2nd sec¬ tion of said county containing 80 acres more or less; levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a state and county tax ii fa for the John year' M King. >887 against G S King, agent of Also at the same time and place lot of land No 140 in tbe 4th district and 2nd section of said county; levied on by vir¬ tue of and to Satisfy a tax ii fa for state and county taxes for the year 1887 against S Montgomery. Also at the same time and place lot of laud No 174 in the 12th district and 2nd section of said county, levied on by vir¬ tue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1887 against W B Sparks, trustee. Also at the same time and place lot of land No 51 in tbe 4th district and 2nd sec¬ tion containing by virtue 40 acres ami more satisfy or less, lev¬ ied on of to a la x li fa for state and county taxes for the year 1887 against John A lieiid. Also at the same time and place lot of land No 247 id the 5th district and 2nd; section of said county, containing J00i acres more or less, levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li fa for the year 1887 against E VV' Miller. Also at the same time and place lots of land Nos 58 and 95 in the 4th district and 2nd section of said county, containing 40 acres each more or less; levied on by vir¬ tue of Fields, and to satisfy a tax and 11 fa issued by G W r e, for state county tax¬ es for tbe yedr 1887 against G W ( iiiso- loin, agent for L P Chisoloni. JGiin E. John spy, March 28, I8S8. Sheriff. For Nwit - -- / 7 . job wort TO TI IE \ \ GO HERALD Oflicj. We are now prepared to pr Circulars, LdttiBr llessulsG Idll Blank Jftfks, Justice Pourt Sum moles, —--ETC., ETC., ETC. Ail work doiu I’i'ohfptly dnd nimtl. A , m "8 RLE 3 i DYEt IPO Your Own Iat Home. Vliefei Th.-y Price will dya 20c. everything. package. They They nH have *oM ev< r a no nqu tor strength* Fnvtne»* BrigljCness, of Color, Amount, oo,n-faditit? in Quzliti*- Paeka# \ of inr or i i'bey do not crotut ot tjtfi »#*. *V) ddi i*<»y i* dealers. Professional Cards. \V. n. SIMMONS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. JASPER, - - GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all buttinoM intrusted to him. l.l—ly. C. PICKETT, >1.0. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, J ASPER (jrAf LI- ty. JJR. F. C. RICHARDS, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, JASPER )(>(—)<>( GEORGIA. 1.1—ly. L. NEWMAN, Jasper, Ga,, House Painting, Paper Hanging, Calsominino —and— Glazing, All Work Guaranteed, l.l—lyr. S. A. DARNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JASPER, GEORGIA. Will practice itl State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention to business. 1.1—ly. F. C. TATE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jasper, Georgia» Prompt attention to all business. >•5 l 1 ! UNITUItE! Bureaus, Ward-Robes, Side-Boards. Bed Steads, Safes, Clipboards, Tables. Desks, Book-Cases, and anything in that line, built of best material and finely tin ished. All kinds and styles built to order oil short notice and at low prices. Call on or address, .1. W. MAULDEN, General Furniture Manufacturer. Talking Rock. Ga„ "Let every man read, fonder and tali comfort, for m art all prisoners of hope.' 1 “BILL ARPS” JOY UPON READING MILLENNIAL DAWN, THE PLAN OF THE AGES” food and com tout for aid thinkers. READ HIS COMMENTS. [From Atlanta Constitution.] A kind lady has sent rae a book of 35 c* pages called “Millennial Dawn," yublished by the Tower Publishing Co.; in Pittsburg; Pa., which will, I believe, awaken the think¬ ing world. I see that its sale is already over twenty-five thousand. It is impossible td retd this book without lovihg the writer the ana pondering his wonderful solution of great mysteries that have troubled us all our lives. There is hardly a family to be foind that has not lost some loved one who di*d outside the church—outside the plan of vation and if Calvinism be true outside of hope and in- side of eternal torment and ; despair. We smother our feelings and turn'away from the horrible picture. We dare r Jt deny the frith of oiir fathers, and yet can J be possible that the good mother and her .andering child are forever separated—forevei* n< 4 forever ? I believe it Is the rigid/ of these teachings, that makes atheists and jhdels and skeptics— makes Christians unhsPY » nd br mgs theii gray hairs down in sr/ ow w the grave— 2 , lost child, a lost soul mrf j Let us see how l° 5t soMs. The geog¬ raphers give the wrif * present population o! fourteen hundred °* whom only one hundred and milliori are Christians;- , j that is, onhAisteM whg/ fe f million Christian adult countries. member Of these, are of the chpth • of these, about one miiljr. spirit „ (Talk r "‘ after the flesh but oftcr the [i-' 1 '" is a beautiful picture.—Only one million of truly good, pious Christian people in all the world, and thirteen hundred elected and ninety-nine eternally millions who a/e to be damned. Add to these figures one hundred and forty- two iillion*, who have akeady lived and died in trie ages past, and if all these are damned, it does look like God’s plan of salva¬ tion was a miserable failure. He gets one so'it / for glory while Satan captures thousands. ye/ This wonderful book teaches that trial is to cotne—that all are to rise from the dean when Christ comes, that He will offer His saW to all people ; not only t» the living/ but to those who rise from the dead. Hi kingdom by good people will be everywhere, supported by and the the saints moths anJ will have another chance to reclaim her was Bering child and bring him unto the kingdod dj This wonderful book makes no assertions Jre not well sustained by the Scriptures, t s built up stone by stohe, it becomes and upon pyramid ev<j| jtone is the text, and a God’s love, and mercy, and wisdom. Th Is nothing in the Bible that the author dedij throws j»r doubts, flood but of there light are upon many that texts seems thalr to I a rover its dark and gloomy meaning. mjy Ir that editors of leading journals, and orthodox ministers of different denominate' 1 have indorsed it and have confessed to I sew and the interpretation comforting light of God’s that book. has dawij Tt let upon read and ponder and take c4 every man prisoners of hope, "a fort, for we are all thought and is aw age of advanced roi thinking is done than ever before,—men hr. to think now. Light—more light, is tV watchword. Bill Ar*. We will send the above book “plf fllP 1 MILLENNIAL DAWN,” and liERALD for one year to any aditresl up on receipt of $1,25/ Or, if yofl are already takih? i I'.ftl, ’ for II kiRALD, wv - ill sffnd you the l 25 VcHrcfJ ; • • i MW ttEEAtp,' Hastier. &■?! ...