The Pickens County herald. (Jasper, Ga.) 1887-????, March 29, 1888, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL. TOPICS OP INTPRKST RELATIVE TO FARM AND OAUDEN. Rnckintr Horses. One thing I have never been ablo to understand and that is the subject of bucking horses. 1 have given the ques¬ tion some study, and find that only in tho Western part of tho United States, in South America and in Australia do horses indulge in this most unpleasant performance. This would not be strange rf it was rosflned to hones raised in these countries, hut it seems to bo in the olimate, as the progeny of 'Western ponies, if taken Last, never buck, aud a colt of a high-bred Eastern horse If born on the plains wi:l buck the first time a saddle is put on its buck, a thing that other colte from the same mare born in the East never do. Both tho Kentucky and Irish horse* have a trick of bounding into the air and alighting w tit stiff legs, which is some¬ times called buck jumping. But this in no way resembles the true plunging book of tho plains. I n ver saw any one who could account for the change of habit in eolts born in the West, but •vory man who ha* ever had anything to do with horses in that section of the country is perfectly funiiliar with the fast Mi.yja'ch. Early Potntoes. Throe years’ experience convinced a Farmer and Ur ttur correspondent “several days (hat his prnotlro brings potatoes sooner than if planted without manuring in the hili.” Starting, “the first anpor- tuni(y in spring,” with loose, loamy land, “reasonably rich qr made so by thor¬ oughly working in of wtll-ro.ted ma- nuru,” he proceeds as follows: thoroughly fined 'The soli sfcould be before planting. Mark the rows, run¬ ning the plow reasonably deep. implement A good for siuglo shovel is early the host potatoes—havo tho marking for half tows about three or three and a fleet apart. Take re t-onably fresh each ma- hill ume and drop a forkful where is to he planted. Cover lightly with soil and than drop a whole potato of medium size; on this co\cr well, *tcp- piug on tlie hill to press the soil on the seed. Tim fre h manure will aid mate¬ rially in securing the necessary warmth to induce germination,and if, as is some¬ times the ease after planting early ia spring, wo havo several days of cold, wet weallior, iliere will bo considerably h’ss danger of the seed rotiiug. As soon after planting us condition of soil per¬ mit, u thorough harrowing should be given. This lines and levels the sftrfaoe and destroys young weeds that tuje Condi¬ cer¬ tain to start. Under ordinary nearly ‘always tions two hamwings surface can mellow. The bo pivot). Keep the first working should always time.! be tlijs deep¬ est, getting shallower ea h 1 gen¬ erally prefer (o give at least one good hoeing after the first cultivating so plants as to loosen the toll well between the and kill weeds. Cultivate suflcicntly to keep oloun and have the soil mellow so that a strong, rapid growth will be made. After a good start by tie vines, i flud It advisable to tiiin to tot over tliroo good pluuts to each hill.” Farm ami Garden Notes. B*ets aro relishad by mileh cows. I r »<*i oyitur shells and ground lxmes to fowl*. : Fresh lime scattered areund the Afilar will help to keep it dry. buys Permit nr> smokiug about thq lturn, tacks or strawstaeks, Coru-foddar cut fine, moistened and sprinkled with eorumeal or bran, is eaten uj> etfan. Ho** fattened oti barley are reported to portiol um\s superior meat with u large pro- of lean. A dth-yman asserts that, eu the oilier same amountuf food, ho never saw young aktlo do as w ell as Holstein*. AceonW to Col. F. D. Curtis the hog is tha smhtost thWost animal we have among us, aud like man, especially m the stomat’X In niiikinjnut orders for nursery stock ouo is_ liubldtto invest too largely in uoveltios. prettv closely to tested and proven vuYties. V Scaly legs ia v ls, a complaint of the season, should treated by rubbing twice a week w'th\ mixture of laid aud karosene, applied Wf*m coml Salt benefits tin 0 st beau bv kill- ayr:.:;SS man aed us a prevoufive and 5 sure S curl of ohickeu cholera. \ pends as 1 those on the S. in England. mode of management Everything i d t farmeri farmers . compel compel sheep sheep to to forage, forage, while wl £ Lnglaud tb«y are treated hi carefully « are cattle. . It has b*en found in California than •old air blast dries fruit in the niost uj- feet manner, bum pi us of fruit drisA this way—prunes, apricots aud apulof- two years ago art: still in a ^ mrtect ,iie of preservation Secretary Woodward would draw <vl spread manure from deep. tho stable, cvei f the snow were a foot He belie vs does that, fifty spread on corn land good in the than fall,it who p«r cent, more spread tile following spring. Professor Robertson, of Cauaita, clens that cream raised by ihe deep old process highly produces flavored a butter that isle, is less when first aud but is, :n fact, often insipid with at that ad tue, its flavor increases age, is at its best when several weeks old. • A practical authority states th$th« best way to make » the hog-crate, height his opinion, is to have J tree- fifths of the length of the hog. at the width three-fifths the height. In IT his will make a eonifo'tablo crate cJainlv a properly tra ued hoy. It is worth trying. Keep cream apart from any hong- smelling vegitalKCs, as milk not log so rapidly ab ; orl« odors as or iream. Never |int it int■ a jar that fis had vinegar. ]iiikies »r a id's h: ft, util the jar is thoroughly cleansed and aired, The best plan is to have a jar epecially it for often it, thoroughly and be very washed particular and aiy.d pat it PEARLS OF THOUGHT. Destroy ignorance and let progression progross. Every utterance creates somo kind of an impression. Calumny is like coal; if it does not burn it will soil. Itcal glory springs from tho silent con¬ quest of ourselves. Avoid temptation through foar you may not withstand it Never spoak evil of any one. Be just before you ore generous. Colors are extensively used in tho decoration of black toilets. Our acts make or mar us; wo aro tho •hildren of our own deeds. It is nn irrefragahlo law of mind (hat moral efforts become easier by repetition. Ho who docs not cDgago in the quar- rels of others will have 1 few of his own. Every man has three characters—that j which ho exhibits, that which he has, j anil that which ho thinks ho has. Irresolution is n worse vico than rash- ncss. Ho Hint shoots host may some- times miss the mark, but ho that shoots not at ail can never hit /t Irresolution loosens all tho joints' of a state; liko an aguo, it shakes n/)t this nor that limb, but all tho ho ly i* at onco in a fit. 3800 Picturesque Islands. My visit to Jnpun ha# Lcen a delight¬ ful one from first to last. Tho surface of the conulry is broken and diversified, and the scenery in some parts may be | called picturesque and beautiful. As you traverse the country, mountains are almost always in sight. The valleys and plains aro under high cultivation, and the soil productive. A great system of horticulture rather than of agriculture way be said to prevail, for the land i* lor the most part broken up into small patches of lice and cotton and millet, and a variety of garden vegetables, so that large districts have tho appearanco of one great garden adjoining the vil¬ lages, or with humble lodges or homos scattered among the fields. Everything here, from tho people to tho national territory, seems to bo on rather a small scale. Japan, with its 8800 j slunds uiul its 87,000,000 of peo- j ple, h-ts a national tciritory of oaly IS 1,000 square miles, or a littlo more tlian three times the area of the state of | New York. Hence the population in many portions of tho country is very dense. Tho Japanese are au industrious people, with simple habits and few wants. Tho laboring classes wear but littlo and cheap clothing, aud are satis- lied with very simple food. A cup of tea, a littlo rice, a f«w vegetables and a bit of dried hsh mgke for them a satis- factory meal. But they strike me as a very genial and kindly people, much more so than the Chinese, as I havo seen them on tho Pacific coast. They scein to enjoy their domostic and social life. They are rapidly 1 ccoming an in¬ telligent people, wi ling not only to re¬ ceive, but anxious and ambitious to ob¬ tain knowledge.—[Now York Evange¬ list. Missed Death by an Inch. A man at work on tho Huntiiigtoa bridgu across tho Ohio, near tha foot of Central avenue, was standing on one of tho piers at least twenty feet above tho water. All around the base of tho pier wero broken stone, driven piles and all sort of debris, on which a falling body could bo dashed to pieces. Nowhoio about tho pier was tlicro any deep water, save in a narrow hole, the upper part of which had an area of not moro than four by six feet. While the man stood upon I *be edge of the pier, uukuowu to him a rx- z Not ot all. He made as neat a dive as eve/did tho most expert swimmer di- vetly into tho well-hole already do- I swerved “r n - loot -*•?**. to right his , brains would have bocu spattered upon the rocks.-[Cindzmati Time* Star. : ---— — —- ; The Frieudaof Philadelphia have a Com- mittee which protests against tho liquorsuns ! 011 oitv passenger cars, and another which I protests ( saloon against, uurpos,s. tho renting of city property °r j j j 1 H IwStmfi ; j f. j I I ms r A am m “ti- >. ' V-i »■ ' Hood’s Sarsaparilla Srdil by nil Aritgg^U. $i; six for $:>. f ropared only by C\I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar A Oenerom Landlord. Barou Vorwarts has near Stavonhagen, in Mecltloaburg, an cslato ol about flvo thousand acrca. It is chiefly devoted to wheat and beet-root, and ii worked by its owner on a form of co-operation; and although the times are bad he is still able to make a good profit on tha capital value of his estate. Ho is his own farmer. He pays very small wages in money, but tho laborer is provided with a house, a supply of corn, a piece of grazing land, tho means of education, and other advantages whioh enable him to live in comfort. The baron is con tent with four per cent, interest as his own share, and once in ton years he divides tha remainder or the profits in equitable proportions among the peas¬ antry. At the last division, which took place in 1884, as much as $200 or $230 fell t0 ^ share of a glnglo family> This excellent Landlord lives among his peo- pic, and has so completely identified himself with their well-being that tho peasants do not speak of “tho baron's wheat or horses,” but of "our wheat” aud “our horses.” Tho baron belioves that so far as agriculture U concerned he has discovered the means of harmon¬ izing the interests of capital with those of labor.—[Chicago News. Organized Female Thieves. A new method of stealing has just been detected at Viouna, Austria. A number of women established employ¬ ment offices for placing shop-girls, and succeeded in gaining tho confidence of numerous store-keepers, Tha young ladies they recommended were first in. structed to rob their employers and hand over tha proceeds of their thefts to the agents. The latter made regular round# every day. On entering a store the agent would make a small purohase, for which she would pretend to pay with a largo note. Tho fictitious difference, consisting of money stolen, was then openly placed on the counter and pocketed by the agent. The latter re¬ tained fifty cents or $1 of every day’s takings of each girl, anil paid tha re¬ mainder to the bitter. The whole gan g is now in custody. The occurrence may lead to the introduction of our system of» cashier's desk in every ttore to re- P ,ace 1,10 ordinary mosey drawer, ae- ccsuble to every employe. The losses of some of the store-keepers aro esti- Hintocl at $8,000 to $4,000. Largest Turn in the World. Not withstanding the wonderful di- mcuslons of California trees, the Deputed largest tree in thi world is uot$ to be found among them, but is situated in Mascoli, near tho foot of Mount JEtna. is called the “Chestnut Tree of a Hundred Horses,” and moreover is be* lieved to be one of tho oldest trees ia the world. Its name arose from tho re¬ port that Queen Jane of Arrafoa, with her principal nobilily, tool; refuge from a violent, storm under its brandies. At one time it was supposed that it con- sisted of a clump of trees united, but on digging away the earth the root was found entire at no great depth. Five enormous branches arise from one great trunk, which is two hundred and twelve feet in circumference. A part of the trunk has been broken away and its in¬ terior is hollow, and is large enough to contain a flock of sheep or two car¬ nages driven abreast through it. It still bears aa abundance of fruit, and its collectors havo built a hut within the trunk, the better to promote their work.—[Prairie Farmer. his own longevity tho other day with threo reasons: First, that he/Vas tho c ‘CS 27 saji 5 had spent four hours in each day in tha open air, unless prevented by winch a stoyvi. Ho added that h.s riding, of tho «w r „™ mado w„ primarily for the purpose <?f ^eing out of doors, and not of being on horse- back. -------------- At Economy, Penn., the twenty-eight of tho Harmony old men and women survivors Society, celebrated establishment. the eighty-third They anni- versary of their own property^worth $15,000,00ft 100 Doses This not catch Is a One line only but true saiiarlila, is only beat original of which spring Hood's with is inedt- Snr and the Dollar very iiue and blood purifier. Now. reader, prove it. Take a bottle home and measure Its contents. You i will find it to hold KX) teaspoonfula. Now ilod the hired ions and you will find tint, ihe aveiJfedoM lor persons of different ages Is less then a spoon- tul. Thus the evidence of the peculiar str* I and economy of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is ooucli#'£ A; and unanswerable*. and "Feeling languid and dizzy, having Hood’s Sarsm no ^Cpetitn barilla, j . no ambition to work, I took invlgor^ror j with the best insults. As a health and medicine for general debility I thluk It euffrrior to J anything else.*’—A A. Ruum, Utica,X. Y. "My wife and myself w ere both genes illy run l down. Hood’s Sarsaparilla brought us out of that j I tlrtd f,cling «ad Kale ns tool liko jouug people again. It has done more for us than all other medi- | • dues togeUier. Kivh*RE UaWKEVRsv, AmlcyviUe, Long is and, N. Y. J 1 ! Hood’s SarsapartlD , a S<fid l\v all druggists. $ 1 ; six for $5. Prepare? only 6 > C - 1 HOOD * CO- Apotht-oaries, U,weli. Ms ^ I OO OOSCS OHO PqJ 1 Hr A’New Whim, Nearly all the fashionable of tho fair sex in London, now wear wu’st watches. They are constructed in every form, from the plain leather strap to the magnificent watch is bracelet, where the face of the encircled by precious stones. The same device is also applied to purses, pocket- which books, caues, and even umbrellas, are made up with diminutive watches at¬ tached. Blood Will Tell, I here U no question It about it—blood Blotch*, will tell eruptions, —especially pimples if be and «n impure bolls, Mood. all * are symptoms mSSSSSm fi n 1 iP l ie m Proper action « \«r» SSvHvs Unless her warning .ESSE be heeded In time. germs. cornry will prevent and cure these diseases,by restoring: the liver to a healthy condition. The Frenoh havo Invcnteil a steam trleyola that easily runs 20 miles an hour. Many People refuse to Coil Mver Oil on account of its unpleasant taste. This difficulty has been overcome in Scott’s Ehciaios It Mag of Cod palatable Liver Oil with milk, Ilypophns- the pttrtes. as as and of most Consumption, valuable remedy Scrofula known and for Bronchitis.Gen- thotrj-atmeni eral Debility, Cough* Wasting and olds, Diseases has of Children. physi¬ 1 hronic < earned cians in all pans of the world to use It. Physl- cians report our little patients take it with pleasure. Try Scott’s Emulsion and be con¬ vinced. Some swindlers tf>ok a lot of Confederate mane/to Mexico and disposed of it at par. When all Remedy so-called remedies fall. Dr. Sage's Catarrh ouies. Morruoru have gobbled up the most fertile districts in Arizona. Mv I.llllo Girl Had a dreadful and a very alarming prescrip¬ cough, that at one time after trying every tion wo feared from her not receiving anv benefit that serious results would follow. I was advised to try Mullein. Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Big A permanent Va. cure was the result. T. B. Cox, Island, Never ask a P man. Ask him v- Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses of Fiso’a Cure for Consumption. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Medical and scientific skill has at last solved the problem of tho long- needed medicine for the u«r. vous, debilitated, and the ayed, by combining- the best nervo tonics t, Celery and Coca, with other eftee- tiva remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease, restore strength aud renew vitality. This medicine is ^tRines Ulerv m It fills a place heretofore lino cini pied, and troubles. rorrkB a new era in the treatment of nervous Overwork, anxiety, diEeasa, lay the foundation of nervous prostration and Weakness, and experience has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the strain and paralysis of the nervous system. Recommended by professional and business men. Bend for circulars. Price 81.00. Sold by drusgfots. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., VT. Proprietors- BURLINGTON, TYPE T%i ntYNg jJ'AriftfKUV, i INKS, and Printing Materia nf every description, United Slates, from any for Foundry sale by in the DOBSON’S POINTERS’ SUPPLY DEPOT, : S3 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. satisfaction Everything at Estpnates manufacturers’prices, y y sold guaranteed. ^ill.iation. strictly PRESSES a $50 Gold Watch Given to the first parson naming the short- est book in the Bible Watch. before June 1st. To 2nd a $25 Silver To next 25, $5 Nickel Watches. Garnet Next Persian 75, ele¬ gant Turquoise, rolled-gold Kings. or Each Jvuby Bet, must send 25c. [postal note, silver person stamps.!, for choice of one or rolled-gold heavy, and wedding, illust’d or two heatt rings, 11 AltT postage J E WJEL ou it Y catalogue. Of).y <*t‘o»’jriaa Atlanta. gold watch, Mar. 15. M. E. Allen. Mucc con, Ga., gets new offer abi ove. fesS y °U Dll.!. SAVE JHONEV. vss bta jfe" pi yin nnpii| 1 nn » ! 1 fe'C e ’ 1 S ",‘,7 m P ‘ © ‘ ' WwMjm * 1 « I il| I 1 ^ hi a lltS. *1 ^ 1 ife H “N A. Sav© th© ^ ^ ^ ^ Middleman’s n 1 .V* 411 FrOTltS. Profits 4&"Seml for Catalogue. J T 1) L. tjLfj CTFV1.VC V JCiiXO LX C l)llU.. 1> ] )/V . 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta. Ga. Do want “ e ■? ' rivhs l & N ■ S-\! ti tS 5 U HI). write BROWN 5:16P“: Manuncwrer‘; and Dnulnm 2:: Conan. urn] \Vonlnn Mill mu! Gnu Hupplirn. Wrought Iron Fife Flninaq uud Bram; “mus. I54 8. BROAD Sr. _ ATLA N'I'A. u A . I OURi FITS? , When i sny cure I do not mean merely to stop them fora time and then have them return again. I mean a I radical cure. 1 have made the disease oi FITS, EPLL* EPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a iifudong study. I warrant- my remedy to cure the worst o.vses. Because I others have failed is uo reueou for not. now receiving ^ cure. Scud at once for a treatise anu a Free WfffitfeEfe^SiKtfiiSrtSE ObCUv ©SE’fi’SC? fl Ki'o'.VL^riVcVr'iTl! ! ' f > A U A 1 i for!i'stoniiJ. a »'K'k di.ved A N?H° j t go were, new onarra\In&£i. teems with floral hints, ^ ---------— isW.irtel $2411 A MONTH. «rM!>estsel». i- *--- HOME #«.. x.». Mtouw. ppyiirrac«u.svE. «; To dream at tip a ponderous hie tall, whale, Lrect on the ot I« the sign of a storm (If tb* weather in warm.! Unless it should happen much, to fall. anyhow. Dreams don’t amount to Infallible. If Some signs, however, are you are eo nsilnated, with no billons appettte, tortured with si.'k headache that and ne.ed Dr. symptoms, Pierce’s these Pleasutit signs Purgative indicate Pellets. you They will core you. All druggists. Mrs. VV. H. Vanderlillt's expenses are said to aggregate $100,000 a year. (oiisiiinpilon Surely Cored. To (he Editor:—Please Inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of I hopeless cases have been permanently oured. shall be glad to send tivo bottles of my remedy P* X (T 1 * TITS tS * ZTh.’S \J ___ . » FOR FOR '' CA'E‘TLE. -CTJEE3- Cots, Swellings, liruiAs, Sprains, Galls, Strains, Lameness, Stiffness, Cracked Heels, Scratches, Contract ions, Jfiesli Wounds, Stringliall, Sore Throat, Distemper, Colic, Whitlow, Foil Evil, Fistula, Tumors, Spliuts, Ring" bones and Spavin in Its early stages. Apply St. Jacobs Oil in accordance With tho directions with each bottle. Invaluable for the Use of Horsemen, Cattlemen, Staltlemen, ”ockmen, Turfmen, Dro¬ Ranchmen, vers, Farmers. for FINK HURDS, CHOICE STOCK, Common Herds. Sold by DrupyiSts and Dealers Everyittiert. DIE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore, ltd o i I believe Piso’s Cure for Consumption H. Dowell, saved r my life.—A. a Editor Enquirer, Eden- ■ ton, N. C., April 23,1887. E: Vi The Best Cough Medi¬ cine is Piso’s Cure job Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. i ZQCTS V. I ,V,C s f WELLS’ BAD8AM HAIR h, Jlj restores Iialr to orici- Gray SB rjf|! In elegantciress- no! color. An iSpla [Jin and beautifies softens Nogreasenor oil. A Tonis : - Restorative. I Prevents hair coming strengthens, out; cleanses and Reals scalp, 60 c. Druggists E. S. WELLS, Jor*ay City, X. i. RSU8HonOATA51RH»« chronic UfiequMed for < ftt^rroRl throat worst eases. breath, offensive udoid, 60to throat, afteetions, foul cold in the bead. Ask for “ItouaH oh diphtheria, Catabuh.’’ 60c. Drug. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. LOOK YOUNG s»- gasy ou con, towrin* pfa¬ endei ncy ot tha reing pi^p.'uo.hcandiuon J[5» B S < Fl«S < of »kfn t 'u own 5i ccEasons 1‘0 MORDECAI LEWIS. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS l WARRANTED PURE V/liite Lead. Red Lead, Litharge, Orange Mineral, Painter#’ Colors and Linseed Oil. CORRESPDNDEXCK SMM.IUITBD. gliPE^OR *2 ^^QL/AkiTy f rv.., • I I DU PHIMDEMA-'Send ms$f NsWM Catalogue. stamp fop ANTED-* MAN! SiiSjOO Can Earn a ».-,lurv from SHOO to a. dlninh! We want a live, ene.-getic man, who is not afraid of work, iu every town in iiio Sonthern Sthtes. Such a man can make the ab**ve amount, handling our goodfL Nocauiuai required. Work tiie year round. II.C. IlllHd.NS A ((>., l'tibh»li*!rs, ATLANTA, GA. — A *iP E? M T ^ obtained by K, If. Wnsli- GEL- pett B hat £« a v# STOX C’O.. % *ug ton, D* C'. Send for our ~______ book of instructions. - _ hembub fifth wheel CO., mm Fremont, liuprovcuieat. LIEIt 15RAND o. isS?i ^mgr Dwater|roM oa! S5^^.?aa5sa5Bfissaasa^^ TSADE MARgt Ask lor the*'FISH BRAND’* slickes and take TOWER. no other. S immons If your St, storekeeper Boston. Hass. doe.v _ of iiave the "nsa brand ? ’. send for descriptive cataloene to A. J. 2 ’> ~ jTJpilV* ~ / A Sm ■j i i t§, 0m : <r/w ( W PISO’S CURE FOR UUHt.S WHERE ALL ELSE rAiLS. Use Best Cough iti fame. Syrup, Sold by Tastes druggists. pood. PlSO'5 CURE FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes groom Uso in time, . druggists# CONSUMPTION /,V VA I PURE v Q Co j j 1 O WHITE \ V/ ipaP- / AC 1 <U v 1 ’Q/ trade m-re. HORSES. v-25~ZC:ISC .-.— :.--l Establishe d 1772.- TESTIMONIAL OF HON. THOMAS PAULK, OF BERIEN COUNTY. Wonld not like SH.OUOfor U-ItcMeved of ll Year buffering from Dyspepsia. A j.apaba, On.,June 22,1887.—B. B. Company, Atlanta, Ga.—GenJlemon : I hail suffered from that terrible disease, dyspepsia, for oyer fifteen years, and during thattlme tried every- thing I oould hear of, and spent over three hundred dollar. In doom™’ hill. without to- celvlngto® slightest benefit. Indeed, 7 s Qpn- tinned to grow worse. Finally, after I de- ssnissusaiO.’SR satisfied that I was being benefited, and when has done me; In faot, the relief I derived from it is priceless. I firmly believe that I would have died had I not taken it. Respectfully, etc., THOMAS PAULK. *'I Gave^to Die.” Knoxville, Ten-x., July 2,18S7. I have had catarrh of the head for six years. I west to a noted doctor and he treated me for it, but could not cure me, ho said. I was over fifty years old and I gave up to die. I had a distressing cough; my eyes were swollen and 1 am con Kent 1 could not have lived without a change. 1 sent and got one bottle of your medicine, used It, and felt better’. Then I got four more, and thank God 1 It cured me. Use tills any way you may wish for the good of sufferers. Mrs. Matilda NiCHeis, 22 Florida Street. For the Mood, use Vt. B. 15. For scrofula, use B. B. B. For catarrh, use B. B. B. For rheumatism, use B. B. B. Fur kidney troubles, use B. B. B. I For skin diseases, use JB. B B. Far eruptions, use B B. B. For all blood poLsot), use B. B. B. Ask your neighbor wh » lias used B. B. JB. of its merits. Get ottr book free filled with ce rtificates gf wond ortqj, fflrfes- __ £ : 'Wtm 'Jill liHi - W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR . gentlemen. Tbo only^fiue calf $S Seunlffiji Shc-a^in b"^,f”o5e*t. the^ogd latfcuw v.-ej«r comfortable the Sjwk.alt’pr and well- fluting aif a makes them as best-. Ngw a^Hni ue un¬ ban! sowed stux-. Buy the ‘W. Bffiiglas $3 shoe, lees s’aanped on botcom L. wan-sited. W. I,. IMHJGJ.A8 S I SHOE, the original and only Imn 1 sewed welt S-J shoe, which eqila.s custom made shoos costing from #6 to $9. W, D. DOUGLAS 83.50 SHOE Is unex¬ celled tor heavy wear, VV. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE is worn by all Boys* aud is tho best school shoe lu the worid. All the a’rovo goods are made Jn ConKresss, Button anil Lace, ami if not sol It l nekt- by >our .H dealer, aws. wr.ta W. r.. J)Q i. V S. VlTIClTY m EXHAUSTED A Great Medical Work for Young and Mlddis-Aged Mob. i rraasv r *rfme£§ *"life m 4 m r:L<&: .X6 mm THYSELF. DUBLISHEW by U»o PEABODY MEDN r CAL INSTITUTE; H. No. 4 Bullfinch fti.JE, Boston* Mass. W»l. PARKER. copies Consulting Physician. More than one million sold. It treats upon Nervous and Vitality, PhvsicaJ Impaired Debility. Premature Decline, Exhausted Blood, and the untold ''igor, and Impurities of the miseries consequent thereon. Contains Warranted 300 paseSi substantial emboss-d bin ling, full gilt. the best popular meuicai treatise by published mall, postpaid, in tho English language. Price plain only $l Illustrative and concealed In a wrapper. sample free if you send now. Address os above. Name this pa yer. * “OSGOOD” U. S. Staadard Scales, ____Sent cn trial. Warranted. Freight HA: rr paid. Fully 3 TON $35. -— ~^ rc =— Other sizes proportion¬ Catalogue ately low. Agents veil paid. -Illustrated free. Mention this Paper. N. Y. OSGOOD k THOMPSON, Binghamton, CURE thiDEAF FATJtNxlMPRor* Ccr*nroi*m> Tkck ? s 0 ’ j- Restore ihe ! /IT-Ear Hearing,whethwU*n Ubcms Perfectly i I PSk dmUES\ coldi, leVer, or Injurta. Wtk. R.R™1 d'tmai bv comforlRtie, »lw«y. Invftibi*, conversation, •!» Jib, 51 fer iu portion. Music, ,, 25 Choice !0c# Cigars, ri „ 4K HAX „ , 5vm .- e FRhb > l3e . e - ! . ivomtiest Harann i«ut,.vat AN^'sUjfDAV pa.i. 1 , TUk' ! U *W*11GA J liB \- ADVERTISE R iU O il IL. Address <>. K. BRYSON, Publisher, Key Key West, Fla, jl-i^Kefeivnees: John White Bank, West, and Hon. WilkCall. U. S. Sen.. Waslungto u, D C.. RIFLES V-v, y !s Cl; lca«o ARMS headquarter* f We for FIJULJ2 daily to all are parte shipping of the United State b, •SIJ 1 I 8 ISHi:SS; SOmA IhIuagw: 3 # Ve1 ‘ ■Sfistiiey & Graham Uun ESiSSrt Great English Gout and S^XfSsf % s IbISs Rheumatic Filin. Remedy. OvbI Uoz,J<4 i r»n u d. i I r ~ ---------------------—— 1^8® to SS n day. Samples worth F2H28 Lines not under the horse’s feet. Write vs? to? Brewster Safety Hein Hinder Co.. Holly. Mich. 1 PlSO'SCUREv ! I 1 < i o i I) is worth -UuOU per !b. Pettit’s Eye .Salve is . 25c. box by dealers. it T WOT tb Sl.fMio. bnt- ts sold at a ^ N. V .Eleven, ’SS. .