The Pickens County herald. (Jasper, Ga.) 1887-????, November 08, 1888, Image 2

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THE HERALD. Published every Tlun.'i' iy ut .!;tnj ‘*r, Ga ll v H. M IA'CUV. One Year, . . $1.00. Six Mentha, . . . . 50 c Rates of Advertising trade known or, application. November 8 , 1888 . The o-ntractor.s of the new Cap- itol at Atlanta .my the building will be completed by the first of January We notice that steps are being taken looking to the building of a railroad through the counties of Milton. Forsyth, Dawson, Lump¬ kin, Union and Towns. 'I his projected route lies through one of the best portions of the State, and brings the rich moun¬ tain country with all its varied products in direct connection with the southern markets of the State. Let this portion of Georgia be traversed with railroads, bringing the minerals into notice and nishlng quick and cheap transpor¬ tation for farm and garden prod¬ ucts, and it will he one of the most desirable of all sections. We hail with delight the dawning of a new and brighter day for this piedmont country. Trusts are the curse of this country. They have the people in their grasp, and nothing but United and determined effoit on the part of the people can eVei free them front these vampire^. Whcn a corner is mane on any aiy tide the people should, as far as possible, cpiit using that a: tide, aud the price will he lowered at once. The people have the power to counteract to some extent the bad effects of these, combinations, and they should do so. 'The gen oral prices of things ai*e regulated by the supply and demand, but ex trefflo High prices m’e not always produced by short crops. But the farmers milst false their own meat and bread, u-e home made Izer, ami l;v c mdyndiM a, far as possible, nv - this means they - Will novel' run so heaVilv in debt * but what Vhey vim pay up prompt- ty. the » th f msfchufits can sell cheapef and all parties will be efit ted. tillage Hells, We Hevci listen to a bed 1 idg- ing at eventide but what we pause and listen thoughtfully to its mel- tow cadences. Its every thought is a tone to Us, and its musical vi brations throng the twilight air w ith golden memories of happier days. 1 hese village hells t hat ring' us home to rest aild peace after the! foils and trials of the day how \-cry sweet they me, arid how w-Q j learn to love them! ! Did you ever listen for them when Wlien in-u neat mg iii(>‘ horde* nontu Uld Hirl you x nn ev- ev j ; Cr wish in the darkness ' tor the twinkle twinkle nt (.1 th,- tlo U.ri.t Ogl.ts ftem « M , th.. the aZ Tt IT/ t! ‘ C " iSltU ! And t in 1 , 11 . 'tlikdi tile do R "•!*,.trl os * . ...... »_v : f , 10 fewtffl laht:ttia*k« oi hoifle. ^’ c ; love the bells and w'e love the liohta li lK, li forth Uiakc •vRooa t'O-i nf (I ! n , 1 ,K V > US <v the ringing •*! the lie!'*, i:: the iCt* ter counlrV. th>: .sh»n:iig *1 tiie lights on the brig'hter shore And when the kibors of HiV Cray are ended, let ts> h pe that th.* «•] ii>j>d eyes wiil see the shinin y,id ihe hushed heart heir tiler id the belli afiti . arid hc w vj.. ; 1 Within tile poTtals rtf the i ise Hot made with hand n mime of RilUW. Our “matchless G rndy' paid the t ! following beautiful tribute to the Anglo-Saxon race in his celebrated speech at Dallas, Texas: “ The Anglo-Saxon blood has j dominated alv.ays and everywhere. It led Alfred’s brain when he ! wrote ,lu ‘ , !,arter of K "^ Uh li1,Cl ty; it gathered about Hampden as ]| ( . S f| l beneath the oak; it m aun.iK.l s veins as .ie 1 I fought his king; it humbled Naj >o- iCOH ;il WMerino; it has touched the desert and jungk with undy- '' * tT H111 ' wol ' Cl an ' snr ad on ' every > Continent ’ the / go:,- ' pci , of . ho.Tty aim , of Got!; it cstub- ' f e-public, e.u red it Morn liK ’ wilderness, conquered it Irani the Indians, wrested it from E»- gland, and at last, stilling its own tumult, consecrated it forever as the home of the Anglo-Saxon, and the theater of his transcending achievement. Never one foot ot it can be surrendered while that blood lives in American veins, and feeds American hearts, to the dom¬ ination of an alien and inferior race.’.’ T1IK ALLIANCE EXCHANGE. The following account of the meeting of the delegates of the State Alliance to establish an ex¬ change is taken from the Macon Telegraph: Corput, his “Mr. Felix has hands f u Il, being president of his local Alliance, County Alliance Execu¬ tive Committee, and now he has been made president of the Kx- change. will The boaid of directors meet at the call of the president, The next meeting will be about Febru¬ ary i st. No place for the meeting has set been selected. The capital stock of the Fx- | j change will be one million dollars, q 0 soon as fifty thousann dollars cash is paid in the Exchange will be ready for business. The shares arc worth $100 each, and each Al- | ]j anC e can own as many shates as lesired on certain conditions. The j I s b art . s be the property ot the Alliance and not of individuals, There are 1.433 Alliances in j Georgia, with about sixty thousand members. The Exchange is in the nature j of a great trading store where the | Alliance men will do their buying j of supplies, etc., at reduced fates, j 'There will he a general manager ; of the Exchange to act as buyer.” 4 ritlaUdiitc’s Woes, | Ma „ that „„ m l natc( | „ f collve „. „• tions is > of tt few days , aild full of 1 woes. He afiseth in the morning, and j lo? the enemy hatll g otten hts rec- ord, aild the lievVsbdy ciieth it i aloud in the streets of the city. He Seetli his siibstaude cofistlm- ed by the striker add the Worker, while the heeler devoilretll him evcn as t j, e locust doth the green fi 0 j f ] \U day long do fellows of the baser sort lie in wait for him at his gatewvay, atitl say lend the five shecklcs, the which when they have gotten they spend in the beer sa loon Of his enenj and laugh, ha! ha! Ul.< days are idlec With the sound Of the brass band, and his slumber is broken by the scribes, who regal'd ilot the proprieties, but awttken hint at all hours and com- mam! him to be thus interviewed, nnd struigruWay pnb.!> , hllto the 1 people I ‘ words the like which he had a speech i^. «*• «*«»,• «i«h xv ; liGay«h;, J . . V)i j ,, n . tn 0.t.''b« j n wcr J s M the hotul in the populace, anti io, the pei>].i!e declare he 'ft a Chump, I.,.,. .. (I, .4 , v i,o Hc i is • puHlvn*. , * With U‘ his, and io, tne striker, the heeler' and the bummer stand in the artel cry he b a mug, add lovgth not his tellowmen. He giveth his shekels 10 fhc cause, aild sttalghtvvay the scribes , piophclS . oi , ,, die rtnci cuont) claim fiamV the ho«setups that iie is a b''Od!v i , and Cl v out with a loud voice, tlfis mart would destroy he -vgis vA eur hhertiea THK PRINTER'S DREAM. A printer sat in his office chair, j his boots were patched and his eoat thread-bare, and his face i , looked , weary and , worn with . , care.; While sadly ' thinking ° ot lv..sineas j I debts old Morpheus slowly around , him crept, and before he knew it l)C SU( idenly slept; and while sleep -1 ing hc drcamed that he was dead, f rom trouble and toil his spirit had | fled, and that not even a cow bell : tolled for bis cow-hide sole. Ac I wandered among the shades ! that smoke and scorch in tbc 1<>w er hades, he shyly observed ap j ir<m ■ c.oor, , that , cheekily . , swung on i hinges ajar, but the entrance was ! C |, JSC( [ v * i l ti a red-hot bar, and i>u- tan himself stood J peeping out, and I watching for tra era thereabout, I and thus to the passing printer spoke: “Come in my clear, it shall cost you nothing, and never fear; this is the place where I cook the ones who never pay their subscription sums, for though in life they may escape they will find when dead, it is too late; I will show you the place where I melt them thin, with red-hot chains and scraps of tin, and also where I comb their heads with broken glass and melted lead, and if of refreshments they only think, there’s boiling water for them to drink; there’s ihe red-hot grind-stone to grind down their toes, and if they mention they don’t like fire, I’ll sew up their mouths with red-hot wire; and then dear sir, you should see them squirm, While I turn them over and cook to a burn.” With these last. Words the print¬ er awoke, and thought it all a cap¬ ital joke; but still at times so real did it seem that he cannot believe it was a dream, and often he thinks with a chuckle and grin, of the fate Of those who save their tin, and never pay the printer. Would It not he Snvvfcjr better for the newspapers of GeWgia to whirl in and talk tip oti'f advantages and have less to say about politics? The press is afi engine of power for good if its energies are proper¬ ly directed. Let's start ai! sorts of new enterprises arid become an empire in otir own borders*.—Alli¬ ance Advocate. A health journal says: “An at¬ tack of hiccoughs may be stopped by holding the head Under water.” Art attack Of smallpox can be stopped the sanfe way if the head be held under the water long enough.-^Pittsburg Chronicle. SZ.- PoitJxs. Oiie Heeds a krtovvlege of man¬ kind befoi’e onf- cart be sihiply and wholly oneself. Old people slltfel - thlieli froili disorders of the linhitvv organs, ahd ttre always gratified fit the Wonderful effects of Dr. J. If. MrLeiln'S Livel' find Kihd-ey fjftlm ; in l.aiiiiiliilig their tl'oflblef?! jiBOO jier j bottle. VVheri We know hoW td appreci¬ ate a merit, \Ve have the germ of it • „ witluri ...... otirselVes. . . , . . wl , en VoH ari . r( , h stipaiod, With loss of appetite, tiemlaehe. Like one iff Ilf, J. II. | Mo They Leah's picasUnt Little Liver,-thd to bike Kidney aild will Billots. rave; J are yoii; 25 cents rt vial.- I Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy, arid he that riset!'late mlist trdt all day. ( suffocations, ... night ... toughs ; and | roupy : fhc coinnl,,u uffecratiofiS df the tiitoa j I and lnugs (ptiekiy relieved 1 >V Dr, >1 H. .. ........ T “ "' i “ **« “'»• »»^,«»«^ ^ i who was not “bhlfcled bv Selfish • If ym, don’t' bcUwe this statement, ask theothef fclIoWi J 1 For sick hwldsume. IV.nflle tVoiiblos. netuiiiglv puilis in tlie lield take Dr. Ji U. MMn-a.Ys little f.iVet- fihil Kidney ■ '' } ^ ; j ! Many persons criticise * iff drder not to seem igiioiant, tnoy dfi know that iiidliigeilt'e is a r.'aik of the highest culture. 1 Ini perfect iUgcstich Inti aaftimilatiofi pvmiturn wiiidi disordered conditions of ihe sys-! { negh-vt. t>m Dr. g : «.w Ii. dud Mof.fflm’i* are contiriitcd stretigihen-: bv j ing G•■’‘tii 1 and Blood Ptiririet, by its j rtml £i\c\s tone to trie .> 1*00 per i I TRUTH. fT sums strangs th..i an> no will con- [ tin u • to suiter from the ciftctorma- blood potaou,soreness of the liver * u ! kidney*, rheumatism, etc., when there is .1 cure within the reach of all. It has nC vei failed to give complete satisfaction, **''«* implirity. SfiKl From ite use pimples Si^'gSSff S& lira!:*;, dyspepsia, want of appetite ail dis¬ appear. 11 is called Botanic Blood Balm, n.vle in Atlanta, Ga., and has long been .he favorite remedy of the South. It is a perfectly safe blood remedy and general than tonic, and much quicker in its action dients wig&t be prescribed, it hardly et, possi- bli the same ingredients in the used; strength and an ,j s3rne qua ntitv mould be h-rejn is the superiority of it. B. B. over | d 'nced^-^tV remarkable testimony given i * WieX: ^m.^uXadS ! Hawkinsviu-E, Ga.. Feb. 2H, 1887. T H1S is to certify that my wife lias been in bad health for eight years. After trying five doctors and six or seven i, WEAKNESS /m cr *. i c* o c different patent medicines six bot¬ tles of your 13.13. B. has cured her. James W. Lancaster. B. B. B. Knoxville, Tens., July 2, 1887. T have had catarrh of the head for six years. I went to a noted doctor and JL lie treated me for it, bet could not cure old, me, and he said. 1 was over had fifty distressing years i gave up to die. I CATARRH fiident 1 could not have lived without a change. I sent and got one bottle of your medicine, used it, and felt better. Then I got four more, and, thank God, it _ cured me. Use this any way you may wish for the good of sufferers. * Mrs. Matilda Nichols, 22 Florida Street B. B- B. F OR twelve Maxky, Ga., suffered jan. 3, 1086, from years I secondary and tertiary blood poison. My (corruption face and shoulders became a mass o skull bones. and the disease said I began to eat my It was must with surely benefit, die, but and I using tried eight a bottle or ten B. bottles B. 13. more I became sound and Well, and have been so for twelve months. Hundreds BLOOD POISON of scars can be seen on me, and I extend heartfelt thanks for so valuable ft, remedy. Robert Ward. We know Robert W r ard anti that he has been cured by Botanic illortd Balm. J. A. T. H. Brightwell. Brightwell, W. John C. Birjrhmore, T. Hart, W. & Co., B. Campbell. B. B. B. WAynESboro, Mist., July 14,1887. b \ / EV sister *a9 afflicted for a number \/ of year* with boils scattered about -LV-1-. ail over her person. They Would make their appearance every spring and last throilgh the sumrtfef and 'ate id the fall. Her health was Sadly im- OOri L»L> 1 L)0 G F^recl, losing, day; in iiesh and strength her life, every I her facR they were Of B. sapping and the effect gave like orte ntagic.produc- bottle B. B., was ing ft complete evire and restoring her healtli! TG-day She is perfectly Sound And doubt ner health best fully and restored; valuable It is without Blood the most Purifier now on the market; D; Mi MsRaei B. B. B. I suffered untold misery for years fforii inflammatory rheumatism, and cOuld find rtothing to cure of relieve me. 1 finally nlafle up my mind to effort make RHEUMATISM one more to rid myself of affords the terrible the ftfflictiBn, and it now life db me the greatest citizens pleasure of of my state to Smith county tliat I am entirely cured, with no trace of ffiagic the, disease left, and all effected by B., Ine tvhich 1 consider healing the properties grandest, Of 13. B. and most powerful blood remedy, purest tc5imfiamma- k nown to man. I have been Subject 'ofy attacks since teri years of age. JOBn Mi DaviS, Tyler, Texas. B. B. B; 7 H "fiOR five years I have', been Stiff er Jl ing with a Weak back from result of matism;. an injury had received, tbgive attended regular by rheu¬ busi¬ 1 up my ness »u£t 1 haVe takfl derived the position relief of night-watch¬ and man! by great Bajm, bene¬ fit using 1 Botanic Blood and have regained regular rny strength tviirki sufficicntiy I thihk Botanic td re : sume uly J * Balm EA K BACK Blood has , t given me perma- R CeTot had fully td, id HO for five vears, and cheer- be ehdhrSe the B. niedieme In Bi, which haS proven relief. t0 only thr.l will give me Oliver Secor, 114 Strceper Si . Blitimore, Xld. B. B, B. T bad suffered Alapaha, G*., June ij 2 , i887. I from dyspepsia, for I over fifteen years and during that time spent tidedeVerything $.dO In I could doctors bear of, over bills £S jw-&■ «« b. (Bdtanic Blood Iialm); and I began using DYSPEPSIA. j* as .being | the sixth bottle was taken n'eft Idee a'hew j man; 1 wbuld nt»t take $1,000 for the good | it has done me; in fact, the relief t deriv- I cd from it is priceless.. I firmly believe i that I would have died had 1 not taken it. I (8) Thomas Paulk ! Aouetv I ; Notice is hereby given that at tiie next, mel ting Of the Legislatufe tif Georgia a hill will lie ihfooducfld as follows: “A Bill To he entitled siti Act to authorize j the Oi’dinar.V of the ('oimty of Fie kens to i>.tio hoiid.s of said County f'o*- the pm- • pose of bail bhg a coUtuioiise for the ,:: ’■ an,! for ,,:h " >mrposes hch-in men- tu>nod. E. IIood, ©efc *2: MN GrUin-oy m m JglLs V *«rY \ m © mm I THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER, If you dosi ro to purchase a sow i ng machine, ask our oyeiit at your place for terms and prices. 1 f you cannot find our agent, write direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HK SEW MIKE ftlMEJHSS. Chicago - 28 UNION SQUARE,NX- DALLAS, ILL. ATLANTA GA TEX. 'SAHfRAHCiecO.CAL, A. W. Davis, Jasper, Ga. cap > Mays Irritation, Alda Dleettlon, Regulates the Bowels. Strengthens the Child, makes Teethina Teething Easy and Cost" only *5 Cents. cures Eruptions and Sores, and nothin)? equals It Tor the hummer troubles of Children of any age* It iMsafe and sure. Try it and you will never be without TEETHINA as Ion * as therei are child¬ ren in the House. Ask your Druggist For sale by Kichakiis it 13«o., Jasper, Ga, tiffjs BBSSas a LYtriT'. "Mi Uificksiuitliing- and Wood Work. W f ftgons and liuggies made to order. -o ““Repairs and re-faints all kinds of— WagtMiSj XliTg-g-iesj and Farm Tools* He does EirsDGJass Work and makes moderate charges. Buggy work of all kinds a specialty. Give him your patronage. BOOK-KEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, Etc. Who dehires to better his or her condition in life, should write for the Catalogue of BRYANT & STRATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE NO. 406 THIRD STREET, LOUISVILLE, KY. SECHLER & CO. FAID‘VP capital stock, $300,000. OliN'CXIISnET.AAE’I, OHIO, ;f STYLE « •iasM» v. U mam 1ft- x i.—.—. \ jf jj 0URAB!L!TY MANVFACTUBBBS Oj? Business and Pleasure Vehicles. Proprietors and Solo Users of SechlePs Improved Perfection Fifth-Week .411 TForfc Cruafanteed as Jiepreeentedt SKfTD FOB CATALOGUE; i The Otficiai Organ of Pickelis County. iinhiense Advertising Medium. A live, progressive aiid wide-awake journfii, devoted to the upbtiiUlilig a,el dveldpriifeiit of our Molintain Country. —Published at the small price of— i One Dollar a Year. Jasper is a live and growing town, situated near the far-famed Marble Beds! Surrounded hy the most beautiful and picturesque scenery. The dim, if* 1 miki nn(i healthy; tlie water iS tiooi ahei si>&rkliiig, and the ^ 6 il is Vety ertiie. While independent in its Views on political matters, THE TIE« V Newspaper, and Political Machi" 1 ' ALT? is intended to be ft not a —Aw-.U_ 3 -As. ra --s,r- Subscribe at once for ^T»e Ttleraicl? jAsP'iiiS: §Ai WEBSTER’S UN ABRIDGED With ox without l’ut«nt index. A fimuM fm fflO!CT 10 MAj)$ trseiF Your Attention is invited to this (ha Out that in pur- chMing the latest l.suo of work, you get A Dictionary ^.awa %mm fontxiningSOOO illustrations tiian more v.ordsand other Amoriea, nearly ‘Dictionary, 2000 mere any A Gazetteer of th* v orld containing and over pronuncL ation » v..' . maiion, A Bs ary giving ct nine; : if f facia conc j r y ns; also various laUa. • nation. AH Wsfcswr’s Vnahr. • 'mmend- ea * v ; h a S■ "Is in :50 States, United amt Sw-vd by Ie> c v ' s rd of the i **. An. thority with On.. >ic . we Court, and lu the i e r.t x r.ntin . It has b«en*olect?din f'cl.ooia, asnwhcteS': •• t-'.rchaaoa have f _ been Made — aec is c Diction¬ ary cnoa which nearly all tho a "o,., toots based. Get the Latest af?d tt is an invaluable companion in e;-.-y School, and at every Fireside. Specimen papo <• and t> stimonials e»nt prepaid on ipolicution. Published by C. i C. Sprinqfielcl, KKRRIAM ft Mess,, L<)., U. S, *. pf k*.4 %pmm M DYES J>o Tour Own Dyeluif, «t Home. Th y will uye everything. pack They Tbevimvenoequat are sold every¬ where. Trice lOc. i. i e. tor Strength, Brightoess, Amount i,r Qualities. I'aekages or tor Fiistness of Color, or non-fading They do not crock or smut fin colors, F >r sale by Z. C. Morrison «S* Co., Talking Hock, Ga,