The Pickens County herald. (Jasper, Ga.) 1887-????, November 22, 1888, Image 3

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TIIE HERALD. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. »«=™JVu. e /SSf, Ja!per - Ca -' General Directory, JAN! EH ALLIANCE—Meets every 1st and ::rd Saturdays, at 2 p. nj. biperior Court meets 4th Monday in ' d 1 d and September. COUNTY OFFIC-KHS. L. Hood, Ordinary. N. K. MoCutchen, C. S. C. * Treasurer. John K Johnson, Sheriff. < dm. \V. Fields, Tax Collector. E. J. Allred, Tax Receiver. I homas Ilonea, Surveyor. J* H. Dorsey, Coroner. Court of Ordinary meets 1st Monday in •teh month. TOWN COUNCIL. Isaac Grant, Intendant. F. 0. Richards, L. .1. Darnell, J. P. Dougherty, Commissioners. A. \V. MeIIan, N. 0. McClain, RELIGIOUS SERVICES. M. E. Church, South—Every4th Sunday and Sunday night.—Rev. M. S. Williams. Baptist Church—Every 2nd Sunday and Saturday before. — Rev. Joseph 15. Parham. fraternal record. Pickens Star Lodge, No. 220, F. A. M., Sheets lirst Saturday in each month, W. II. Simmons, \Y. M. W. 15. Chambers, S. W. Win. Westbrooks, J. W. S. L. Mosley, Treasurer. M. C. McClain, Secretary,. •T. L. Mann, S. D. Isaac Grant, J. D. W. A. Itoeves, Tyler. Jasper Lodge, No. 81, I. 0. O. F., Iheets 1st and 3rd Saturdays in each month. M, C. McClain, N. 6. Isaac Grant, Y. G. E. .J. Prather, Treasurer, A. AY. Median, Roc. Sec. S. K. MeCutelicn, Per. Sec, Rev. A. M, Johnson, Chap. II. L. Coffey, Con, M. Stoner, VI. J. L. Mann, R. S. to N. G. J. E. Johm-oii, L. S. to N. G, F. C. Richards, R. S. to A’. G, J. S. Burdette, L. S, to Y. G, A, J. Nliaryer, T. G. W. A. Reeves, O. G. Peter Cagle, R. S. S. AY. II. Elliott, L. S. S. Knights of Lauoi:—J asper Local, No. $700, meets 2d & 4th Saturday nights and Friday nights before the 1st .fc 3rd. MILITIA DISTRICTS. Town—No. 1098. 1st Friday. Isaac Grifnt, J . P. Janies L. Maim, N, P, Townsend—No, 1129. 2nd Saturday. /. AY. Harbin, J. P. David A. Payne. N. P. Dug Road—No. 899, 4th Saturday. Josiali Bagwell, J. P. J. kSoseby, N. P. Grassy Knob--No. 1099, 1st Saturday. Geo. YY. Fitts, J. P. 11. L, Coffey, N. P. Sharp Top—No. 1182. 1st Saturday. John M. Gaddis, J. P. Andy Cowart, 1 N. P. f l'ni.ckwlieel—No. 1030. 2d Saturday, this. Sharycr, J. P. E. P. Watson, N. P. Talking Rock—No. 79L 3rd Saturday, A. C. Jones, J. P. ii, B. Bradley, N. P. Cross Roads—No. 1287. 1st Saturday, C. AY. Holmes, J. P. if. F. Ellis, N. P. Ludville,—No. 1870. 3rd Saturday, j. If. Neal, J. P. S. Hamrick, N. P. eJerusalem--Xo 1101. 4th, Saturday. A. V. P. Jones, J. P. ,1 B Medliii. N. P.,union Tree—Nci. 1020. 4th Saturday. \Ym. Bearden, J. P. W. B. Chambers, N. P. 1 50 o WEEKS, The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed Securely United wrapped, to any address in the - States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed Sample to postmas¬ ters. agents and clUbs. toffies lliailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, N. A*. DR. RflOFFETT’S® 3 wm 255 m FEMALE MEDICINE 1 B BN giving tone to and strengthening the.Uter- heal 4 ie vstera and. building np the general iivi>iW:Nr WivELJ trouble! lorrects dei.'il nil inhhlMl IrregiUnfities and nrinoylftK p n T l k •ItlNIHAS WEKD* .His Sojcaml Unfailing. U-'t- «*r>G )i)f RfUIZARD.S Hr BilO.) ,U« j,*.,-; Go Local News. * * * That “Little Bill.” You often hear of “Polly Glot,” Met “Mary Gold” along the way, Seen “Ida Ho,” as like as not, And have passed by “Ella Jay .»» You havestarted“Campaign Lizc,” Been ruined by “Election Pet;” Hut to a fellow of your size “Little Bill” is the hardest yet. Dr. J. W. Smith and his charm¬ ing wife and little son, of Callahan, Fla., stopped over Sunday at this place with Dr. and Mrs. Pickett. I hey left Tuesday morning to vis¬ it friends on Long Swamp and will start for their home in the “Land of Flowers” when the frost has driven away the yellow fever. Mrs. L. M. Long, her daughter Miss Carrie, and Mrs. Sylvester Long visited Notla last Saturday and remained a day or two at thUt place. Col. John W. Henley is rejoic¬ ing over the arrival of a new son. Miss Audio Lindsey has been visiting in Marietta for the past week. Miss Rora McHan, of this place, accompanied by Mr. Jons and Miss Mary Garwood, of Marietta, visit¬ ed the Exposition at Augusta the first of the week, Col. L. J. Allfed came up from Atlanta Saturday and spent Sun¬ day with his family. It is said that the Jasper accom¬ modation train does net pay the railroad for running it. But the people couldn’t very well dd with¬ out it. The Farmers’ Alliance is still i booming. As will be seen by their declar- tion of purposes the Farmers’ Al¬ liance is not what people generally think it is. Some think that it is the intention of the order td break down the merchants and profes¬ sional men. Read the declaration and see what you think about it. If you don’t feel like working for the principles therein given you had better not join. You must practice charity, economy, hones¬ ty and truthfulness if you belong to the Farmers’ Alliance. Another candidate for Surveyor. See the card of Benjimin F. Dor¬ sey in this issuer Mrs. J. P. Dougherty visited friends in Canton last week and returned home Tuesday. W. E. Allison, Watchmaker and Jeweler, is stopping at Jasper for the purpose of repairing Watches and Jewelry. Give him a trial at once. Last Tuesday morning tha wife of John#Guy, who ]ivc J i near town, died after having given Birth to twins. Tuesday evening the moth¬ er and two little babes were all buried in the same grave. Mrs. Guy was unconscious when the doctor who Was called in ai rived and remained so until her death. After the burial the rumor began to spread that bruises had been seen upon the body of the woman while it was being dressed, and the rumors becamfe so pronounced that Guy was arrested and placed in jail to aWflit the result; of a post mortem examination. AS w“ go to press the coroner’s jury had not made their verdict. It is possible that the woman may have bruised herself in her struggles, though it was noticed that before she arid during the bti- rial that the husband failed to man- ifest any feeling of sorrow. We hope that the suspicion dftteL tained by “the people will prove to 1 : be groundless. ‘The bliick gum leaves arc turning ! , reel, ! ! The Sycamores sitnmons afe yellow, Possumsaand are no‘.V mellow. ripe, And may pops getting | The clouds arc running at the nose ! The winds begin to shiver, j, F} ua* * n , aam v .g.j o- moi*. m -o .i-ifv- 1 ClotilCS, , By night we want more hiver. ; | We have some little bills that ire pressing- for settlement, and we are compelled to ask } x p from those who are behind ,.'th us. We never ask for anj thing until we are obliged to. Guard Your Boys. Parents, look well to your boys; they need your counsel and your care and you will be held responsi¬ ble for their course in life. Oi V you rests the duty of fitting theiW for a life of usefulness, and | your devoted head will fall tht- shame for a life wasted and ruined by dissipation and crime. When your boy is out of your sight you know not what influences afe thrown around him; you know n^t what snares are being laid for hS young and unwary feet. The boy on whom all your hopes are cen¬ tered may be nearing the black rocks of ruin and despair; his life is being shaped by his surround¬ ings. Then see that he is walk¬ ing in the right direction, Your boy must be taught that to attsftid honorable than romping thro the forests robbing birds’ mi and he must know that it syl something besides swearh^p smoking cigarettes to Parents, what are you B|||| your children? Are vou them up to be an honor to a blessing to society, or ai«fOii letting all the good in their^nat- ure» be choked out by wickedness? They are jewels placed in your keeping and an account will surely be required of them at your hands. The devil has written the Atch¬ ison Globe a poem for publication from which is taken the folio ing extract: “I stand at the gate of a smouldering land and bask fn its sulphurous glow, and I beck the spirit with a welcoming bel^S jfl to the land of torture fie young and the old, U. 4 S . :d ihe poor, who live inJ*|ftf| Ef sin, I beckon and wB n all to my door—1 gaih^B wll r them in. The chump rt- ed the town of his birth B btn up a town far away, who’a| ;ver invest in his own city’s cart for fear the move wouldn’t pay; who groaned of the evils that hcld-down the town, ami never would squan¬ der his till; as sure ae I’m wing he’li wander down—I’ll gather, I’ll gather him in.” American Enterprise. No invention of the nineteenth century has worked a greatcij rev¬ olution in household econoB or conferred more of a benefitBj nuinity than the sewing Tiie first productions B and uncouth in Sue AmcB ext^HH it was reserved for and ingenuity to bring fodH chine of any practical value, 'j In order to appreciafe the g advancement which has t< e it is only necessary t pare one of the machines built lur- ing the infancy of the invers ion with one of the latest improved “Light-Running New Home.”. All the really good points con¬ tained in other machines have been Utilized in its construction. Many new improvements and. de- vices have been added, the result <>f which {& a machine as nearly pert fact as it is possible to make one. For simplicity, durability, ease of management and capacity for work, the “Light-Running New Hrifne” ha!? no rivdl, arid the hap¬ py possessor of one may rest as¬ sured that lie or she has the very best the world affords. See ad- vertisement on another pfgo of this paper. l-5 uent Writers may deceive the igno- rant by lying theories, but the intcl-iy lit man 4eniands assurance that a the-oij- i« Nothing is so convincing to an in- telligcht l-order (is the pain and simple words of those grateful ones who were sick but have been made well by Usihg B. 15. B., {Bbhtnic Blood Balm), found O'AVUti} ill our paper. A5hn time to tunc t , r , t of tYemi, :V <■ -tit ’■rt o, to any address, by t-he Bi -od thtint Co., of Ailp.nff Ga. fiend for it,. Cmrcspoiidence. Kirk’s Grove, Ain. Mr. Editor: 1 will drop you a few lines from this part of the world. Kirk's Grove is a beautiful grove situated thirty miles south of Rome, Ga., and within ten miles of Cave Springs. The farmers have about finished gathering their crops which have proved to he good. Cotton is the rnu j n thing here, This country is inhabited by g 00( ] clever people. Money is flush here to those who work, I am able to pay for the Pickens County Herald, and will freely pay one dollar per year for such a good paper. P. J- W. Carlisle, Ga. Em roR Hek*i4> - Mm t As I BP L ‘ \ * hi a CO Cross ’ - ini t." ::l■ ' v, hat liscniiragnl .it low prices—says he wilf^HK till next next spring. 8 Cross Roads has three cz dates for Justice of the Mr. John Hightower is indept^* cut republican, C. W. Holmes ia the republican nominee, and C. C. Kelley is also in the field. Boback. Lost -Call. I will be at the following places on the days herein mentioned for the purpose of collecting the taxes for Pickens county lor the present year: Dec. 23, Truckwheel. > ) 24, Jasper, ) J 26, Sharp Top. } f 27, Grassy Knob. ) y 28, Dug Rioad. y y 29) Tate. y y 30, Persimmon Th| Dec. 3, 4 & S, JasuoB y y 6, Ga. Marjjfl|||i JM No ■ M y-yyt.'4 : 31 :TVJEI< Minin/ g, ancPf 1 ], i fy- ■f.LESS, ,[v,lk ’ \JCLAULi3* ■O HIMMON8, ; RNEY-AT-LAW. J ASlTaJ GEORGIA. Prompt alt 011 given to all business intrusted to hinPI , 1.1—ly. C.PlOKEiTTj M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Jasper * £ Ga, l.i-iy. TJR. F. C. RICHARDS, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, JASPER )0(~)0( GEORGIA. 1. i —ly. F* G. TATE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAV/, Jasper, - Georgia* Prompt attention to ail business, *■5 15 j 3 iWr i; u. bz i LufreauS) ,v ai-d-Robes, , f., i.ade-Boarnsj .. , lied Steads, Sdksj Clipboarrtsj Tables) Desks; BQok-G-WQK, aiid anything in that U’l line, bfiiit df be«d. «i«it5riftl ftlffi flhely 18, c<1 -, - Ail kinds dtilt style*! bliilt to order on s] )rr D 'tif' and fit lovv Talking Rock, Ga„ Georgia, Vhkvns Cor my: Martini liyus, wife ot George W. Byiin, lias applied l'ov exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the sameatlOo’clok a. in. at my office in jasper on the 5th day of December. This the 15th day of Nov. ISAS. E, Hood, Ordinary. 1*1 TRUTH. T T s(*«ms strangs that anyone will cou- L I tinue to suffer from the effect of ma- I laria, blood poison,soreness of the liver mid kidneys, rheumatism, etc., when there is a cure within the reach of all. It has never failed to give complete satisfaction, curing safely, surely and quickly every symptom of ill health resulting from a state of blood impurity. rapidly From well, aches its use and pimples pains and sores get subside, weakness, stiff joints, swollen limbs, dyspepsia, want of appetite all dis¬ appear. It is called Botanic Blood Balm, nadc in Atlanta, Ga., and has long been Jic favorite remedy of the South, it is a perfectly tonic, and safe much blood quicker remedy in its and action general than medicine usually administered by physi¬ cians, for while proscribed, nearly the hardly same ingre¬ possi¬ dients might be it ble the same ingredients in be the Used; strength and and same quantity ’would herein is the superiority of B. H. B. over all blood medicines in the World, as is given evi- denced by the remarkable testimony by those who have been Cured even when all other treatment utterly failed Read the following: * 11 AWKINSVU.I.V. G A.; Feb. 20, 1887. 1 is to certify that my wife has been Iffin bad health lor eight years. After 9Luing five doctors different ana six or patent seven IV C- c- bo; , mx !. m ‘ >e ”.‘ HT. . B. s\. if the July head 2 , 1837 for six . .noted doctor and Lilt could not cure ■' B fifty years bid, had distressing my eyes were ken, l^ivcd and without I am fcon- a ^LlIi.i |B> "I \ Iggl^L i " n Ehols, Street rida v*”‘" i V. 11! a iary blood T My LiceTnJT shoulders became a mass of corruption and the disease began tb eat mv skull bones. 11 was said I must surd y die, but 1 tried it bottle B. 15. 1?. ‘with benefit, and Using eight of ten bottles more I became sound and Well, and have been sO for twelve months. Hundreds BLOOD POISON of scars can be seen on me, and 1 extend heartfelt thanks for so valuable We know a remedy. Robert Ward RobERT Ward. and that he Has been cured by Botanic Blood Balm. A. J. H. T. Ilriglitwell, Brightwell, AV. C. Bifchmore, & Co., John T. Hart, W. B. Campbell. B. B. Waynesboro, Miss., July 14,1867. b \ / r Y sister was afflicted for a number of years with boils scattered about -LV-L \ all over her person. They would make their appearance every [H O’ last through the summer and Ld. Rired.Ipsliig Her health was sadly im- flesh and strength ^H^Kmye Bkxday | her In fact, 1 they ottle were of B. one HBiBInd n- 0 .prod h i.-i a^B^BPpcn:-.-dy i .toriin; :r .‘.'Mi: ! and ^^^^B>r>-(.1. WmW it 'hie without Blued - i: WmmSh v^Bparket. Ih M. McRae, k B. K Irheumawnn, misery for years from and could cure Or relieve me. My.mind to luakc ^ t „ myself greatest pleasure of my life to stkte to entirely the citizens of Smith county that I am cured, with no trace b 1 the disease left, and all effected by the magic f consider healing the properties grahdest, of 15. B. B.j which purest and most powerful blood remedy knowh to man. I nave been subject toimflamma- tory attacks since ten years of age. John M, Davis, Tyler, Texas. B. B. B. !OR five years I have' been suffer -j ing with a weak back from result of X an injury I had received, togive attended tegular by rheu¬ busi¬ matism. dp niy ness and take the position of night-watch¬ man, 1 have derived great relief and bene¬ fit by using Botanic Blood Balm, and have regained my strength work. sufficieptly think Botanic to re¬ sume my regular I WEAK BACK Blood Balm has relief. I given able me perma¬ nent am now to per¬ form work that I have not had strength to to do for five years, and cheer¬ fully endorse Bi B, B., which has proven to be the only medicine that will give me relief. Oliver Secor, 114 Streeper St., Baltimore. Md. B. B. B. had Alapaha, from Ga,, June 22,1887. for T I suffered dyspepsia, JL ovet tried fifteen, years, thing and could during that of, time every I hear and spent Over $309 in doctors’ bills Without Indeed, receiving 1, continued the slightest benefit. to grow worse. Finally, friend after I despaired recommended of obtaining re- , lief, a B. B. B. (Botanic however,expecting Bldbd’ Balm), and 1 be began benefittech using j it; After not, using li half bottle to I satisfied j } hat AJa** was DYSPEPSIA U ^i/Vl^Hefuted.andwhen 1 1 - the siitli Ixittle Wast.-iken., felt like a new j man. I would ilbt take «J ,0<)9 lot the good ! it has done me} in fact, the belief I (i r:v- 1 ANN0DKCEKSBT8. For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a a candi¬ date for Ordinary of Pickens county at the January election. If elected I will serve the people to the best of m.v ability, (’. J. (oniolison. James W. Grogan is hereby miiir.nncetl as a candidate for Ordinary of Pickens county at the next election. Wo hereby announce Isaac Grant as a candidate for Ordinary of Pickens county at th« next election, if elected he will faithfully discharge the duties of said office. Foi> Clerk and Treasurer. 1 am a candidate for Clerk’ and Treas¬ urer of Pickens county if flic January election earnestly solicit shall the discharge help the people. If elected I niy duties faithfully and work for till; best interests of the enmity. Yours truly, F. Simmons. .1. I hereby announce myself as a oandl« date for Clerk and Treasurer of Pickens county at the election in Jannniy next, If elected 1 will faithfully best discharge abil¬ the dulies of the office to the of my ity, and will endeavor to prove true to the trust reposed ill me. Yours truly, Eli J. Coffey. For Sheriff. I hereby announce the myself office of .a sheriff candidate of for re-election to Pickens county. Feeling thankful to the people of Pickens county for what they hava done for me in the past, 1 again stslt their support at the January election. John E. Johnson* For Tax UoIlectoK iVe are authorized to announce WflU Cagle as a. Candida (e for Tax Collector of Pickens county. It ole- ted lie will fill office to the Test of his ability, I hereby announce myself aS !t ertndh date for Tax Gollector of Pickens eoiuity, I have been a cripple all my life and my recent sickness left me in a worse settled condi* tion than ever, the fever having Fleet in my crippled limb. shall If the people me to this office I feel grateful for the favor aiul will discharge my tlUtiCS faithfully and honestly. Ira AY. White. Jeremiah Sosebea is hereby announced as a candidate for tax collector of Pick¬ ens county at the next election, AYe are anthoviri.'d to announce jolnl A. Brack as a eftudidate for Tax Collector of Pickens county at the next ( lection, L elected he will discharge the duties of mu office to the best of bis ability. For Tax Receiver. At tiie request of many friends K. It* Bryan amumnccs himself as a. candidate for Tax Receiver of Pickens elected county Will at the Jamutry election. If be lie faithful in the discharge of said office. At the solicitation of iiiy friends 1 an¬ nounce myself as a candidate for Tax Re¬ ceiver of Pickens county at the coming eleetioh. If I am (lected I will endeavoi to iiil tlio office hohcst-ly aiid to the satis¬ faction of tiie Yours people. truly, Jnfttcs L. Mann* AYe anhotuico (!. ft Petfil as a ciindi ; : date for the office of Tax Receiver of Pickens county at the election in J unitary. Thomas Ilonea is hereby announced as a candidate for re-election to the oflidc of County Surveyor of Pickens comity. Benjamin F. candidate Dorsey is iof hereby announced as a Coun¬ ty Surveyor ot Pickens county. a 13 »» HI @ g AVho are weak, nervous and Debilitated and suffering a i?® Kw ««i*ai from N< rvons Ic'.)ility,Sem- Nightly AA r cakness, E- 9 te a* ® missions, and ail the effect? of early Evil:Habits, which lead to Pre¬ mature Decay, Consumption Tfoaiifie or Insanity) send for Pears’ oil Diseases of Man, Aith pai-ticiilarS for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed. No cure no pay. S. Pears, 012 and 014 Church St., Nash* vllles T< \nu Sheriff’* Sales. Georgia, Pickens County: Will be sold before the court bo'iso door of said bounty oil the lirst Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale to the Highest bidder, the follow¬ ing described property, to wit: Seventy* two and onc-half acres, more or less, of lot of land No. !507 in flic I2tll <lietrio*i and 2nd section of said county, and bounded as follows: By lands of VAC 11* S.hnmons on film south, the Pel-sc-Vei-ancd Mining Company on the cast ftnd J. Mi Cox on the north and west. Levied oil as tlio property of the Perseverance Mill' ing Company by virtue of andtosatifyab execution from the (Superior court of said county in favor of (Sitrah L. Allen. Ten¬ ants in possession notified in terms f f law. This :51st day of Oct. 1688: John E. Johnson, Sheriff! >> fioiBrnarcialColisga CTCN.KV* UNIVJiRSriVi le ,r M, N'i n. VI 91 t S3n I ifl h Bhort .^ni * Trs«.wflU»« MnH. Cheapest A Best Business , College in tneWor ExJSuion! 0 ^ 8r««m or ii«ok»be«pias