The Pickens County herald. (Jasper, Ga.) 1887-????, February 14, 1889, Image 3

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THE HERALD. ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Entered at the Postoffice at Jasper, G*., *s second clasp mail matter General Directory, AjSRSRSSLir* m in COURTV OFFICERS. * • D’ornelison, Ordinary. John , u Simmons, E. Johnson, C. S. C. 4 Treasurer. Jeremiah Sheriff. R. R. Bryan, Soscbee, Tax Tax Collector. J. H. Cook, Receiver. T. F. Barrett Surveyor. Coroner. rach'm* 0 jj 0ltIiual ' y raeets 1st Monday in TOWN COUNCIL. J. H. Rhyne, Mayor W. F. C. J. Richards, Coffey, E. S. Carr, Commissioners. A. W. Me 11 an, J. L. Mann, KKUOIOl’S SERVICES. M. E. Church, South—Every 4th Sunday ftnd Sunday night— Rev. W. B. Dillard. ‘ Saturday Baptist before. Church—Every 2nd Sunday and fraternal record. Pickens Star Lodge, No. 220, 1<\ A. M., Wteets ll. first Saturday in each month. W. Simmons, W. M. W. B. Chambers, 8. W. Wm. Westbrooks, J.W. £• J. Pritther, Teasurer. Isaac Grant, Secretary. J. L. Mann, S D \V. --J D A. Reeves, Tyler. tttcets Jasper Lodge, anti 3rd No. Saturdays HI, I. O.. its O. each F., 1st tnonth. M. Isaac C. McClain, N. G. Grant, V. G. E. J. Prather, Treasurer, A. W. McHan, Kec. See. B, Rev. K. McCuteliei), Johnson, Per. Sec. A. M. Chap. • II. I#. Coffey, Con. M. Stoner, W. J, L. Maim, R. S. to N. G. d, E. Johnson, L. S. to N. G. C. Richards, R, s. to Y. G, J, S. Burdette, L, S. to V. G, W. A. J. Sharyer, 0, I, G, G. A. Reeves, Peter Cagle, R. S. S, W. II, Elliott, L. S, S, K Nit Hits of Lab,hi—J asper Local, No. fftfifi, Friday meets 2d * 4th Saturday the nights 3rd. and nights before 1st 4 JASPER ALLIANCE—Meets feVcry 1st Snd 3rd Saturd ays, at 2 p. in. _______ NT. LOUIE, HO., Post-Dispatch says: “Indian women are proverbially hedltliy and strong, often marehiiig for days with their babies on their Isteks. In tact, they frequently go the tlay before snd after eoltlinertieut, with their tribes, bjlitii the ltiarcln These wemeu aetpiire this great strength atld power of endur- artce by using a weed that grows in their locality, out of which a modi- ine is now being made, and kept by the druggists, Under the name INDIAN WEED (Fe¬ #n«le Medieine.) “INDIAN WEEll (Female MeOieine) has proven a grefft blessing to the weak, delicate, over-worked women of our large Cities, for it is saitl that all who use it are robust and healthy. Bro. sell it. , Richards. * KIRBY INSTITUTE, ■o JASPER, GEORGIA. The exercises of this school will be resumed tm Monday, January 14th, 1889. Rates of tuition are as follows: First GrADe— fepeilihg, Writ¬ ing, First Reader, Printary Arith¬ metic, and First Steps in Geogra¬ phy, per month, SD.o& Second Grade— Second and Third Readers, Second Geography, Intermediate Arithmetic, Primary English History, Grammar, and Primary per (ik/.'DE-—b'ourth month, $i.§o. Third and I'lfth Readers, Higher Geography, Cornnioii School Arithmetic, En¬ glish Grammar; English month, Composi¬ tion, Fou and History; per 82.00. kt 11 G u a 1 )E-- R hetoric, Chemistry, Philosophy, Algebra, Geometry, Latin a'lid Grtek, per Uiatith, $2.50. _______^Pini 1 ^- Bi Millican, 'S' TONABamSiED Vi iiU oi- v» ir li'jut I'cfcent Tcror/m^ frsnrJ&L. 7 ; ! Ybbr Aitftetibff i» invited bf to.t'.efa,-tu,atin tUl« pur -1 hMUBgUW hues! tfe«rk, you get I H8^S^2th*«vo,h , r «Amo^'bh-iionarj* — ( j j A GrtZCtiesr of the World 1 ttim and a vast isnomU ofSlllSr thftfrn'.atioli, , (recently and A Biographical Dictionary ; "r rs i^CTtSr m H. | AH in 0 n 6 Rook, ! Webstar '3 I'nabri’ir-' 4 «X?iction(irjr is. r r-iolr.Tsies:!- ^!tSi stM<^&iJtarMia*w t'Uited a«- e arlty irnh tlie Rucremo i, nl in the <i*)Vrtrntr;»nt it? J'cimlnr WJfVrfr Opi«*w. hl.w j y-.v« be»a mads fof ScSscgff*;*);! !.Kth?jn- i fry upon which twin/ all Sat eclstsJ book • lx* •***«. ■**~mu**iJ the Latest and Beni r n gT ifi i — •!.*> . . It is IH? tcKpaHWa in *+ m ry &***>»* ~t. +\crr > m2 j ioS I yf&ml'i r- U s. v Local News. it * * * « Correspondence must reach us by Tuesday. The infant of Mr. M. H. Min cey is very low with pneumonia fever. Col. W. T. Day and his daugh¬ ter, Miss Fannie, left Tuesday for Atlanta on a visit. It has been predicted that there will be some very bad weather about the 18th of this month. Mr. W. A. Simmons, of Cedar Ridge, Whitfield county, visited relatives at this place last week. Miss Haskin, the lady evange¬ list, preached three able and inter esting sermons here last Saturday and Sunday. We always accept it as a favor when oUr friends have enough in¬ terest in The Herald to give us any local fte\Vs they may have. Constipation, Shiloh's VlttdifcCl* Loss.of (s Appetite, \VltUtyou Dizziness need for and all symptoms bottle, of Dyspepsia. Sold Richards Price 10 and 7s cents pel' by A lira. If any of your folks are gone on a visit, or any of yOltr friends arc visiting you, we expect you to let us know it, Otlr friends can help us to make a good) hevVsy paper without any tost or trouble to themselves. Croup, immediately Whooping relieved Dougli ttnd by Bronchi¬ .Shiloh’s tis Curt 1 -. For sale by ftichtlhls tied Bro. Men scorn to kiss among them¬ selves And scarce will kiss a brother; Women oft want to kiss so bad They smack and kiss each other. Our druggists keep for sale Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re- newer, the best preparation ever made for restoring the vitality and color of the hair. Catarrh Cured; health and sweet In eath secured, by .Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free.. For sale by Richards A Bro. Miss Hattie Smith, of Gilmer county, spent part of last week in Jasper, the guest of Mrs. l'Rk.ett. She has taken chafge of a school at Long Swamp in this county. Miss Hattie is said to be a good teacher and we think the people of Long Swdnip Will be Well pleased with her. For Kune back, side or eliest, use Sit lull's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. For sale Ky Rleliartls A- Bro, A man from Middle Georgia has written asking Us to state who who at present is our choice for governor of Georgia two years from now. Our innate modesty prevents otir stating just at pres¬ ent whom we pVefer. Shiloh’s Cough and gfiahtiibie. Consumption Cure is sold by Us dll il It cures Consumption. Richards A- Bro. Our friends will extusc our lack of local matter this Week, Our folks have been sick and we have had to cook aiid ivafch dishes and get up the news, too. We’ll do better by aikl by. .Sleepless liigldS; lUltdc Shiloh's miserable is the by that terrible Bought Cure Remedy for VoU: SUltl by Richards A’ Bro. A new paper, starting without capital and tvith but few office conveniences) cannot hope to gain much of a foHthold without a des¬ perate striigglc. It takes close work and strict economy to keep such an from going un- der. We haVe done all our own work for the greater part of a year and have labored day * and night, ° almost, . drder to make m our penscs lighter, and we are glad to know that the future of the paper looks brighter how than at any time before. Rut there is one th j ^ mHst mention. *■ money M fun the business. ... have du,,nt,(l bf,t ™ f y 1,ttlc s,ncc the liapef was started' but now we have a few store bills that must be paid, and if you owe Us anything we will appreciate it as a special favor if you will *fcttlv as soon as Whitn . liUli . you CSP. WC T^CCIVC a * then we Hlitst pass 1 it on to those whd bite ms», Shall we have your help? Will f'Uti suffer with Dybniqisia anil Liver eiiaraiiR’Ml J utiiplaint'.' Sliiloh's Fkv vitalizfi sale By is to cure vob: WcfiHHl? fir Bro: l*iUe, Si Snpiw. Why this willow-wearing, Though you plucked the thorn and not the rose? Kiss the wound. It shows your aim and daring that better than the fairest rose grows. Why this look despuiringV blows. There is good in every wind that E’en the blast that gives your follies airing Haply may disperse them, too—who knows? Why this sad wayfaring 1 Dolorous with the echo of your wiies. Smile, and help your fellows' burden- bearing. with glad hal¬ Cheer the pilgrim's road loas 1 Laugh, all grief forswearing. .Joy for us pertnnially Hows; Pleasures, aye, are multiplied by sharing, Love and love’s delights will follow close. No. more willow-wearing! Other springs will come if this olio goes. Cast your seed with happy faith.uncaring Though another reaps. He wins who sows’ J [Ski,. Some of the best correspondence we have had in a long time came in rather late this week. On ac¬ count of sickness we are compelled to let it remain over till next week. It is with pleasure that we note the gradual and steady growth of our subscription list, We feel like the people are appreciating our efforts in nehali Of this sec¬ tion of country, and We feel en courdged to make greater efforts in this line. Of course our cir¬ cumstances and stlrrounditigs are not What we desire, bilt we are confidcht that with a liberal sup¬ port from the good people bf Pick¬ ens etmnty we shall be able to add new 1 improvements to our office, and ehable 11s to make a better papCL With the help that such an enterprise deserves \¥e are sure that success will be achieved ami that The Herald will be second to no local paper in the State. TltiVl hacking cough can Wvs l.e so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. guarantee it. Hiclfitrds A- Bro. NOTICE. JasPeH, Ga., Feb. 11, 1 StSg. I have in my caret two letters, whiek I found Jan. ihe 30th, 1889, and ivhich read as follows: (1 st ivtter.) “CantoN)J an.23/89. “^am: "Campbell seemed to know everything yesterday about your raid that you are about to get up, and sdUt lie would be up there to help iililke it, or stlid he would come back Monday, as you said you would have ft raid ready. If you Vant us to be successful you had better keep our arrangements to our selves: it won’t do for us to let feVefybtidr know about our bus¬ iness. He knew that Thad Padg- et had written me a letter yester¬ day! how did he know about that? As ebon aS the thing ready we had better get ihe stills as we may be Draught to them. Again keep this ybursclf and do nOt Ifct any one !>ec this letter. "Yoilr frleiul; “T. W. K.” (2nd) “Talking Rock, Jan, 22nd, 1.8^9.—Mr. S. F. MeClaiti; Ker: "I met you at the place 1 was to meat you and ybu was hot thare. I stade for too hours waiting for yrth so you Can Come down anti 1 Wiil go with you any time you coiffe. Come as sobn as yoto can all will be fitc I thillk I «?rtn get sdibething dee, "Yours as cvcf “fj. N. MCpHEKf»hN.” fhe owner t){ the abfiv? ni< n- tlhiied letters can get theHi at my flvv rnilcB Cfisf Of Jrispsr. on (»n r !i sml foa d. R Rs p t . c rt‘u!iy ( fe. ' - pAiiOEIT. , nH bbiifarr me. fj FSowet* large »nd ii if yttniE-yinlc, ffiafaiifMAilor it soft, y* _jr/rlpvd und diffinctly with ^iC, r v. Kite %ud febniilne. Krr« J Jfloofner./a rrice. ricritl 11.00, of Writ* '^V fitW Jbiptd ' icr k*w U Tci. r^y Ur Rojt 'ttcjr/h. ORAL GUIDE Ass.rtca, iH», VlffriMf efilarged, t,r C*t tUsp*. of revise.1, elegant t„V>r; fe»ntl»|d«. n.w j -ilefed Plslcs. n«tr illustmfiens type, (fid - of *, fr»i f f. Hiplitaf, IT ‘to plant, flower *nd VegHaMs, fpi prices i! of Correspondence. HARMONY MILLS. Kn. Herald: Messrs W ‘ C & *1 ' \thcrton are receiving new goods daily, and will won have tklr .stock ’coin. lilctc. Mr. VV. A. Covington visited ... his parents near Walcsca on Sun¬ day, Feb. 3rd. Mr. A. E. McCreary was up to . see his “home folks” last week. lie was looking as innocent as if , ho hadn t boon , ...... casting shcop , ... s eyes' J - at those Walcsca girls. By the “they ... Andy . get- way, say ts tin.r L fn L DC /mite quite a -i W WaiKcr. ilL-er We regret to hear of a bar room being in Jasper. We think .. , no people 1 * on earth can ever reach the acme of success so long as they allow the sale of ... . , . whisky Within their borders. We think this a good field for evangelists and tchl- perance lecturers. “Sunflower.” ml I Ilf# At, I n j Journal 1 XIulCEll Jim, bflj a, MUUIUCW, _ Printed Every Afterncon (Except _ Su:« _ day) and Weekly, The Evening Journal, now in its sixth year, is better equipped tliiln eVer to ren¬ tier the public efficient service in publish- ingtlic news. It is the only paper in At- lant-.i publishing the United Press Tele- grams. 1L telegraphic " 1 anti news service is unsurpassed, , having . besides , ... l lilted , Press Dispatelies, specials front all pa.its of the world. The eiidoisementof the editorial course of the Journal, by the people of Georgia is very gratifying. Its opposition to tHtsts ami monopolies will he eot»tiiiue,l. The special features of the Journal will einhiaee the best liiiseelhiiieous reading. such , as Special . Articles, Serial Stones, New Voik.Washington ffntl European Let- ters, Fashions, all Political News, Sketch- - - '■“"** ............ >“'» ll complete family newspaper. The JoUtiial is tills ehvapest dally in the State, having Hits telegraphic tlili- patches. Only (?1.2a tor 3 months. 1 he weekly will be sent till JanUsH-y ' 1; Iftbd for r,Octnts. ~~ dR. MOFFETT'S - nos > I Fglf^Airrg MEtJIdlNfcM ttftnethenihij By (flvln? loti*'iil set! tli» Utt-r- IneST.'t"in ,1 yinil>ii.-iK nt> toUjIu-tl tb« bPAl'niVoadtrabuth.aiid 4 ^u*; WYKlsv* che^nui <lFhr«n « Aekvout Dn,j«Ut. . jtpiii/'s?!:!.■ rc«;iuu> . , h , rue,"a-.i eL. ,»,#.rtmv.Bb*<!U'l> s-♦'•‘.'eLaii , 'IP|'t’ L*..**»{» u f<-r £ :i ! u i/fnteVS w^TxRWHIIKA lutntiiou's. a»w »* Ions Dru„gi»t. WS cl.lld- n,a your GEORGIA, PICKENS COUNTY: Maim; A in t E Moiiuis # Li el for Divorce TuoM li OM.IS is'moi’kis Moi.kis. ' ...o i*’. , * i ; t.-m. "an jd ItemberTcrni.lss. It appearing to the < onit , y the icliirn 'd" Uih sheriff, that the del, ntlanf is not to be it'ii",1 in this county, ai d H being slew, n that he rosiot s without, tie limits of this State. If is Ur,lei , d that be appear and answer in the above stated t asr on or ^*.to»“!w M nt'tnu' .'u'o* , |sl;,ff’cmwSS. V?. ni ,',o ii' i r rV"’ 1’5 f i "" 1 a previous newsjialier the published ti'exi (eiili 111 tins lids e, <dirt. unty. to of "lit Granted. .1 a,mi Jhdgb s, Brown, (■ h :• i> <’ tiKOHOIA, Pit K'h.vS eoi'NTV: 1 . S K MeCutclieh, ('Si' fol -;kid Ifi(tt) Dt-fflllber flic Hr, 1 , 1SSS; , Si Kt MH’llftdlCtl, C M Cj adfeeS4.60 indigestion If 11.' illil}' a tlUttesslng hiany bomplaltif, of Itself, wit the parent of others ,(f a mfibli ii’ ir* serious ehhracter: It lliterfetel Kith imirittmi, Impoverishes Mnctloi) the blood; dhd in,ite oi'ol'f eShVtive hjf, every remedy lot of fntllgestiiiji the body. No Ayer’s can he pefuiaufiit ffrotiiifcd lellef, than pul*. They give by restoHtig to the vitality, assiml- latiVe tlll’lf Iiotfnal power, siitl action. Henfy C. HenUnfoiwsy. benefited RBekport, wSndeffUllt, Mas*., rialsi ■ dyer’s Fills have fito y -t InXnths t sufft-rfil frtiln Indlgwtlqn attd b-Srtache. ka» restless nt utgl,*< «t>4 had tkkifig a toil ; "l.e «te In fny rnoutl, pills, yvery rikirnlfig. these troubled After iff,* of Ayer's all bisappoir' 04 ) : ‘-•y loo,I dleesled well, and iny sleep was regritrir 'Ifni refreshing. ’ A. A. Wofford,Vimri,. i ifourflrd. fltieri; k. V., writes: t ‘ nr.i wllfi Indfori'tiofi, '•Ike hhe of■ twa doses of Ayef's Pills suit am ) f',ni|,lly " l have fVljevfd.," ttrici Ayer’s . P’filri ■ , thK *1 yearri, satafcd. ror past a'lv* “rid ***, t should not have berh today fits.dr dyspepsia |f if find tirft A-iirifi Keen, rill fof Other them. rtri,edits Tliev failed." ctlfed - T V. BciuiG,’ f’l,ester, r*. Ff^a ,i,g.time If. Lafietri, f liaflefti; S. T.. efrtmes: kituios, '• P t disstusss/afiff #as a ffotlfit to Indigestion,' noartburd. I took {•III- fn t fnslitri, sfid bii Ayer’8 cdinfilctely cured.’; L‘,g.f| ( '. ( j j.y 11t .f r. Avtr A Cm., fA*elt,Mii*-. Sheriff’s Sales. Will bo Mold before the court liouso •lour in the town of Jasper, PiekoUKcoun¬ ty, Ua., on the )ej{»l tii k 1 hours Tuesday in sale, March, 1880 the within the of to highest bidder for cash, the following property, of to wit: Lot land No. One hundred and thir¬ ty-three (to!!) in the 12th district and 2nd 'wcllouof Pickens county, containing oue hundred and sixty acres, more or less; levied on us the property of Will. Price la issued arid l>y G. \\. Fields, tax collector, for state county tuxes for the year isms. Also at the same time distiict and plage and id lot of land No 223 in the 4th see tioii of said county, containing the the property property 11(0 acres, more ....... ..levied oi less, levied on on as as of c, s. Thompson, for state and county tax f<"; the year 1 WS, by virtue of a tax exe- eutioii issued by D. W. Helds, tax col¬ lector. Also at the ssme time th district and place and lot ‘2nd of 1 JU J^ \ 0 . 102 ill the 4 of said county containing tto aeres more or less, levied on as the propei satisfy ty of B. F. Yother, by virtue of ami to « tax li fa issued by < . W. Fields, taxeof- lector, for state and county tax for the ymr rsss, Also at the same time district atm place and hit 2nd of hind No. 04 in the 4 tii section of said county, 11,0 acres more or less: levied oil ns the prop- city of J. C. Strange fit issued by virtue by W. of and Fields, to satisfy a tax ti (J. tax collector, for state and county taxes for the year is**. Also at the same time and place lot of land No. 17 ill the 12th district and 2nd section of Pickens county, Da., contain¬ ing Hid acres more or less; levied on as the property of Mrs. A. (i. Reinhart, issued by virtue of and to satisfy a tax ti fa by (J, W, Fields, tax collector, for state and county hi* for the year lssg, *A1*" at the Stune time rind place lot of llul(l No> 24 ;i i„ the 2-tih district and 2nd ssctinli of PiekeilR Futility, eontlHtiitig one hundred ami sixty acres more or less; levied on as the property of Matilda Gil- lipsie, by virtue of anti to satisfy voile,-tor, a tax ti fa issued by (J, W. Fields, t«*t the for state, and county taxes for year IS-8. Also at tile slime time anti place lot. ,»1 hind No. 14 in the 4th district and 2,lsee- tioit of said county, containing Hid acres ">»£“ !'!' h '^' k ‘ v iv<l !”! iW , ' u- S. Motitgoiiiei.v l by virtue ot and to satis- tv .1 tax fi fa issue,1 by G. W. Fields, tax collector, for state anti county taxes for the Year ISSN, Also itt the SrttttC tittle nlitl plltce lot of x,,. l- 7in the 24*1, district and 2nd Section of Silitl cotlhty containing the Kill UKrc or less; levied on as property ot ^'q'J'ilsm-tVi.yG.'V''Kidds. county‘tax the T.r.l'foi isss. state and for year Also at the same time and place lot ot land No. 134 in the 24th district anil 2nd t,f «aid county, containing USI acres, ttiofu t,r less; levied on as the proj - ci ty of J. A, llatlen by virtueof a tax li % SJ*S5 lsss. AlSp stt, the same time (did place lot, of liilid Nil. I‘2n ih Die tilth district ami 2nd (lection of said eotinty, Containing ttta nercs mine or less; levied on as the prop¬ ertv of tile estate of R. E. Maugham and tf'vl'uoVt E. MiMlgiuilhi M a (lee., by Virtue ?'J ot mr and "! V* to satisfy a tax ti la issiietl by (!. tv. Fields. tail eidleeti V. for (date (lud Cottuty fca.vs for the year IsSS- land A ifi, i itt Hie in sit file tiine district niitl pljice lot, of No. i'pi the 13th itinl 2m! sftitiolt of saitl county, levied 011 as t.u bl'-opt rty of J. H. Ranks ami returned by P. If. Bell, iigelit of J. II, BiiukS, by vll- tue of ami to satisfy ti tax fi fa isslied In , for lsss. at tllfc‘ Kiuiu* tlllU! , Jilftcc* , , l*»r J <*1 Hit. ih the 12 th district atul 2u,l seetion of saitl eounty, lt-Vied euntHIttilig PHI acres, more nr b-fifl; 011 i: s flieprop- and crtlr of J-. tax N; Horn, fa Bodied l»y virtue . ,f Fields, to slltisfy a saitl li by (!i w, T. f. of eiiuiiry, flll ; F-tiite and eoun- ty fc'XW f " 1- die year bsss. A)so iit t,be same time and plat 11 rr >t ot lWl« lion No. 21 Mu tile liltll distfiet iii -- 2lltl sc, of salt! county, eonlau.ii.g Atimres more or less, levied on as the property of W. A. Hay good, returned l,y I’, iq Roll, ah, iillil fit for satisfy w. A. tax Haygood. i,y by vii G. ite of to a ti fa issued shitt'and w. Fields, T; C. of saitl county, for #•# ,unf;y taxSs for the year ISMS- hit. AIho at ti* sable Hfiie aiid. place and of land No. 30 in the 12th district 2nd m>4 . ti ilf H;li(l ctmty, ievietl Containing itfi tile Kin acres ni ne or less; oil grop¬ { , Hy <)f tll(( cs t a te of M. A. Bell, and l<- turned by P. II. Bell, agent, by virtue ot an Fields, d to satisfy a tax li fa issued tax by for G. the w. for state and county y^yj. 2SSSi dSoViSv'li;, Levies made and retain,,I "• .. ........ to me ** by ,iy " -}-••• Shelitv, Jotix E. Johnson, UDIES^PSS Ho tour Own Byilag, nt J|oifie. l; of for 7*,..a.»« rolnf So 1 *.fa.ine Oealitl*- m*)’ do a-t e--e» ni iv at; <v *•'« •. Vo: nalcb' Zi c, Moi'lleot! TalkilijH iliiek, (in. Constipation, In thost eases. Is pccasldiifit by nekleet, atiff Its ruffe Is jlufgitlVei ketlefttlly fibugiir fttf ih the iiffl* o* ylWMit Bbwels; so that they are. Tliese less able weaken to perfono the their proper fuhetians, find Chtohlc Uimsll- ftatiori, or somfe disease Inorc dangerous; I.* the result. For any weakness or demrige- nient effective of the Dowels, tint shfest L'alhrirtlc anil mmt fm feiricdy IS Acer’s I'lflst tniiit tire pleasant to take, pfWupt In al'titifi- ih effect, and eVeryWajr behHISIal:. VlD Wilt. XtrBnt, Msadvllle, Pa.; writes I “I Bipiblrft tfixoi of with, evnstlputlbn Pills restored fbr rrtfi yfeafs. <b fiFalt|i.‘ A ifetr f imvc Ayer’s effettltl! iff alnays /b'nnd tntra prompt and their rictUmi” , patlori apll headache. After trying a number of rh^riilCd InW IrivIgorntOrg, Without .prifiefff, I wasat iait cured by using Ayer’s nfl i'. 1 ', „ ■'During the past twb years 1 wril ri great si,f‘ ffrer from .ednstlitpUBH, yellow,ami heullachc. I and bad,it gejriefKl coil striW deWltty. palii My skin .wts lit thy sldi and bafki Other fiiealcltieri aliiHired. faliirig, tyoiffl JferbfrA^liyfclL flirts Mfety Last bf Ayer’s Sagfnaw, Pills, afifi — fi. tiarUwe, Mich: fit's: Re'ir. Franels Attahla. lla^certl-' •' for several t?hlfii yenr^ 1 was Subject InereisfSk tn con- (tiptiilon. fffifti t riirtft'fett <h< of.varlrWts Ineonvenlencp, in afotf fcsf lasing Use iuedloines. At iririt f begrifi, Aytr’j Pills i and they hive fcorrefl-d Ld the costlVri h»blt.’’ ho M by sli Ortiftfiete oes'ers to Medleln* MONEY Loujih Negotiated. To 15 k SKL'VIIKD 15V MORTGAGES ON FARMS. Apply to •). w. HENLEY, .lAKl’KJt, (>A. Professional Cards. O' \V. If. SIMMONS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. J ASP ICR, GEORGIA intrusted Prompt attention given to all business to him. 1.1—ly. C.PICKETT, M.D. PHYSICIAN ami .SURGEON, Jasper Ga. l.l—ly. F. C. TATE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jasper, fieorgin. Prompt attention to all business. 1-5 MINKUALM. Milling, Prospecting, and de¬ veloping Mineral Property, Write to \V. J. Loveless, Dawsunvillc, Ga. OKOIIUIA, PICKENS county: Ti, all whom it may concern:—John l 4 Medlin, guardian for James K Medlitij applies to me for letters ,,f dismission from said ap],lieation gi.arehinship and 1 will Motithiji pas* upon bis 011 the first in March, lSgfi. tit jasper, said county. Given under Wy hand and official sig> nature this Hid day December. INKS f eeSil.'O K, Hood, Ordinary, $1 13 wrci-m The POLITE GAZETTE will be {nailed seeitrely wrapped, to any ndtirew, ih tin' United States for three inontliK till rfci-eipi <d ONE DOL 1 .AB, label'll) disc,Uiiit lllhdvt'ii tu JitiRthitis tors, agents and el libs. Saitt]»le Cojih *i mailed free. Address all orders to UK HARD K; FOX, Y. Frank Lit* StfUAitK, N,. FI IlMTt’IIE! Rut'cUlUi, Will’d'- Unlit-H, Plille-thin ids. Bed Stelttls. MlftR, illiil ('tHll.ttflHm. llfiytliihg Tllhlet, DeUks, IldttK-UliseS; material ill that pad, built lit N'td anil finely fin« ishetl. ahll Styles to hitler All kin,Is ldtilt oft short notice anil (It ItAV prifeS; Call 011 or atldl-esM, A t'LbkV; . 1 . \V. M General Furniture Mamifaeturor. Talking Bock, G 1 a 5 (LA ot?S A WEEK WEEK 4» white ITcttfASyi $Um IB 10 tn» ul# t>uy*r bUterf as an i iooUltaeoi instalment system* •) tnxjk a whcUtdle 0) •yitiM Tn'c co-operation of ihc club members sells us tea'adTsartfs 38 wstcbe« in *»ch PHIlAi oUti tl'OugH each member whir Bn hr pay« You a .■ ft a week. Thia U jrtve ; • for yotir than ib? one else more money Ih-fM watkbkwMGH 1 iikl ondquality .Out #10 SUverW atclt rfi Ij a rubiuntial Steto,Wmii SUver.(««/ Ainertcan imitation Lever »/ ,«-fT j any Watch—tilhif kind) hunting feast br opeB. Our •39.00 Watch Is a Stem-wind. o OpenFace, merlcanLeverw firs, quality, •tUrenBd OpJb A atch .gUuriHttfa fequat fi wear watch toviavti sold for 838 It Is by fully others. W» to an I ■ I a first-class Stiffened Gold serviceable Csse •¥£<-[• than a. more satisfactory and bfejbldal i r any Solid Gold Case lhatcaa i I less solid .than double the money; thin; as weak, cheap ^ i j ot tow eases qtlajity; ate invariably And wortb.esi alttf :|'3V short uaa. Otlf |38 Waieh contain* 4tl inumeroua Ininortaht trital Importance patented lb *fecnr-l proven,ents, of is folly equal fill IccMicy, WphwJaHce. dura- srassw road Watch sSntrett Open tin* br Hunting. C T*. made, either all taSh In ciube, L All these prices are tf«<cJi or V 41.00 as week. Mlt An stwalTeSf*. *fes hunlaor tttm fru Witeh ClsbCo Tfte Kevstode Aim ■ill ioHtlTTr: Is ddi tart MIWM.M, BelMlK 004 AfauTiTWlbttA: 4 , 7a Ajtx Watch (mutator* SSSSSSS (1*v0 w SSS 3 Dobbina ’ Electric Soap Yhe IN best THE family^soap WflfnA It is Strictly Pure. Dtta it Hnalij, 11 5 hvinti fefftuU tof Wtiick fire Jteid modified feo,3o4 fiatofe’issw^gwa Mart <tto .has ncter h«en Or * 1 tluil made twenty J*W MK>- tx.ssmcyb* n<ithlM|t th*t e»n in- t jhrft the flneet »brR, It bright tni colon and blCItches whiter. blanket. other soa|» . T'l' I warher firrliiels and ihnnkirtg—leaving *' no ii\ the world doer—without arid Ihrm soft fihd <?H,le like new. READ. THIS TWICE ^il| Irllti frill demonstrate trial. its gft«f merit. If jMdhmr v ply £ou to Wake that , . ...... . ” iBewdrti of Imitations. _..o,4 nomtisfA' fcpierme ir-v- and McitlV take ho other, it frtaife tvtrir If gfitBeftttttel hssfe t It, h? to Iteefi. (n StoflS. yours viH Rg?att^«HsweaMi otaer.fTUte «.»sr=»t wfiMewle grocer. . .j, pp 1; j’y vvondcffiil # > i. } a, ’C?i*nig.;- • & »•!