The Pickens County herald. (Jasper, Ga.) 1887-????, August 18, 1899, Image 1

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4 Pickens County Herald. A e VOL. XIII Professinal Card J. W. Henley AttY. at law Jasp er, Ga. W. T. Day: AttY. at law 11 Jasper, Ga. will practise In all courts. J. H. Rhyne 6 Atty at Law Jasper Ga. » 1 Will practise inf All courts. S. A. Darnell Attv. at law Jasper, Ga. will practise in all courts. PHYSICINS.5 ,F- (’• Rldha-ilsy \Y. A!. Jones.® Jasper. W.. M. WiliiuglMpi. N. M. Wood. Ludville. J. S. DwmII. Talkinig Rock. John Chastin. Jerusalem. W. !• Tate. Tate. M. C. McClain. W. 1j.- Baber. Marble Hill. GENERAL DIRECTORY United States Commfssieuer John F. Simmons. Superior Court. 1 Fourth Monday in April and September Judge,— Geo. F. Gober, Marietta. Solicitor,— Tlios. Hutcherson, Canton. County Officials. Ordinary j— Calvin J. Comelison, Sessions held first Monday in eaeli month Clerk Sctp. Court, W. Owen. and G. County Treasurer. Sheriff,- C. T. Wheeler. Tax Collector,— John H. Disharoon. Tax Receiver,— M. G. Wilson. County Surveyor,— Ben. Mulli»s. Coroner,— L. D.Blackburn. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Mayor, E. S. Carr. COUNCILMAN: Will Jones, L. J. Darnell, J. F. Simmons, J. J. Roberts, John Gaddis. Religious Services. tl. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Presiding Elder.—H er. E. R. Cook. Pastor.— Rev. W. E. Tarpley. rvices flrst and third Sunday, and Sunday night* in each month. * nday Scbool,9.30, B. H. Simmons,Bup BAPTIST CHURCH. Pastor, Rev. G. A. Bartlett.) Services, flrst Sunday, in every month. Staday School 9.30, a. m. Jno. AT. Henley. Supt. Board of Educati#a. Eber Wofford, J. G. Faulkner, M. Morrison, DavidAnderson, Geo. W. Little, Coinmissionea J. W. Henley, 11 We are glad to ler.r.i that Mr- folleaon Kirby in improving. A crowd of young folk.-, from Canton spent last Friday pic nicin g at Tate. rrrrrrrrrrwp rstirrtr'K Mr. Geo. Brown of Atlanta is jpendnig a few days with his fam¬ ily at Mr. McHans. Judge J.F. Simmons attended Campmeeting at fine Log this week Mr.’J. M. Heard of Macon has returned home after a pleasant 5 visit of a few day's. Jasper has more attractions than {the deliighful climate. Miss Maud Simmons is visitng friends in 0 See this week. We have learned of the death of Mrs. Isacc Aired of Alice, Ga- We symphathise with the bereaved family. We are glad to see every dav ini town the face of Judge Brown he has many friends in Pickens. Miss. Frankie Simmons enter¬ tained a few of her little friends! last Thursday evening the occasion being- her birthday. - .ny iiliey;ubi| ( :g g.!'n> .» of bill 1 - was played at Tate lasr Satur¬ day by Ball Ground & Tate which resulted in the score 14 — 20 in favor of Ball Ground. Mr. Charley Me Hun has retnr-j ed from visit to Blue Ridge from the length of his stay, Charley) must have met some or the pret¬ ty girls of that place. & Mrs W. F. Garwood and two children of Bin# Ridge Ga. are vis¬ iting *■ Mrs Garwood’s father "Mr Me Han. Miss Mary Brown Coital ley a beautiful and attractive 'y la-b v, daughter of Dr. E. L, Conalley of Atlanta is visiting Mis« Aurora McHan Mrs Dale of stopping" tho Davis House and Mrs' of Florida is at the Jonps House. The ladies are here for their health. We learn they are much improved and are delighted with our North Ga. Climate. The town council passed an ordinance, that all hogs must-be put up by tho first of Sept, Mr and Mrs Emmett Delay of Nelson spent last Sunday in Jasper. Miss Eula Sutton of Elijay is spending this week with Miss Minnie Simmons. Miss Mary Sheridan will leave Friday to visit her old home in Vermont. Miss Maggie Day is visiting friends at Elijay. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Mack Simmons is very sick hope he will soon be restored to hisfor- health. Jasper Georgia, Friday, August 18. U9 m. « + mm < TURNING GRAY? u What does your mirror ssy? Does it tell you of some little streaks of gray? Are you pleased? Do your friends of the same age show this loss of power also? Just remember that gray hair never becomes darker without help, while dark hair rapidly the becomes change gray when once begins. 9 4 vigor will bring back to your half the color of youth. It never fails. It is just as sure as that heat nfelts snow, or that water It quenches fire. and cleanses the the formation sfcalp also prevents of dandruff. It feeds and nour¬ ishes the bulbs of the hair making them produce a luxu¬ riant growth. It stops the hair from falling out and gives a fine soft finish to the hair as well. Wo hare a bosk on the Hair and Scalp which you 'A?- xnav *'% obtain froe u£ do -y obtain . - benedts -.'u yon- apt from you Vigor, expected write tho Doctor the about use of the it. , © Address, DR. J. C. C. AYER M Lowell, Aiasa. .......jB5 _ The Passing of Perry. I Editor Ren F. Perry, of the' Advance, gives notice he has sold the Advance to M. McDowell, and will, on Sept. 1, sever his connection with the paper and accept a positi'.n, with Urn Bant: of Canton. «WV— regret this ste Editor e on Pm ry’s part. The Advaenee wilt m>' be the A vaece :-fier Refry shxJ tisvo s n i<J ,.<jodhyo to the eodo.i.-al sanctum, fits hard work runPoptim-. ist.ic cast of mind have made the, pa¬ per readableaudagreeable .In season and out of season dty in or day out he has.worked for the of his town ahdcouuty grum'o * never ling at lack of support or striking, hack at the enemies who’ sbprk at heels • J lie reward he has recieved h:)s not been in money alone- He retires from journalism with the good will and high respect of the lust people of Cherokee county,and besides tlsis he has the satisfaction of seeing his county forgirg to the front whore he has so long endeavored to load her, we taust the years will not be many before Perry return to his first love land again cross Fabers with the boys And in mean time we wish him all the juicy worms.and fat beetles that it is possibles for a lonely fish out of water to enjoy Alpharetta Free press We endorse what the Free Press say of Mr. Perry, he is v Christian gentleman snd a splendid Editor. The Little Queen who was Snowballed. Here is an amusing incident of Wilhelmina, the young queen of Holland. It happened four years ago when she was about twelve yearn • r ’ old. Driving with her mother HJddenly came upon two or thro seboe'J oys who engaged in the a rag a; i of snowballing some j. i, Is. Wilhelmi: a immediately jus.ij i d out and commanded j|hor. yov.'V. | ‘objects stop. That they did not. 's pose to d >, anil a once began to ef-: isfilos at the little (jrrcn i' . 1 '. b-avely sto d k* grom d Ird n r 1 ands v.i h : Vr, and a 1 o*t returning the cli-rge when .ifficer appeared and asked tin sportive hoys if they knew they snowballing the queen of They of course did not, and disappeared. Then the queenly laid down her haodfull of snow sadh to her mother, “I do wish I - ould have thrown it at them!” Wlui a pity she had not been allowed do so! It woiiltt have donj her good, and thosa boys would have exulted to their lastest day' that they had snowballed with the queen! — Michigan Advocate. Deering Farm Machinery is the best on earth. For sale by Tate Simmons & Co. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great med- mine; have the satisfaction of k now- ihg it r.Ss misoiiTtoiy cul-ed thiMsano’s of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of tho throat, chest and lungs arc surely cured by it. Call on Tate Simmons A- Co., and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and •«!. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Fird, Life and Accident Insurance written by T. S. McKiney Blu'e Ridge Ga. The leading old line Companies represented. The business of the people of Pickens county will be appreciated. Rates made known on application. Lost. On the night of Satur¬ day, 15th inst, as Mr. (1. A. Hayes, who lives near Marlde. Hill, was going home from Talk¬ ing Rock, lie lost the steam gauge, or steam register, off his thresher engine. ft dropped off some- where between Talking Rock mid Tate. It looks somewhat like the face of a small clock. A ny one finding it will lie paid for their trouble if they will notify 0. A. at Marble Hill. Stor o a Slave.” To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George IX Williams, o! Manchester, Mich., tells how sta ll a slave was made free. Ho says: “My ■w^ife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bit¬ ters, she is wonderfully improved and ablo to do her own work.” This su¬ preme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, meiancuoly, headache, backache, faint¬ ing and dizzy spells. This miracle work¬ ing medicine is a godsend to weak, sick¬ ly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Tate, Simmons & Co. Ladles Can Wear Shoes. one size smaller after using Alien’s Foot-Eaes a powder to bo shaken into the shoes, It makes to tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant releif corns ond bunions. It’s thegreatest comfort, for discovery. ingrowing Allen’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure Tnal nails, swekting, hot, aceiningfeet shoe package FREE. Sold by druggists groe ccrs. stores and general storekeepers every where. By mail for ZScts., in stamps. Address A len S. Ohnstead, LeKoy, N. Y. The Spring Months Are most likely to find your blood im¬ pure and lacking in the red corpuscles which enable it to carry nourishment to the nerves and other organs. Therefore you feel weak., tired and listless and are troubled with spring humors. Relief is given by nood's Sarsaparilla which pu¬ rifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood. Hood’s Pills cure biliousness. Mailed for 25 cents ky C. I. Hood A .Co., Low- Mass. NEVER TOO OLD TO BE CORED. 1 S. S, S. is a Great Blessing toi ! ^t^r.rras.*35 net-rly »tt of the sickness Old People. »»oug It film Them j»nt ing blood it is wwrfly (hoy unnecessary. fortify themselves By keep- new Wfluj Dlnfirl Dll’llU flJIU onfi Lllui I ifn their pure fourths enn of the ailments so as which to escape those fr*m they suiter so generally. S. S. S. is the remedy which will keep their systems young, by purifying the blood, thoroughly removing all waste accumulations, whole and impart¬ ing new strength and life to fl»o body. It increases life- the appetite, builds up the energies, and sends new giving blood throughout the entire system Mrs. Sarah PKe, 477 Broadway, South Boston, writes: “ I am seventy years old, ami had not different enjoyed good ami health in for twenty years 1 was tick in ways, addition, Sad Eczema terribly on one of my legs. The - — SOT -=g= doctor said that on account of my age, I would never be well again. I took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and ft cured mo completely, and I am ltappy to say (hat I feel as well as I ever did in ray life.” Mr. J. W. Loving, of Colquitt. Ga., says: "For eight- een years I suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on (A my skin. I tried almost every known remedy, but they m failed one by one, and I was told that my age, which is sixty-six. was against me, and that I could never hope to be well again. I finally took S. S. S., and it cleansed my blood thoroughly, and now I am in perfect health.” S. S. 8. FOK THE BLOOD | is the only remedy which build up and str*.vgthen ■:* if can ^ old people, because It is the only one which is g»eri.-nteed damaging free from potash, mercury, arsenie and other , minerals.’* It is made from roots and herbs, anti has no chemicals whatever in it. S S ii. cures the worst cases of Scrofula, Cancer. Eczema, Rheumatism, Letter, Open Sores. Chronic Ulcers, Boils, or any other disease of the blood. Books on these diseases will !>o sent free by Swift Hpeciflo Co., Atlanta. Ga. --COME AND BUY YOUR---- 1 —4 i Wr FROM d r. ysjr m jmc. jojsnas. , 1 will . keep a full line of Family Medicines, Drugs, Paints, Otis’ and 1 , act (everything usually kept in a Also - - mm i&im-BMs l„. a fine lot of Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots, and snuff -all of which 1 will sell cheap for cash. J mean business. Come and sec me, learn my prices, and you will be my customer, f have added to .the above stock a full line of Family Groceries. I have the finest, grade of Roasted and Green Coffee that can be found. Also, Sardines, Full Cream Cheese, Crackers, Canned Goods, etc Come and see me. Also Proprietor of the Jones Hotel. Rates reasonable. jfgf’I still offer my professional services to the people—will at swer all calls, day or night. W.M.JONES, M. D. A J/-,— ’ k 5 V- . XtA, ¥ u. ■ '~® 1 SHOOT’ /J SUCCESSFUL SHOOTERS 3 WINCHESTER & v Rifles, Repeating Shotguns, Ammunition ard Loaded Shotgun Shells. WinMiester guns and ammunition are the standard of the world, but they do not cost Any more than poorer makes, nflyg- All reliable dealers sell Winchester goods. FREE: Send narno on a postal for 156 pagi Illus¬ ...A trated Catalogno describing all the guns and ammunition made by th® fvS. X WINCHESTER REPEAT1N6 ARMS CO., riMT r WMwt 14 NEW HAVEN. CONN. -zxt-tm “TIIE BEST COMPANY—THE BEST POLICY.” Tie Mutual Benefit Lite Insurance Co.> OF NEWARK, N. J. This Company has been in .successful businets for fifty four years; has paid policy holders over 105 MILLION DOLLARS, and now has assets of over 807,000,000. It issues the plainest and best policies on the mar¬ ket. After two annual premiums have been paid it j 1. Cash Value. J. Extended Insurance. GUARCNTEES 2. Loan Value. ( 4 . Paid-up Insurance. 5. Incontestability ALSO - PAYS ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. CLARENCE ANGIER; Stale Agent, ATLANTA GEOItGI. T s. McKINNEY, Special Agent, BLUE RIDGE, GEORGIA PAiftKLR’S BALSAM HAIR beAutlfWi sn d the hair. *' > JfrcsutM A losuiiani growth. , - r i' f; ,r *w Fall# to Restore Gray --'vv . '.Vi..g .'Tair to Itn Touthffcl hair Colon falling. / Wc,aadjl4X)<U ocalp diaeAMi ft Pruggiks Lf ■■ OOD’t True Blood Sarsaparilla Purifier, Great is the Nerve One Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To thou* lands its great merit Ia KNOWN* C ASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the Signature nf