Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, December 28, 1900, Image 1

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PICKENS COUNTY PROGRESS. VOL. XIV. QENEERAL DJTtCTORY United States Commissioner John F. Simmons. Superior Court. fourth Monday in April and Sopti" her Jddoe,—G eo. F.Gober, Marin Bomoitor,— Thns. Hutcherson, : .utuii. County Officials. Ordinary Calvin J. Cornelis.n., ■1K8SION8 held first Monday in each month Clerk Sup. Court, ! and G. \V. Owen. County Treasurer. Sheriff,— O. T. Wheeler. Tax Collector,—J ohn II. Disliaroon. Tax Receiver,—G. If. Wilson. county Surveyor,—B en. Mullins. Coroner,—L. D.Blackburn. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Mayor, J. F. Simmons. COUNCILMEN: F. C. Richards. C. T .Wheeler, A. McHan, E. Lenning, Walter Rhyne, Religious Services. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Presiding Elder.—R ev. E. R. Cook. Pastor.—R ev. J. II. Little. Services liist and third Sunday, and Sunday nights in each month. Sunday Sehoo),9.30,a.m. B. H. Simmons, Sup BAPTIST CHURCH. Pastor, Rev. G. A. Bartlett. Services, fouth Sunday, In every month. Sunday School P.30, a. in. Jno. W. Henley, Supt. Boanl of Education. Eber Wofford. J. <i. Faulkner, M. Morrison, David A tide son. Geo. W. Little, .7. W. Henley, Commissioner Professional Cards. Dr. W'\ JONES o— 1 —O Physician – Surgeoii Jasper o- o Georgia. Dr. F. C. Richards. PHYSICIAN — – — SURGEON, Jasper, Georgia. Dr. H. M. McHan, Physician – Surgeon - Jasper. — Georgia. * .y ,7 i \ pi w Dr. R. L HUNTER, Dentist. JASPER, GA. Will be at the Vaughan Hotel ten days in each month beginning with the 20th. Will make special rates from how until Jan. 1 1901. Richards House W. B. VAUGHAN, Proprietor. — Rates — Reasonable. — opecial Rates to Citizens of Pickens County. ——• jfltF Guests Receive Special Attention. Also, First Class Livery in connection with Hotel. J. P. GROOVER MANUFACTURER — OF Harness, Sadies and Shoes, — Also, Dealer In •— Shoe and Harness Materials. Buggy Cushions, Team and Buggy YY’hips, Sadie Blanks –c –c. -Repairing Neatly Jasper, Georgia. ▼T T -FY f T r TT T T T- r -' V j ■rT*rt-t-r PATENTS designs j TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS 4 OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY IFW%uF*fF B9 gag BE [25 Notice in “ Inventive Age ” sBSstEhi Book “How to obtain Patents” 0 i Charges vu,aerate. No fee till patent is secured, J r Letters strictly confidential. Address. D.C. [ E. G. SIGGE.’S. Paienl Lawyer, Washington, I. A A pa -*• ---- k A A J . A- t, A A A A A — U7 ANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD CHAR »V aotur to d. liver and collect in Georgia for old established manufacturing wholecale house. S300 a. year, sure pay. Honesty more than experience required. Our reference, any bank in anv oitv. Enclose self-addressed stam - ed envelope. Manufacturers, Third Floor, 334 Deaborn St., Chicago. I Best PISO'S CONSUMP'TIO CUHtS In Cough time. WHtKt Syrup. Sold GU AIL by Tastes druggists. ELSE Good. FAILS. „ Use £ f I LOCAL NEWS. Jasper, Ga., December, 28, 1900. New Years gift. Did Santa Claus visit you? Please give us the names of your visitors and tell us the news you know. * Roy Crisler, of Canton, was in town a few hours Sunday. Carl Rhyne is at home from Camp Hill tospend the holidays. TO CURE COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Qnnine Tab lets. All druggist refund the mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. Prof. J. L. Walker suspended school last Friday for the holi days. If you would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disor ders of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Tate j* Simmon – Co’s, store. Walter King attended Quarterly meeting at Tate Sunday. Stops, the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bitonvo-Quimne Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Ralph Henley is at home this week from Dahlonega spending the holidays with his parents. A Powder Mill Explosion. Removes everything in sight;’ so do drastic mineral pills, but both are migh ty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the deii ca;e machinery of your body with calo me!, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfect ly. Cures Headache, (Jonsipation. Only 25e at 'Pate Simmons A Co. Miss Allio Merrill returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit of a month to her sister in Indian Territory. How Are Tone Kldueys 9 Dr. Hobbs’ Sparanus Pills cure all kiduey Ills. Sam ple free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hamrick, of Ludville, spent a few days with the family of Col. W. T. Day this week. ‘ ■ “f tk i .... m Of m srZ ThiD Time Cornea to every elderly-woman •when an im portant functional change takes place. This is called "The Change of Life.” Tbeentiresystemundergoes a change. Dreadful diseases such as cancer and consumption are often contracted at this time. McELREE’S Wine ofCe^iiui strengthens ana punne9 the entire p system, and brings the sufferer safely over these pitfalls. Its effects have! recommended at this time. Ask I I your druggist for the famous Wine of I Cardui. f i.oo a bottle. For advice incases requiting “Ladies’Ad- special • c: directions, address the visory Department,” The Chatta-B nooga Tenn. Medicine Co., Chattanooga, | THOMAS J. COOPER, Tupelo, Miss., says i—“My sister suffered from irregular could and painful menstruation and doctors not relieve her. Wine of Cafjul entirely cured her, and also Life.'* helped my mother through the Change of ' SUCCESSOR TO THE HERALD. Friday December, 28, 1900. His Life Was Saved Mr. J. E. Lilly, n protiiuont had Hannibal, Mo., lately frightful a death. In deliverance from a telling of it ho says' "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn’t even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Con sumption, when I heard of Dr. New Discovery. One dottle gave great re lief. I continued to ute it, and now am well and strong. I can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvellous medicine Is the surest and quickest cure in the world lor all Throat and Lungs Trouble. Kegu lav sizes 50 emts and *1.00. Trial hott free at. Sold by Tate Simmons A O Make good resolutions for th coming year. Next Tuesday is the beginning of a new year and a new century. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his ho vels move once a day. When this is dot at tended to, disorders of the stomach arise, billiousuess, headache dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep your bowels regular by taking Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets when required. They are so easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by Tate Simmons it Co. The. Xmas tree at Harmony Christmas night was quite a suc cess. NOTICE. All parties indebted to me will find their notes in the hands of G. W. Owens, please come and settle at the earliest day possible. A. McHan. Mrs. A. VV. McHan spent a few days last week with her husband at Blue Ridge. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Teachers in Pickens county will meet at Jasper, Dec. 29, for the purpose of making contracts, re ceiving registers, blanks, etc. This Dec. 15, 1900. John YV. Henley, C. S. C. Miss Ista Stanfield, of Talking Rock, was here last Friday hav ing dental work done. The Best PrescWpton for Malaria Chills and fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simpiv iron and quinine iri a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Price 50c. John Burdette and little son, of Alabama, visited relatives here this week. Col. Samuel L. Tate, of this county, has been appointed by Governor Candler to the executive military staff. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Stoner, of Tate, spent a few days with the family of Mrs. Mollie Prather this week, •1 WANTED ACTIVE MAN OF GOODCHARAC ter to deliver and collect in Georgia for o’d es tablished manufacturing wholesale house. S900 a year, sure pay. Honesty more than exie.i ence required. Our reference, any bank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope Manufacturers, Third Floor, 334 Deaboru St., Chicago. Of all actions of a man’s life, his marriage does least concern other people, yet of all actions of man’s life ’tis most meddled with by other people. A few of the young people were entertained at a nice dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Leaning Christmas Day. A BOSA FIDE SALARY- *12Weekly. Men and women to appoint agents anf } represent us, some to travel, «;-* “? rk ,r, 12 rz k l r salary and expenses. Old ( establish ed house, pleasant permanent posi tj on8 rapid advancement and increase ‘ Address flt , a -- e ‘' W'rite at once. BuTLEIt Alger, Dept. E. xr New – Haven, Conn. Henry Jones and Freeman Lit tie are at home this week from Camp Hill Alabama. 1’iMMtmoniit Prevented. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain’s Cough 'Remedy for colds and la grippe dnr mg the past few years, to our know ledge, not a singlo case has resulted pneumonia. , „„ 1 lios. .... \\ bitfield „ . A . in (Jo., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, '' . retail olie the most prominent >ruggist in that city, ill speaking f of v “We ... recommended , . Cham V Cough Remedy for la grippe <y cases, as it not Only gives <mpt and complete recovery, but also counteracts any tendency of lit grippe to result in pneumonia. 1 ’ For sale by Tate Simmons – Co. Miss Blanche Simmons is spend ing the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook spent Xm is with the latter’s parents at Blue Ridge. To furs Coiuttputlon Vorev.r. Take Ouseurcts Ciuidy Cathartic. 10c or Mo. If C. O. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. A. W. MeHan spent Christmas here with his family. The Only Modkhn Spring Remedy, Dr. Easkine’s Cactus(’umpouml, a true Laxative Tonic, expells Malaria, Dillons* ness, clears the complection, inciea-cr your weight. If not no pay. Misses Emma and May Brady are visiting relatives and friends in Ball Ground this week. Miss Daisy Byers, of Nelson, was the guest of the Misses Lea ning a day or so this week. The One Day Cold Cure. For colds and sore throat use Kermott's Choco jt'j lates Laxative Quinine. Easily taken as candy quickly cure. , Dr. F.C. Richards has again taken charge of the Richards Hotel. How to Cure Croup. Mr. it. Gray, who lives near Arne nia, Duchess county, N. Y., says: “Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used. It is ft fine children’s remedy tor croup and never fails to cure.” When given as soon as the child In - comes hoarse, or even after the croudv cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at band ready for instant use as soon as these symp toms appear. For sale by Tate Sim mons – Co. Miss Emily Pettetfc, of Talking Rock, is spending a few days here with friends. Miss Mattie Presley, of Jockey, spent a day or so here this week with friends. Miss Ida Hill went to Ball ■ound Wednesday to visit her m ; i Volcanic Eruptions. ais grand, but Skin Eruptions rob 1 life e» joy. Hucklen’s Arnica and Salvo, curt* Sore, them; also Old. Running Warts, Fever Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Cuts Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Soid by Tate, Simmons – Co. The census returns of Texas pre sent some curious facts. For in stance, Bailey county has but four residents; Cochran has twenty five; Andrews has thirty-seven; Lynn 1ms seventeen, and Dawson lms thirty-six. Twenty-five other counties have populations of less than 500 each. Some counties have no running stream within their borders, some are hundreds of miles from a railroad, and others are almostjwholly inhabited by prairie dogs, jack rabbits and rattlesnakes Tom Green county, the largest in the state, is larger than the whole state of Ohio, and has but 6804 io habitants. U. G. Wheeler visited friends (?) at Jockey Christinas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rhyne are visiting relatives in Atlanta. The little folks enjoyed a socia ble at J. R. Fowler’s Saturday night. lion. F. C. Tate cavne in from Washington 1). 0. Monday to spend Xmas with his family. A sociable was given Wednes day evening at the home ».f Sher iff C. T. Wheeler. Miss Minnie Wheeler visited friends and relatives here Wed nesday and Thursday. Weldon Henley is at home from Atlanta to spend the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Long, of Blue Ridge, spent a few days this week with relatives here. Charles. W. Henry, John and Bob Johnson, of Tennessee assist ed the Band boys wilh their en tertainuient Wednesday night. Rev. Mr. Barnwell, of Cherokee, preached an excellent sermon at the Baptist church last Friday night. There were Xmas trees at both churches here Xmas eve night for the Sunday schools, which we;e well attended, and Santa Claus made glad t*ho hearts of the little l '• .V . ones. There was preaching at the Iki| > tist church last Saturday night and Sunday. Rev. G. A. Bartlett, was re-elected pastor of the church by a unanimous vote, at the con ference for the coming year. YVe learn that Prof. W. A. Wiley and Miss Erma Stearns, of Talking Rock, were united in mar riage last Sunday. These estima ble young people have our best wishes. Mr. McKinlev’s vote in 1890 was 7,102,271. His popular vote in 1900 was 7,288,180, a gain of 185,- 858. Mr. Bryan’s popular vote in 1896 was 6,502,925. His popular vote in 1900 was 6,860,580, a loss of 152,895. Dr. Angel Belliuzaghi, the dis cover of a serum for yellow fever, is in New York. He says he will not touch the prize of £100,000 awarded to him by the Mexican government for the discovery of the serum, because, under the t–rifis of the award, the govern ment is to have the exclusive con trol of the remedy. He says he prefers to keep it in his own pos session, uritrammeled by condi tions, for the benefit of science and humanity. A cheerful salesman has much to do with the volume of trade a store controls. It is not always the proprietor who controls the trade and he lms enough business sense to know it and employs men who possess the happy faculty of being cheerful. A. T. Stewart said in substance this much and added: “But, all the cheerful and hand some clerks in creation could not make n success of the business un less the proprietor had sense enoguh to advertise his goods in the papers.” No. 16 An imperfect skin is always caused by bad blood. Remove the cause blood. 1 How? Improve your ing- the blood By tak that has stood the purifier test for thirty years 'S jJotfnsWifs arsaparilla QUART BOTTI.B. It has thousands of happy Bottles friends. Quart sell every where at $i o I “THE MICHIOAN Detroit, Mich -t Llverettes -VWVWvWWWWVVV' for Liver liis, i Tho Famous Little LDer Pills. 9 © TATE SIMMONS <fc Co. Jasper Ga. SAM – ti. L. TATE, Tate Ga. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GEOUOIA, PICKENS COUNTY. Wiikhkah, W. L. Stowait Administrator of Andrew Stewart represents to the Court in tils petition, has fully duly administered tiled and entered on record, t liatiio Jins is Andrew Stewart's estate. tlieiefore to cite alL persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why Maid Administrator should not bo UiHoliarffed from ids Administration, ami re ceive letters < f dismission, on tlu* Hist Monday in Iebruary 1901. This 5th November 1000 . C, J. UOUNKEdSON,Ordinary. GEORGl 1, PICKENS COUNW. J. Whetcos, J. W. Cochran Administrator of T. Bryjn represents and to tho Court in bin petition, duly died ad.iiiulHtsrod entered on record, that he has is fully therefore to cite T, ail ,t. persons Bryan's concerned, estate. Thin kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they call, why said AdministratorNlionld not. bo discharged from lit, admmlstiatkm, and re ceive letters of dismission, on thn licet * .Monday in February V.Kn. Th'H Oth Nov. )>W'. C. J. COUNKLfr----- 1 »-ry. GEORGIA PICKENS COHN TV. Whereas, I). M. Lambert Administra tor of L. C. Lambert represents to the court in Ids petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that ho has fully ad ministered L. O. Lambert’s estate. This is thereto!e to rite all persons concerned kindred and creditors, said to show cause, if any they can, discharged why Administrator should not be from his Ad ministretion, and receive loiters of dis mission, on the first Monday in January 1001. This 1st day of Oct, iffOO. 0. ,J. CORNELISON, Ord’y. Application for Administration. GEORGIA—Piekous County. Dinah Little a resident of said county and. state having duly applied to be appointed Hattie Guardian of the persons of Stella Crow, Crow and Addle Lou Crow minors under tho the ace of font teen years, residents In said county. will Notice passed is hereby given the that said appli- of cation be upon at next Comt Ordinary for said enmity to lie held o the tlrst Monday in .January laid. Witness my hand and official signature. This 3rd day of Den. 1000. C. J. Cornelison, Ordinary. Administrator’s Hale. GeOROI V--FiokcnB county. Agreeably of i’ickeiiH to nil county order will of the Resold court at of auction Ordi nary house door said the at the court of county on first hours Tuesday safe in the January following next within the legal of property liist to wit: Land lot No OH in the 13'li 2nd section of said comity, bounded on the north by John Bruce, on the east by Fob Mullinax, south by William Martin and on the west by A. V. 1*. .lone . Sold as the property oft barley Thomas deceased, ’i’crius Cash. Tins 3rd davof Decem ber 1900. Andrew Thomas. Administrator. GEORGIA—PICKENS COUN'I V. Agreeably ! o an order of the Court of Ordinary of Pickens county, will lie sold at auction at tho court house door of said county, within m ihe llrst Tuesday in Jxnuary next, the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: Seventy five acres more or less of the south west part of land lot No. 78 in the 4th district a-'d 2 nd Section in the said county, bounded on the south by lands of Paitliinia JJozcman; on the we t, by land of Artimisia Hopkins; on the north ami east by land of .1. G. Whitfield, said bid being the home place of Edward 1’atterson ar, the time of his death Sold as tho property of 15 D. Patterson, late of said county, de ceased. Terms cash. This 3rd day of Decem ber moo. Km as WurmuLD. Administrator. Ho re are three of the ’’closest’* men ever heard of. The first will not drink water enough unless it comes from a neighbor’s well. The second forbids his children writing anything Lut a small hand, as it wastes ink to inako large letters. The third stops the clock at night to save the wear and tear on the machinery. They all refuse to take newspapers on the grounds that it is too much of a strain on the spectacles to read.—Ex. At the Reception. “Our hostess reminds me of an air pump.” “YYdiat part of it, pray?” “The exhausted icceiver, ol course 1”—New York Tribune.