Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, May 10, 1901, Image 1

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PICK 4J U i NS COUNTY PROGRESS. VOL. XIV. GENERAL DJRCTCRY ( nited States Ooiamissionet Jons F. Simmons. Superior 0<v ;.r*. ■fourth Mon-lax in ApW *. ’• >. ■ JncOB,—Geo. P. Holier, YaxbJtiv Soucrroa.-ThtM. llutcfietjon, • - - -on. County Officials. OtiuiNAnvCalvin ,t. Oornelism ’bssions hclil first. Monday n Bach n. Clkiik Sop. Cl'f.BT. J. Ath rto-i. ASD . County Trkascrsr. 8uekiv*',~ 0. T. ffli effr. rAXCoanBOToa,— A.I . Bouiley. Tax Receiver,— R.P field*. County surveyor,— ILck Gravley. Coroner,— W. .W Wight MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Mayor, J. F. Simmons. COUNCILS EX: O. ,T. Cornelison. U.G. Wheeler, K. H,ul E. Lenniiig, Walter Rnyne, Religious Services. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. PBE 8 ID 1 NO Elder.—R ev. S. B. Ledbetter. Pastor.—R ev. J- H. Little. Services illst and third gunday, and Pm < »• nights in each month. Sunday School,9.3C,a in. B. H. Simmons,Su) BAPTIST CHURCH. Pastor, Rev. G. A. Bartlett. Services, t'outh Sunday, in every mouth Sunday School P.30, a. m. Tollerson Kirliy Snpt Board of Education. Ebcr Wofford. Barney Pemlley, M. Morrison, J. N. McDaniel. Geo. W. Littie, J. W. TTenlev. Gominissiotier Dr. R C. Richards. PHYSICIAN — – — SURGEON, Jasper Georgia. - v ;; V‘ M. w-* Dr. R. L HUNTER, Dentist. JASPER, GA. Will be at the Richards Hotel ten clays in each month beginning with the 20th. Richards House ^ T , C. ^ RICHAkL nT/minnn - 5 I r>. UoPRlh, on. , i • — Rates — Reasonable. — opecial Rates to Citizens of f p. lv a B rwiv-rv 1 ^ ‘ • , '• Tlie! ’* s *<■ 'Ceiv.M ijl’Kt' 1 AT, Attention. - At,80, First Class Livery in connect ion wlfb W1U1 nonsii. TTn-ra-r _ Sheriff’s Sales. GEORGIA PI' KENS COUNTY. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next before the ourt house d"nr in the town of Jasper, Pickens county Georgia within the legal hours of sale to tlie highest bidder for cash, the follow On^eSth7l 1 -l-l)' P nSWdw!' inti res in lot of land No. in in the 18th aud 2nd section, of Pickens county au'l said land known as flic Lively land des scribed as follows: commencing at a rock corner on the original east line of said land lot, thence running to tlie cor ner of the fence between Pinynn arid Lively, thence straight, to a rock corner at the wash place, thence straight to a rock corner on fcliti Iiopluns 10 a 1 thence along said road westerly to the first fork, thence westerly to a rock corner on the original west line of said lot, being all of that part of said lot lying north of said described line, except ten acres more or less in the north east ner of said lot, heretofore excepted by John W. Payne in his deed tr, Susan Lively and the heirs of her body, s.tid lot oi land levied on as the interest of George W. Lively it being 1-4 undivided interest in said land. By virtue of and to satisfy a fi fain favor of J. If. Fowler and against G. W, Lively issued from tlie Justice court 15C9 district G. M. Notice given defendant in terms of the law. This 1st day of May Whee'lbk. 1901, C. T. Sheriff. Also at the same time and place lurid lot number Oue in the 4th district and, 2nd section; also forty acies more or less of the south east corner of land lot mim , ber three ,, hundred , , , aud , seven (AO,) m the mb district and second section: Also all of land lot No. IS, in the 18th district and 2nd section, except twelve ncies more or less m the southwest eovner “f said lot, said twelve acres lying S"'Uh and WC 81 . ol a line commencing at an agreed corner on the west fine of said lot and running thence southeast to a point on the south hue of said lot where an old trail crosses said line, the same having heretofore been conveyed to Cunningham; also except one acre lutbu north east corner of said lot, north east of the Federal road where 15. H. Kim mons formerly resided. All of said land lying in the county of Pickens, state of Georgia, aud known as the W. II. Sim mons place and 13 well improved. Said property levied on as the property of James I’. Harrison, to satisfy an execu tion issued from the City court of At lanta, Ga., in favor of T. G. Simmons against said James P. Harrison: said property being in tiie possession of \V. S, Brady. This 2nd day of May 1001. F. T. Wiikki.kr, Sheriff. -----qp. JACKSONVILLE'S CONFLAGRATION Host Disastrous In History of tlie South. LOSS FIFTEEN MILLIONS Hotels, xcl’.ools, Residence-, ( hiirclie and Business Houses Were swept Away—Ten Thousand l’etsons Ken. Jacksonville, Fla., May -1.—1 a. m. —The most disastrous fire in the historv ' of this city begun yesterday shortly after noon in a small factory, from a defective wise, according to the best be lief, and burned for nearly ten hours. In that tiuiea property damage estimate ed from $10,000,000 to $i5,000,000 eilictud. According to the city map, J80 blocks were burned, many of them iu the heart of the business and residence section. The estimate of houses to the block is ten, hence i ,800 of them went up iu smoko. Many of the finest public and private buildings were destroyed, in cluding hotels, theaters, churches and residences. The eaAmities cannot lie accurately estimate.1. That there were several seems to be well authenticated. Among them was that of tiie fire chief, Tom Haney, who sustained a bad fall. Mayor Bowden ordered all of tho sa loons cio. -d, .mu, has impressed help to clear tho wreckage. Ksiimatctl Cess. The mayor stated that he estimated 'the loss at $15,000,000, end that 10,002 to 15,000 people were situation homeless. is At 1 a. m. tho one ap proaching desolation in a large, section of tho city. The burned district reaches from Burbridge street on tho north to the St. Johns river on the south, a dis tance of quite 2 miles. The width of the desolated area is 13 blocks. Within this space practically everything is blackened ruins. On Bay street, the principal mart of trade, the Western Union Telegraph, company’s building is the first going west. Everything east of Laura, on Bay, is gone, At, iOrlu o'clock last night the lire was under control, having practically burned itself out. The suburban settlements, with the exception of La Villa, are in tact. La Villa was badly hurt. Homeless on Streets. Thousands of persons are on the streets homeless, with practically all of their worldly possessions upon their backs. Tho depots of the railroads, sit uated in the southeastern section, have been turned into temporary lodging jj 0Uses an) j hospitals. Luckily the weather is flue, so that there wili bo no suffering on that score, Meetings of the city council, the com mercial bodies and the charitable insd tutious will be hold today to devise ways and means for meeting the sit-ua <*>“• Ic is uoC ku °wn yet if an appeal for fcel P win fce issued, tuhugh it is thought likely that the exigencies of the occasion will demand such action. It is hoped an appeal can be avoided. EXTENT OF THE DISASTER Official Statement by the l.uc.i' Ki ller Association. Jacksonville, Fla , May 7 — Tiio fol official statement of the extent of Jacksonville’s great calamity was is sued at a late hour last night: „ To the p e 0 T ,i e of the United States: “The relief committee having received many inquiries concerning the situation here, desires to make the following gen era l statement: .. The city J of Jacksonville ou Friday, May o, was vLsited by one of the , most horrible and appalling calamities that has ever happened in any community of moderu times . AbouC uoou 0 f that day a fi _ ro ' vas discovered ,, , iu . a sniau ,, pal- , inetto fiber factory in the extreme west era portion ot the city. A high wind was then blowing to the eastward, car Tying the flames over the heads of tho firemen. The fire spread with such rapidity that our citizens haa great difficulty in leaving their homes and P^ees or business. In many cases they barely escaped with their lives, and we regret to say that 3 , number were burned to death or drowned in their effort toes cape from the flames. Tho number at the* time we have been unable to ascer tain, although five bodies have been taken trom the ruius, and from 10,000 to 15,000 people are homeless. “The burnt area extends east and WC8t riboac 2 miles and north and south varvin „ from one-half to three-quarters of a 1!ii!e . ]n this }irea was situated the 0 i,ie S [ anti most popalons portion of the city, embracing all classes of people, al , ( i low, rich and door. The carried before them homes, churches and all the public buildiugs Bave one . More than half of the busi ness section was also consumed. The |jo, property loss aggregates $ 12 , 000,000 to * -au’ 000 , 000 . contributions of money should j, e gout to A. M. Ives, treasurer, aud all suoplies should be sent to Jacksonville Relief association. “(Signed) The Jacksonville Relief as sociation: L. Garner, president; Ed win G. Weed, bishop of Florida; J. E. T. Bowden, mayor; Telfair Stockton. special committee, i > * Kstiluiit * of Tola i Voia . los.vby j An estimate ou the total fire as given out by a formef tax coBc-tP *P Public r \ s . a f buildings........... * %. 1,0W,80P stores, north, sme I>av street '4 <4-5 f* re i SUCCESSOR TO THE UEK.W.I.'. u Jasper, Georgia, Friday, May, 10, 19IH. Stores’, scuiu su1c Buy street. 880.000 Stores, Forsyth street.... •105.000 Stores, Main street........ HOD. 000 Residence*, ; roinineur.... 773,000 Residence*. 1.500 small... . 2 , 000,000 Personal iftVutsiu resiliences. 2,800,000 Stocks of good., in stores..... 1,630,000 Stocks iu 200 small stores 560,000 street railways. ,50,000 Pavements..... 100,000 Total ..$10,565,000 27o more bodies were found iu the ruins of Friday's great tire or iu the St. Johns river up to noon today. The weather continues intensely warm, but the work of bringing order out of confusion ami caring and feeding the homeless ami hungry goes on. Although no official appeal for aid has been issued, supplies of ail kinds are ar* riving and being distributed. A number- of contracts for new build ings has been let. Surveyors are seen in some parts of ilia city marking off the property lines. The announcement was made that the Windsor hotel, the Gardner t-uiitling, the Baldwin build ing and the opera house will be robuilt nt once. An order was formally promulgated this morning ordering the negroes to work or teavu the city. This had the effect of increasing the gangs at work iu various parts of th<*city, but- some of the negroes are grumbling, saying that they belong here and cannot be made toleav “ STATE COMES TO THE RELIEF Governor Jennings Orders $20,000 Sieiir tn .JacKxinville, Tallahassee, May 0. —A number of leading legislators waited on Governor Jennings this morning, requesting him to provide for immediate state action for the Jacksonville five sufferers and g:ive pledges that if the governor would authqriz.i tho state treasurer to pay out the money legislature needed immediately for re lief, the would, as soon as possible, make an appropriation to cover the amount. 0. B. Rogers dud Representatives J. O. Luugis and N. B. Broward, tho Jack fcouviile special delegation relief committee in the legislature, the as of a ou part rim state- and authorized them to draw on State Trea-urer Whitfield to the amount of $20,000. if uecssary, for ex tendin'’ immediate relief THE SOUTH.4UL. .—*• BA PT ■■ ISTS 'v Aiimial t onv--;. 1 in t t > A-srnible In Wxv <.r vii 111 I ; Is Meek. v- Lew rro OKL..AN.S -m.v V( ... 6.:-ihe TU annual session of the Southern Bftptist couven tion will convene in rliis city on Friday next. V Tho convention will.' 2: iu session from Friday until Tuesday, but there will be meetings of two of tb 1 bodies of the ecu veutiou ou Thursday, The.se are the Trustees of the Southern Baptist Theological seminary at Louisville ami the committee ou co-operation. Tho latter body is composed of three mem bers from each of the three boards of tlie coiiventiou, the foreign mission board, located iu Richmond; the publi cation board, located iu Nashville, and the home mission board, located in At lanta. Dr. Landrum is president of tho latter board and Rev. Dr. Kerfoot and Rev. Dr. J.’ichuor are the two secreta ries. A great deal of interest centers in the election cf a president for the conven tion. Governor Northen of Georgia has held the office for two successive terms, and it is not known whether he will ac cept the honor for another term. Al ready several names of prominent men are being mentioned for the place. They arc: Governor Head of Louisiana, Gov ernor Lougino of Mississippi, Governor Aycoek of North Carolina aud General Stephen D. Lee. It is stated that the reports to the coiiventiou will show the largest number of accessions to the church and the largest amount of mon ey raised known iu the history of the convention. PROGRESS OF GREAT SOUTH New Industrie* Reported During the Past Week. Chattanooga, May 0.—Among the more important of ... tiie new industries reported by The Tradesman for the week ending May 4 are the following: A coal oil milting company at Oliver Springs, l’enu ; a $33,OUO coffee and manuiacrur.ii;/ conjf^ny ac xsashvillo, Sh^Api'-f-"OtW^.fiSr ‘at iertiS “c tory Dei mud. iAi ; a $50,000 factory at Sivanutii,, Gain flouring iiiiii at Joue-i i.ro. : i mt.; a $40,000 fur nitnre fm-rm at SaaiM, 8. C.; an ice rSSZ'–ZS mire', ville fi, ! / -r• I ni l N t; and Whir cot! A C a nil 1 to uuuiutactm'e tor retie at Nim-tv S x 6 C • teleohon* companies ar Huntsville. Aim, and Pal metto, Fl i.; a tobacco factory at Wilson, N. C.. aud a tobacco stemmery at Tim mousviile, S. C. Millions Given Away. lt is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who ” are not afraid to be generous t() Ue needy and suffering. Thoprnprietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, have given away geat mod iff n e ;°an t Hme ihf'satis/acflon of knowing it lias absolutely cured thousand of hopeless cases. Asthma •bronchitis, lioarsness and all disease of the jhroat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on,Tate .Simmons, – Ce„ and get a free tnal bottle Ueguiai * zo o0c. and *1. Every bottle guaran teed or yiri. e refund. FROM M 1.CON TO THE OCEAN -- Tei'iniiiMl IiudUilie HU' .Macon, Dub* lin ami Savannah Komi. Macon, May 8—Ac a meeting cf the rYayor nud aldcimen last night, Althr loan Morgan, cliairtnau ut' tuo public property committee, submitted tv report from the mayor, finance and public nrooerty committee.-;recommending that 'iio request of the Macon, Dublin ami Savannah Railway company be granted f.R ’errant mud lying near tbo Central Cy|'> park lor depot, yard tic-company’svotei and shop ; p,* ok, provided that L*. extendi u from Dui.l.n, its pre-i n Itifminus, ton peint on tbcSeabonrti Air p’lteu f.yt% u> itinn Savannah 12- mouth.-, direct, nmi a the fid me com- n ,, shops nmi offices of thenmu be located nr Macon. The report was unanimously adopted wnl by council ami tuo proper sum tract bo drawn between tlm city uudcompany nud President# duly Signed. Vice j tunes T. ••Wtight, SVcsiSeitt DotUey 2>1. Hugnes, „oijn ,\i. Stubbs and other officii* of the Macon, Dublin and savannah rmul v»*« u.- m t.,e council chamber ut tinttiiiieot r ti.i a op tiou of the report- uud they were ingn.y edited uiayor over and tuiiurmen. the unanimous 'lliey actum the »>.• in oif say ae non the council last night means a n-w road tor Macon to tue-un. The O', 'tip.i'iv says it has $1,000,000 in hand v.'itn wbieii ;o Lui'ii Uio extensiou Kiui wont vy.il, -■ otnniencu at once. The e:;* tension v- ul u ail pr >liability, be maec to >o:de pupa ,,u tue Seaboard—Viiialin, in Mfft: goni oy •« uo.y, or Lyods. 1,1 latiiai; ijm.tv-v. wntcli points arc about 60 miles H' it; D.ii'iio .111 about 6 miles fr; tn avtiii g road from Macoti to .Savannah wuuffi *.••• about 170 miles, a much siiorr-r ro.tu limn tiny oun-r «x istifig Hue bevvy veil the two points. WAG K,\GvV 'J IN CRUN3V7iC!\ - --------- Expre-S Kubbi'i- J -riluius F'utliei- Mas .1 t readier. Brunswick. Go., May 4.—Clifford cnflvged witn rubmag au express car, is ait Bid Brunswick boy, ii'i-• he liaviug been bofn HU(1 ,. aiR . (1 ia t city. He resided h, , : " ”P ' 0 ;l iew w , ieu ho , ro ' m ' ly J^ensonvule, , \\ Here his motuei . –v> lath, ’ r r ‘'>’’«le. About a v ca‘’ ago ho , was smmieated 111 a similar case, ’rongti toe efforts of his lather was di-aamv . .-etl hv the courts. His father jii'iifiii 1111 uirbii " Hq was in the grocery business and vrus also a minister of the Advent ckri;i! ' T],e u >”. for the past five years, has given his father considerable trouble. HIS JAWBONE WAS CRUStiED Serious Accident In Cotton Mill at Langley. fcUGCSTA, May 4.— -John S. Iloweil, a yotmg white man employed by the Langley Manufacturing company, at Laugic;, . O., was caught in an eleva tot at the mill yesterday morning and was very ser on y injured. Howell got ids head caught and be ford assi-t.!'. ce could arrive his jawbone bad! been Unio n his and his head horribly and tho upjjer pare of body were maUgled. Augusta Iloweil was brought to on the first tintn uni carried to the city hospital, win-r • his injuries were at tended to. A. Iti.-t reports he was rest iugjas quietly as could be exuected. ATLANTA TO THE RESCUE Will Semi $1,000 M ill'll; of Clothing \ o .i;ick- hi; vm i 1<*. Atlanta, May 8.—Atlanta will send $1,000 worth of clothing to Jacksonville tomorrow. The relief committee has cn.-h in hand aud subscriptions amount* ing to more than $700, and iu addition to this many people are included sending iu in the ar ticle* of clothing to be contribution Atlanta will make. Tho report of the committee shows in the neighborhood of $2,500 raised in cash, provisions and clothing. At the requestin' Chief Joyner, the committee ha* decided to set aside $)00 for t-he ben efit df the Jacksonville firemen, who, jn all 7 the ' rush and excitement, seem to h *™ u__„ > J - NEGR'G INSTANTLY KILLED ^ ' K‘^au-d Track Given Way-Three Kalinin Un<lf*r If. SAVASSA ”’ Mnya “ At p.°’ Cl0Ck yes * ter wharves ‘ 5a >' aftW! one “ negro Km Ct was lUc killed , .^ ia , Ut and 8 f stem two others were paindilfy injured. By some means the elevated track of ,h °“*» ,T "" 1 •"* ’*• •»“" wharf, eo)mused, siirl tno engmo and v.-ago,,- felt to the wharf below, a dis tanco of 40 ieef. Edward Williams was cru.-tied to dei.;h in the ruins and Ed Moiugomer.v amt David Games were baolv in jure 1 Williams was 19 years of age, and was from Liberty county. ~ SATURDAY A HALF HOLIDAY Li'«<llag , A ... ; lu,, , t a , I...*iness ... Bouses Now CJ " '’ “ t “ 0 cl0C “’ Atlanta, May 4—Over 800 of the largest business houses iu Atlanta have 8igEe f !U1 ,^ reemeU * t0 cl « se tb f storcs at 2 o’clock every Saturday afternoon until Sept. 1, to give the bookkeepers, stenographers, clerics aud general em ployes a imb imlidav once every week during the hot months. r^t and S thorn s . UJ(is l/{ working people in every por ' the city. tiou of Olnmriu C ■;[/F'P CL^> WELLS t VI, \ 5 ft 7 r~' BAMA C nH li Captain v on Seoures Cullom Sp:a;r:s Frcporty. IS IT0 XV DOWN 1,335 FEET lu Vie: i> x ,»i .Mcbl e ibf X*eu(>li! At fan ii ii t Mi \\ it i ’, ■ i- mind i ii t, rt i. Abu,,,.. i-lli eu Ss .N ow t • - i 1 1 Koi.Wii i« i ili'ldl.t-:, >..:iy 8 —Beverly, ti ii.es •«.’ Denison, r m < • i.tenie!:, v, no have bee. acting a it:.,'ll,.-, t, MtpMuu ,! -it A R > u, tn« 27e\v Vorit lapit. itst iu,u t.i nri .-aielJi .I7.iy.ii Baiting 1N/\X U. r 'Obtupnny, tu tin: iu uter of tlm ii< ul i or tho Cuilmn -gi'iug property, ain.oancru last t !k ■ ft.:, tu ■ tieni h:.-. in eu u.esud. ami t -r triiti-.i-r v i laitu pluoe fud v. w ij.. n " v i!w ’ a ‘ . ; llo. v will r«,-turn to ie Cir ^ ,r "‘ u hbxaa springs, Mis*. Captain lloso first offered >or tho proper tv, but Mrs. l>nUlyviv. :lu propmtrisheld out- tor $50,000. if • a PP ( u re(l . tor , n imv days ihpc i nc pi: , io to the deal would not tomp, t i Gift'll i?i* 1 ): the ’Tice, but uultua.1 .coticessnTis wet. ula m, lor „ m; . t o; „ R , pi „ 1Uid ,.„ r grantin;; Mts. D.;nloergprivnegos. C.tp tain Rose pays the sum of $11,000 IP.* agents say that Cnplain Rose will tu once proceed to arrange for the Lovin', of the well, which has already gore down 1,865 feet. Here tlie drills strut k a layer of rock anti wore broken, <;nu« ing tho work at that time to l,o discoti tlliuod. Cullom Springs is about 60 miles from Mobile, and only a short distance from the Mobile and Ohio railroad 0,1 Waveusboro. It is til,so located very close to the river, thus affording easy transportation facilities, N ® r then ? nnyiitnlimts are boring a well 111 . Esenin , 01 a county, Alu., near the Florida line. This is said to be almost duo east of the Choctaw county oil belt, Local parties are imvmg bored a well nr . a brickyard about 4 miles north of this city, where there arc numerous in dicutipjis ami u’"toppings of oil Thor > said to bo a Large number of strung ers iu Ul0 choctaw and Washington county districts. A local railroad man, w Jio is handling the oil eud of the bust He , ;s f or j tis railroad, lias advices that tend 10 show that there, will be a rush ^w v^ei's oimS^Slu Sib CARRIE NATION LUSTAINED President of \V. f. V. V. indurs-x the Iv 15 tis 11 .il ’.1 %i uric. Jackson, Miss., May 8 -In an infer view ou Mrs. Currie Nation and her methods of conducting a temperance cruratio, Mrs. L M. N. brovctis, ua tioual . , president .., _ of „ tuo , _ vvomaus r , .hiis- . tian Teuinentuco union, who has been iu the city S"veral days attending the state Wonmil's Christian Temperance u i eon von tion, expicsagcl herself as follows: Chris "A - resident of the Woman’s tinu Temperance union, I do not con deinn Mrs. Marion for wiiac stie has been doing. I leave that tor other tri buues. I would not advise any white woman to employ such methods iu nut ting down tho liquor traffic, but never theless I think Mrs. Nation has done much good and she has aroused the pub lic conscience of Kansas and other states. 1 don’t think that any other state except Kansas could produce a Carrie Nation. It produced John Brown, and it took Kansas, with its rough life and peculiar environments, to produce a Carrie Nation. WENT FROM JAIL TO ALTAR .Memphis Broker** Slayer Released Kroin Prison. Memphis, May 8.—Doris Noble, the young woman who recently shot and killed Broker W. Hogiti, one of the most prominent aud N members ° rlcans of^ the tton , Mem- ^ x change-, P UiB 1 is a f l ee V woman. ^ .10 mure er ' charge ngivmst her was dismissed yester day b) r Assistant Attorney General Noj* Wly” 1 ’Since her Please tho° woman has nmme.t Bert Latnout, a young man whom she met at the jail. He was ic cently sent to the * mt ^5 . °They 8 town' will leave go <»* ,0 ,h ° ,amtr homool “• and *%>•..* daughter -n at a theater, t, went to the home rel with of her the Noble was shoe, girl lbe and^teraq^r- affair caused a big stir in social and commercial cir cles. They Did Not Bang. Nashville, May At tlie request of their spiritual adviser, Goverdor Me Millan has respited Dusio Thompson and Babe Lattice, negroes, until June )g Th ,. y m . re sentenced to bo hanged e d today for tho murder of Cain Miller, another negro, whom they suspected of being a police spotter. "uges to Be Advanced, Hauiusburg, May 8.—A notice has becu WJStc d at tho Pennsylvania Steel works announcing ,,ir.inrr that, Hint beciiminst begmn ng June June L thoW at the works will b re L°m, an advance employs of about nearly !0 t.OOOpei- per cent, The company sons. No. 85 - ", n • A* §$si ^ i j'! k.w '**;*!! 1 wW ■■mki -' 1 Af rt' m ?£ n Every cotton planter should write forourvaluable illustrated pamphlet, “Cotton Culture.” It is sent free. Se.ul namo and address to UI'.UMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau Si., n. y. HARD FIGHT WITH ALLIGATOR lu 11 South Carolina Stream Battle For l.iio Occur*. Charleston, May 7.—While swim ming iu Ooosawntchio river, near Ap pleton. yesterday, Eugene Walker was viciously attacked by an alligator meas uring C feet. Walker had dived off the river bank and was seized while under tho water. The 'gator caught his right arm. Tho flesh wa* terribly lacerated and tlie bone was almost severed. The boy shoved for the bank, but the 'gator still swung on and was dragged out of the water. Friends of Walker who ran to his as sistanou failed in their effort to release the boy by prying open the alligutor’s jaw. Finally an ax was cecured and the'gator’s head was cut off. It wag not, until the head had dropped from the body that the boy’s arm was freed. He was badly wounded, but unless serious complications set in will recover. » oltiiiibu- V. > 1 r. a. ’ . Columbus, Ga., May 4. —An enthusi astic Young Men’s Christian association mass meeting wus held iu Columbus last night. Addresses were made bv E. Phillips, G. Gunbv Jordan, E P. bis. mukes and l>r- W. , -mith. Instead of $15,000. (lie amount required by the Peabody brothers, Columbus may- now raise $20,000 tor the Young Men's Chris tian association. A splendid building will be erected. Over 825 charter mem bers have been secured 1 N.uiiOurii Oil Divbleud. ■4 m Kew Orleans, May 7.—The Stand ard Oil company of New Jersey has de clared a dividend of $12 per share, pay able .June 15. In March $20 was paid. Last year's four dividends were $30 in March, $10 in June, $8 in September and $10 in December. The stock sold on the curb this morning nt $843, the highest 011 record. Prominent Floi'lilian Dead. Tallahassee, May 7. Adjutant Gen eral Patrick Houston is dead, aged 63 years. He was a captain of artillery iu the confederate army. For many years he inis lived mi a splendid has farm just oat side ot Tiillaht'.r'see, served on boards of trustees nf the West Florida seminary and the Florida Agricultural college; was a member of the state senate and was president of that body in 1888. He was appointed Mitchell adjutant general by Gov ernor iu 1898, reappointed by Governor Bloxham in 1897 and again by Governor Jennings in 190x. His term would have extended to 1905. Sent to tlie Pen. Atlanta, May 7.—-A dispatch from Washington, D. <C., says: George R. Davis, formerly a messenger for the Bouthern Express comjxmy, with a run between hero and Atlanta, who recently was convicted of larceny of $1,000 from tiie company, has been sentenced to three years iu the peuitentiary at Mouudsville, W. Va. The Scorpion ut Memphis. Memphis, May 7.—It has been ascer tained that the gunboat Scorpion, now her way to the Mississippi river to take part in tiie confederate veterans’ re union, will be unable to pass the bridge across tho river at this point, owing to tho high stage of the water. She will therefore be compelled to anchor below the bridge. IEST FOR THE ff you haven’t n. rotrular, liealtby movoment of the 'oowpii! oiK-nfiimUi'^v.'riJJ. Force, in iho bha|>« of^vio* tent ni-vsictii* Rill poison, danpcrouti. The smooth ait, easiest, most perfect way ol keeping ih« bowels clear and eleau i« to take CANDY CATHARTIC w WmwyL i EAT J EIVI LIKE CANDY Pic :i; ant. Palatable, Potent. Taste r.ood, Do Good, Never .Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 25, and 60 cents pc« box. Write for lreo sample, nud booklet on liaaltU. Address 433 STKULlSa IlEMRDir COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW YORK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEA“ T»io One Day Cold Cure. Far cote! in tiie liead and sore throat use Ker ,Ti .a'. Chocolates Laxative Quinine, the “One Day Cold Cure.”