Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, August 09, 1901, Image 1

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PICKENS COUNTY PROGRESS. VOL. XIV. GENERAL DJRCTORY United States Commissionof .Ioii n F. Simmons. Superior Cov.yt .-fourth Monday in April and S);>i h«vr JtmdR,—Ueo. V. (iolier, Mar Sot,Huron,—Titos. Hutcherson,.On non. County Officials. Ordinary Calvin J. Cornellsot., ikssions lielil first Monday n each month (R.EitK Slip. Court, and .J. . Atherton. County Tukasi her. Sheriff,—C. T. Will eler. Tax Collector,—A. I . Bradley. Tax Kkoeiver,—R.V fields. Count v surveyor,—H ick Gravley. Coroner,—\V. .W Wrght MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. . Mayor, J. F. Simmon?. COUNCILMEN: ('. J. Cornclison. F.fi. Wheeler, E. Hnoil, E. Penning, Walter Rhyne, Religious Services. M. E. CHURCH, south. CRESiDiNO Elder.—R ev. S. l’>. Ledbetter. Pastor.—R ev. J. H. Little. Services lirt-t and third Sunday, and Filial*? nights in each month. Sunday School,9.30, a in. B. II. Simmons,Sup BAl’TIST CHURCH. Pastor, Rev. G. A. Bartlett. Services, tenth Sunday, in every month. Sunday School 9.S0, a. in. Tollerson Kirby Snpt Board of Education. Eber Wofford. Barney I’endley, M. Morrison, .1. N. McDaniel. Geo. W. Little, Commissioner .1. W. Henley, Professional Cards. Dr. F. C. Richards. PHYSICIAN — – — SURGEON, --Jabber, Georgia. - r Dr. R. L HUNTER, Dentist. JASPER, GAo Will btvni the Richards Hotel ton days in e.-i-h month hpgiiniinj' with tim 20th. Richards House F. C. RICHARDS, Proprietor. — Rates — Reasonable. — special Rates to Citizens of Pickens County. - - Guests Receive Special Attention. Also, First Class Livery in connection with Hotel. - L \ © 1 i promptly procured, CB- NO Soncl model, sketch, or photo for free report on patentability. Book “IIow to ObtainIJ.S. and »rei?nl*atent s andTradcOlarks,” FREE. Fairest terms ever oifcied t) inventors. PATENT LAWYERS CF 25 YEARS’ 20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH advice. THEM.. All business confidential. Sound 1 service. Moderate charges. Writt to C. A. SNOW Ik PATENT LAWYERS, U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. TO ALL PERSONS HAVING FARMING, TIMBERED, OR MINERAL LANDS, OR WATER POWERS FOR SALE. The Nashville, Chattanooga – St. Louis Railway proposes to use its best efforts to induce a good cl \«s of imroigraets to settle in territory con tiguous to its lines, and to engage the attention of capitalists seeking Manufacluiirg Sites or Mining Properly. It therefore solicits the support, the co-operation and- the assistance of the people of every county through which its lines pass. The management earnestly reqne. ts that all persons who have faims for sale or lease, I hose who have timber ed lands, water powers or mineral lands lor sale, will send a brief des cnptioR of the same to tbe railroad agent ” nearcse them, giving 7 the price. and , sale. 1 he • terms , oi patees mus correspond with the prices asked c‘ >i local bnvers. The management does not propose to aid in selling land to immigrants at exorbitant or specubi tive prtces. suitable for coloni/,a Large trai ts 11 Iiy .•«. tioii, at . i„ low prices, .... ere , „„ t spc.,1 ., wanted. J. ]J. Kii.lebrejv, Industrial and Immigrnlion Ag.mt. —t I, ^ o 11 , 1 1, **' Traffle Manager, • Nashville, Tkn.v. I HALF A MILLION OF GOLu SULLIO.l STOLEN Selby Smelii3i* Scene of Dar ing' Bobbery. DUG TUNNEL TO WORKS Mnelter Is Located Near San i-’nino Co Bay »» : up« posed to Jiuve Cecil ( urrird Away In a Boat. San Fuaxcisoo, Aug. 0.—News has just been received here from Seloy Smelting works at Vallejo that 1500,000 worth of gol-.l bullion had been stolon during the night. The thieves had tunnelled under the works and gained access to the strong room where bullion wa- stored. The works are located to San Fran cisco bay and the tunnel extended from the waters’ edge under the building. If is supposed that the thieves took theit plunder away by boat. The Selby Smelter is the biggest there on the Pacific coast and ores are sent from all parts of the western country to be reduced. /NIGHTS TEMPLAR. Ofliebil Program of tlie Twenty Kiehth Triennial Conclave. Louisville, Aug. 7. —The official pro gram for tho twenty-eighth triennial conclave of Knights Templar, to bo bold here the last week of this month, was announced this morning by tbe execu tive committee, which has had over $100,000 ro draw on to make tire ma tures of tiie entertainment attractive. The week will open Snnday with pub lic worship at the Broadway Methodist church, conducted by Very Eminent Sit J. O. W. Ooxe of Washington, Iowa, grind prelate of the grand encamp ment. .uumiay will be devoted to receiving at the depots and escorting to quarters all arriving commauderies. The escort committee is made up of 000 stalwart Kentuckians. Monday night will wit ness the inaugural of festivities in the formal opening of headquarters of the grand commaudery of Kentucky in tho customhouse with a reception. This is a function that will be repeated each af ternoon aud night during tho conclave, four hundred well known Kentucky matrons and their daughters serving ou the reception at each one. will Tuesday morning the parade take place, and at night a grand recep tion will be held. The committee on elective drill, tho first, since the Sait Francisco conclave in in 1883, is scheduled for Wednesday, at Churchill Downs, where the Kentucky derby is run every spring. The five prize trophies, costing over $7,000, ro be awarded, were put ou display by local jewelers this morning. Commauderies from San l'rancisco, Denver, Chicago, Cincinnati, Parkersburg, W. Va , Pitts burg and Washington are entered in the driil. Four United States army officers will act as judges. On Thur.dav night tiie grand bail will be given at the horse show build ing. Mrs. J. C. W. Beckham of Frtuik forr, tue governor’s bride, will be one of the matrons of honor. Friday will be devoted to side trips through Kentucky, to the Blue Grass region and Mammoth cave. MET TRAGIC DEATH. Ex-tloveriii r June.-’ Daughter Terri bly Mangled by Electric Gar. Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 5. —Miss Caroline Joues, the daughter of former Governor Thomas G. Joues, was ground to death in a street accident this morn ing at 8:15 o’clock. Governor Jones was a helpless witness to the distressing acciden t. Miss Caroline had left her father on the veranda of their home, corner of Hull aud Adams streets, saying, “Wait, I am going to get you a flower,” and started across Hull street to a neigh bor’s bouse. In crossing the car track she was struck by a Oioverdale car and dragged under the wheels. The motormau lost his head aud forgot to turn off the current. The body was dragged 100 yards and was fearfully mangled. The young lady was 23 years of age aud was an invalid, aud had been under the constant watch of an attendant. \Va,iiou s and Landslide*. Knoxville, Aug. 7. —East Tennessee has been drenched by rain the past two days. The Southern railway has suf fered seriousiy on account of washouts and landslides and trains have been de layed as much as three hours iu some instances. Reports from points ou the Norfolk aud Western are that there have been a number of serious landslides east ot Bristol, lean. Rivers are risingrap inly aud tuere are fears for the safety a f' t fi 0 Southern’s temporary bridgeover the Wautauga river. Georgia’s First Bale. Albany, Ga , Aug. 7.—Georgia’s first bale of new crop cotton for the season of 1901-2 was brought to Albany aud mar keted Yesterday. It was from the farm of a T> onf ;herty county negro, Deal Jackson, who was also last year’s first bale man for Georgia. The bale weighed 330 pounds and was classed as middling. It was sold ou A. W. Muse – (Jo. ’s table for 10 cents per pound, the Georgia Goc ton company being the bayer. SUCCESSOR TO THE HERALD. Jasper, Georgia, Friday, August 1 IK 1901. DELIBERATE SUICIDE. Alti*r C arotin i njiirji i *t»> J. K. Jol« lit* ru ^ 11iv vt In IIU IIIutn. Bremen, p.i, Aug. 7.—J. E. Joliie, the Central c.i'p a uncut at this place, oommirred su:o u» yesterday morning by shooting himself through the head, tiio ball entering ibe right temple. he deliberately planned his death. He lett two notes, ouo to his wife, advising her where to bury him and how to man age his business. The other letter was to bis assistant clerk telling him to meet him in heaven. Joilie was agent for the Chattauooga, Romo and Southern railroatl for years until the Central took charge a short time ago. Hie accounts with the company are straight and no cause is assigned for the self murder. Mrs. Joilie had gone down stairs to attend to breakfast, leaviug Joilie in his room. He got up, mado down a pallet on the floor, lam down on it and fired tile ball ini.* t.i- brain. He lived about two hours, but v.us never conscious. He leaves a wile and an adopted child, lie was a mem in r ot the Methodist church and the Woodmen of the World. DRAGC-D TO HI3 DEATH. Terrible Accident to n Y»uog M» • In 1‘lke ( on.n \. Zkbulcx, Ga., Aug 5.—EL jab Man ley, a young man 25 years old, who lived uenr Koitouville, in this coumy, was returning to his home from Fair Mountain Springs late yesterday even ing with W. T. Driver in the buggy with him. wheu his horse became frightened and ran away, throwing both out of the buggy. Iu falling Manley's foot was ottuguc under the spring of the buggy and ho was dragged about 1 mile before tue horse broke loose trotu the buggy. Wneu found be was dead and bis body badly muiigied. Driver was considerably bruised, bur not seriously injured. DIED OF HYDROPHOBIA. Gainesville H a V u*.«m of the i>rca<i Mai«»<D. Gainesville, Gu , Aug 5. —Mrs. Die.; Chatham died at her home oil tummir street, this city, yesterday of hydropho bia. Sue was bitten by a tua i dog sev eral days ago. Tiie bite at first caused no alarm Saturday, however, she be came much wor- and her .-uitVriiig. wero intense, l it it t.oti evuien.:v gom-u in its n-i.r-.’iviifx, tor sue raVtij until death relieved her. Her uauuiHtT w.t- bitten bv tiie samt pet png tit itie sam • time, an t it is t: > .t feareit that sue. n-o, will lc.ve nv-i:-.. piiobci Mr--. Ontttnatu wa- promnit-a here ana owned oousuierau.e prop, r v Me r- to $.115,000,000. Forsytji, Ga. , Aug. 5.— 11 F i’-.-sou of this city, one of the h--ir.s ot John Tyson, who (iie i at Mt-ioource, An traiia. two years ag), leaving on esta <■ said to he vclu -d at $52 OOJ.OjO, will at tend the meeting to be held at Fort Worth, Tex., on Aug. 13 ot tue Tyson heirs. The call tor tho no t ting has been is.-ued bv- Thomas U. anu William Tyson, nephews o- the deceased, aud there are 20 heirs to the estate, as far as obtainable. It is reported that United States Senator Culberson of Texas bus been retained to assist iu settling tbe vast estate. 1)1 guised to I-.sen nr Mob. Macon. Aug. 7.—Josh Walton, a ne gro, was brought to Macon last night and placed in Bibb j.*:l for safe keeping. He is charged with attempting to mur der the marshal at F.ovilla a short time ago by shooting him. There has been a reward of $250 for his arrest. He was captured by two negroes at Dames ferry, between Macon and Flovilla, i:i which vicinity he had been hiding some time. It was reported that attempts might be made to lynch him aud in order to es cape this he was dressed iu women’s clothes and secretly brought to Macon. Lawrence Mitchell Drowned. Atlanta, Aug. 7. — Lawrence G. Mitchell, son of Hon. L S. Mitchell, a former alderman of Atlanta, and one of the most prominent young men of the city, was drowned at Beaulieu, near Savannah, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Mitchell was iu Savannah attending a house party at the home of A. A. De Loach. He went out bathing with a party, and ventured too far from land, wheu he was caughr iu a strong current and went under be tore assistance could reaeh him. The body was removed a few hours after. a. Poison In ilie Cream. Leesburg, Ga., Ang. 5.—Ten persons were poisoned by ice cream at the home of Mrs. W. R. Buukley of this place. W. R. Bunkley uied yesterday afternoon from the effects and Mrs. Bunkley and daughter, Willie, are both critically ill. The rest of the family and guests seem to be recovering. Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given by Mis George Long, of New Straitsvilie, Ohio prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cougli had long kept her awake at night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse unty urged to try Dr. King’s New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marve lous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe nttaek of pneumonia. Such cures are p sitive proof of the matchless merit of ids grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lnng troubles. Only 50c and $1.00, Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles fn e at Tate,Simmons tft Co. ! TO ENLARGE STATtHOUSE. About $7/5,000 Wi.t tl-» hxpcmleti In lin.* i.via*? KiorMu** < upitol. Tau.auass Aug. il. —It is probable that work win b* comuieuceii during the present mom a upon the enlarge went of the state oapitol building us provided for by an act of the last legis lature. That net went iuto t fleet last Saturday, ami m compliance with its terms, (.ioveruor Jennings at once ap . pointed Bon. William A. Blount, a Pen Kueoia lawyer; Him. Herbert J. Drune, and 0. ran insurance man of Lakeland, } j with M. Brown the , an Ocala president, uu-robaut, amt who, the y governor us eomptiolier as secretary, will con { stitute the capitol improvement corn mission. j This commission is directed by the j act to take charge of and direct the en largement of the capitol buildiug in nc cordnnee with the general plan sub aiitted to the legislative committees by Architect Frank P. Mtlburu of Oolnm bia, Si. C. It shall let out me work for such enlargement and repairs, and make ail necessary contracts, and see that the work is completed as nearly as p is.-ibie in accordance with the Mi,burn plan. Seventy-five thousand dollars was up preprinted for this work. WHOLESALE PARDONING. Governor Jink* Gives Many lrmiM> ( en vie s Freedom. Month >mi:i:y. Ala., Aug. 7.—Gover nor Jclks is i>ur,douiiig the Butler coun ty tramp convicts ns fast us they apply fo'r cietm-iicy. Iweiity-six vagrants were picketi off the Louisville and Nash ville trains at Un ctivilie in July und geut to the cdiil lLin.-s for beating - heir way. Among them wero cw>» Moat gouiery out' bovs named Lins, wuo uad started to see the world l’iiese were pardoned as soon as tueir applica tions were received Yesterday uuotiivr application was receive Knox, i from a young hnau named Daniel and ho w as (promptly released. the j The only reason given by gover nor is that they have been sufficiently .punished. Those who have talked them wit h the governor say he will turn ont as fast as the authorities can send them dtp on the ground that tue punishment, Its out of proportion to the offense. On -the other hand, tho railroad people in sist that thee have a right to protection from deadheading, Tho sentences rauge around 70 days. THEIR HOMES GUAR#ED. - Citizens of Tain pi lake IVccautiau Againat Incendiaries. Tampa, Fla., Aug. 5.—Guards have been placed around many homes iu Tampa to prevent incendiary fires. Those who.i6 homes are guarded are known leaders iu the auti-Resisteucia strike movement, and rumors of pos sible incendiarism have been rife for two days. All of the closed cigar fac tories are kept guarded. the It is believed that tbe crisis iu strike situation will bo reached this week. The business men are taking au active band iu the negotiations and while the officers of the striking union claim to be satisfied at the situatiou, many of tiie men openly express their discouragement at the outlook. As yet there have been no attempts at violence and every precaution has been taken to prevent it. IMPRISONED ON SHIP. Itesistencitt strike Leaders I’m on Ves sel and >en I Outside I lie Bar. Tampa, Fin., Aug. 6.—Last night 100 business men, in order to end the strike of tbe Rcsisteucia union cigarmakers, searched the streets of Tampa aud seized many of the strike leaders, and it is rumoretl they were sent ou a vessel outside the bar ami to the gulf. Ex citement prevailed, but no rioting oc curred. It is said that nil attempt was made to assemble the strike leaders in a con ference aud capture them all together, but the strikers heard of it- and dis persed. Tne seareli tnrough the streets followed. The rumor as to the diposi tion of the captured men is jiot fully confirmed. Klorlda Realty < oinpatiy. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 0 — A big real estate company in being formed iu Jacksonville for the purpose ‘ of adver ti8ing and , putting on the market . i—■ Elori Ua \ estttU ‘ ot ev If r y description, mi While M the company will have . its home office in Jacksonville, it will be by no means a local organtz uiou. The com pauy will nave branch offices in every county in Eloruia. Its stockuolders in elude leading citizens throughout the 8tat0 - ('liiet Engineer Itesigns. Birmingham, Ala , Aug. 7.— Krakine Ramsay, chief engineer of the Tennes see Coal, Iron and Railroad company, has tendered itis resignation, but it is expected that he will remain with the company for some time yes until the new engineer is acquainted with condi tions. His successor has tut as yet been selected. Mr. Ramsay is one of the best known mineral experts aud devel opers in the district. I- iiiui 7-treet. l- iglit. Jackson, Miss., Ang. 6. — W. J. Ligou, a sanitary inspector i:i Jackson, killed David L. Shelton yesterday eveu ing on one of the principal street--, The shooting him through the heart. men had had a personal difficulty earl ier in the day. bheltoa returned to the attack with a stick. Both are promt nently connected. Shelton marrying a daughter of late Congressman McGee during the war wish .Spain while in camp 1 at Chattanooga. GASOLINE EXPLOSION AT PHILADELPHIA, PA. q. ^ „ Niello -VUG 11 tO IlClVe „ Perish'il. MANY MORE A11E MISSING Six l uiulif ^s \Yrr« iiinwa to Atoms and * oi O.lirra Wort* Wrecked. t'in :n< ii >eaie;n:«vi tho Kutns* For lio<ln>—• i J i.si M'.s I .*»i; S(?<*iie8. Philade iuia. Aug. 6 —Six persons are known to in- non i as a result of the terrible gu.-onm- txplo-ion Iasi night, which lore in aunt- six buildings on Locust strict, between Team and Fleet tun streets, und wrecked over a Score of others. As to the number that yet rtmain in tn<- rums of the wrecked buildings till is mere speculation. Only one of the six that peri shod has been identified. Tuts is Annie Harris, a cuilii 4 years old, who lives at 1013 Locust street, on the opposite side of the street from the, building in which the explosion occurred. The unidentified dead are: A child about 3 joi-rs old, two w- mou and a man at the Pennsylvania hospital and a man at the Jefferson hospital. Sl-nri'llleg I or til <1 !«•-*. It was 7 o'clock this morning before the firemen after working hard till night h:ul rhe vmouluermg ,. . rutus siifficienuy c°'>led off to enable them to begin a search lor the bodies w: :cn are sup -1 post'd to be beneath tue w looked build Their attention was first directed to 1018 Locust .-treer, tin- building occupied by Albert-D Mo tin tain, grocer. In. this building at the time of tbe explosion there were Robert and Dalton Moun tain and Lizzie Mountain, children of the proprietor of the store. Nqna of them h-.ve boon accounted for. No. 101(1 Locust street was occupied by Pan ids Quigley as a gtocery. Quig ley, lus wile, throe children (ina uu uncle were in rhe buildiug when the explosion occurred, l'ho oniv one iti rhis.J'ttmily thus ^ uncle! tar accounted fpr is Quigley and Ills At 1014 Lojnsr, si root Go irgo MeClcu iiy, til-o conducted a >mnli.*.u'ocerv. It was boro that the uxp-osiuirT* thought to have occurred. Ttie bniiding was occupied by McUtcunv, his wife, a clerk and a servant. At the time of the dis aster Puiiaiiuiubia. Mrs. McCienny was the visiting others in West aud are thought to have been m the building. Probably i)12 the great o.*c number per ished at 1 Locust street. H. ro Wil liam Jones, a negro, conducted a bottrd iughou.se. Hu had a m.-i ( ol boarders, but tiie number in the building at the time cannot be learned positively. The police officials miv. however, that u is probable that lml. a dozen bodies wiilbe taken lram the debris of this buildiug alone. : t uv>‘n t ori y t <-<-t. At lOiO Lot-u-r strict M. Rosenthal, wile aud five cniuimi livid. They es caped withJiDiken limbs and emit u-ious, but the buildin..- was completely wrecked. In the Rest-nthal home was a hoarder uatne 1 Frank Schmidt. He was stated at a third story window reading when the explosion occurred. -Schmidt was blown mrough tho win dow and lauded on the top of a stable 40 feet from the wrecked buildings. He escaped with a few bruises. Forty-etght persons, all told, were taken to tiie two hospitals close at hand. Of this number six probably are fatally injured, 28 are suffering from fractured limbs aud burns, while the injuries of the others consist of slight cuts from flying debris. where explosion is The building the supposed to have occurred is in the cen ter of the group of houses situated bo tweeu Alder aud Warnook streets, small thorough tares running parallel with Tenth street lu this space on the south side of Locust street the demoli tion is complete, while on tho opposite side of rhe street not a pane of glass nor a door remained intact. The force of tbe explosion was terrific. Tho geene at tiie wreck and at the hospitals this morning is sickening. Persons who had. relatives and friends living m tne wrecked structures are standing weeping and almost distracted, fioping that their loved ones may have escaped a terrible death, but fearful of wor , st ’ The wo rk ot searching in the ruins is necessarily slow. There is a steady downpour of rain, which makes the debrU hard to handle. The property loss will amount to uboht $75,000, on which there is small insurance. Drowned lli-iscltln Well, Eaton, Pa., Aug. 0. — The body of Miss Emma Tizzurd, daughter of the late W. B. Tizzard, a well known ed itor, was found in the well in the rear of the family home at an early hour this morning. Sue had been suffering with melancholia and during tbe early even ing became ill, supposedly from having poison. A brother who lay in the door way to prevent her escape fell asleep. Some time during tho night Miss Tiz zard made her way over his body and, lifting the cover from the well, leaped iu. (Ju cit 1 rial For Uoss. Atlanta, Aug. 7.— Major W. W. Bar ker and the three companies of the Fifth infantry under his command returned . . from Canton, „ t , bnng- . yesterday a: ternoon ing witn them the negro rapist, Raj m0lia - k ' JS; o Y no wa l trlea ’ con vie tea a »d sentenced to.death , yesterday rnorn mg within less than 40 minutes. No. 48 A Pale Face Is a prominent symptom of vitiated bloo d. If covered with pimples, It's the evidence of Is,complete, Ing of condition. nature's way warn you your Johnston’s Sarsaparilla Dover tli© falls to slight rectify nil disorders ot %lood, or severe, of thirty long standing or recent origin. Its years record guarantees Its efficacy. Sold everywhere. Price 81.00 per full quart bottle. Prepared only by MICHKU.V 111(110 COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. 'Lite Simmons A- Co. .Jasper, Ga; Sam .( 8. Title, Title (in; Nelson Mercantile Co, Nelson (la; J. vV. Freeman, Talking Rock, inn! Kalon Patterson A Hamrick, Marble Hill, Ga. Trouble Brewing Auioug Indians. Helkna, Mou., Aug. a—Trouble is brewing in tlie Flathead Indian reaor vation botweeu Indians and halfbreeda. Yesterday, near Roman station, exchanged three Indians and three half breeds a number of shots, one Indian being shot in the arm. The Indians object to half breeds picking up cattle on the reservation. Both sides are reinforcing and more trouble is anticipated. Attachments I- lied. Savannah, Aug. 5.— Marion Erwin, special assistant attorney general of the United States, today filed in the United States court attachments ngaiust all loans and securities in Savannah held by ex-Oaptaiu O. M. Carter, engineer U. S. A. They amount to thousands of dollars. New Unbbi at Columbti *. OoLUMBUs, Ga„ Aug. 7.—Joseph Blatt of Cincinnati, a graduate of the Rab binical college of that city, has been se lected rabbi of Templo B'uai Israel in Columbus. The synagogue has been without a rabbi since Dr. E. B. M. Browne resigned several mouths ago. Jacobi Utility. Montgomery, Ain., Aug. 7.—Sanford Jacobi, who has been on trial the third time for assaulting Miss Mabel Parker, was found guilty in the city court yes terday. lie will appeal the case. Nov Mate Chemist. Tallahassee, Aug. 6.— Captain R. E. Rose of Kissimeo will succeed Hon. William A. Rawls of Tallahassee as stato chemist. Mr. Rawls retires vol untarily from this office after eight years of faithful service, during which he has extended the scope of the work of this department an well as enlarging its usefulness. Mental *eloucfi Association. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 7.—The International Mental Science associa tion will hold its convention in Sea breeze, Fla., Nov. 28 to Dec. 3 next. It is announced that over GO delegates from Europe will attend, and nearly ev ery state in the United States will be represented. Justice Carter May Design. Tallahassee, Aug. 5.—It is rumored here that Justice Francis B. Carter of the Florida supreme court will soon re sign his present position, and that his resignation will bo immediately fol lowed by his appointment as judge ox the first or West Florida circuit. John Must Part With (.'lie. New York, Aug. 6 — An order issued by the head of the Chinese Reform as sociation calls upon all Chinamen in this country to remove their cues. It is said that upon members of the associa tion it will be more binding than an im perial edict from the hand of the em peror of China. It will affect several hundred Uhiueso in this city. OWttS If you h/tven’fc a rotftilar, healthy jnov*uimifi vmacnt of tbt bo we I h eve iy d ay, . YOU’ro you’re ill ill or or w will be, nhapoof Kc »ep your via bowels >pe», and l>o well. Force, in llio lent physic sic or or pill jtill poison, poison, iu da: lCgcvGU b Tho smooth out-, easier;!, most perfect 1 way of p keeping the buweit clear ami clean in to take CANDY iK -CN; ORKWHIL^ EAT ’EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10, 25, and 60 cents per box. Write for free sample, and booklet on uealtb. Address 433 STERLING REMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW YORK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN