Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, October 25, 1901, Image 1

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ssrjsi y •< flPMHBMi T CJ J V--- A ^ " N 'W V* ;wf L - OI r U, ' -> 1 p t h' 2SA.. JL 1 YOL. XIY. GKIKERAL DJRCTOEY United States Commission. John K. Simmons. Superior Cq'.t*. .fourth Monda\ in April au1 Svi.» di. Judge,—O eo. F. Gober, MerPi*-,'.. SOLiori'iut,- K F.Si ni’son. Alpiiaret a County Officials. dkdi.nakv tuivin J. Oroelisot. 1 cs.i i.nm bel l firs’. Wind.iy !i tmofi m". ■ i i.f.kh Si v. Court, i ASI> ,1. i'. Ath l td i Tki:a; licit.; . 1 ioiistv i BnEHtFK l\ T. Wti eb r. Vxk Co;.:.':i.'i\in,—A.! , Bradley., I'A x UBin.'ivEU,—R.l’ fields. tJorvrv Shrv syor,— luck Gravloy. Gokonkh,—W. .W Wight ffeUNIOli’AL OFFICER:-; Mavus, .1. F. Siiumoiu. GUt’NClbAlKN : C. J, Con el s n. PC. S'Heeler, E. If* o.i. - K r.eiini -g, Waiter Itliyne, Religious Services. a. i:. ciit ucii, sunn. Par-Himsfl ki inat.-Bev. fl B. XiCtBietter. 1'AS'lOi:.—Kiv. J. H. Little. fiiTViCft ibst and U im Sin.-day, mitt t>'n <r : nights in each month. Si.rday Bcboo!,‘.».?0,a m. H. li. Bimiuojib, S*u • BAI T!ST (-111 KCH. I’astoh, Kev. G. A. Bartlett. Services, fonth Sunday, in every niontr Sunday School P.no, a. m. Tollerson Kirby Supt Boavtl of Education. Kbet Wofford. IbuTic.y Rond ley, * M. M.in-tscdi. ,1. N. McDaniel. (Jeo. W. Little, Uouimissiouer .1. W. L!enlt;y v Profess!ornil Cards. Dr. F. C. lllCHARDS. PHYSICIAN — – — SURGEON ---J ASP12T Georgia. - V' L K ‘ ''KYv' • m mb . Dr. R. L HUNTER, Dentist. JASPER, G-A. Will lit; al the Richards Hotel ton days in ott'-h month with the Richards Mouse F. C. RICHARDS, Pbopuiktob. - Ratej — Reasonable. — opeeiai Rate* to Citizens Pickens Oouxty. Guests Receive Attention. Also, First Class Livkby in connection with Hotel. g prcxtpily photo Vor •pj'–cttiNtd, free report OH on 2-70 pntehfcabiiitV, x\C2. Sonu iuodcl, F.ook sketch, “Hew or to Obtain U.S-. and Foreign Pa TREE. Fairest terms ever oil'ered t.) PATENT LAWYER3 0V *2«: V2\H'4 f 20,000 PATENTS cciitideHiial. PSOCUfiED Sound THft0Uf.fi advice. THEM.. . vv.All (i) busiue^s Slade ehnizos. service. rate ft) Write to A. SNOW Bl g PATEtiiT LAWYERS, WASHINGTON, 0. 0. Opp. U. S. Patent Office, TO ALL PERSONS HAVING FA KM INC, TIMBERED, OR MINERA LA' IIS, OR WATER POWERS FOR SALE. The Nashville, Chattanooga it Louis Railway jirnpoHes to cl use best efforts t-» induce a, goo-l immigrants t.«» stilfe in territory con tiguous to it-* lines, arid to the attention of capifalists seeking MamifacLt i’ g Fiit-s or Properly. It tiiei’i-fore solicits 8U[iport, the co-opeiation an-d assistatiov <! f the people of couniv throng!' '.vhit'll Us lines The iti-tnigemenf earnestly that all jiersuns who have fa'ms sale or. leas.-, those who have ctl lands, water powers or brief dos lands for s-ti will send a crijUt-’f'. <fl the Haum to the railrmi agent ucaivs'C tliein, giving tJH at-d tertns o: sale. Tiie 1 'iices mil-! com-sp-.-.tnl with t!..: prices asked , local / rs, ly; iii-inagen ...... 1 it . • i j> nvt i not prose se to aa: in seii’.ng land immigrants at exorbitant or five prtces. suitable tor Largo a? tracts especially ti.iM, low f.nccs, oie wanted .1. P. . Ivjr-LIiBEEW, Indt'B’rial and Immigration H. F, Sjutii Tiafflc M inajer, A’A“tlIV!LK, TkN\- Oc IT Jasper, Georgia, I'Yidaj toiler, 2«>, 190 h LONG PEG DING CASE. | Klorida Wanitt 13 >m*U lux**-* Amount- j It!Jf in $5)0, 181 1)0 Tallahassee, Oct. 21. — Attorney General William B. Lumur has ioit here j for Washington, where l:ois to represent tho state of .Florida in its suit against the Florida Central ana Poniusuiar rail toad for i'GO.lSl.99 back tuxes still uu paid, the suit now pending ' in me United States supreme court, This case has been in liirgarion for about )0 years and is one of the most bitterly contested ever bivu -in m iue Florida courts. On ti;reo separate ;m peals from the stare circuit, court to ttie sum-erne court of Florida Attorney Gen era! Lamar has gained decisions'll, fa vor of the state, the last decision nav iitg been rendered on June 26 1900 Tne railroad com nan r apocaicd riie nom Uniie-i his no cision and earned, case to cue Etai-es supreme court. Attorney Gc-m-rai Lamar, in behalf of the state, went to Wa-mngrou last F.b niary and succeeded it: having rue rase advanced for hearing i-n Oct. 23. He is ooulideut that his victory iu the Florida supreme court will tie sustained and a final judgment entered witnin 00 days. The railroad oompanv will be repre sented before the United Stares supreme court by Him. Wt- vne MoVfeagk, former attorney general of th,< United States, and Hon. Kroner ck D vicj£enney of the Washington bar. Its legal repre sentatives iu this state are Ooienei John A Henderson of Tallahassee and Hou. Thomas L. Clarke of Monticello, who wili r, r-pear with the Washington at torneys. MANY PERMITS GRANTED. I'Lvihx-L ka Jacii-o.ivi.lv, Fla. t Lisas Fr-. m t i -i* A -tie S. Jackson vilu;, Fla., Oct. S3.—Thede maud for building permits an the ftlioo of Building Commissioner Prh lean re mains unabated, ami Clerk IT. S. shun mervilla is kept actively engaged in ex am mug proposed plans and issuing the permits. build Tile records at the office of the ing commissioner show that at the close of business Saturday evening 84J per mits had been issued since May 3, tiles-* permits allowing for the erection of 117 brick bmidings and 950 frame build ings, a touii of 1,0(57 structures. The building operations have now a snmed a rapidity and extent widen makes it difficult to keep track of me work, and all of it is important, front the towering and imposing 5 story stone office building to the smallest cottage. Banks, club.-', hotels, stores, business blocks, office buildings, churches, apart meat houses, nesideuces aud cottages are being rapidly built aud pushed for ward to completion. Above ail, the work of rebuilding the homes itas been most active. KILLED HIS BEST FRIEND. Careless ilundiing of a i'istol itesnit- 1 it Dentil. Leesburg, Ala., Oct. 23 —At Murray Cross, near tiiis place, Gus .Moon, his two brothers aud a young friend named Croft were at the postoffice fooling with a pistol. Croft had the pistol, aud in a joking way, said something about snoot ing Moon. Moon --tiiii: “No yon won’t.” Grou; replieu: “Yes I will ” Croft raised the pistol and from some cause it went, off, the ball striking Moon in the omst, killing him msrautiy. When Croft reai.z:n what ne had done, he threw up his hands, crying; “Oh. my God, I have killed my best friend.” it-iiinli- of Labor to Hi: IJulft. Jacksonville, Fla., Oer. 19.—The Jacksonville labor orga-uizuious are to erect in a choice quarter of the city a 8-story brick structure which wtii be used as a labor temple, the ground floor having space for lour stores and tho whole building costing not less than £25,000. The building, for which plans are already being made, will be erected by vlie Union Investment company, the stock being subscribed by the various labor unions m Jacksonville. Applica tion for a charter from the state will be made in a few days. The capital stock will be $40, UX). .- lie riff i. u p' lire- Murderer. TallaiiAssee, Oct. 22.—Sheriff Pearce has captured Charlie Kilpatrick, a ne gro, who is wanted iu Alabama for mur der. In October, 1900, a railroad con tractor named Oihver was working a large force of negroes near Ensley, Ala , when he sent his boon-keeper, a young white man named Clark, to town for money to pay off the laborers. Return ing ;ir nigut, Clark was held up, robbed aud killed by three negroes, one of whom is in jail at Birmingham, Pearce the sec ond was kilted, and Sheriff has captured the third negro. hor Twfiity Y»*ar.s. Oi:i,aX»o, Fia, Oct. 2a—Two homi cine cases have been disposed of in the circuit court. Roland Cranford, who J ., Ued auother tur p dur ; ue g...^ at Mc . Q.iivur’-camp, was couvictod of man-: .-langin-.H- ana sentenced to 20 rears, aud Ar.ht r Cleveland, who killed Thomas Wihiuiijss ai Overawer* ramp, was •found nuHty of the same offense, aud was a j g0 piyeu 20 years. Two more gimiiar cases are yet to bo disposed of. All 01 the parties are negroes. Cotfon \Ye-t Point, Ga , Oct, 15 —One of the largest single sales of cotton bv ; a planter has just been made here. . Lon H. (donibs drove nine wagons, each con taming four bales, into “town from his ! farm, in Chambers The county, Ala., sold 6 miles J. J. 1 from here. cotton was to \ Hagerdorn – Co., the Co.’s price being called 7% cents. Hagerdorn – check S » 4 'A ,Sl CGi-.ttsO :> t v . II. AlKI.Ai.li. WORKED H;M F"R Siinrpoi* - wii.ii.i*' a ' »• • II l •» •• * *• 1 V 31 * • ealtii'y Ala. Decatuk, Ala. Got. iil 'll' Kid Louie, a Chin .mum. whs the vio.'ita ut a would-be sharper Inst mgnr. me sharper giving his name \\ hen urrc.-ti a r.s Ben Heed. Hood went to me Cl'iuain-.iu’s place and represented telling Louie hiinseli he as wanted a secret servioe agent, hls brother for crossing the border against the law, but if Louie would pay bim $50 he would not molest his brother. Louie was frightened aud paid the money over. Louie s young brother had gone back t0 China about two years ago aud re mained ft year. When he returned tho young Clnnaman had changed so ho was not recognized by the officers. Lome had trouble getting him released auii bo thought the sharper wanted his brother on that account. He intimidated Louie with a pistol after seizing the boy and pretend.-.; m handcuff him. The polioo caugnr Hood aa no was escaping –ad he was jailed, SOUTHERN PROGRESS, The .Yetv Industrie- Iftpoiied In tho rout b hi a Week, Chattanooga, Oct. 21.—The moro important of the new industries reported by The Tradesman for the week ended Oct. 19 are cue following: A 180.000 cigar factory at Tampa, Fla.; a 1100,000 coal aud lumber com pany at Nashville, Teuu.; n $Ja,OPO coal mining company at Birmingham, Ala.; a cotton gin at Memphis, Teuu.; elec me light planre at Georgetown, S. C., and Bristol, Teuu.; an electric power plant at Demurest, Gi; if250,000 gas works at Darn am, N. O.; a $<Su,b00 hard ware company at Columbia's. Ga.; a (■125.000 iron bed company at Winston balem, If. O.; a $15,000 lumber company at Atlanta. Gu.; a umber mill at. Wash ington, N. O ; 250.000 pipe works at Gadsden, Aia ; $20,0 : 0 saw nulls at Lux. Miss., aud Caroiiua City, M. C.; a steel hoop mill iu contemplation at Knsley, Ala.; telephone co:npa:iit-s at Marianna, Fla , and State>vuie. N. O.; a woolen inili at Brownsville, Teuu. CHARGED WITH SMUGGLING. Warrants liavtf IJirri is-iti .i !»'< i*Rt»*ej» J (M’-Di's a i Man r it , New Y-.ib.k. Oct. 2 5. —On charges of being implicated iu ■ w lo y-ule smug, glttig of seulsi- i u- ltiui .oc- United states, w:,i rants hav. t.. > n i... no.i in Vi-rwoitt • 1 ' 1 'snn • nn-v ip Aii uitre li, rays The WoUdV Moiurt ai itoni-io.ni- itt. . . - -.tills. It is ;| 1 g It. Vtf r • i >; • g;-j.i iii oy a b.-.. " ig -uot-r. t o ill - O-H* tral Vermont •rantoao i r i > :g;. •» United Srar~s governtm n hit i. v. a : confiscated #25.009 worm i f t oi • atm tne nefectivt-s arc tracing i t. r< m. tinder. Tne -pecial agent of the Unf ed 6:ao tren-nrv has detainod at R-iu,t L yiutii; on tne United S ur - both r, a sin ... ut of coon taiis lut-i tiiiti- waste, watch declare - are uudoi vouch. Tin-se air. were auipo-'d ov too hu—iuu 1 ur coni p-mv ot Montreal. In.-member ot tne comwauvuenv the charge and ,-ar that, if uec-ssarv thev ' win ao to Washing a..... s • ■ t ,„, f sinco r „ her . life has heel) of one ‘ I fish j vol ion and im.se] lions To ' j and she Jms lu.w gone to her i i wtird in honvtMt; Sin; wns <! j losigneti t <» dip and her grunt U was for her loved ones to live so il to meet her where purtiiign are 1 more. t “Weep not for death, 1 ‘Tis but a fever stilled, 3 A pain suppressed,—a fear at rest, A solemn hope fulfilled, The moonshine on the slum beri rig f Is scarcely calmer. Wherefore Weep not for death ! The fount of tears is sealed, Who knows how blight the inward To those closed eyes .tp revealed? MitUVUgii tV. L , Ui ui * ■ ... . ... , it had already become a war of extermi nation. New Kngino of Destruction. San Francisco, Oct. 23.—A model of a torpedo designed for use in warfare has been given a trial ou the bay by tUe inventor, John F. Perkins, late of New Zealand. The trial was apparently sat isfactory. The torpedo is intended for use as a submarine boat as well as conveyor of deadly explosive material. The inventor claims tnat it can be steered in any direction. Fossil Kciii.iins Di-ciivei'i'ii. Laramie, Vvv., Ocr. 23.—C. W. Gil more, in the employ of riie Carnegie museum of Pittsburg, has discove–d near Medicine Bow, 80 miles west of this place, the almost complete fossil re mains of an immense bronto-aur, a very rare specimen, and one of the hugest 111 the remains win be an earthed und sent to Pittsburg. Mi T ?r * (du -mi'i Or-'ii it -is.v«(|. New Yolk, Ocr. 23,—Articles of in corporation of the Cuuun Sugar Refin ing company hav-.: been fl.ed viitu the county clerk’s office, Jersey City. The company was organized with a capital Stock of S'-i-JQ.WJ to raise and export su gar. iue n.corporators are Horace ,, S. Goi(if ij Vt . u j. Dudley, John I. Billings, Tracey a. Buckingham and Kenneth E. McLaren. Kart F.qituke Mialtcs M. i nomas. St. Thomas, D. W. L, Oct. 22.—The sharpest earthquake shock in many years was felt here this morning. Nc tlamage was done. SHOT THROUGH VHE HEART. Sunday I jaypily ;it a 1 ousli .Joint Jn ■Mivnnmili. Savannah, Got. 21.—Victor llivers, iv negro, was shoo through the heart and instantly failed at nu early hour yester day. The tragedy occurred near the •‘Red bight” saloon, ;m eaat side resort, where Itivers was employed as a piano player. Tne resort is a place well ire hat quant ed by seafaring men, and is not favorably known 10 rha police. The killing was because ot a negro woman, Emma Green, one of the habi tues of the place, lor whom u is sup posoj Rivers and a ioudnuxs. A sailor, called by his companions “Cockney,” had been nt;entire to the Woman, and this made Rivers excessive iy jealous. Because r.e saw tin- woman his in Oonversation with the sailor ami companions, Htv.-i-“ .-truck n-r a sting ing blow in me face Tin; s:t! »■»•» i. located jest l ack ot Gadion-o uni turn is one of the toughest resorts iu un ci ry. tv lieu She place Closed the sailors am. the negro women left together. Riv. r aocpnipanied the party. Tucv had ami not proceeded far when a shot was fired Rivers fell svun a btuiet laronga ms heart. The sailor known its O-'csuey fled, but the others reiuaiued. *lt \s as suit! that tiia missing man firo-i rhesitor. but at tho inquest- held it developed Ci'ck’noy. ttitir Rivers wa~- i'-ij Killed by rut;or A negro known as LutupGtrm isn»\v ciiarg.-ii witn the mutner. Thi -.ilinig oecurroti in a bimd aiiey, where til - ne groes were crowded iogctlier. nii.i tin* witnesses could gt^e it. •• e r iiiea as to how ir iiapp-.ni-c!, U.ttnf i.as not oeesi captured. THREE PEC PL.: C • I','. D. j–'–shi–fiCtt a £ A It bit a,, ! ire ;»i \ ' 1 1 1 AsnnuRN, Ga., Got. 21.—lob a Kate er, Jack Hatcher aud Minnie K.i i-.o two brothers and a si-nw, ail gr j.v.i. were burned to death near hare e-mu; day morning. • Mt-. Hatcner, rhemoun r. w.n rt'.vti t eneii by the heat at her resid.-ncc aim barely escaped with m r life, and too late to assist her children. Her cries ,ttracied ins attention oi her neighborsj_who came to th-- rescue as quickly as uos.-it-l", but were u.'iabie to save the lives of those in the house or to stay the flames. la the early part of rile nigut n lawn was overturned in a room of seen cotton a*a <he inmates sue,«•«.>.led in ex:iu gnishiug tho fire after being sli :htiy burned. It is thought that, die nr-' w as only smothered, a it broke out again in the same room aud ttio house was totally destroyed. THROWN FROM STREET CAR. Young Lady at Savannah Deceives Fatal Injurle-. Savannah, Oct. 23. —Miss Onarlocte Llakely, ,, , , lany , . . . olo _ _ a young resiuing at Thirty-third street, tell while alighting from a car at Broughton and Barnard streets aud received injuries from , which , . , sin: dual, lhe motoriuan *! m cononecor ot tho car claim that tliss Blakely .stepped from tne thus car it was in motion ami was re pousihle for tho accident, The young lady’s jerk lrienus she c^im that off, in car gave a as rose to get - irowiug her race downward on the aVement. When picked sip she badly was leeding ar tne mouth and ruised. Phvsicians were summoned ud slio was removed to her home, she died. Tne deceased came to Savannah from Charleston a few months go and resided with her sister. May II«v« I>isptMi**ary. Washinotox, Ga., Oct. 23.—An effort till be made to pass a dispensary law iu he legislature for Wilkes county. In act, a notice has been published with he following caption: “Ail act to es tablish, maintain and regulate a dispen ary in the city of Wasningion, Wilkes ountv, Ga., for the sale of ardent pirits, malt liquors, wine?, ciders and thtr intoxicants, and to establish,and erperuate a board of ciminLsioners for se management of said dispensary, and f I ■ other purposes. ” \ h liii-s Fi-iiztcr Again, I.AXTA, Oct. 21.—It is reported that Bats Frazier, the young Technological student whoso mysteriously disappeared many •months ego, was seen on the streets ot Atlanta recently by another student of the school. He n quested that nothing should be said of his being here, ihe police aio i>av. stunting ana are iiio-t anxious to clear tip this mys tery— one of the strangest that has ever corno within tic-tr knowledge. • uicidu at La. Meios. Ga., Oct. 2 . —D. J. Hall of this place, ami who is wtii known to the businor;.! world, committed suicide by taking morphia- Mr. Hal! had been book-keep- r for J. IT. Carter of this place for many years. He was consid ered by fill who knew him to be one of the first business men m the comity. Tired of life 's tne oniy caiffce assigned for the act. He ieuves a wife and four nbildrtm. -o eif iiu.ivvn Kducntor Dies. Knoxville, Oct. 22.— Dr. G. M. Bart lett, for 21 years president of the Mary yille college, Maryville, Teuu.. died this morning, Aged 61 rears. Ho wa one of tne best known educators in Tenti«* o< - Will V.fc For X'■ w I'rlfil. Dublin, Ga., Oct- si.—The supremo court will next week h; a? the motion for a new trial of Joan Robinson, who at the last term ot cue superior court of Laufens county was convicted of tho murder of Bertha Simmons and sen teuced to hang. It is not believed that new trial will be era:'' 0 '" 1 Him. ^ OL.t Zip u t\ h » i " i : ■ D MARINES HO'liltD TO SAMAR The Island In State of Active Insurrection. DEPARTMENT IS NOTIFIED Here Where t In- llaf >rt Uiiftili Cbm* pimj' (.! of ibp Maiii iiilii/Miy 3L Such -It: n ;t I Di-ualcrut (lie Hand* oi tile Ireni'lier us aitt ves. WASiilxotos, Oct. 22 — The nuvy d< • partition! lias r e ived tne fn.lowing cablegram from R-j.r Admiral Konger.-: ‘•Cavite, Oo;. 23, se.-r- s.ii-v* Navy, Winning on - -.ii ;ivu in.-tin'- ciion in Sa mar. New York eaves tojiay for Oat baiogim with f.ju m nines, to return to Basey aud ikilangiga, to co operate wit; army. Hourly ail navai torch conem tratoii on Scmnr tmiivl Services All thusti and Zilaro, two co ilei-s, noodei. ana being u;:i.zjd. i.uUUl.US ” Naval officials construe tue disputed to mean that me N • .v Ym It will go first to Catbalogau nno then to Jlasey aud Baiungiga, latioing detachments of ma rines ut each point. BANDITS WkLL HIDDEN. Attempts it Column inula W ith 'Mi. in liilil, A't.w Yors. Oct. 22.—From Mama bev, a correspondent or The Jourmv. ami Advertiser hau obtained tho follow it :<j dotiiiit)t:oncenn:iy tiic me. tiitof the lauuapers of Miss Stone, tho American missionary: ••Your correspondent has just re turned to Snumkov after fortnight’s vain eudeuvor to get. into communion tion with the brigands. At Diunieyer the kainiftii or local governor retu on to give a written statement, but told your correspondent of the track (akeu by the brigands into Bulgarian teirttory. The brigands are stall wand( ring jirouno that region near Gulrepo aud the two govurumeius with g-ndarinarie, soldiers , hue „ aua agent;, are u\tng to them, “1’iie four brigands who have been arrested stoutly maintain that they are not connected witn (be bond unit cap tured Miss Btoue. I hav been sum moiled to appear tin Luhintzi aud oe ex ami tied bv a Turkish speotai cminuis sion. TtAs may i-e. a Turkish effort to ui.•ut<» urotesran:, npneur tis acornndoes m tin- rirone ■•ajituiv. Owing to tne s vt-ro irost here lit the mountains a! efforts to so <1 pami- of cunb ft aii.i r. -cs-aries u> Mi.— stone, who y.a,;. he suff-rit'g train the cold., ii..ve been baffled. “All atreinprs to communicate with the brigands have Deer; a/isrcces-ful. Tho baniitrs are tttpi^eutly a.raid o; treaobeiy and oetei mined not to tiis cioso tiuiir hiding p ace. ” SHOT GIRL AND SUICIDED. ISioo<lv Deed oi .ion J£. I emaii'i /. t Xnrw <t , on it. NonwiCH, Conn . Oct. 22.—Annie B. Horne, alias Clara Moore, was shot and dangerously wounded today by Jose E Fernandes of Buenos Ay tvs, Argentine, said to have been her former lover. Ter nandez afterward committed suicide. The affair occurred in a resort kept by the woman. On a postal card in the suicide’s pocket there w as writ ten thd following: “I am from Buenos .tyres. My name Julio is Joso Fermuuh'K My metier is Fernandez. Her name i- Annie B. Horne. Her lather is ..dimes Horne. Her sister is a sot^iol teacher, Margaret B. Horne. Her family lives iu Bethle hem, Pa. I tried io -do tins long a£o, and whenever I asken her to behave so as to avoid the present scene sue always used to laugh and inane fun of me.” The woman, who L 2!) years oid, is a: a hospital in a critical comtitiou. 6iw has three bullet wounds in the face anti one in the shoulder. Fernandez was 23 years of age. Both he and Mrs. Horne formerly lived in the city of Mexico. TRADE IN THE PHILIPPINES. United .-stales Destined to lie Lie Prin cipal >1 a i-it ct. Nkw YottK. Oct. 23.—The Manila cor respondent of The Journal of Commerce sends tho following details concerning tho trade in the Philippines: “Tito invasion of tno markets of the Philinniin.-s by American merchandise is less complete as yet than the invasion of the islands by American political that ideas, but tuore are indications American good? will come here in in creasing quanmies within a short time. Judging from the exterior of the shops, American establishments are compara tively few, but judged from the interior the looting obtained by American goods is more obvious. “One of the difficulties with which Americans have to contend in the mar ket is the fact that the established chan nels of trade are with Spain, France, Germany and Switzerland, rather than with America. Tho representatives of the Spanish chamber of commerce ap predate the fact, however, that a new era is beginning iu the Philippines.” li-.-r.ff Arrests 31 tirderri. Knoxville, Oct. 23. — A special to The Sentinel from Kogersville says John Tate, who fatally stabbed his nude Nathaniel Tate, at Kingsport last week, was caught near Kogersville by hiu rjff Armstrong. Smirn Hall was with him and they were heavily armed. Thev me.de no statement No. Co GOOD o HEALTH by the Quart. Every bottle you take of Johnston'# Sarsaparilla moans bettor health, anil every bottle contains • full quart. It makes better blood— 'purer blooil. For thirty years this famous remedy has been creating and taaia tatnlng good health. Johnston’s I Sarsaparilla builds up the system, tones the it- nerves, and strengthens tho muscles moro promptly and effectually than any other remedy known. Tho pallor of the cheek disappears, energy takes the place of languor, and the rich color of health flows to tho cheeks. Unequalled for all disorders of ths stomach and liver, and for all weakening com plaints of men, women and children. guU ccryiTbcro. rrite, (1.00 p.r tail 411 art butt].. MICHIGAN DRUG CO., Detroit, Hick. Kite Simmons A- Co. Jasper, La; Sam A Tata, Kilo La; Nelson Mercantile Co. Nelson tin: J. 'V. Fieonian, Talking !! .idt, ami Eaton Rattcraon ei Ilanii ick, Marble Hill, La. Discharge From Iiaukruptoy. Macon, Oct. 33. —In (lie United State* court yesterday bankruptcy proceedings against the. Tennillo cotton mills were ended. Creditor- and bondiionh rs agreed to an is-ue or -i'J.'i.OOO in bonds ami $7, 000 in preferred stock, cr, ditors to ac cept bolide in lieu of ca.-h. The order of discharge from bankruptcy was ihou issued by Judge doeer. The mill will resume work at mice. Mtibb ■ g 'B’-iyiit Mho oi. Macon, Oct. rift. — Lloyd How ard, a negro man, was serum ly and perhaps fatally stabbed by “Bi.l” Jenntngs lust night. The stabbin;-* occurred at the oonier of Third and Rlnm streets. Jeu niugs used a large kui e, which pene trated tho righr lung of the uecro. Tho attending svtrg «>a ssivs wiiiie tno wound is tv verr ■e-i n, one Howard 1ms a ouauoo toreg.iver. i* n tub » • !> n 11 Hi i ltd. Louisvji i.:.. <Jtt., Out, 22.— Ou tli« edge of Burn- county Fink She rod re ceived wounds fr :u which lie died a few hours later. H-, with several other negroes, was gambling. A dispute arose over the money, when one of the party drew u revolver aud opened fire, one shot producing diu:rod's death Thu negro who uid the shooting nuute ins escape. < image I’liioe of -Men lug. Macon, Oct 32.— The executive com mittee of tiie Southc-rfi Association of Manufacturers of Yellow Pino Sash, Doors and Blinds is sending out official notices changing tue meeting place from Augusta to Macon, (Ur. 21. because of the cheap rates timt are given here on aoopunt ot the veterans’ reunion. W ! !l(t HWS lit lie-Ii> nut toil. VAi.rittsTA, Gu., Out. 22.- Rev. Carl Minor, pastor of the F.r-t Baptist church, has been induced by the mem bers to wundraw his r signmion teu dere-i two weeks ago. He has publicly announced that tho re-leu a turn naa been witn onwn m uetereuce to the unaot* moii.- i ou »t of the members. <* V ' *-.^l«M.iWWBMI. I—US 3 ■' V* .A A DACHE - aj / t im ^ AS ,-ai Ji..^ *. .thVvA. 25 Diws 22c. Sdmi i;s 1 he i l ii < t < f \ t hi \ ik ltors and sue!) oGmr lpub flat will be of interest to the readers of the I'ltOttRKKH. "I l-.nva «oue I t Say* nt Itnio without a i:iBV, KBiit oJ I lu: 'mweU. :j;.t l-rlnr able to njuvo them <-?.cept l,y UnitiK In.: watai mjuctloas. < tlironic con- tqiatioii f(ir sevi n ycairg placed me la this terrible cciidliIon, dailoa that time 1 (lid ov Ciythln^l he..-.rd of '-aiiHCr tolled any relief; aucb .cci my case ua.ll I hc-tau -.aiua UASCAKETS, I 'ruy . iavo from oric io turec I'.'-.bByea a day, unil if I .nirich 1 woa'.d (jive ! Cp.COfor ' each mavciccnt; It totaica a relief.’' Ai.sn -. 1, Hunt, 1-;?J i’.eui.tl m„ i-e troll, Mlctl. canoy f M CATHARTIC ^ La r.una ms,as wfon-'es-ro m SI Good, Plena-it. P:;Li :n tiio. potent. Tnr.te Good. Do Lever Sictwi, V.Teiei;, r.-Grli-c I0e.25o. Wa ... CUBE CUHSTJpATSOM. ... Strrlliis rt..'«.iy Coopiicy, Cbl*ii*<;. V-i-'n-.l. It w York. 822 TRADE-MARKS DSSIUNS 1 AMD COPYftiGHTS f OBTAINED 4 • t A1:VICE Notice So As “ TO Inventive PATENTABILITY Age'.’ i - Book “Hav laobiaiaFatcnto” j§ hiSSani^A j - Charge-, -w.Vi-afe. Jf confidential. c fee tit] patent is secured. J. 1 ’ Lbtte. s strictly Address, E. , D. C. ■