Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, November 22, 1901, Image 1

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PICKENS COUNTY Pitot il! VOL. XV. GENERAL DJRCTORY llnit**d States 'Jomroisslone/ Jous K. Simmons. Superior Court. fourth Monday in April and BapS* nls-« Jcdgk,—O eo. V.Qobtr, Alar jtt*. Solicitor,—B. P.Simnson, Alpharet a County Officials. ouijinart;—’C alvin J. Ooruelisoi. OtsslON* held lirst Monday n «aoh nemui Clerk 8ur. Court, and ■I.T. Athi rttm. COUNTY TRF.A81 BRIL ,8 hkrifk,—C.T. Will el< r. rAxCoLLSCTOii,—A. I . Bradley. Tax hBomvBH,—R.l’ .field*. County simvK you, —Hick Gravlcy. Coronkr.—W. .W Wrght MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Mayor, J. F. Simmons. COUNCILS! KN: C. J. Cornfclia. n. U.d. Wheeler, E. Hood. E. Lenning, Walter ItUyne, Religious Services. M. K. cnUKOH, SOUTH. r residing Elder.— Kev. S B. Ledbetter. . Pastor.—K ev. J. H. Little. Strvieis Hist jmd Uiiirt mr.iiay, mid Sui mo uiglits in each month. Sunday School,9.3T, a m. B. II. Simuioi.s, s baptist church. Pastor, Rev. G. A Bartlett. Services, foutli Sunday, in every uodm S unday School S.30, a. m. Tollcrson Kirby Suj>t Hoard of Education. Bber Wofford. Rainey Beni I icy, >£.. Morrison. J. N. McDaniel. Oeo. VV. Little, .1. \v. Hen ley, Commissioner Professional Cards. Dr. F. C. Richards. PHYSICIAN - – — SURGEON, --Jafpeb, Georgia. - Dr. R. L HUNTER, Dentist. m Will c Iri i rn Hotel m in eaohmonth - Iiegining with the 20th. JASPER, GA. Richards House F. C. RICHARDS, Proprietor. — Rates — Reasonable. — opecial Rates to Citizens Pickens County. j^0* Guests Receive Attention. Also, First Class Livery in connection with Hotel. - A promptly procured, OR HO FEE. Send model, sketch, or »hoto for free report on patentability. Book “How to Obtain U.S. and Foreign Patents and Trade-Marks,” inventors.I FREE. Fairest terms ever offered to FATEHT LAWYERS OF 26 YEARS’ PRACTICE.I 20,000 PATENTS PROCURED Sound THROUGH advice. THEM.. Faithful< All business confidential. ( service. Moderate charges. SNOW – CO. A. PATENT LAWYERS. Opp. U. 1 Patent Office, WASHINGTON, 0. C. TO ALL PERSONS HAVING FARMING, TIMBERED, OR MINERAL LA'DS, OR WATER POWERS FOR SALE. The Nashville, Chattanooga – St. Louis Railway proposes to use its best efforts to induce a good cl iss of iminigraets to settle in territory con tiguous to its lines, and to engage the attention of capifalists seeking Manufactuiirg Sites or Mining Property. It tlierefore solicits the •upport, tlie co-operation and llie assistance of the people of every county through which its lines The management earnestly requests that all persons who have fauns for ■ale or lease, those who have timber ed lands, water powers or mineral lands for sale, will send a brief des cription of the same to the railroad agent nearese them, giving the prices and terms of sale. The paices nin-f correspond with the prices asked <>t local buvers. The management does not proiO'fic to a-.d in selling laud immigrants at exorbitant or specula tive prtces. suitable for Large tracts ti 0 n, at low prices, ere wanted. J. B. Killebrkw, Industrial anil Immigration II. F, Smith Traffic Manager, Xashvjj.e, Tkn.v to mm. Miss Zona Cowart is very sick. We are sorry to learn. We noticed Charles Hussan, of Canton, in town Wednesday. He was interesting our merchants in his line—Hardware. Why not some one put up n j meat market in .Jasper? So many you want fresh meat when it- ean| nt.t be found It seems to us 1 hat asniuJl market would pay hero. Mr. Willingham , of Marietta, was here a few days ago on business He has purchased u farm in the west end of this country and will give .some attention to the peach industry. The Progress office is doing a nice lint? of job printing at this time. Those who have note heads! letter heads, statements, envelop corners, etc. will make no miss take by calling at this office and getting prices before placing their orders. We can save you money. Some people imagine newspap per men can take a piece of .paper over which a bug crawled alter walking through spilt ink and make a beautiful piece of news of it, and if lie fails to do that he Inis made a miserable failure Why not Jasper hold some kind °f 11 thanksgiving service? It thankful ...... and t . that . . . the , for, it is duty of alt persons to give thanks unto the giver of every good thing, once a year at least. RICHARDS HOUSE. HOTEL ARRIVALS. C. Orton, Boston, Muss. Lewis J. Gass, Chattanooga, Tenn. VV. D. Howard, Macon, Ua. John Smith, Atlanta, Ga. T. E. Hi Hand, Atlanta, Ga. 0. E. Emmersnn, Knoxville, Tenn. W. T. McCullough, Atlanta, Ga. H. B. Price, Savannah, Ga. ■ W. T. Spruit, Jr. Atlanta, Ga. R. F. Hunt, Knoxville, Tenn. Joe. H. Etheridge, Atlanta, Ga. Cecil L Baker, Knoxville, Tenn. Q. W. Cain, Atlanta, Ga. W. G. Fish, Atlanta, Ga. Conmird Fitts, Tate, Ga. S. C. Bearden, Tate, Ga. Rev. J-H. Little and wife left here last Saturday for Rome where they will attend the North Georgia Conference of the M. E. church South. Mr. Little has done a faithful year’s work here and at Tate Ga., We wish him arid his family .weM where-ever their lot ... may lie Fast. Prof. Brand, who is in charge of the school here went home Wed nesday very sieftj We hope he Wl V to return to his school iii ti few days Did Von now This? Do yon know thatn neglected tv •ug cold leads a i m i iq, ,i , u i dole people die from the effects of e itching cold than from any other known cause. 1 here is one remedy and remember it only oo-ts twenl-v live cents, ihat has proven a safiq unfailing cure for coughs and colds, D is called Mexican Syrup, Your druggist has itor will get it for on. It heals and ttrenghtens the lungs, ai"l breathing passages, when J !n! gomlyou hUffiater get abmile today and read the testimonials <m the wrapper. SUCCESSOR TO THE HERALD. Jasper, Georgia, Friday, November, 22, 1901. Prof. Brand suspended sch#ol Monday evening on account of being indisposed It seems that the Prof, has been at some disad vantage on account of ill health, We hope ho will soon he in the best of health and that his school will be on a boom. .John Cagle, from Ludville his bis family to Jasper and is now occupying the residence once occupied by G. W. Ovveu. We are always glad to’have the privilege of welcoming a good citizen to our town such as we believe Mr Co be. BRING us some, green wood on subscription- We are in great of it now. Biing to the PROmiKss office. A Serious Accident. s. m Serious Accident occured last Saturday to one of our friend J as Groover’s little boys while playing near Mr. Groover’s dwell ing. They were playing running an engine, they had built a fur nace and put a can of water on it, air tight, and put fire under the can and when the water became heated the can exploded. The hot watter flew out onto the boy’s leggs and scalded them badly. He is being treated by Dr. F. C Kicinuds. We hope lie will soon be well. It wmild be enough would not tamper with that character as they do not know the danger in explosions. The Woild’s (food Item is. Frequently we see evidences of nobility of character which re kindled our failing faith in hu manity. The New York World tells in these apt words two such illustra tions that were given on the same day recently: “Edward F. Corrigan was pushed headlong from a wagon and killed by a fe.low student at Yale, Henry M. Sedley. Though it is not charged that Sedley intended to kill, it is admitted that lie was guilty of reckless roughness which cost Corrigan his life. But Cor rigan’s mother the keenest suffer from the‘accident,’if so it may be classed, earnestly pleads that Sedley, who is under arrest, shall not be prosecuted. On the same day Louis A Prea eger was arraigned in this city cliarged with having robbed his employers, Sidenburg – Co. His wife, his three children and his aged mother al; appeared and tearfully pleaded that he be al lowed another chance. He was they said a devoted husband and father and all he had stolen had been given to them. And Mr, Sidenhurg, bead of the firm, said : I withdraw the charge I am an (J id man and could not have it on m y concience that I hud deprived this aged woman of her son or this wife and her children of their support, ‘‘Two unique examples of the ff U!l hty of mercy-” The world is i ot half as bgd as Bome P 8 °P le wouItl have us believe and it is not going to the bow— wows bv a good deal. GENERAL NEWS. AS CULLED FROM THE DAILYS, At a'n early hour this morning the c,ify of Charlotte, N.C , is re ported m llainos with no water supple available. It i| believed Unit plans will euccelftl whereby Newton county will soon have rural free mail de livery! Beifhie Crow, a farmer living near Buford, Gu., was found ilead Sutufcffiiy in a wagon load of cot ton seed with which he lmd started from^home to sell. Foul play is suspivted. Bishop Galoway and many cler gymen arrived in Rome yesterdnv for the annual session of the North Georgia Methodist conference which opens there today. Jack Livingston, a member of an Atlanta family, was convicted of hijse stealing in Macon court yesterday . He made a brake fur liberty, but was overtaken and re capthmi, IlCtbe suit for damages of Mar tin Blackburn vs the Midland Railway Company heard in A|b:v y circuit superior court at Baiobridge, the font i g r was m t of $ 10 •m , A .H. W . Wiley, chief chemist of the department of agriculture in Washington, is making a tour of the sugar cane fields of this si ate. lie says the Georgia cane is 2 per cent richer in saccharine matter than that of Louisiana. Mrs. L. M. Wilson was yester day awarded a verdict of .fP2,500 in the suit against the Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern railroad for the death of her husband. She was repiesented by Senator A.. S. Clay and Hon. Hoke Smith. Ia The General Assembly. The appropriations committee of the house yesterday afternoon agreed upon a favorable report on the meusu esetting aside $110,000 for the state militia this year. 'J’he house committee to which refered the (Tress bill providing that the state erefet a handsome new depot on the present site of the car shed, agreed last evening to recommend that the measure pass. A bill was introduced in the house yesterday morning provid ing that the state should take the neccescary steps looking,to the building of stores and office build ings along tho Broad apd Forsyth street bridges and tho Whitehall street viaduct on the l ight of way ofjthe State road. Formal orders for a general courtmartial at Montgomery, Ala., have been issued. Lieutenunt Colenel Kyle, of the Third regi ment, will be tried for insubordi nation and other alleged breaches of discipline. T) ,0 , _ ^ aulkn tr Smith, , of ....., the Bri^> “ , government’s department of j education, will visit Atlanta and other southern cities soon to in • spent their school systems The British steamer Aecommuc Galveston to Liverpool, yesterday sailed in port at Key went with 5,0. 00 bales of cotton in her hold on ■ ■ • Lni' - * *vft |> fs. • r i^f the. A marshal arrives in Roanoke, Va , with prisoner convicted of rob bing a postoffice v ln> claims he is the hoii of ex-Lieutenant Governor Worthington, of Kentucky. lie also admits he is wanted in Indian Territory for killing a United Staten marshal. . A sensation was sprung in the Hooks poisoning case nt Mwm phis yesterday, when widow of the dead man was summoned to up pear before I lie grand jury on the belief that slie was about to le^ve town. Martial rule now prevails at the scene of the battle between union and non-union miners in Ken tucky, It is said some of the par ticipants in the attack are known and that warrants for their arrest have been issued. Union officials disclaim any resposibility. Additional Editorials. Congressman Tale Inis been con lined to his room for several days fo ibis week with u slight attack of cold, but we are glad to learn he is much better now and no eer mu* consequensces are feared.— Advance, Editors cannot make neyvs what ever ffise they may make If you did not see your name or the name of your vislors in the paper very likely it in because you did not see the editor. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt, of a beautiful map of the United StuteB on one side and the State of Georgia on the other. These maps have been specially prepared for the Semi-Weekly ournul and will he given as a preinni with the Journal at $1. a year. Announcements will ap pear later in this paper of thq price at which the Progress, Semi-Weekly Journal and map can lie had at the Progress office. '■ - ’!■ V >' .V : i: /! ' Call them what you please, but there is much more evil at tached to a cirtus than good comes out of it. If it was not for the gambling, vulgarity and shame which they practise there would lie an education >1 4 atur- 1 worth attention. Brother Rucker, of the Alpha retta Eree Press, thinks if Brother Neal will hang two tom cats across a pole by the tail in his sanctum he would brake a monotony. Well, yes, that would make some change in most of our sanctums—at least in the way of vocal sounds. We advertise for pay. If you want a bargan when you buy an article from a ^tpre and do not know just where yoti can get it, just put the PttOGRKss raid look and look,(*ur advertising co j. iiJun- and, you will be dil-ebted to the njaoe. Those w^io ad vertise with us keep a good assor merit of goods and at prices to suit von. No. 16 Tired JL MJL Wr v ■■ that’s all. No energy, no 'A vim, no vigor, no amsition. The head aches, thoughts are confused, memory fails. Life becomes a round of work but half accom- o plished, of eating that does L not nourish, of sleep that l. h> v> rv fresh and of i. i : »g t!;at Lever rests, 'i hat’s tin* 1 trffiimmg of nervous prostrai-on.' ft "l never :.*u M’.fo*' auythine ti.> me so much good ns ltr. NctviuU 1 w»» tired, and N nervous, i ervine curst! Steeplers mu I know wom-out «l m«. nothin tig so good for in lipesdion and Cetiei ul Lulldiner up of the system." «-u Rxv. l. P. Ntr.iT,, Fsirburn, Gv ■ ra-iiJs. t f.i Dt. Miles' • . Nervine t strengthens the worn-out nerves, refreshes the tired brain and restores health! Sold by droughts on guarantee. M Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. i. We met Dr. A. B. Vaughan on the train last Saturday mi his wpy to Ellijay Where lie was to preach • Sunday, lie informs ua that scar let fever has visited his family again, this timeattacted the three last ones eaving aj}w gone entirely through the ihmiiy. v*o iWj..i, c with him in that 8) far there has resulted n<> death from malady. . 1 WOMAN'S TROUBLES AtfD FEMiLB DISEASES CURED BY > Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLlt. Painful and Suppressed Menses, Ir regularity, Leucorrhcea, Whitee, Steril ity, Ulceration of the : Uterus, change of life, in matron or maid, all Bad re lief, help, benefit and cure in JOHNS TON’S SARSAPARILLA. It tsVHtti panacea for all pain or headache abopt the top or back of the bead, dia t ree s - ing pain in the left side, a disturbed condition of digestion,' palpHatfoii-ifrf the heart, cold hands and feet, nerv ousness and irritation', steeplfesailMafc, muscular weakness) bearing-down pains, backache, legache, irregular no tion of the heart, shOHMesS M tMMtlH. abnormal discharges, with extremal/ painful menstruation) scalding of Urine, swelling of feet, soreness of the breasts, , neuralgia, uterine displacement and catarrh, and all those symptomf and troubles which make the average vea* man’s life so miserable. H . *1 aieaita oave oo., Dcimi Tate Simmons – Co. Jasper, Ga; Sam a Si Tate, Tate Ga; Nelson Meroautito Oo Nelson and Ga; Eaton J. iV. Freeman, A Hamrick, Talking Rock, Patterson Marble Hill, Ga. It takes money to run a new paper, and if you are due us any thing on subscription we' woiHd like for you to settle it at once. DYSPEPSIA kSSSSi u,ua *“'“ w * u - 1 David H. Muxpht. Niwwk. O. *** fff. -“Aw * ’ »• :■ • M candy ml' CATHAtmc ^ :1m to* MM. tuei* ------ — — ... , i.i - ■■ . ..... . .. e r r --—... ..... 1 N0-T0-BA0