Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, February 07, 1902, Image 1

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LOCAL ITL and Matter uf General InteT y'j S« z m 851 J 5@i v< Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of Potash. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash, Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. GENERAL DTRCTORY United States Commisslomsr John F. Sikmons. Superior Court. fWar t h Monday in April and Bnpliralwr 4irrsi c,—Geo. T. Gober, Marietta. ••aioiTO*,- 8. F.Simpson, Alpharetta. County Officials. OaiMSARTCalvin J. Cornelisoa, HWOJn held flrrt Monday n each r»o»»» CaeRK Sue. Couwr. and ».J. Ath#rto». tovTirr TbeascAeh. errEaiFP,—C. T. Wbf eler. VAX ColikcTok,—A. 1 . Rradley. Wax KEOirrvEt,— R.P, rields. OWCK’rr SuarrYOR,—Dick Grarlay. Coaojres,—W. .W Wrght KUMIGfPAL OFFICERS. . Bayok, i.,T. Simmons. COUNCILMAN : j S.ff. Ornslisun. U.G. Wheeler, a. rtootl, 8 . teuninji Waiver Rhyne. llBligious Services. iJtv. CKOBOH, SOUTH. Bbhhiwno Kldbb.—H er. R. B. Ledbvttesr. FAsyoil.—Mov. C. C. JARRELL. jSrvicei * t: < 1) Oaia MjiiilaJ, and SWeday ia each dionUi. Sag S ehco^.. tijL.' tivr uuiiUt'tl. < riMXJk, R«y. C. A. Bartlett. HiIcm. loutfa Sunday, in every monVk. SSktSky Skkool S.30, a. ut. Yollereon Kirby 8 u|.» itSsrU o i Kilsvatie®. Iber Wodonl. Kaiuej FeudUy, M. Momaos. J. It. McDaaisl. ti®o. W. Li Hi®, •J. W. Co«i*i*«in»r PICiriN’S STAR LODGE No. 2-20. m. v. – I a. S ri Jolin Mann, IT. M. fTm. Kiipq 0. W. J. W. Cagle, J. W. John W. Ben ley, 8- D. J. D- Townsend, J. B- B' H. Simmons, Trens. W. A. Jones, J- A. Bruce, and Tyler. Meets first Tuesday 3rd. Saturday night in each month professional Cards. t>r. F. C. Richards* PHYSICIAN — <fc — SURGEON, J^SPBft, Gj^iboia. Br. R. L HUNTER, fiM Dentist. F= Will he Ullthe Sf Richards | Hotel j tJ eachmotith mm la begining n ith ths 20th. JASPER, GA. mt Richards House I.. C. RICHARDS, PaoPRiBTOti. — Rates — Reasonable. — Wfetial Rates to Citizens tlCKBNS CofNTT. - jg®* Guests Receive Attention. Also, first Class Livery With Hotel. - ^Miss Carril 'Jjhe? ^ THE GEORGIA BAPTIST COMING. -o Look out for The Georgia Bap tist. In about ten days that pa per will put in its appearance t >r a sleep of several weeks. Wo have been unavoidable detained with our work and so, have not been able to start up as early as tve oxpecetd. but flic Baptist, i s coming now. We have engaged Rev. Jatnei E. Bassett, of Knoxville, Tennessee, who has taken field for The Bap tist and is now soliciting subscrip tions nnd collecting for that pa per. lls will come to see you, but don’t wait for him, just send your subscription right on to us if he don’t get there as soon as you feo> he should. * / The Baptist now has an open door in Georgia: the North Gech^ gia Baptist is no more and the Index fails to reach the people, the pr^co being more than ths average reader wishes to pay — $2 00—-for a paper when he can get one with the same merit, and answers evey purpose 1 of* denominational pa per for $1. You can get the Bap tist one year for only $1.00. If you Nave unf" doiitits about its ability to run ak that just come and see for your self and be con % vinced. I* can run on loss money and give greater value than any religious paper polished in the south. It has now been establish ed one year and starts out with a fair prospect for the future. \^e appreciate very highly the patronage and sympathy we bar*: received in the past and hope to har# the »*m« in th* future. We promise to give you a clean, ujj-to date Baptist new*-pap»r. Yours Very Truly, G»o. A. Babtlutt, Editor. Hon. Dupont, Gnrrey yesteaday iasited formal challenge to Hon . J. M. Terrell for joint debate, says if it is declined he will take to tell the psople of Mr. Te/ rell’s record as well as his own./ PETROLUM. \ That Pekrohum found near r.ietta m»y to bs a facts and then North Georgia will be coming to the front sure enough. With her gold, copper and marble and a greak gusher, and with all her print inrlustJy north Georgia trill bo an attractive portion of the ".irtfe. The Gentsnnial anntTers«fy of the first time coal was burned in this country will bo celebrated h'ebrnafy 11, at IVilksbarre, • It was tried in an open grate, word having been centred that the “black rock” to plentiful near Ma«ch Chunk, would burn and give hcaff. The old grate it still in existence, although is was twice cRoh-n. once «t the close of the I’hiladelphift Centennial, where’it v as on exibition. It is now in the same spot that it was when first used. -SUCCESSOR TO THE IiE HA IT >. Georgia, jPrMaf, February, 7," 1902. UfcTOAL HEWS. 7 T Jlj OUR DAILY Bxolienses. •o The senate has passed a bill in creasing the salaries of federal jtidges 25 per cent. While fighting fire at St. Louis nine fireman were killed by fall . ing walls and as ninny more in jured Civil Ger-rnor Taft, speaking bef or e tho senate committee, said thnt the war neing waged by the Filipino insurgents was a crime against civilizntion. The business section of Ga., had a $40.0b0 (lie the ,r d inst. Half thavalue covered ,>r i ! 1 - surauoe. /^V'ith the dispensary election in Rome only three weeks off, both sides are at work with grim deter mination, neither being certain of victory . During the.gri»as atorui on the Atlantic three oargea froi* Norfolk on which there were thirteen per son, parted fnna fche.r tow. It is thought that all on board perished. It is believed at ‘Washington that ss 'im. Fleasinjg, a proiainsnt fca^s saB-cisn f v? *1 Morton as yiosti*aster at Athens Keep Your Bowels Stron/J. Constipation or diarrhoea ycrur bowels ara oat of order. Cftrt carets Candy Cathartic will waka thsm act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Nevsr sold is bulk. All druggists, isc. The house republicans held * caucus last Monday night on fcha quoHti.ia of reducing the south's representatson. Opinion was di vided and no action taken. The strong winds which Rre raging along the north Atlantic is strewing the const with corpses and the wreckage of ships. At least m doxen vessels have been driven ashore.' /Aisob of dissatisfied miner and toughs has been terroizing the ne groes of Tennessee coal mine, war ning them to leave and jfiring at them- The company officers de clare they will protect the negroes. Tfelfttire to the claim of Warner Hill that Hon. ./. M. Terrell will caray 120 or 122 coniiHee W. F. Blue expresses sin prise, and asks that the counties be named, when he will namo some for Hon. Dn pont Query. IHBADACHE j / IliUp ii .pSpllS m 1 4/i.X Oilf-v Vt Doses To inexperienced patentees all pat ent* appear to be of equal protective value. Thwy all bar* the sea! of the Government and a bins ribbon; Vyrtt some patentees know tbs importance of •dsima 'hit (’. A. Snow A C*v, of Vya«hin**on, owe, in th-ir rsg u'ation and eui-ecss. T.hc One Day Cold Cure. V <t liv r’.d tore throat use Ker " U'.f j Quidjtjr. rh« " Or.e £ -aflfe’ L’Y PROGRESS. l X i «.. I'n-vajeucyot Kidney Trouble v?U prevalent and dcceptn‘e is ki U b(o that it very often Imtoiii- 2 \ advaitced before it is ot cm ? ported, tht-nforo, it behoores .ill to be ou tlie lpokou*. Should vou bo ill, T’not •feoinijt well, it would bo vviK*-\io first pay attuntian to the kid mu$<stnui ascertain if they ate the cau ii of your trouble. ■A^stniplc method of finding on; if your kidneys are at fault lias often Wen'"balled to the attention of our renders through Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Knot*advertising in the columns of lilts paper, and it is now repeated f r the benefit of those who may be in terested. Viz: “Fill a bottle with urine and set aside for twenty- four hours or so, and if it shows a brick dust sediment or cloudy ,, v if the urine is scanty or profnse,or jCrt iw found necessary to g* often thLongh the day, or get up many times during the night, yon msy he sure your kidneys need attention. After careful inquiry we find I>r. Kilmer’s Swamp-Bout, the gust kid ney, liver and binder remedy, is r*. mvkahly successful in »he qm t i* hk f aud cure of the <lise»ecs for which it is recoimnsuded. Thsre is ksnlly t j ru ^ store j r , t h* l*ad that doss not | # ,. B p ) BIR j highly recommend fl „. kitJneJ> lif#) n.d bladder troubles. By special arrangemsat srery read rAof R^thTof this paper isaf have s sam^is Dr. lailmer’s Swa«ip-Koot by mail, fr»*e,(it' they have not alrr* dy had onej, by sending tiisir sd dresstoDr. Kihrver A C<*., Biiig ham to, N. Y. Stsyj tht Cocyh and wSrks sft the CeU. Lixativ* Bromo-CJuimrta T ablet' onre a cold ia one day. No car* 4 No Par. Price 2b esa's Kirk a dojj and he bites roe. U - '• von a*d yon kick him. - r -r- ran kick the Aiore '<■ n ft, And the more he bites '"if 9 ^ v; jo n kick. Each a k-3 the other worse. A thin body makes thin ih'jud. Thin blood makes a thin body. Each makes the other vrorse. If there is going !0 be a change til? help must come from outeide. Scott’s Emulsion is the right help. It breaks up such a combination. First it sets the tomach right. Then it en riches the blood, That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. A strong body makes rich blood and rich blood makes a strong body. Each makes the other better. This is the way Scott’s Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet. Now it can get along by itself. No need fSSU at of medicine. ft This y'.ctur® rep raswiW f* Hi* Trad* Mart sf fieoH'a * Kwalmoa mi is «* At irra,vper «f srery hstd*. ' T : ff Stni fer frt* rirrylt SCOTT ft BOWNE, I 409 Pearl St,. New York, l 30 c. and $> 1 . all druggist*. Lost Ticket and Money > Two Trimler. Hare Their Realgod Tickets (oiiflicatrd nnd fall 1 * Necnre Refund from Scalper. Two travelers to New York. J. McNamara and H Hetidrikauu, had it talo of \rof* to toll tod AT be cause of the ticket scalper and the rail rond agent war. They had bought to New York from the City Ticket Office and were bound blithely for the metropoO on the early morning train. On the same train were special agents of the riplronds who travel on all outing trains ns far as the first junction point to assist the conductor spot tmg scalped tickets. They spot ted McNamara's and Hendricksons all right, and fehoM two gerttUmeji returned to Charlstoti to recover their money from the ticket * 5 *n cy which fitted than* oat with the goods that Hitin’l go. Tkey *ay they were quite as anfortnrfate in this seeking as they were in the attempt to pass the nnster on the train. The icelpar rceordiiif to their etateiwciite, rafuied t»r refend the money paid for ths tickets. Ths two kmveiir* s»s tsking it ost in swesring at the scalping fruter ni^y, ^ith an occasional #*gl«tive for the ahrswd agent of tits rail toad who dropped theif gm ms.— evening l’ost. Charleston, 8. C., January il, After the Ursbof Jansary the price of the P«o«ii?ae and At hints Semi-Weekly Jomrtial will be $1.50 instead of 11.25 m for nserl v. I !i« firHS nitnhsr of Ths ’Work er. A chiiroh puper snldished by Rov J. T. Jsnkins at Marietta m on oar labl«, and is a ndnt, clean, detntional little papsr. Tfk’ars sure in i«.*iens® tmount of food will be accoaiplishsd through if. We wish for TM Worker and its editor a bn n dent tscesos. TO CURE OObf rif ONVft tT Take I atativc Brrimn QuVfiit)# l’ab Ictv. All druggist refund ths ssna ev if it fails to crus, f, W. Grovs’t xigantrtVt* is on each ho*. Jfte. Tho One Day Oolc! fiars. C»M in head and aor* tbrof.t «nr*d t»y Kar mott’a Chovolalea Laxative Quinine. A««M* *• take as eandy. '‘Children c<tf ter rtisw." “Pitch—forlk” Tilmon sanati r from ,S. C. i« keeping a breeze in the usual* A gr*at sleet stofrn raged in Texas, Arkniftas, Kentucky, Ten nt*see and other sections last week which hns caused millions of dol lars daiimge to property, No doubt tho prospects a re almost Btripped. It seems now that the Talulah Falls mil way will exfcsnd to Franklin N. This will opsn »p one of the best section* of the mountain country. All kind* sf timber and Mineral Abounds. And by the way, Franklin it fch* bsst .......- in Anyone in need of in sxcsllsnfe Sewing Mauhin* can purchase it at this office it a greatly rsdnosd price. Don’t fail to call and a»e me before buying a machine rb I can snve yon money nnd give yon a bettei grade machine. No. 27 SI <3g P A ' ?3TZ!! is Nature’s time for rest; and the man who does not tabs suificient time to s!er6 fir nho f .annnt sleep when he make.* the effort, is . wearing and out his nervous aKrnpia conruminp his vital penver. Dr. Miles’ hf'Hiie brings sweet, fioothnjp, refreshing sleep. 1 isn’t let another night pass. Get it 16-day. ‘T h'd y d nervous srirtls, tort s,) 1 nonet!'' I - Cod nnd for ciyljt Vi.*As \' is uimi'lF lo sleep at mu;lit T‘!ie '■^iH t binjir that helped me was Dr. 1\!.‘ yiler’'Corvine. It. Jackson, It Rowling eared mo. Green, ’ Mo. K Dr* Miles' Nervine f.wothes the nerVes, nour ishes the brain, and r« ffwhe« tha eutir* ui^Tinism. fs!8 kg dra^finta en ffasrtSitee. TV Kr»w IMiri C®, Elkhart, Igi onr Isj il edveltiseaisuts an< j Q ^«r notices. You *ay tt j tt B(>in otehing if job do not. isaSMS.-ntV'.s^ff'.i.vvas;».vtsaa«c* ve '. issa s'Miwi mm klMkmL AfS0 ESlQY®kOPSS2iI a tmmnoAL s rot 0 ME Of . . Over 10.000 Faets and Figures Confafnfng Onr 000 Page s Special Features. n mmonaiees ti Am MM States; Ports gftisn ANoiW TMae Tt wiau f Amrrloii ottfh W s pi stes . SljsMi U«®ri Streoyth lets (Mona. TBs n,, Tnsw. USM Mates 7, -* Ttm Cmmt I "tfJ- W» TrssSIss wn : :i :<, •mMBHUM. TkaWe Whai «t tafca With <*r , ' P.Tba if Cwftram 0 t AimrV chb *t umbco. Tin StafTXIo ca/’^-G Vrt»l NsvtjpmoB Mi f90i. The New Yorl •Municipal Etnma at tm. Agjtculforv, Manufacture*. H uf fi l y. FACT8 ABOUT POUTICS. jTHEBOOK TflAT BEt.ONCs' IN EVERT OFFICE AND Ik EVERT RDM OF evert maxim, -^-v—HhSeeiaiS.' I . >,* wxfc . Prbo 6t.nfcs I 8TAWBA1TO 885 TU» WORLD pj/Utzer BMa., Hem IEST FOB THE . BOWELS If rBU hfiTon’i A rofruUr, ho*Uhr V.^! m or ntfpnt #f ?i vtui t T *' V" #/Tp r !C ^ m. Wf# EAT m ry ’f Pl«« M '. J‘v OftoA 04.1:) it tor ■ d 50 I»dt* box. VTI'J . .-*» / * hcftlt'Ji. Ct ixr.Ki.ns Th r mk - V' C, jf’