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Good Samaritan named
Business of the Month
Congratulations to our August Small
Business of the Month Recipient
r ' Good Samaritan
Restoring Health. Saving Lives.
Community Bank of Pick
ens County is proud to spon
sor the Business of the
Month program with the
Pickens County Chamber.
Good Samaritan opened
its doors in 2002 as a free
clinic run solely by volun
teers. In 2011 their board of
directors voted to pursue
Community Health Center
This woidd mean that
they could expand our serv
ices, reach more people, and
would receive some operat
ing funds from the Health
Resources and Services Ad
ministration (HRSA). They
now have more than 35 em
ployees and serve approxi
mately 5,000 individual
patients each year.
They provide medical,
dental, behavioral health, and
pharmaceutical services to
our community. They believe
in access to healthcare for all
and no one is turned away re
gardless of their ability to
Congratulations to Good
Samaritan Health & Wellness
Center for being named
Business of the Month for
Amicalola EMC members from 2002
to receive $2.6 million in refunds
Credit to be on September electric bill
Amicalola EMC mem
bers are more than just con
sumers, they own the
company. As a member-
owner of a not-for-profit
electric cooperative, each
year members are assigned
any monies collected in ex
cess of operating costs.
When financial conditions
permit, the board authorizes
a refund of these monies.
This year, the board will
allocate a $2.6 million refund
for members who had elec
tric service during the year
2002. This means that capital
credits have been returned to
Amicalola EMC members
for each year from 1940
through 2002 - 62 years of
capital credit refunds.
Individual refunds are
based upon the amount of
electricity purchased during
the specified year. If you
were a member in 2002, and
still have an active account,
look for a credit on your Sep
tember electric bill.
Other refunds will be sent
by check. For more informa
tion, please contact the
Member Services depart
ment at 706-253-5200 or
your local Amicalola EMC
Amicalola Electric Mem
bership Corporation is a not-
for profit electric cooperative
that serves over 52,000 loca
tions in Bartow, Cherokee,
Dawson, Fannin, Forsyth,
Gilmer, Gordon, Lumpkin,
Murray and Pickens coun
Jasper’s newest senior
living campus offers free
luncheon series
The Lodge at Stephens
Lake, Jasper, Georgia’s
newest independent living,
assisted living, and memory
care community now under
construction, announces the
addition of a series of Lunch
and Learn presentations as a
resource to Pickens County’s
growing senior population
about downsizing their home
and planning for retirement.
The new senior commu
nity, located at 200 Moun
tain Boulevard South just off
Highway 515, is scheduled
to open in early October.
“We are thrilled to be
bringing this new, state-of-
the-art senior living commu
nity to Jasper, and in
anticipation of our grand
opening this fall, we are
bringing in several well-
known Jasper-area speakers
to talk about preparing for
and making the transition to
senior living,” said Jessi
Barton, community relations
director for The Lodge at
Stephens Lake. “This free
resource to the Pickens
County community is de
signed with seniors and their
families in mind to help ease
the anxiety surrounding sen
ior living options and help
you prepare for retirement
living and beyond.”
On Wednesday, August
17, 2022, there will be a
Lunch and Leam series pre
sented by local financial
planning experts Paul Kiker
with Kiker Wealth Manage
ment and attomey-at-law
Nancy Cochran Maddox ti
tled, “Planning With Confi
dence: Making Financial and
Legal Preparations for Long-
Term Care” at Grandview at
Gateway Clubhouse adja
cent to The Lodge at
Stephens Lake campus.
Lunch pickup is at 11:45 am
with a 12:00 start for the
presentation. Lunch is free,
but you must RSVP for a
spot by calling 706-307-
Previous luncheon dis
cussions included downsiz
ing and selling your home
and exploring the different
types of senior living offer
ings. In October, the series
continues with a topic of
protecting yourself and your
money from scams and
fraudident offers. Novem
ber’s presentation will be on
the subject of memory care
in conjunction with the
Alzheimer’s Association.
The Lodge at Stephens
Lake is a senior living cam
pus now under construction
in Jasper, Georgia, that,
when complete, will offer in
dependent living cottages,
assisted living suites, and
Alzheimer’s memory care.
Reservations are now being
accepted and model rooms
are opening in late August.
For more information, visit
om or call 706-307-4330.
Lauuson Self Storage
Al Lawson 1188 Talking Rock Rd
Office 706-253-1188 Jasper, GA 30143
Cell 770-893-7221
Lions leam about therapy dogs
By Margo Austin
Jasper Lions
On August 11, The Jasper
Lions Club welcomed Bill
and Lois Hall along with K-9
As part of the mission of
The Jasper Lion’s Club,
members support various or
ganizations including Leader
Dogs for the Blind and
Southeastern Guide Dogs.
The members often won
dered what happens to the
dogs that leave the program?
We got an insight into that
from the Halls.
Bill and Lois are both
Therapy Dog evaluators,
AKC CGC Evaluators, AKC
Temperament Testers and Fit
Dog Instructors. K-9 Calder
is a tri color Rough Collie.
Calder is training in search,
rescue, and recovery with
Emergency K-9 Operations.
Right now, he participates in
educational presentations,
reading programs, comforts
families of missing persons
and works with anyone fac
ing emotional, mental, or
physical challenges.
Bill, Lois, and K-9 Calder
are all part of the Gilmer
County CERT Crisis Re
sponse program and are na
tionally certified through the
Alliance of Therapy Dogs.
ATD is a volunteer organiza
tion of dedicated therapy dog
handlers and their dogs on a
mission of sharing smiles and
ATD’s goal is to provide
testing, certification, registra
tion, support, and insurance
for members involved in vol
unteer animal-assisted activ
ities. These activities include
visits to hospitals, special
needs centers, schools, nurs
ing homes, and airports.
ATD is open to registering
any breed of dog. It must be
at least 1 year old, a calm and
gentle disposition and a dog
that is attentive to its handler.
Retiring guide dogs often ac
climate well to being Ther
apy dogs as did Dewey. The
Hall’s raised Dewey when
they were Coordinators in the
Guiding Paws 4-H Seeing
Eye Puppy Project.
When he retired from the
Seeing Eye’s Breeding Pro
gram, Dewey returned to live
with Bill & Lois and became
a very comforting Therapy
Dog. Often younger dogs
from service dog programs
can go on to become working
dogs in other equally chal
lenging fields. Murphy, an
other one of the Hall’s Seeing
Eye Dogs who left the pro
gram as an adolescent, had
the ability and drive to be
come a Search & Rescue
Dog. The training and social
ization that each dog received
in the guide dog program
made it easy for them to ad
just to their second career.
Bill and Lois Hall have
worked with various guide
dog raising programs: trained
and handled search dogs;
worked as K-9 Handlers and
Reserve Deputies; and han
dled therapy dogs. What ca
reers they have had!
There are several Therapy
Dogs working in this area of
NW Georgia and throughout
the state. Most of them are
nationally certified through
organizations such as The Al
liance of Therapy Dogs.
Our visit with K-9 Calder
certainly brought joy and
smiles to the Jasper Lions
Club. He is a beautiful and
extremely well-behaved dog.
He would certainly be a
friend and comfort to any
If you want more informa
tion, please visit the www web site or
call 307-432-0272, or 877-
K-9 Calder sharing reading time with a student Calder
is a tri color Rough Collie. Calder already participates in
reading and other programs and is in training for yet more
Bill and Lois Hall with K-9 Calder for The Alliance of
Therapy Dogs.
Get to know the
Marine Corps League
The Marine Corps
League, North Georgia
Mountains, Detachment
1280, Jasper, Ga. invites
all active, reserve, retired
and honorably discharged
Marines and FMF Corps-
man to get to know the
members and consider
joining them.
The Marine Corps
League Detachment 1280
foremost provides assis
tance to Marines, Corps-
man and their families. We
participate in Toys for
Tots, assist other veterans
groups within the commu
nity, support Boy Scouts
programs, support young
Marines, provide scholar
ships to high school stu
dents, and hold fundraisers
throughout the year.
We celebrate the annual
Marine Corps Birthday
Ball and other historic Ma
rine Corps events. We
commemorate fallen
Marines, host socials, and
assist a needy family dur
ing Thanksgiving and
For more information
on the Marine Corps
League and how you can
join, call 706-253-0459 or
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675 NOAH DR,
JASPER, GA 30143