Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, March 14, 1885, Image 1

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TP "V JO 4 JASPER NEWS. Pabludted o v3 rv Saturday - B;~ S HYKEBROS Kntv'*4 tn the Post office at fk m second class mail molin' Terms of subscription casb iu advauc 1 year 75d 6 mo 35cta 3 mo 20cts Address The Jasper News Jaspor . . .Ga General Directory. COUNTY OFFICERS. E Hood Ordinary. $. K. McCutcheou Clerk of Swpemr Court. R S, Henderson, Sheriff. H B. SioKCfe, Tax Receiver. George Little, Tax Collector T. Honea Suveyor. J. H/VI)ors*-y Coroner. J R. Allen, Sehosl commissioner. Town Council, E. Lening Mayor N. C. JtfnClain J V. Hood J. R. Howell. CouDcilmen. 1C. Pickett. ) E. Wofford Clerk. 0 ft aterual Recor d Pickens Star Lodge 220 F .xt first in each Month W. II. Simmons, M. Stoner 8. C. Tate. 8. L. Mosley. M C McClain ■< W Reaves Religions, Services. Baptist Church every second Saturday and Sunday, bv Rev Wm, Stone Methodist ehureh. Every third Saturday and Sunday ly Rev F. O. Favor- VOL. II. W. M. s. w. J. w. 1 Treasurer. Secretary. TjU*. .l.|)».<:.l '01 SITJ ^ r )\Y Mt'U’.l TOKENS. -*i*- Ity A. L. I heard a blafckbtrd at tha *dose of day. Trill cut its song against the amber W0i»t; I skifi: “oh! ibivd, my love in fit a way— . Tell her my thoughts, and l shall he at rest. ,v, * The rnelhcm-fiiroatedl singer left its hough And flew away a»d*t the twilight’s full, And a* I thought of yonng love’s burning vow#, (all.) I wondered if that bird would t«H her 1 plucked a red rose from its parent tree; .... 44 a ». weet ....... roes oh! fake « a smile from me To where th« blackbird speedeth with his song.” I watched it take its way far down the golden stream, V/ith perfumed thoughts to ber?o young * fair, and I wondered oft*ife’re this crimson gleam , i'nelc Would m with hei goldeu locks of hair. I dreamed i heard her «ing that song so low and sweet, grand that all the , iSing those songs apirit tiilj I knelt and slowly wbwpercd at her feet I woke and found my loved one ting iug still. Then I knew the MmMM in il« song, had /fed Wd her all my *oul seat. Thal the red rose had been borne along, And found her ero its fragrance yet was speot. 14,1.v'j. FAI PlIFUu TO T HU wJ iT jersey 0ity, N. J, March & *• -*/ heavy lumbering farm wa^on atoj^d iu front of the town j^ali in Union Hill ia which was *«4tod weritlo tin.* •iwv**r a plain young woman about nineMwoi year* old wLose eyen were r« » iiiSu weeping. \t» old farmer helped the young *n man to «ligl;t uud -hen walked info the court room, where farioer Huge mated t { xe object of his mission. This young woman, whw#e name k ju irgar et Peterson, he said, cum* f r( , m dormauy, a month ago h> "‘'“•'-'l 1 of her lover, to whom sae*)»ad been cn gag *a f ur a long time .She w^m to have been married two years ago, hut juist before the wedding, Adolph ftuutsben; vyaa stationed in a fortress in Sl ides wig-//ol»ticn. The young soldier de serted ^nd eame to this country, where he secured a good si uafion and from time to time sent his betrothed small sums of money to pay her passage to this oiuntry. labile the last install ment of the money was on iis way a crow the water, Gan tab erg became sick, aid one nigbt. bedragg/ed und weary he entered /luge’s cottage, m North Bergen, the old farmer having come from tho same tawn. a he youuj mtu did not reg»in oonciouancw, and three da,a atforward* he died. ( Margarets in the meantime arrived here , and , to „ Mr. M Li.ge , . i w«-Mt h as lover had instructed her to do. The bon ent farmer did not have the heart to break ths vud i^ews to her. «yr could hia who. Unabie to keep back the truth any longer, after three weeks Hugo took U«r to tho rustic chufcliyard »*»* Lat^erw ebnreh «n the ilackcasaw river, and pointed 1 out rude arose that marked »he resting place of her lover, aud then she knew a/i. fhe poor girl took her tdUrtM* heart .od hfuud fc be c,, 1; for.ed i/er whole o.emier eh.eired, and it *** evident that her ictton was »iow»T he cornu g unseated. It became hei custom u. to Hit f *r Wu* • l< • th« ( in t*« church v a rl %»>4 **avb in'ergrevwA. The court. after hearing tl* mid Story, ewv rtunted a htnd*>uw sum to defray the expense* «d the l»r« ken k.mrh'ij b*rer bat k to Orraiwy, tip Ami Down Stair«. SUvanuh, (B.» Aliroli K. N'mith, a tr.ivohn^ tor tlfo Kingnfonl tfarch cbm p ft|| y of IMiilaclulpliia, mot * teirriblf’. p je*s*il»tv Utftl lHWjbtfB* ^OlirJiflghmise '. of e M ** ni ti,u r /Vt38, COtlwr fill'd ?-lM WhitUU* hint night. Ht« wilt dWd.wkh him, awl in fun I* hHr-afr-AmwJ to room pfflpHIfitliry til gcttR’g really tor clmrcb. M*’. h.wi raarhed the* m*co»d liigbi when his f»*>t n'ippGJ mt< ihtf landing aiul he rolled agiumA the window «hutter opening on the yard. Unfortunately tht; shutter was not fastened, and gaVO W A \ . fc>*I>i . *1 W*t» pCtw.pi titled to the* y.tnl, a iflstitmx’ of thirty striking Oil Ills aJ)t j t,hi)lllder». //is skull Vfa# Wtmod, i«l»l right shoullhf rhyMictaiiH Tl , . • • broken. ur J were hiiiik*- , ljrl dkteiv summouevl He waa alive t/MlljfiiT but his oondltioo i* C0RjS id ; *v«l extremely' preeari- 7' !t , yoajjjnr wife is dietrae * ' l<?<3 JU Jh»b sY*>ai. Ca., M»r«h . 9.—Judge n T . ^rarnih, ^ arrived here yesterday and t** d conrt. He reeved e» , !n , 1: , he nwlo fc«„ rf the h« .. J ^ ^ ^ „ prBH8 a Wtf ^ , with i JVa n-Ui. lie will eilhre l? . e „ Mm0Bi probably hern