Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, March 21, 1885, Image 1

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THE JASPEB r C 1 ■ I t Published over* Saturday -By RHYNE BROS Entered m th* Post o ffice at Jasper Ot. m second class mail matter Term* of subscription cash in ad vane 1 year 75c 6 mo ' $ 5 ct* 3 mo 2'Jets Address The Jasper News Jasper . . . .Ga General Directory. COUNTY OFFIOKflS. E Hood Ordinary. R. K. MoCtttcbe&i Clerk of Superior Court. R S. Ilenders n, Sheriff. H B. Stoaes, Tax Receiver. George Little, Tax Collector T. 11 oi,ea buveyor. J. H. Dorsey Coroner. J R. Allen, School commissioner. Town Council, E. Lening Mayor N. C. Me Ciain J J*. Jlood J. R. Howell. Councilmen. (L Pickett. E. Wofford Clerk. Fratenal Record Pickens fetar Ledge 220 F .M Meets first in each M mtri W. H. Siintnons, M. Stoner 8. C. Tate. S. L. Mosley. M C McClain W Reeves Religions, Services. Baptist Church every second Saturday and Sunday, by Rev Win, Stone Methodist church. Every third Saturday and S unday Rev by F. 0. Favor VOL. 11 W. M. S. W. J. W. Treasurer. Secretary. Tylor. JASPER GA. SATURDAY MARCH 2 l,lSfi. mmx. Nay, do not call me light and false, dear friend, ilnd turn away from me wi ll cold disdain, Beciiua- th* (hurls you tuc'id with idle hand a ! Gave f urth no answering strain; Nar cal! me fickle when I eiuile and .left, Jbd look toward the world with hap¬ py eyes; Why should I swell life’s sorrwing tide With unavaiing sighs? come I wi 1 lift the Hewers above my heart, And show vou the dark/grate I»ve hidden deef> \ Did not know? Maj, do not griefe fur :r - . The time is past to Weep. Are thera not tears euough in life’s full I, ££* w«ud that .Wow. a .Urge of woe,? Then let me faugh i carles mirth, And hide my son mm (7#perH 1C 9 lex. Starch 13.— Van Altvne Houston'and savs cy< truck a _ central * freight . ■ tram, . • three miles from that place, blowing five cars from tl»c track and wrecking them. one of the train hands were killed, The cycloue was traveling from east to west and fears are in tertijined of loss of life anb prop erty in the country along its track. N > Vi RUBY S 0 // 0 ICK. ‘•Its too provokin’ !’* exclaimed Phil* lip flnrris'm, with a glance of his sirude black eves glancing first at Ruby and at lo* wife beside hiiu. It is so so it is said Lis wife dutifly changing in with her husband, amljcastiug.a reproachful glance at her daughter, who*e charming eyes shot rebel/ioua flashes through the tears that would come In spite of h'er strongest efforts. “Girls d"»n’t geijuteb chances every day, I tclfyou,” oottfto uod Mr. //srmoti Sir Godfrey is most promising merchant, and is knofrn widely among the business men *nd so ciety betera of Krnkford an* the girl that turn# up Uer nose at him don’t know which side of U< r bread is ed .? ‘.That she dont!’ returned Rtthy* uiother and throwing over such a mstn as Sir Godfrey for his poor penlcs c ork «lts wii»it I call too provokin' f ’ ^ |U( ^ fr added, thera Hattie Hanaii -Wy make, ,o Mp and at ten any to offer fr^MWy he’ll make may one her one n <>wj“ Rt f ur ^P’ te > be juse spiteful enough to say she.outRub y out.” *1 am sure she’s welcome to him was all the ! latter deigned to say, as she rose and left the roo»uc. Leaving the A old folks ta/k family matters, i to over let us gs hack a step and nee what gavo riae to it. Only a few months since thisjgentell looking voting man Applied sir Gadfre y f,r a c *« rkj » h, K **" «• I- ^ Still Harmon Clyde offered to wotk at lew wa ^ K ^ an( j ail \ xe wa8 a gh ru de and nutn ; y looking fellow he decided to take him on trial. Harmon was a striking handsoni man. He became quite n fa¬ vorite with tie btntona of krankford and would have excited the ire aud jel ousy of a best of rural swans but for the tact with which he avoided even the appearace of a rivalry. His atten ‘ 10 “ 10 tlie Franiford lair wcre 80 fad*. t the most nothing to complain of ia particular. Besides, a poor clerk is no rgeat “catch,’* and that (Utmnderath n sot agooli unity minds at ease. In had one of his Sunday rau»hlos # Mr. dyd * lost bis way, and to a*k it ®f a y*ng lady who came cantering ac’oofihis path JPheti she reined up her horse and turn ed her face t • meet thr questioi.er he latter was *o‘*rjei he*fnrg with adulation th hit V for a moment it to prrsne inquiries: and when Ue nftnwd them, it was in a manner so confused that jgfrffl minutes wer consumed in obtain* mg tlf^ (tesirrd informalioi|; tifier whicU ’too parted, cx^atiging^w* »ud hlwaties. TVts was the.fin^ b«t the lasf mea/injg of Harmon and Ixul y *** frther and metier began to suspfet him of digits not qniti <*vmsi?un$ w^h eer utttyfai* Sir of theirs ter anti dodfrey.a w«UAt»»d# yom g nerchiint, rich in land* and goods, whouie they Lad set , their ImhmtH on haring ^ flWa sou i; -Uw. bV* season "» et, ‘b* concealed ™' C ™ W ,i their,, '" ir ^ui^pinear. U ”^' TI ‘ o r*‘ waa »»otbing in the young people meeting ond talking ever bqqftw.to.puke the ground of ilircat complaint, But things come to another ga»s when Sir Godfrey came heartland one day, with an hut band, iiouse t<» R bMr was nouI away with air of bitter pelntmeiit. 7 ’licre l’hillip /fidTfieon Hannah his wife laid their lm*di togeth¬ er in solem counsel. “It was t§nitc unnar.’ral, M said Phillip “rl»at a gir should give a man like Sir Godfrey the iiilttc**, unless there was another young man in the ease.** Hannah wa* quite of the sam.* mind, and both agreed that the other young man could be igut‘ else than * 4 thut stuck up clerk;/’ avd this was what Pull ftp Harris*!! donoui - eeeas “too provoking,-’ as we began by relattng. The mothers prediction tliat Sir God¬ frey would propose to Hattie Z/iuael fulfilled within a week; and in fese tin a three weeks they wer married. Many were the iooks of triumph that llatii© cast at Ruby when they met at church SIXtl'A MSESS* a 99