Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, April 11, 1885, Image 9

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KNG ANDR BLACKSMITHS W JASPER. GEORGIA. , w c - * We de all kinds of work, usually done in a blacksmith shop, wagon and bug© wsffk, will be prampdy done, and in tbe best manner. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Our facilities are good for shoeing horses, having followed the business for some years, oar experience enables us to insure satisfaction. Mo matter how bad yarn hone is we will shoe kirn Our terms are cash, this enables us to work at lew *»*£& Try ns. lanlS *** 1 18 iiffPi^SSSS! U mm ^ M p in- ’ .......”7;rr..7yrr | iiM4MBMM. jfoVvkfr ?t£et3$o. EfUilLicJ 1888—85,000 loaton. THE SOUTHERN CULTIYATOS me m'mm By recent purchase It now combine*: Thb; Dry its Fabmto, Atlanta, Ga.; 'Tint PtakTATT oy, ^.r^ntgomery, Ala.; Tnif BrnAi, Pry, Nashville, Tenn.; Thb SOTTTTfKRW FjBUEBH 1 ftfOyTHI.Y, Pa vannah, Oa., and u nites tbe patrons of l/1 these with it* own la non list of snb . scribers. Tbe Pre s s and people nil tea s' ttfy to * <a merits for Agriculturist* , rw and _^ , a medrura for controlling Sooth - ‘ ~ uW. e f n trade. & III. SAMPLE W7 COPIES m F^EE. r.sS & mg marTKR Socthekn Cultivator is devoted te Wouth—and tbe Agricultural auc! nnraber Industrial interests freighted of the every goes out with information vital to the success of those whose interests itpnbserw*. it Is one of the oldest and most popular .tou-rnals in the 1'aion, and for SOnrilERN AC.Ri* cLTURISTH, for Whom it has labored for half a century, has !»,■ The arupertbi following of the leading fee a^e some tores of this great journal: THOUGHTS FOB THE MONTH: ValuRble, IVactical Suggestions to the Farmer for E<vcb Month in the Year. Public Koads? Ditching and Terracing| The Orange Grove: Legal Department j th© from every Stftt© in planters the South, Eu*tten giving of results practical of tests benefit of our to best the fgjjjjgj. on Inqniry Hopartment, in which are pro ponnded and answered of questions the farm. covering almost everything interest on The Patrons pertaining of Husbandry, the order; topics everything of tire of value fashion to times; the apiary: department, horse attractive live stock to doc¬ the ladiea; cholera; Jersey herd notes; fruit culture; tor; Southern hog silk culture, science ; and art; the family circle; children’s department; house¬ hold topics; The Cultivator of cook book, etc. The lovomdv© Systoui covering the Farming, entire by Mr. David Dicrsok, sys¬ tem published oi Southern Tax AgritrjUnre. Cultivator, is in now eories being .n ot twelve monthly numbers. Back numbers can be furnished HARMIONA CO., JAM. P. Printer*, Publishers, Engraver*, and Blank Book lianuiactoiaa. P. O. Drawer & 4m*rA, Ok. Cmaii _ One . . Teer aM Tr t tieemtnv atc* / KENDALL'S L M CURE! % i rwm Uie 'Spirit of the Times/* July M, »»* Horses in the stable, paddock, or when at ex erefoe, are always liable to accidental brujwfe, etc , which frequently re ult In enloiging-iAne iointe and forming nndghtly bunches on the knees and f et. L)r. B J Kendsll. of Eno&bttrg F«Ts, Vt.. has disco erod a most suwfr gfui rehv tin efieots edy for and these does tronbhs not blister. which The ia certain Doctor in is ib daily h Jnedy. reeei.i t of testi- onto Is of the good ft r- It should always be Rep! uU La id - rqe<' yowiyrs of horsea bottle and keo.p-rs bottle* of atdVca per sfx 83 For **** ^/t.!e bv D ‘ * 3 itammrva. hmmtm £*.« n H to - s’ * ‘4 • AGVKST& U AVTEnu ta •«!) th« tx«* Medi^ Work ia-J TVatme MlK >■« 4 )v * and bin KUl/TOW. '-.T HO-.HE •PL'.'ri hftt4vk4oWb*‘r»Rtpea boo* zrvtrir -twy rHseA«3 tb*T ol miij • n<i hor*<-. {l ittoi for cure, .ail w ; • * int ■ 4. ilar; t > th’ 100 IUtmra.tj.iBft It 1 i, wv.vtb i:« wxi^ht .tu*t pnborhed ij'aU pt^ientan* ; r : It » v«huN to era Addix’W imipiti.n' seat free U. s.x HJOMJSY w e Q>$WORSE. A 5- Pemb«rtoa Bcjusns. .r». M»s« . ' , 'Sp C O : i ! n P t l R f -*«. -•* -r *. • fl % % Z> ? ! }■ h 5% Indbeasrs Bjosrt. to .,?W r rstf !: W ^ O m tu <»>; .-er'-.a* aibiut. S l ;'»>«! "3 fm, stobc4r.»Arrw<li).vtho*c dmrin(riMnr»fT.' byDAL* £Z mow r fr.-t ■ Unrt-arr- i-aor !h»Jr team wmit iM t« <Wt *cmiy. hi.ik.. > A4A^..r>. r %. " ^ yW t - i ^ p FREE! . RELIABLE SELF-CURL mimBb rnt*t noted A sad favorite «aeoswful prescription *pecl»liat« of in on* tbe of C. tbs fl, 'now retired > for th* cure of JVercsws DeMILy, Miomt Manh—A, WcoJcmom and liemy. Seat lspialitseaiedenveiops/Vwo. DrtigginacanflU lb Address Oil. WAftO A CO., L»*isissa, IL, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER! Dr. Samuel Hodges’ Alternative Compound Sarsa pariHa, with Iodide Potash. This compound is purely vegetable; each article or ingredient is perfectly harm leas in itself, having been selected from roots and kerbs possessing great medicinal pro rz erties; when combined form a most powerful, efficien r. and pleasant iffi/ medicine for the removal and permanent cure of ail «, Iwl fHjea*es arisi» 5 from an impure Btate of the systeo* i&M viz.: P Chills, RF matism, Pcrofnla, or Kintrs Evil, Scaia Head, or Tetter, Chronic bore Eyes, OKI and ChTomc P Pores of all kinds, Boils, Pimples, Syphilitic Rheu¬ m matism, Primary and Secondary Syphilis of the Kid¬ neys and Bladder; renovates and invigorates the sys¬ m tem ; acts gently on the bowels. As an appetizer anc 5 for general debility, it is a most excellent remedy. CAMPBELL BROS., Druggists, Sole Manufacturers. For sal© by all druggists. Prio© $1 per bottle, or six for $5. Lib¬ eral discount to the trade. Also, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of ETHIOPIAN PILE OINTMENT. 0mSm A never-failing remedy for Blind, Bleeding, Itch¬ «i ing, Internal or Protruding Piles, Gives almost in¬ stantaneous relief, and will effect a permanent cure. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5. TESTIMONIAL. Campbell Bros. : .’ t affords me peculiar pleasure to testify to the great efficacy of your Ethiopian Pile in n r Ointment. I was an intense sufferer from protruding tTjT*? tj it Ilf IJ piles, and a few applications of this wonderful rem- * edy speedily effected a permanent cure. K * 1 JLJtiw^ Truly, J. M. HAWKINS, 70 High St. TESTIMONIAL No. 2. This is to certify that I was affected with Piles for twenty years. I trioo every remedy offered me. Finally used the Ethiopian Pile Ointment, and found it the very best preparation I ever nsed. It gave ms almost instant relief And has effected a permanent cure. M>. A. IRELAND, Formerly of Gallatin, now of Breen, Phillips & Ce., Nashville, Tenn. CAMPBELL BROS., Druggists, Nashville, Tenn. For Sale by DR. C. PICKETT, Jasper, Georgia. TUTrS re/, ' ,-',V *;• y PILLS 28 YEARS IN USE-' I.m* toSpidTIver. of appetite, iloweU the head, with costive, I»nln la a dull ecuaattun in the ft 11 !? P,,ln nnder tho shoulder blade, Fullnees nfte,.' eating, with a die inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability »C temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neclccted Nome duty, Wenrinoos, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dot* before tbe eyce, Headache 2Tr r .i h ® r,gll t ,f y e : Kc ,* t,c V?T C V’ v ,,h 0tfnl dream*, Highly i . colored Urine, and •. _WUITO enu DYlMl 8 trA TlrtiJ I lUffs TUTT’V _ _ 1*1 LLP are especially adapted to such case*, one dose effects such a ehangtt of fooling as to astonish the sufferer. nourished, ThifhVSnFASKhS’Stf wJtemte end by tbelr Tonic Action on Gray ■fill! *• ■ hi Hair o'** BiiKtiut ohanged to a this ----------- Dtk. It Imparts a siagle application of a natural color - * •eat instantaneously. by Sold reoeiptof by Drug#*. #1. # Offloe,44Mwrr»v8t.,N«w expre**on Y*rC| IqMMprj. awppq? r*r>J »• r l’HU*’. ; .# * If -iA2iTas , S-f i‘-A % : ,?ttb»vro(il«Ai#-» i‘:hr, J.v,,'‘" - . 'v’Wsa&v .. .. '$#■ 3 l3Ssr^ ; - ; - T>ier*AV : E^ra |;5 n'X h 7 ,/'**' T InVW^‘ . a dd * c not ina-rtcr wi n w* • TewTED ovERSixOf; ;.;J, fii-n “ to r l ’ ,ct :/ f1i w r -n catu-. '* for 1 ' ; - Vearsby , v t 1 usein man - Thousand Oasts. f . By u; ’ 1 ” ,L ~ Ito th. «t»i -.f eij.-a •>/-»« h z£ V ^?3 IAL f*S««n otpnl-m tu'.Xout i.n.-Hoi’^c JfcT: PACKACIt. rh, ani. >«iinr clcimct/ eptTrlrvrr ^ ITAcB ttiflof si u,,, life, *“,* which ^ tnro b4ck been J n Two^ontb’s ’ -*e T r * ’ r " ; « Tare* Month*. 7 0^t2,tre>.;«>. c^eexu^ HARRIS REMEDY CO., ITfo Ch <. vt % 'JOQK N. Tenth St., ST. LOUIJ, M( mocEiE c ^'».’’srs.'Ri!. T .-.*