Newspaper Page Text
Varieties In Fashion*.
Tbo moyeuago coreage i* adopted in
Paris with the front closed and rounded
tar below the waist, while the short
basque back stands out in a row of foil
pleats from one side seam to that oppo
India figured stuffs with characteristic
names are among the new wool goods.
Velvet bourette is a new summer
fabric, very light and thin, bnt with
the surface mode up entirely of loops of
wool woven in a sheer foundation. Chiue
velvets of many colors are also new in
woolens, instead of being made of silk
as hitherto.
Among new costumes, says Harper's
Bazar, are those of pale blue cashmere
with gray or drab velvet trimmings in
stripes or a border on the skirt, also as
a vest, collar, and cuff*; reseda oash
tnere is trimmed with dark brown velvet,
and ecru cashmere has myrtle green vel¬
vet for its accessories.
Gilt, silver, and tinsel threads are
woven in many of the fine wool goods
imported for spring and summer dresses,
A Woman* of Nerve.
The Monticello, N. Y., Watchman
says: One day recently a lady started
for Monticello from t Gill man’s Station.
She drove a fiery two-year-old hitched
to a light cutter. When half the dis¬
tance had been covered the colt got
down in a big snow-bank, and in its
efforts to regain its feet snapped off both
thills. Here was a dilemma. The lady,
with pluck which many men might well
emulate, took the broken shafts from
the sleigh, tied the traces, one to each
runner, and started back for repairs.
She did not le^d the eolt. She drove
him, and part of the way the sleigh was
ahead of the animal, and the other part
it was on his heels. She came to
the boarding-house with a flourish, ad¬
justed another pair of shafts and drove
io Monticell o safely,
Fun for the Young People.
The young people of Perry, Ga., ac¬
cording to the Enquirer of that town,
have a pleasant way of spending their
2 veningp, and it is as novel and unique
as pleasant. It is told that they have
doe-nation parties to which young ladies
only are invited. The time and place
are kept secret from the young gentle¬
men. The young ladies assemble at
some private residence, each with her
donation of refreshments, and determine
to enjoy themselves, ostensibly without
the presence of the stags. The latter,
in the meantime, having discovered the
time and plaoe, organize a storming
party and capture the hiding place, to
the great delight of both parties, who
thereupon have an enjoyable social
avening t ogether, as they set o ut to do.
A prominent senool book publisher
gives us a new idea of the province of
the newspaper. He says: “I sometimes
think that newspapers make men un¬
social. Indeed, I know they do. Men
no longer go to each other for informa¬
tion, but look for it in their newspaper.
In the early days of civilization, before
the newspaper era, men gathered to¬
gether as the Athenians did, anxious to
hear some new thing. In the early
days of this country the crossroads store
was the news centre, where men gath¬
ered in a social way to communicate the
news to one another. But the news¬
paper changed all that.”
The world is of such power, even in
its right things there are so many of
them that touch the imagination, the
ieelmgs, the sentiments of men on so
many sides, that it is only now and then
there is a man of sufficient stamina and
independence to stand up and maintain
an active, sturdy piety while standing
alone in t he world.— Bbechbb .
They Left.—A Texas paper says:
If nine-tenths <rf us city people and pro
fessional paupers hadn’t acted the fool
and left the farm, we would have been
far better off and happier in every re
spect than we are now. God made the
country, bnt man m*le the town.
And * ,nd * Desperate Tn.sie wita s* Aau
uinl which IViivrd in be s I'nlninauui.
Farmer Terwilliger, of Lackawaxen,
has been missing chickens from his hen
coop every night for the past two weeks
or so. He couldn’t find out where they
went. The other day he read how
Sheriff Bidgway had rescued a rabbit
from a weasel in the stone quarry at
Kimble’s, and how the weasel was sus¬
pected of being the cause of the disap¬
pearance of fifteen chickens that had be¬
longed to one of the qnarrvmen.
“By gam, mother!” said Farmer
Terwilliger to his wife, “I’ll bet it’s a
weasel that’s walking off with our
chickens. I’ll lay for him to-night and
bring in his scalp.”
Farmer Terwilliger wont to the hen¬
coop, armed with a pitchfork and a re¬
volver. It was after dark. He opened
the door to enter and wait for the weasel
to come. A yell that filled the coop and
set the chickens to cackling greeted
him. The next second he was sprawling
in the snow, and an animal with eyes
like live coals stood over him, ripping
his clothing to tatters, and losing no
time to get down to his flesh. Farmer
Terwilliger tumbled about in the snow,
but the animal whose feast he had dis¬
turbed stayed by him. He finally got
his pistol out of his overcoat pocket and
fired. Then he got to his feet and fired
all the shots there were in the pistol
here and there about the yard. Then he
put on his best licks for the house. He
slammed the door behind him and
locked it. There wasn’t much of his
clothing left on him. When he got his
breath he said to his wife:
“I don’t know what it was, but I have
my doubts about it’s being a weasel.”
The next morning when Farmer Ter¬
williger peered out of his up-stairs win¬
dow he saw the dead body of a large
animal stretched in the snow near the
hen-house. The snow was torn up for
several feet around, and red with blood.
The animal was a oatamount, and it
weighed over sixty pounds .—New York
A Parisian Newspaper.
When the late M. Yillemessant, the
proprietor of the Paris Figaro , died he
left the paper to the three men who had
done the most to aid him. Bnt there
were many old contributors on the pa¬
per—men with well-known names, who
made an outcry at this division of the
property. They insisted that they
ought to have been consulted, and they
threatened to found an opposition
Figaro . This alarmed the three prin¬
cipals, and they made a proposition to
the effect that they themselves should
take each $35,000 ont of the concern
yearly, and that the other men should
each have a salary of $7,500 for the
work they were to do, and at the end of
the year draw a like sum out of the
profits, thus insuring them $15,000 a
year each. Yet these men do not write
an average of more than half a column
a day each—if, indeed that much, so
that they have a very easy time of it.
It is one of the conditions that when
any one of them dies his share goes to
the others, so that the last survivor will
have an enormous income.
Imports and Exports.
The chief o{ the Bureau of Statistics
United States, in his seventh
mon thly statement, reports that the ex
ceag Q j va i ae Q f exports over imports
o{ merchall dise was for the twelve
roontbg ended j auna ry 31. 1885, $138,-
750 ( 552 The total values of the irn
^ .
por q[ merc haudise for the
months ended January 31, 1885,
$617,166,928, and for the preceding
twelve months $684,405,635, a
of $67,238,707. The total values of the
exports of merchandise for the
months ended January 31, 1885, were
"TNr#w I'lMvir to the
when it 1st l»©<Mti-faaiiiouetl blue pill
sort, ami insist on uhsiij; Dr. IVr^Va “Plus**
ant FurgntAva It-'iug small, IVlIeU," a granules, medical
luxury, sugur c.-ahai
ixmtainiug tint a*iivo principles of certain
conUtiu root* ami h*> huryLand t»*<w» cathartic whi h power will be a* found any of to
tha ol«l-ta*liiCned, larger ctfecis. tiula, without the
latter’* vio’ent, urustic The pellets
operate thor<uglily but harmlessly, of estab¬ the
lishing a and permanently bowels, healthy action anti-bilious
stomach and as an
remedy aro uiunjualed.
Surf bathing has conuueaoea m San Ciego,
“A little fire is quickly trodden out
Which, Procrastination being sulfered, rivers cannot quench."
may rob you of time, but
by increased diligence you can make up the
loss; but if it rob you of life the loss is irre¬
mediable. If yenr health is delicate, your
appetite fickle, your sleep broken, your miud
depressed, pend it your whole being out of sorts, In de¬ all
each cases on you Dr. Pierce’s are seriously “Golden diseased. Medical Dis*
oovery” will speedily effect a genuine, radi¬
cal cure—make a new man of you and
save you from the tortures of lingering dis¬
London has 28,000 people who get their
1 iving by appearing in public on the stage.
Munsman’s Peptonized bkxf tonic, the
only preparation of beef containing its entire
nutritious properties. It contains blood
making force generating and life-sustai ni ng
properties; invaluable for indigestion all forme dys¬ of
pepsia, nervous prostration, and
general debility, also, in all enfeebled oendi
tions, whetner the result of exhaustion. mt
vous prostration, over-work or acute pulmonary disease,
particularly if resulting from
complaints. Caswell, Hazard & Co.. Pro¬
prietors, N ew Y ork. Sold by druggists.
A petrified baby was recently discovered
in Texas.
When you visit or leave Hew York hire, etty, and save stop bag¬
gage. expressage end $3 carriage at
Grand union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot,
fluo elegant room*, fitted up at a coat of one million
A liars, $1 and upward* supplied per day. with European the beet. Home plan.
Elevator. Restaurant railroad to all depot*,
oars, stages and elevated for at the Grand
fiimlliee can live better other lew money ftrst-olaaa hotel io
"ninn Hotel than at aay
the etty.
A Vermont individual claims to have a
hen 39 years old.
Scrofula Humor
Leaks la the Mood of nestly every one, and is l!ab,e,
upon slight provocation, to develop in painful and dis¬
agreeable forma. Uonsumptioa is undoubtedly sorof ula
of the lungs. No remedy has been more successful
than Hood’s Sarsaparilla in thoroughly cleansing the
blood and eradicating every form of scrofula from the
human system.
“Haring need Hood's Sarsaparilla tha past six or
sovea months for scrofula and pimples on my fees,
which I have had for 12 years or more, X can recom¬
mend the medicine to every ene similarly troubled, een.
fident that they will be benefited by it.*'—P. A. Du
OHSmnt, Northampton, Mass.
*T have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and found it ban.
eicial for pimples on the fees and impure blood.”—
CxoBUM Chain. Portsmouth, O.
“For seven years, spring and fall, I had scrofulous
sores come out on my legs, and for twe years was not
free from them et ell. I suffered very much. Last
May I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before I
had taken two bottles the sores heeiod end the humor
left me."—C. A. Askold, Arnold, Me*
gold brail drug^ste. SI; *lxfor $5. Prepared only
by G. L HOOD t OO., Apothacerlee, Lowell, Mui
I OO Pose s On e
Dr. J. C. HOFFM AN, 5efferao n t
We Offer No Presents,
hou*« Hiving of Ne-v negotiated York for with all their the fine largest grade tea Sample import Teas, n*
w« will eend to any part of U.S., on retailed receipt $1.26,3 $1 and lb».
mi*«d i black lb. Expreasage or green'Teas, free. as are Sample pound at 60 cents. up
w ir a York.
POST CO., 2 1 Beekman street, New
Given awav. New hook, “How to be a
Agent,” sent free, Toils yon all about flOBB it. Doy A * OO—
money? Send .voor name to J. H.
Nrw York. P. O. Box 1205.
Blair’s PWtfsSSSftS* 1.00; round, _ 50 eta.
Oval Hex, 8
Keeping Teeth Perfect ami Cum*
mO 1 Introduce *nd sell the the tr»de NEW YORK tt» w»Brkn®«» A HAV
CIGAR celebrated COMPANY. Cigars of Liberal arrangement*.
er OowMission raid to the right m*n. For
New York for Decorative Art M »torial». VV holesale k
r>- tail. Send dc. fore talozue. Pleane mention paper.
pGK SA Rancho^Lsnit^AH
Thousands Hastened U their Grate*.
■9 relying on testimonials written in vivid
glowing language of some miraculous cures
made by some largely puffed up doctor cr
I vr tent medicine has hastened thousands to
their graves; the readers having almost In¬
sane faith that the same miracle will be per¬
formed on them, that these testimonial* men¬
tion, while the so called medicine is all the
time hastening them to their graven Al¬
though we have
Thousands Upon Thousands t!!
of testimonials of the most wonderful cures,
voluntarily sent us, we do not publish them,
as they do not make the cures. It is our medi¬
cine, Hop Bitters, that make the cure*. It
has never failed and never can. We will give
reference to any one for any disease similar
to their own if desired, or will refer to any
neighbor, as there is not a show neighborhood its by in
the known world but can cures
Hop Bittern
▲ Losing Joke.
“A prominent physician complaining of Pittsburg said her
‘to a lady patient who was of
'continued ill health, and “Try of hu Hop inability Bitters!” to
‘cure her, jokingly said:
‘The lady took it in earnest and used the Bit
‘ters, from which she obtained permanent
'health. She now laughed at the doctor for
'his joke, but he is good not patient so well pleased with it*
'as it cost him a
Fees of Doctors.
The fee of doctors at $8.00 a visit would
tax a man for a year, and^n for medical need of a attend¬ daily
visit, over $1,000 And a year eingle bottle of Hop
ance alone 1 one
Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000
and all the year’s sickness.
Given up by the Doctors.
“Is Is possible that Mr. Godfrey is np
and at wont, and cured by so simple a reme¬
dy f*
“I assure you it is true that he is entirely
cured, and with nothing but Hop Bittera, and
only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and
said he must di< e, from Kidney and Liver
trouble I n
|3JT None genuine without a bunch of green
Hopson the white label. Shun all the vile,
poisonous stuff with “Hop” or “Hops” in
their nsms
We can give hundreds of teethnoalala as I* nesIHv*
cum of sorofnia, some of them oaace given up as abeo
luteljr incurable. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla and got
will be secure from scrofula.
“Three years ago scrofula broke out on ms f***i
head and ears so they were one solid sore, my hah
fell off, my sight and hearing weee impaired. I com¬
menced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and In one year
was entirely cured."—M bs. Mast B. Pammuam , Dm
ter. Me.
“I hsve been troubled with scrofula a great deal,
and was advised to use Hood's Sarsaparilla. X have
now taken three bottles and have nearly era di cate d
the scrofula from my system."—W. A. Pmmr.
Bourne, Mass.
• T had four eerofulons sores come on my feet, which
grew so bed that I could not wear a oboe. XfeSatag
which I took did mo any good till one day I ea«
Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised In a paper and decided
to try it. I have taken two bottles and the asm sis
almost entirely healed.'’-Mas- Annin Pitts, Booth
Potsdam. N. T.
Sold 0.1. by all HOOD druggists. * CO., $1; Apotbaceriea. slWor fV Lowell. Prnparjd Mm. ami
IOO Doses One Dollar
f>«t In the World. Made only by the Fraser Lnbrlea
•,r Co. at Chicago, N. Y. A 8t-Loula. Sofcteeorywfcera.
JVrftt—far lei, way.
nook ever pui.lihbed. Shool I be !h every hems and
read nt every Jireei le. Beautifully iHuntr-ited, Con
tuna the briglit-at thoughts o. the beat ro nds. w*ilj
ul. (jo->d inv to earnest worker*. Address N.Y. quickly,
BRYAN, TAYLOR A CO.. 820 Broadw ay.
will pay any intelligent man or woman
aeeking Illustrated profitable Circular employment aod term* to writ* of
KMIflMPfCdttfl for Celebrated Washer.
Agency for this intrinsic merit
I^Pta which br r e ae on of it*
_____ E meeting with such wonderful success
BgSSSSfcgg&S g&EHlSHHaaSiBr 88