Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, April 18, 1885, Image 4

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JASPER NPiVi M. C. McCLAIN, . .......Editor. ~ 8A1GHDAY, APRIL, 18 ,1885 urt Monday week. What abDut the dog case? Oh, the beautiful flowers.* Spring time has at last begun. Itev. William Stine preached in town on Saturday and Sunday last. Be sure and subscribw for the ./as per News while in town court week. Our Sunday school is under good heat! way again. Mr. Jah I* f/arriiou of Atlanta was in town Wednesday. Is our base hall club gone dead? if eo, * by? Caleb Jones who has been confined to his bed for several months 1ms re¬ cently takeu live Typhoid fever, so we lecru. We have noticed with regret, sotue young ladies who go to church and do not act lady like. Many thanks toMrJ. M. Hsrkms Denman and card writer Oalhouu Ga lv»r oompliiueuts sent u» a few days ago. Cheneys Exjiectomut. Will cure coughs or any case of croup. Go to E. J. Dial hers mul get one bottle and a t ake ef tlu* fines toilet Soap in the world fiee, price 50c per bottle. We are verv gorrv indeed that one of uur brethetn took a little t«yo much tangle-leg, hut aiv gltvl it WiW not ui?. Tho flcboil at the uieUiudiat fhureli lia«s at pm^ut thirty live n iinw enrolk*d, thirr/ i.i regu!.u* attei;tiK>.‘, ru irx* expos ti.i ii n ?st w xVv. K O Vale \ilm*mstrator \V u -Illvu has in ,\lla4itft tLU ntvk on timt t ft'. Mr. Muck Simmons has been appointed temporary Storekeep¬ er and (lauger at Stoners Distil ! | erv until a new man could be J. \V. Martin the former Store keep.r and g mgcr having resign eel. Stic here Mr I want you to sign mv petition or give me a reco nmendation, I want to be Deputy Collector or Deputy Marshal, »S*tore keeper and Ga¬ ger, Miii Agent, Postmaster or something else—ts the cry of a good many of the boys at present. Mr. John Martin the recent store keeper and Gauger of Mr Stoner near this place hoarded the traLi with his lovely wife last Tnesday for Maccn Ga At which place he will perform the du¬ ties of United States Deputy .Marshal We very much dis/ike to part with Mr Martin and his estimable wife. We wish them a pleasant trip and happy home in Macon. Mersera W. B. & Carter Tate, has a fish trap near this place from which we wt-re shown by Dr. fate a very fine Trout fish on the 10 lii inst, as Car ter was m Atlanta the Doctor was the first to enjoy the sport of abstracting the fish from the trap, luL a greater en¬ joyment of course in eating it. Hon. Carter Tate w-as elected by the Trustees of Ball Greund high school to deliver the literary address at their Exhibition on May the 1st. The selection is good one for no one takes a greater interest in education than our worthy Representative, ana if his professional engagements are such as to enable him to accept the invita¬ tion you will get a good speech. M>n. Thus. C. Cbenshatv Jr the newly appointed Collector of 1 nun mil Revenue took charge of the Collector's office this week, now give ussonie good man like Capt. Nelms, for for .Marshal and we cun fc<®l like at last, we had some interest in the Government. B**n Hill, Tom Crenshaw and *!apt. Nelms, well; that would sound fuuiil /iar. Tins must he ihe peoples Guvcru moot a: Iasi, Oh! My Tooth!! All w.nluve bid tilth w >»1 J d> well to call on /?. W. Tliimtoji. Den tint while In town Court week. Mr Thornton is hii experienced hand and never does any accept good work. ^ preacher -ants to put an end to Stm day nioht courtiug. He eat. tud be hlumod- About the time tint Sunday ouutingcomet to an ejod t«? r gftn U# let. IIE SAVED HIS SETTER Turn her loose! turn her loose, 1 s.xvi” were the word* of Mr. J* w . .Martin when he overtook our uncom pomiajng Constable, ThomasParker last Tuesday evening, who had )« ved upon a certain Miss Bridget, a female setter of the Canine tribe, as the property of the aforesaid .Mr. Martin, to satisfy an execution issued from the 1099 Dist. G M. in favor of Mr. A. J. Lovelady. But Torn did nm turn loose, and for a time it seemed that the pbilasophieal problem of the result of au “ irresis¬ tible force coming m contact with an immovable body” would then and there solved, but after a considerable tug at the rope with which the .said Miss Brid¬ get was tied, the irate ( wner decided to let his wife file a claim affidavfte and bond and a^ain enjoy the possession of his property. H is honor K. Wofford N P was ca/led upon to draw up the necessary papers, but. by »<»me mishap he failed to require a torth coming bond and the said Miss Bridget at once skidped. For some time it seemed that it would be necessary to call out the mi¬ litia, but on Tueslav evening about the the time the train on the .Si & N G R K rolled in every tiling was a ranged ami¬ ably Jack got his uimey, Martin got his setter dog Co/ Simmons got the boots, the subject of litigation. The quiet of our little vihige was broken the other day by two neighbors contending for a little femmen of /he Canine species, which strayed from its origioual owner and taken up its abode with neighbor S— for some cause un¬ known to the scribe she became dissat¬ isfied with her new home, suught and obtained lodging with neighbor R—, neighbor 8— being highly ei.eeneed with neighbor/?— for encouraging tic stay of the little pet; sen/ his sou (a young man) to reach the animal, who by renewed attempts and facing danger frout and reare finally succeedod, but a short time there* after, the prize in contest was hack at neighbor!!—*s neighbor S— by this time become so infuriated, that he secured the service of his so.i-itilaw, who repared to neigh¬ bor B— but encountered greater dain ger than his partner, being repulsed upon the first a tract attempted a re rent but was ove i taken ond rel ieved heavy blows in the gable end. ' However be liugered around for a w.iile, till signial for reinforcement was sounded then he retired w.fu ou/ the fire of a gun. Neighbors-having no other re inforce merit decided he would resort to the strong arm of the law for justice ft r hia property, s»» burring away to Justice /L— called for a warrant- The Justice being ayouug cfiicer atid i"g to be not very well equijed with tie Uvr, said bs had not found any u<:t imtsoJ by tuv L *gisli»tor io ragard to iice dugs and re used to give tho war rent, So the ma furtfcw develo P ,uenl - } -n A summery of the reports on the winter wheat crop. shows a coiuparitive loss in acreaae in twenty of the princi¬ pal winter wheat raising stiles of -i,83, 9* 0 acres. At an avevag viol-’ of thirteen bushels per acre, the d» m y ieW from last yeare will 55 000,000 bushels. It is calcuiat r.' 8 ^ but that there will be a loss by winter and spring winter damage of 51,000,010 bushels, making a total cuupaiame shortage of white wheat crop of 106 r 000,000 bushels. || \ to ti’ * ‘ i *. ++ 8 AOHNTH WAN’TKD. Tn s-ll iho best Mc-Ci-ah Work Aa.i Treat we *.n t>**« Worse end his c ul>in.,t1. entitled THIv \UH Titii > T UOMi Tf!a. hook (tn» f«ry <ti*ea<s« of man .nd hors«, end UM heat ku**wn recipes for their onre; rwd w ; t. <.arr many d liar* to the family. It it* worth its weight i*» told! Jnat published. immense. jOO Full ItUiBtrM’ons. $i#« ticultrs Tue mtit* trew. to Don’t agents delay. are Address* aunt at on e hanley a osboune, 1! Pembevtou Square, Boston, Mu*. 0! d - 2 If B I. § j; -v ob lift- W - fnaWseao? n * <•;-? ' uui. '~Mar:uuii ddikilt. impotent?. Or- ">>,■ ! #mI,b«*, C ‘ .I'rpj'pitliWt) eita IcrMrni Affeoj.v . cut fid fur*, feme dies. Dcforc 1 or vr-s far list ot (SW * to her *• • f - '■••• •: - ,r»thrE»E. jf?er«tn»<t eaC--. . • • *; * ■ > *.«dre*s,>x W.:r 1 h • ■ 1 C ?r»ss.# d/ s Mg * FREE! ^FREKUBLE ■HSf A favorite prescription SELF-GURfc. of of tbs one In ^Addrett^pPL_WARQ nlain sealedenvelope/Vee. & CO., OroKgistM&fiifS Louisiana, Wj, rWSffiSRMA? ImBwmt I Secure He&tthy action to the Liv<» kt d relieve all bi - •"-rely -----------------L.io-aa troubles. V^utaWs; VoQrifb^ ?rte 25?. An ^sts» VIGOROUS HEAttH^WEl^ r*noy. .NERVUUSOSBIUTY | W HARRIS’ Organ ic eaknkpi* Deca.v.nnd nuru«roua baf* oln«curedieeoses, skilled Sim? the phy* licians, result from outhful indiscretion, t^rvOTS 6 ^ to free indnl kence, or rerbminwork. Avoid DEBiXITY.I A me tious imp;.sit r;nifties ion ot for pr^ten* these OrfEIliC WeHkllBSSJ trouble*. Get our Frc* V Circuisr and Trial Pack¬ age, and lettnt takiii important I fort* befure treat I T ment eisowhert. T ake t SERE Rrmrpy that HAS inYouo* A Middle A CURED not' interfere thousands, with atten¬ doc* rBai ^ 3a^vrnCm' R l tion any pain t«* or w»>. bu>:**e*«, inconvenience Founded or cause on te *** •cientifie medical princi¬ tmoucaho evss es E ple*. By direct snplWtioa it* TR«A s to th> »«»*- of di*t'»ee »l6w I Ispecift. influence is Ml ■V T oral withou. funcOonsof de.ay. The the ost ho ■L "MeKsob V JIAL 0 wtaasjrsas rff/TrMvrJ R One Month. - $8.06 E the pettentbeeomsacbesr Two Three Months, - 10 8.06 01 R Ilbl and ropidlvyi... edh RwiU>»» jitsen*t)t awd «cxu .. (or yisicocLi'Sr^r.ti'sJrRUPrfflf