Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, May 23, 1885, Image 3

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GEN. GRANT AT HIS HOME A DIMIOVNKR THtT WII.L iNfKKKMT ............... <•«. Ilsrerr l'#rlrr'» Wtorlrto si Ibr Muf Irrcr’s Kvrry l)«y l.lfr. One of the most frequent callers at Gen. Grant'* is Gen. Horace Porter. They were together in the war and have been on terms of close and uninterrupted intimacy ever since. Bpeaking in ad miration of the heroism with which Gen. Grant has borne his many ills, and of the nature of his sufferings, Gen. Porter said: “I presume no man in this century lifts bsd the ment^ strain that was put on Gen. Grant from 1861 to 1876. An important command de volved upon him soon after the war be gan, and he was always weighted with heavy military responsibilities. For four years he endured constant application in a climate to which he was unused and which was highly malarious. After the war he was given no rest. He had to meet eight exciting and Important years of the Presidency. Few men could have stood it. “The effect of it on him did not ap¬ pear, however, until his physical suffer¬ ings began with his fall a year ago last December. Since then he has suffered terribly; no one knows hew much, for he never complains. After that fall, when he injured his hip, pleurisy set in. It was a severe attack. Then he began to suffer from neuralgia, with intense pains in the head, His system had been shocked by the fall, The neuralgia helped to reduce it. As a means of re¬ lieving the neuralgia he had several teeth drawn. He refused to take an anesthetic, and had them drawn at one sitting. That exercise of his wonderfnl will, in his then debilitated condition, gave the system another shock, from which it could not rally. Then this ter¬ rible disease of the toDgue appeared. It has been a steady drain upon him, re¬ ducing his flesh rapidly and weakening jhim beyond .liny former experience. But he has stood it all without a murmur, lust as he has taken all the reverses and trials of his life. To see him wasting and sinking in this way is more touch¬ ing and excites deeper sympathy among his friends than if he made some sign of bis sufferings, as ordinary men do, by grumbling and complaint. “The thing from whioh he has suf fered most of late is insomnia. When I was with him on Sunday I said it seemed strange that he should suffer from that, as he had always been a re markably good sleeper. I reminded him that on the field, no matter what the weather or how heavily charged he might be with responsibilities, some times with a battle on his hands for the next day. I had seen him drop down in tne mud and rain and be sound asleep in two minutes. He meant always to get eight hours’ sleep. He said it was a strange thing to him that he could not Bleep, and that he regretted nothing so much. During my calls I have seen him more often in his sleeping room than elsewhere. He usually sits in an easy chair. Another is rolled up to it, facing it. On the second chair he stretches his legs. As the neuralgia pains still trouble him, he wears a knit cap nearly all the time. When the puns ate specially severe, very hot r»ir>tK« ne applied to the head. They bring relief quicker thmi anything el*,, In talking he tries to speak without moving the tongue. This interferes with enunciation, but it saves him pain, He could enunciate well enough were it not for this effort to keep the tongue motionless. Of course talking is tire SOme. He tries to do a good deal of it, but is discouraged by hisfamilyand Lhe physicians. The trouble on this a0 ~ count makes it impracticable for him to proceed with hi. book by dictation. I have Been him leave hia chair and walk about on the second floor. He cannot walk without a cane. Hi. orntohea, however, have not b*m brought iuto nse again. “He him spoken to me, m lio ha* to other*, obout hi* preiit dt*»irw to fluieh his book. Hut work ou tho book, when Another. He has voluminous note# and records which they have to look np tor him. But his memory in often as good u hi* notes. I never knew so faithful and retentive a memory. He can fix his mind on a march and describe what just how the lines were formed and aomers he turned in proceeding from ane point to another. Work on the book has proceeded as far as tue “Crossing of the James, in the Sum mer of 1864.” It is the most toP»rt ant period of the war, and Gen. Grant is naturally anxious to cover it as it should be treated. No treatise on tne war can possibly be so valuable as this, and although his notes would enable another to complete the volume, he that no one can do it as he oah. “I .have noticed the change in his ap¬ pearance during these months of con¬ finement. His face is much as it was, but he loooks weak and his frame has lost its sturdy bearing. There has been no attempt by him or any of his family to hide the physical changes by allow¬ ing his beard or hair to grow long. The beard is kept closely trimmed and the hair short. In all his sickness he has been careful, as he was in health, to avoid giviDg trouble to any obo. His son and an attendant usually sleep in the room with him, but when he awakes at night, wanting anything, he will rise and get it himself rather than disturb them. “He savs little about his condition,”, God. Porter added, “although I he fully realizes its gravity. The action of the various Legislatures, military or¬ ganizations, church conferences, and other bodies, in their expressions of sympathy for him gave him great pleas¬ ure. I think that the good will of his countrymen thus uttered is his highest gratification.” •* «•* * A Florida Jigger. A jigger is a little red bug about as big as the point of a pin, too small to witness with the naked eye, but O, lordy, how he can jig though. He or she, as tke case may be, for no one seems to know the gender of the jigger —gets on your skin and goes philander ing around till he finds an opening, a pore in the skin, for instance, and he crawls in out of sight, and begins to jig. y 0 u don’t see him when he goes in, or when he comes out, but you know he is there. The place where he has gone in begins to itch and smart, as though the little fellow was made of cayenne pepper, and you scratch the place, and it becomes sore, and swells up, and it keeps yon awake, and you are mad enough to say words that look bad in print, but it does not make any differ ence to the jigger. He jigs right along regardless, and seems to have a good time. A healthy man with fifteen hun, dred to two thousand jiggers on his person would be a good hand to setup with the sick, as he could keep awake to give medicine. The jigger does not kill his victims, but he provents them from enjoying religion. I think one cause of the prevalence of profanity in the extreme South is owing to jiggers. A church can never prosper as it should in a country where jiggers abound By the way, there is a jigger at work now boring an artesian well beside my nose, and the morel scratch and dig the more he laughs and goes on with his jigging. — Peck** Sun. -—-— nj HEAR that sheep-shearing is done by m>ohin6ry fa e*d on. Wall street broker to another. “Yes, fo j understand I wonder if there’s anj mon „ in itr * 4*1 u, ^<* 4 . rf mere j,, ’ but I prefer the old . h oned _ , ^ . “ ‘ tag«>ew«l^overtheu • J V ea »d.kmmng WoittlcrM Never CYiwfi. Prof, 0 Donslilxoi', Now Orleans, Isi., ! , ro P rl ® tor Ui Ww *®‘ Un, V who Miflowil . f ttmou§ hrtt h „ appliance* and of linlniputs without relief, he tried St. Jacob's Oil, which completely cured him. Ttn it wonderful remedy, he uni ^ * ie ^ UH >ohl his crntchea. j n Misoula, M. T. ^vui* ore discharged bn tlreal&rtm. ‘ That Miss Jones is a uieo-looking girl, iMi’tsher j, wasn’t i n- on .’ •Wlmtstiuu.” ^ aiK i nothing helps ner. I am sorry, 101 i her, hut tout d.*«nt make it auy lets Now. if she had u ed Dr. Sages catarrh Remedy, there wouul have l»oei» nothing of "i,i said, loi imniimo uunlitAOiy tiaia In Helena, M. T., there in a calf only 10 months old that weighs '50 pounds. Life Preserver. If you are losing your grip on life, try “Wells' Health Renewer.” Coes diref*t to weak spots. ______ Maine has at last adopted a plan of toarh ing tempera nce i n her jm In in schools. “ItmiBti on Toothnnh®.'’ Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache. Faceache. Ask for “Rough on Toothache.” 15 and 25c. _____ John L. ss younge r brother is - listie n< onors. p r „uy women, Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity, don’t fail to try “Wells’ Health Renewer.____ Monday was the twentieth anniversary of the death 01 Abraha m LlnaHii. ••h«..b». o.. iici. riBKW( ^ nt tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains. __ In Montana quails are exempt from the sportsman’s gun for six years. I can safely reco mend Ely's Cream Balm for the cure of Catarrh, cold in the head, etc. Before I have used the first bottle I purchased I find myself cured. At times 1 could scarcely smell anything, an 1 had a headache mint of the time.—H enry IjIllv, Agent for the American Express Co., Craml Haven, Mi<'h. Price 50 cts. Ely’s Cream Halm cured me of Ca¬ tarrh of many years standing—restored head iny It sense of smell. For colds in the works like magic.— E. H. SHERWOOD, Na¬ tional State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J. Easy to use. See adv. The police of Chico, Cal., do no', wear uni¬ forms. ___________________ __ A highly perfumed Hoap will not heal or cure skin diwanes, neither will it iieautify and soften face and hands; try “Beeson’s Aro¬ matic Alum Sulphur Soap.” 25# cents by Druggists or by mail Win. Dreydoppel, Philadelphia, Pa. There are in 1.2G0.0IMMK10 Italy'4,H(HJOUtTlemon lemons annually. treew, which produce lTH7.fr A*l« (Irrane, best and, . The Frazer Axle Urease is the in¬ trinsically, the cheapest. Don’t work your, horses to death by using poor greaxe. Try it. special Notic®. 1 ^thffi ! SSniany cau«"w'in ^‘!r^i&n“ ffarnZt’ an imfci! b bSi'Sl Syracuse, s. y. The E ."^jg li 1 ^ nguage i>! tflU * ht in rA) ’ tm 80 00 8 111 a F a ft0, ^ — s'^’^-oa, aumo. &?“ Stout tb» n *t say <*n«r i a tbs otty. New York state has U.ooo hotels, 1 # — Good Appetite A Always accompanies Kood be*ub. audit* *b»enca in ’“.73 a u»rp«ntiic sprite, which * loot m the debiMt* west her For thin purpose 2Sw£«the r n> ur ^viu. » bl °° d ’ promot ' 5 " hea,tby a '* ion of the diKesttve orgnm. ami Kive* sireajuth to the whoi* Hu «i . a.r-won. I «. when i «ot up m the manual, bed »hea umIm and h»d no appetite: but now I can hardly Bet ‘ C "” *'I had been troubled for some time with poor appe Hood's SarsapariUa. and now my appetite is the best »ad the rheumatism ha« left me.”-o. abb*s. 3704 WsmuAw-caiowj.iii.___ H 0od 8 8a r88 P® “J a by ait dru«isu. si; «* ** •»- Made , ooiy , a,o. l hood * 00 .. » >—• jpODoses One Dollar TRUE ECONOMY. <1 ur frnti'tnif to muxMi ill ilt»‘, Itilt it l< ,* nrot >ill V to buy *'«*>•** aftlr ••Im (.ad Flour. Im.I Hiii tor »n<l la’J Food of itf kind an „,»t rioiiMiuc.il to uw at any t*tif#» A tltUHMSUtl tuue 4 worat* i*«» '•iioiMt" modloioB Uul Itreteud* to cure. but make* tb»* imtliBt wonm ltr~ \m the lout lix'd i* the Uacauao I* to nutrition* and Htn'iu’lh ri'iit,' to ill# wh#!* ayatoin, eveu tn Mitsui nmuitUi*-#. *<> n* a pure m wild uo.wnlea e lire* ever lluu'. Htcn in miimII do*aa; tliowfopo ik Wa>* keep ill mind I lii'M 1 TV" So'id Fact*. 1ST There l* more rewl solid cure in s** battlt of llUJO' h (Kidney atul Liver} Brunet, for the <UaoaaM it i* prepared for than in a barrel of tho to-oaBd# ••Brea; tho dose i* 5H» to :IU drop*. the |Bf~it Liver, cure*, stomach. restore*. Kidtiej*. repulate* Itladdor and and invigorate* Lrinary organa, create* a miirvel.ni* ajipotlto and rebuild* iho entire system. and it in "Never known to f«iL" limit will prevent an well a* cure Malaria. Fevet* and liheiiinatiani an 1 all dl**ft*c* which wuno from impure blood. Keep the fountain and tin* -pnufffi liat Hiipply it. pure, and the stream tlowiu« therm (roiu will la* healthy and life-giving. fir"S| ocial and infere second ding cate of Banner Bright s liook. <lis» eaae dexi ribed ou page of our |WHunt’s (Kidney and Liver) Kkmedy imrifte* the Blood, thereby keeping the Kidneys, luver. Stomach, bladder and Urinary organ* vigorous with life and action, causing them to tree tho system It*imi the poisonous waste which brings disease and death. ilflt reaches the s-at of the disease at once—re¬ move* tlie cause- stimulate* and assists the fuse, tious of the Kidneys. Liver and Urinary organa. ir~Save jronr health by using Hunt's (Kidney ami Liver) Ukmeuv. as millions will not recompense tire loss of the priceless boon. It will cure Femal* Weakness, and prevent monthly suffering. Correspondenc® freely nnswered by ('onMiiltlnii i*hysieian hi this office. & 'ULI'lMT, rTU PI -1 * O' V’ *KIDN ■.T /r * . EY• HSi i liWED Y. HOW What is the IS of suffering YOUR with Backauhe. OACKT Fare us * as rim Sue or Hip, Boiattcn. Kneoinatiuin. Kidney Muaclna. l>ie» «*s«s. Utiesi and Orlck, Lung ntitches, troubles, Swolleu and of Tired pain or any sort lloi* or *•»»» oesa, will cither local or relief? deep-seated, Prepared when a Burgundy PLAHTrs g vc instant from Pitch, Hops. Canada The beat Balsam atreiiKtliening and the ptm plaster killiR' virtinse known. m ever ‘I housands aay so. Mold by all dealers Mailed »'* re¬ ceipt of price, 10'., ft Imr $1.00. HOP PLANTK* CO., Boston, Mass. LIQUID U used b|*thonosniljofUnitclsrs Manuftc tii rm GOLd'mEDAL.L ondon.'Ki. dealer Pro who .ouncedrfnm^w doe* not keep atm hitnrn. 8«m<l card of £ it,with live 2c stamp * for CAMPLE CAN [ £ Russia Cement Co..Gloocdfr,Ma 5 S. WE WANT 1000 MMOI 4 AbiliVl'ft WwildIwams iiOilOE 4iid Hen. SUEHV.aM. The U.t«t wUm; I ,y (ten. Arthi.i Cell's Grant, snevrean lKS>k »ut. Indorsed hy l'ri-s t Mlieridun, and thousands of Kmlu nt .ludire*. <lerg*we» Editor* Ever etc., Puf.IM.wl," as •* The, It IX take* awl like Fineet wildfire, llhafrylen and *gesr» •’'"*** ee* H,hA WrTft.OOO s<*ld Jta to to *1« s day. make It thr ho-nnhw book tor Ay otm. and Solid Urnt 11 £*B! Reliable WANTED salesmen , fflO introduc* and sell tbs trad* "" ll . k I j??T7 , *.trf CONSUMPTION. positive remedy for the above disease; by lus I have a kind and of feme aee thoasends of cases ot the worst steading nave been cured. I nde<*d. • ostrongls BOTTbRfl «n» $RBB. falls <. in Us efficacy, that I wl I send TWO together with a VA f.VAUI.KTKBATIMK on tlilsdi s sees to an v sufferer. Give express and 1* O. addr>ss. DH. T. A. 8LOCUB.Hl Peart St., New Tee*. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard’fl Clisax Plug TS# hearing a red tin tag: tbatLortllard* that Lortlla rtt* Rose Lew I'fine cut; MORPHINEopium Habits KASII.V CURKII. HOOK. FREE. OR. J. C. HOFFMAN. Jefferson, Wisconsin. Blair’s Pills. G-eat English Gout i Rheumotic Remo4f. OvbI Hex, QI.OU; r esad, 50 cta» THORSTOK’S STOQIH POWDER Keeping Teeth Perfect and Uiat Healthy- DEED patch kipper 8 mmSg sHSSK tr* i he largest ssles are •* homo ot the medicine; where it is best known, ft to used prescribed most l>y oxteustvely 70 plusieianaw and What better emlorwnien* could be ottered ? PRICE $1.25 PER BOTTLE. Hit’s Remedy Co, Providence, R. L Sold b i All Druggists, 16001 Over I h. m" 2‘31“?“ “a H N‘- In Ilv flaw“ Car "In.“ II I 41:32:21.! __ doz. A.O. BAMBKTT, Koc Wter. H.XL