Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, May 23, 1885, Image 7

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no: FI UK A\U THE IMUMXEK. % l.luir Mtarjr of lit* War •» 1815-Twa ttrnv* <*trls. Sninaov diflcrent accounts have ap (wared irom time to time regarding ‘‘the #fer and the drummer of Soituate,’' that the public hesitate which to accept. With a view of getting at the real facts, and presenting the suhjeot in an authen Uc light, your correspondent visited Miss Abby Bates, the surviving sister to ob tain her version of the incident. “Aunt Abby, as she is familiarly called, lives alone in a low, old fashioned house on a blufl overlooking mo/wvsaan the ocean. Although AHVinnoh nearly eighty-eight yeanof (*e, her mmd is clearand her health goo4 Rebecca W. and Abby were bom in Provincetown, Mass., and in 1803 the family moved to Scituate Centre. Her father was a ^faring man , The fishing business was dull, and, having a family of thirteen children to provide for, he was obliged to seek other employment Through the influence of Mr. Jesse Dunbar the Captain was appointed keeper of the lighthouse, wherein, De cember, 1811, the family took up their residenoe. It was about the middle of the after noon on a pleasant September’s day that Rebecca's mother said to her: “Make a fire and put the kettle on; father and the boys will be at home soon.” The echo of this command had scarcely died away before the mother espied two barges heading direotly for the light, Eaoh barge was manned by about sixteen men and carried ajorass oannon on its bow* The guard were away. The excited mother, throwing up her arms, ex¬ claimed: “Children, the redcoats are ooming.” At a glance the girls compre¬ hended the situation. “Ip the north room of the house,” said Aunt Abby, “were kept the fife and drum belonging to the guard. “Up into the room rnshed Rebecca, and, returning, handed me the dram, saying, ‘You be the drummer and I’ll be the fifer.’” Ensconced behind, the light the American army of two began. “Give 'em the roll call,” commanded Becky. This being done, the strains of “Hail Columbia” and “Yankee Doodle” pealed forth on the air. The music was «continued for some time, now in imita¬ tion of an army marching, now counter¬ marching, until at last it was observed that the La Hogue displayed a flag on the masthead as a signal for the men t.o return. Peeping from behind the light Rebecca saw that the barges were re¬ turning in obedience to the signal. With joy beaming in her girlish eyes she said to her sister, “Scare ’em; I told you so; see, they are going back.” “As soon as we saw them return,” said Aunt Abby, “we stuck to playing ‘Yankee Doodle,’ because the British disliked that 1 tel] you, sir, we ju t put in on that too.” A Theatrical Party. An engagement was entered into by two ;Philadelphia swells to pool their issues and give a theatre party. It was agreed that one should get the seats and provide for taking the party to and from the theatre, and the other was to give the supper. A com was tossed, and the winner selected the theatre tickets as his share. Thirty young people were invited, aDd one of last season’s brides secured to matronize tnem. The party, to their amazement, were taken to the Arch Street Opera House, where a company is singing light operas, the price of ad mission being a dime, and reserved cr cbestra chairs tea cents extra. The man who had ordered the supper was hirious at first, but the rest took the joke in the proper way, and soon he joined in the laugh. The thirty-two seals cost #8.40; oar fare #5.76; total. #12.10. The supper end of the bil amonnted , A to .lK.uM7,.. . rtia , Osn hundred families of Bnssiams, Tub only international street car line ii» tho worid is the oue connecting Paso doi Norte. M x.. with El Paso, Texas. JiOTES AND COMMENTS. The matches consumed in the United State, require wood to tbe annuel value 53 298 502 ; the railroads nee about , 23 000,000 of wood for fuel and #2,000, -)00 for tie* each year, A g0UD siWor balustrade, wbioh had stood jn one o{ (ho Mexlcttn churches th# Ume of Oortel waa torn down ^ , and , aken t0 the mint , pro da ^ <u thousand ,i] V er ,i () n ar8 , .. . . 8°“ P“*~ manufacture the 950,000 tons . of paper of thc ■ flow of water days' medium ao "V ine , k e rirer river Thames would be nee< * e< *» Near Chickasawhatohee, Ga., says the Savannah News, a line of earthworks can still be seen whioh were thrown np by Gen. Jackson (Old Hickory) as a protection against Indians on his march to Florida through that section in 1818 A Bloomington (III) youth of 15, after a course of yellow-back literature, wrote to a merchant that unless he im mediately reoeived $100 he would burn down the merchant’s store. He con *fossed afterward that he adopted the scheme from a novel, Fbancis Murphy’s coat was stolen in Pittsburgh a few days ago. The thief pawne d it and sold the pawn ticket, the buyer of whioh attended a Murphy meeting an a took the pledge. Francis M urphy then tied a blue ribbon in the buttonhole of his own coat on another man. Alcoholic intemperance ia stated to be increasing to an alarming extent among the women of Australia. In dis¬ cussing the matter at a meeting of the Melbourne Medical Society the physi¬ cians present concurred in attributing the trouble to close confinement, anxiety, and the fatigue arising from overwork. Mb. E. Matthews, of Jackson county, GA., has a colored man. living on his place who was left in the Cherokee Na¬ tion, in Twenty-nine-mile Stretch, sold twice by John A. Murrell and shot at three times by the Confederate soldiers. He is now the father of 49 children and is 90 years old. He can plow as much in a day as any man. * One of the oases recently reported at a meeting of the Charity Organ¬ ization of Washington was that of a professional beggar who has two dresses —a begging dress and a society dress. Her name appeared in the society col¬ umns of a city paper as receiving guests daring the inauguration, and she was found to be living handsomely out of alms. A serious epidemic of whooping cough has run through the islands of the Fiji group. The malady has carried off all the very young native children, and i e ft a decrease in the population of 3,000. a. few years ago 30,000 persons in Fiji died from an epidemic of measles. Since then the local government have done much to instruct the people in the laws of health. **j passed through a fanny town the other day,” remarked a gentleman who ^ j as t home from the South. “It was a pi ace called Fulton, on the Illinois Cen t ral Railroad, and is built right over the dividing line between Kentucky and Tennessee. The main street of the town & ^ dividing line. On the Kentucky s jd e of the street local option is in strict enforcement, but you may cross over to the Tennessee side and find a dozen sa loons in full blast.” ! _ „ , . ••Say.mgalafl.I« : g ot / on yon old boy. Yon re i «° fond of hoaamg other leUow. tome bodv has hoaxed you finely this time. | Yon thought there wm a unard Beal Mermaid on hoarJ of one of the C steamers. 1 °° '““r “ r Wbole “ Pfi 8 " z\T d a About It and, ha , .ia . there Am t Any Mermaid on uuy of ’em l” 1 lit* Loss of Cattle. Mr. Amos T. Atwater, Secretary of the National Cattle Association, who has lwen making a tour of Texas, esti¬ mates the loss of cattle there this season at from three to live per cent The closing of the old trail much north of will compel the owners to throw thoir sur¬ plus stock on the market, which will depress the price of beef. The Texan rangers are overstocked. Last year at this time ever 81,000,000 worth of con¬ tracts were held by Texan ranohmen, but this year not a dollar, owing to the closing of the trail. Mr. Atwater thinks the day of free grazing in Texas is about over. In the near future stook raisers will have to pasture their herds on their own lauds and cultivate ground enough for fodder to carry their cattle through the winter. Besides The Astors, Kingslands, Goe lets and other great landlords in New York, there is a new generation of land¬ lords building np great estates. The Germans are rapidly They accumulating much real estate in that city. other own nation¬ mare property than any ality. The noh German brewers are all Isrge landowners. It is said that the humblest German grooer will start in bosines* with only a few dollars, yet In six or seven years he will own a house and lot, _ t Wtoen Miss Shk Owned Them.— Elizabeth Porter was in England, asked her some if years ago,, an Englishman Niagara Falls. To she had ever seen whioh the lady replied, “I own them;” and the questioner was sufficiently over¬ come.' • * * * Nervous debility, premature de¬ cline of power in either sex, speedily and per¬ stamps. manently Consultation cured. Large book, three letter tree. World’s Dispen¬ sary Medical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. A New York woman boasts of having written “1,500 original conundrums.” llartlioldi’a Statue of 4 *l.lt ert y hulighlening thc Wot'iu'* will be a reminder of personal liberty for ages to come. On just as sure a foundation has Dr. Pierce’s ‘‘Golden Modical Discovery” been placed, and it will stand through the cy¬ cles of lime as a monument to the physical emancipation have been of thousands, who by its use relieved irom consumption, con¬ sumptive spitting night-sweats, bronchitis, coughs, c-f blood, weak lungs, and other throat And lung affections. It ifi j said chat a kangaroo can outkick a mule. ______ For dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility in their various forms, also as a preventive against fever and ague and other intermittent fevers, the “Fer¬ ro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisava,” New York, made and by Caswell, Hazard & Co., sold by all druggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness it has no equal. The making of orange wine is proving a successful business on the Pacific coast. If • V. ***** 3 1 m m fci.':;* „ . . Blt-S, and cl her P«Ibs and Arh«. VIBRATING TELEPHONE. Gives splendid satisfaction. No exor¬ bitant eumranttedxo rental fee to work pay—Sold nicely outright lines and on within its compass (a miles), or money telunded- Constructed on new and scientific principles; Two three works months’ren¬ entirely l>) vibration. or tal fee to the Jiell Telephone will buy fs outright a complete priva-e line. It the only PRACTICAL and RELI¬ ABLE non-electric Telephone made, and warranted to give satisfaction, er money refundta. AGENTS can make immense profits and get all the work they can do. No previous expe riencerequired. Where 1 have no agents Telephones may be ordered direct for private use. Circular* ! hce- H, T, JOHNSON, Buffalo. N. Y. _ 102 8. Division St., GANCEtf cniart wnt tree. AdtU*>‘s A.>1.1 ION cV CO.s 317 Penn Ueadiug, Pa. WITHOUT MONET! out dclav. It will be rent to «ny addrres #3 J I in thc world Free of Co -t . be it rarefttll ., ntndy it welJ.ari l >i»u will irleatt information that lttav pn»vc nior • valua* bio than ail the wealth of the Rothrebbds —more precious than all tho gen*# of fcu rope'* rovaltv. Itn>ay toe* y«*>r A?Un»>*. Hj*t RradfieJd Retrul'rCo . Uo* 'M. <* • for U nk Moimor. Mus. Lydia K. 1'ikkhaM: “AlsKifc tho first of Neptcmbcr, 18*1, my wife wn* t ikon with uterine licinoniinjjn. Thu best styptics tho ph.VHicinn could prescribe did notebook it and ■be pfot more and mom <nfe»bM> Site wai troubled with Prolapsus Uteri, Lou onrrhett, mind moss of the limbs, sick, ness of the stomach and loss of ap|»tit«. I purchased a trial bottle of your vegetable Compound. She said she could discover a salutary effect from thc first done. Now sha is comparatively free from the Prolapsus^ Stomach's sickness, Ac. The hemorrhage is very mueh better anti iR less at the regular periods. Her appetite is restored, and her general health and strength are much im¬ proved. benefited We feel that we have been wonder : in fully and our hearts are drawn out gratitude sufferers, for the same and in sym{)athy for other for whose sakes we allow our names to be used. “C W. Eaton. Thurston. N. Y." This contains no Ely’s Cream when A'Kiled into thc trils, will be absorbed, effectually cleansing the head of catarrhal f causing It allays healthy inflammation, tects the membrane fresh colds, heals thc sores and restores the senses of taste and hearing. It is Not a Liquid or Snuff A few implications thorough lleve. A ment will cure. to use. Price fib cents Sc,,,l ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y. RHEUMATISM Cured. I will rend on* bottle of my infallible rhea roatlc cure for fl.as. or two for $11.00, upon receipt a «... Hair. Mole#, Wart*. Freckles, Moth. Red Nose, Acne, Bl’k Heads. Henrs. Woodbury, Pitting ^BJn,3T ‘m and treatment Dr.John Albany,”N., Y* / ^'Established N. P«nrl HI., 8end tor book. WTO. 10c. non," sod for "Houf/ht•ding’s alrnnqy Salary iAat Milt of $8 UnitM to $U States made. Officials.” Sample O ver copies ;WH),000 ot books k terms to atteutH a clay mail, receipt of fiOc. in 1 'Ik. atatniw. HUunpe by returned on if do take or return ot books. von not agency on Albany.N-x Add’s C. EHoughtaiing, 70 Madinon Av., IKE PENMKNS AHT j« tbe ties! aid to good twriling. One copy 10c. Wfili ’dwa y, ft. i. UK WAR LD 7 * WON D KII *4 and Official Ms- 1 toru of the Greety Sat. Expedition. Com. to Agts. Grand Write new book; quick outsells Special everything. 11 Into or rlca I Pub tJo.. Philo., Pa. iot terms. TELEGRAPHY I VALENTINE »U? (IHOM., Juiieayllli^ D 3SSSS8S Win. T> I ATENTH, 15 practice. U. H. and 0,1). Foreign I.kvih, Patents solicitor. procured. 131 years [ne xt Le ader building) Pittsbu rgh, Pa. FMfth ave„ HOOPER’S Hsffl Sure FRiflAIiK PILLS )$1 Box 181 Brooklyn, N-Y (5000 ACRES KELLY, Md, Exchange. W. Prustox, ^ 1ARDS- Hainjlo^book, premium Itet^^oe list sent Conn, " Uh "EMMii" &SSrv 4. 1 u\m HfflOO Tkk utu‘. of IUdge’e Food produce# goojl of healthy flob not a puffy, flabby skin, butpbmty bone and in uncle, llic cnil- Jiky# it, and a# to nalurw’# »up t(jy, n<> the 1 tile one turn* readily Irom all I’lay* thin/i*. and finds complete sathfaeiion in this, the ls‘st substitute for the mother's milk. Do not let vour children grow up weak and punv, when Ridge'* Food can t>e obtained at so amalicoet. j j ; BBSs ^■MOuerante-d Etricusr*. n»'. oVJ ■ j causa I Mf (J only by the wp-d:: aialeal Co. I I 25 CD cr iwnnannttl rnr». none >r»* j Ci»»»l • ArfoiKlv.tO* Puikou st N t AND a p .5 ov I WITHOUT PRICE! Wfrj A 3 ’/in/t * w FEVER PPlfPIt - Cl has taken the lead .,a the sales of that ela remedies, and has give* almost universal san.iac* tioii. MURPHY BR(r.»., Paris. Te* Ohs,won the tavor f the public and now ranks r.mo the leading Med** cine, of the oddotn. A. L. SMITH. Soldhv D.-uvgrst*. Bradford, Pa. 1'fn.o 81 «M». Wo have j I a newt wnu<t«*Wal au t valuable tic iv lnc-k. vraioh of "i ocitH.tr to ,1 the fcinslo m*x,” an»l have »pnre*l neither tli« i>®sit*-* nor mow/ i to uuskc it worth* penih.il unit confidence of the wnai#n nil over daughter r«tjr land. la d**>p|v, Every mother, vitally inlorretpfl wife, npricr. * tid »bould rend in il tbie fi‘(#t work, and for if with