Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, June 13, 1885, Image 6

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TIIK JASPER NKWS. PUBLWHKD KVKRY NATURDAY — MY— L. A. liHYNE. OFFICE—In the Court House, Official Organ for l»lckeii County Terms of Subscription—C 'ash»'» Advanee: One year. 75c Kix months, . . 40e Three months, . •20c Advertising Ratos extremely low, to suit the times. IiOgnl advertisements inserted and charged for as prescribed by an act of the General Assembly. Advertisements will Ik» run until forbidden unless otherwise marked, and due charged first ac cordingly. All considered after insertion, All communications intended for publica¬ tion must bear the name of writer, not nec¬ of essary lor publication, but ns a guarantee good fait 1 1 . We shall not in any way he responsible for the opinion of contributors. No communication will be admitted into our columns having for its endsa defamation of private character, di* in any other way of a scurrilous import of public good. Correspondence solicited on all points of general importance—but lot them bo briefly to the point. All communications, letters of business, or money remittances, to receive prompt at¬ tention, limit be addressed to M. C. McCLAIN, Editor, Jasper, Ca. COUNTY OFFICERS. K. Hood, Mr.CUtclinon, Ordinary. (!. N. C. H K. H. H. Hmidornm, Hlmrifl'. U. W. Little, Tax collector. I, . T. Puckett, l. It. T. Honeit, Surveyor. f. II. Horsey, School Coroner. Commissioner. j. It. Allen, TOWN COUNT 11.. Oenncihnon—N. Mayor—E. Limning. 0. McLain, I*. Hood, J. R. Howell, O. Pickett, K. Wofford. FKATEKNAt. iikcoI tl>. Pickens Star Lodge, No. * 2*0 F. A. M. f Meets First Tuesday in each month. W, II. Simmon*, .V. . M. Stoner, S. W. S. 0. Tate, J. W. 8. L MoeWy. Treasurer. M. T. c. M Wheeler, colain, Secretary. K. W. A. Reeves, Tyler. C. H. 1). s. Henderson, .LI). HEI.IGJOL* SERVICES. Baptist Church—Every Itev. second Sunday and Sat¬ urday before. By Win. Stone. Methodist Church—Every third Sunday and Sat¬ urday before. By Rev. K. <>. Favor. ri, D. MADDO X. yj , Attorney at jjHyv, GKOItGl V Refers by permission to John Bilvey A Co. J. It. Wylie and Grumbling,Spaulding & Co. ail of Atlania, Ga. Simpson & Cult Manu¬ facturing Co., Cn einnati, Uliio. P. l>. DuPftEK, Attorney at Law, CANTON. GEORGIA. Will practice in tho Blue Ridge circuit and iu Cherokee county. Office, Court House with Ordinary. Administrates on estates. Collections a specialty.__ W. tTIJay Attorney at Law, JASPER, GEORGIA Practices iu the Blue Ridge Circuit, and iu the U. B. Circuit and District Court for the northern District of Georgia. T8AAC X GRANT; Attorney at Law, JASPER, GEORGIA. Practices iu all the courts. Legal business elicited and House. promptly attended to. Office n Court M OULTRIE HEBSIoNB, Law, Attorney at GEORGIA. fil.l.IJAY, Will practice in all the courts of the Blue lidge Circuit. Promptness is hi? motto. J OHN W. HENLEY, Attorney at Law. iahpkr, - - - Georgia. O—C. TATE L • Attorney at Law. iahperi - Georgia. « all business intrusted to my care. * ZT= 2 ....................... 2 ! ------------:...... .............. Dr. A. C. Matthews, of Elberton, Ga., lost a pair of gold spectacles a few days since, and they were picked up by a negro man in town against whom the doctor held a note for $50. On learning that the negro had found them the doc tor called on him to get them. The negro claimed a reward for finding them, and the doctor finally agreec. to give him the note in satisfaction of his claim, but the negro would not consent to take it unless the doctor would give Mm a chew of tobacco also. , NOTES AND COMMENTS. A New Kno^eu pr«.ohor that the Chinese studenta who have returned to this country after a two years' ab Bence in China have great difficulty in remembering the English language, which they were supposed to have learned so well. Thbrb are 20 persons in the United States whose gifts to colleges aggregate over $23,000,000. w Three _______________ of these rich men —Stephen Girard, John Hopkins, and Asa Packer—gave over $14,000,000. Henry F. Durant gave to Wellesley College about $1,000,000. The inhabitants of St. Petersburg consider themselves fortunate in having had an average winter death rate of only 35 per 1,000 of population. In London, where the rate has been recently 19.5, this would be thought epidemic. The usual rate for the Russian oapital is 40 to 45. The Government of Canada has re¬ ceived all sorts of offers of service. One oomes from a retired navy officer, who places his long experience in seaman¬ ship at the disposal of his country at the present orisis. This a local paper insists, is very severe on the sloughs of the prairie roads. Ween Proofcor Knott made his fanci¬ ful Dnluth speech fifteen years ago, the humor of the thing tickled the entire oontihent. No one dreamed that Duluth would ever amount to anything, and when Kjiott oalled her “the paragon ol cities” everybody laughed. Still this town is third in the list of grain-receiv¬ ing points, beating Milwaukee, Toledo and St. Louis. The St. Mary’s (Md.) Enter pine re¬ lates that a few days ago a buggy oc¬ cupied by a gentleman and lady caught fire from a brick that was heated for the bfneflt of the lady’s comfort, and, owing to the wind being in their faces, it was not discovered till the bottom fk i the vehicle was almost consumed by the flames. Their wrappings were very much damaged, but no personal injuries were sustained. I know the Isthmus well, says Col. Heywood, of the Marine Corps, and I know it will be no easy job to proteot thirty-five miles of railroad against the natives, who are very much like Indians iu their style of fighting, and will be popping at our men from behind trees and rocks. Then one cau never be cer¬ tain who the Governor of tho place is. I saw four of them elooted and put in in prison in less than a month. At Queen Victoria’s last drawing¬ room there were some splendid Eastern costumes, and an Indian huly having kissed the Q teen's hand, offered her Majesty an Oriental salaam as she re¬ tired, to tiie groat amusement of the circle. This lady wore a quaint but very beoomiug Asiatic dress of white, with overdress richly embroidered with gold and a regular Eastern veil round the head. She blazed with diamonds. The news from Suakirn is distressingly meagre, says an exchange. For in stance, a dispatch states that the enemy appeared in foroe in the direction of Handoub, and the men at work on the railroad ceased operations. Now,''who were the enemy ? Did the men strike when they quit ? And did they join the enemy, or stand to one side to see that «" lEtterdiduot commence where they left off? Railroad men quittmg^work in this oonntry has but one significance. Down at the Heel.—D an Rice, the circus clown, is running a ten-cent circus in the French quarter of New Orleans, He talks sadly of the good old days when his Floating Palace was the sensa tion on the Father of Waters, and thou sands upon thousands of peop.e swiumied from far and near to see him. He gave an entertainment a few nights ago when not 300 persons were present, and about one-tliird of those were professional and other deadheads. * WIT AHI> WISDOM. , ! A «*« OTorbardened with win. U ; grftpe * ° k ET °® oe Bee ^ man * •**<* ** k® * snt ft *ip # t°P mttn l et the °® (je bunt farther. Dr bbky man whut kaint stan’ good luck is de bery man whut grumbles ’ ca8e ft * n fc K ofc nu tbi“ • Natur tries mighty hard not ter show __ favors. De frost whut kills de bad apples also kills the good ones. An old Surinam sea captain nsed to remark, “We cannot do too much for our employers; neither will we.” No new maple sugar is genuine unless the year and date of its manufacture is blown in the oake when it is cast It’s mighty often de little thing dat puts er pusson oaten humor. De sting o’ er bee hu’ts was den de bite o’ er dog. “Pa, what’s a schnitt of beer ?” “Ifc’6 what a men drinks when he wishes he didn’t have anything to drink, my son.” It is difficult for a show to hire a hall in any country town now. The rooms used for amusements are all opera houses. The fact that the new Minister to England is called “professor” does not necessarily indicate that he is proprietor of a skating rink. The following notice is said to be posted up in a church in Monroe Town¬ ship, Ill.: “please deposet Yore Tobaoer At the Dore by order of Dekens.” It is a dangerous thing to compliment the man who makes the opening speech at a ward caucus. Nine times out ol teu he’ll want to go to the Legislature. “My arms reach out—in vain—they fold the air,” sings E. 0. Stedman in the Century. Of course they do. They always do when you get on roller skates. Minneapolis girls have red-ribbon clubs with f the motto, “The lips that touch wine shall never touch mine. >1 { Beer is becoming the popular beverage up there, and so the girls sing: “The lips that touch beer shall never come hero.” “Why do you look so sleepy ?” said a cross mother to her daughter, as she came down-stairs in the morning. “Be¬ cause, mamma, the wind blew so hard it kept me awake nearly all night.” “Well, see that it doesn’t happen again, or it’ll be worse for you.” The teacher asked the small boy the nature of his father’s occupation. He hesitated and seemed reluctant to an¬ swer. “Come, Johnny, you must tell me. It’s the rule.” Very slowly came the reply: “He’s the bearded lady in the Dime Museum three times a week.” “Why do you setsuchja tough chicken before me?” indignantly exclaimed a fair damsel in a restaurant the othe? day. “Age before beauty, always, you know, ma’am,” replied the polite attend¬ ant, who well knew how to serve his employer and a tougbi chicken at the same time. “Mrs. Jones,” exclaimed Smithers, snuutering into the breakfast room, “the war in China has removed one serious cause for oomplaint against yon.” “Against me 1” replied the presiding matron from behind the urn. “Yes, I see that the market reports quote tea as being stronger.” ScENE-IrishLand Court.-Sub-Corn missicner: “Now. Murphy have you effected any improvement in this farm ? Tenant: “I have, yer Honor ! Iver since I got it I’ve been improvin’it But it’s that sort o’ land the more ye ’mprove it the worrse it get!”—[Court reduces the rent 25 per cent.]— Puneh. Wisdom dwells in blue skies and broad sunshine, and the wide hills and | the Infinite waters; in peaoe of mind aU( j freeedom, and the worship of the earth. He is poverty-stricken who is so absorbed in the one little inciosure of wh ioh he holds the title deed that he bis grasp on the bending universe, Aggressive Advertising *] . fc \y W m %£ pr v ■ • ^ I* f femlL n ig l w * v . I IK : , £ •• ** . m [f v 9 • « “Say, boss; what’s ther charge fur ter let out that ere space fur advertising purposes ?”— Judge. Origin of au Old Saw. Down the corridors of time the voice of tradition whispers the following Sun¬ day school story: One spring day the father of George Washington sent him out to superintend the planting of a patch of peas. Not long after the old gentleman found George playiug soldier with a number of boys on a neighboring plan¬ tation. “See here, sir,” lie said to little George, "this “1 thought I set you to planting peas morning.” “That is very true, father, I caunot tell a lie. Rut you know I want to go and tight Indians when I grow up, and I want to prepare myself. In time of peas prepare for war.” Thus it was that the military spirit < little George asserted itself. Thus was that a tough ioke and a pop* i proverb were born at one full swoo TfWt ington Hatchet. Modest Inquiry. "When Huddle was iu New Yorkil . J ling about seeing what was to be w he noticed by the side of a large m sion bell, on the Fourth words: avenue right under the’| “Please ring the bell for janitor ” After reflecting fora few minutes die walked up and gave the bell such a ' pull that one might have supposed that he was trying to extricate it by the roots. Iu a few moments an angry faced man tore open the door. “Are you the janitor?” asked Hud¬ dle. “Yes; what do you want?” “I saw the notice, ‘please riag the bell for janitor.’so l rang the bell for you, and now l want to know why you can't ring the bell for yourself ?" Eating With Fear and Trembling. “Do you eat hash with a fork?” asked the landlady of her new boarder. “No, m’m,” he responded, kindly. “Ah, you eat it with a knife, then?” with some evidence of disapproval. timid¬ “ No, m'm,” he repeated, more ly than before. “Indeed! Pray may I ask you how you do eat it ?” “ Yes'm. ” “How?” “With fear and trembling, ma’am.” He left the same day .—Merck mt~Trav~ elcr. A Word of Warning. “Henrietta, dear?” “Yes, ma,” from the daughter at the door parting from her sweetheart, who is just kissing her good night. “Tell George to look out for tho paint.” George does kiss her again. Hen¬ not rietta thinks it is real mean of her mother to give her away, until she re¬ members that the front gate has just been Chronicle. newly painted .—San Francisco A Problem For Futnrity. The nineteenth century kns been pro* Ji fic » bought and discovery. Otviliza ^^"re.^u science, art, mechanism, politics, humiliating horse racing, and so forth, the fact cannot be dodged that a reliable test for coming at the age of a spring Gains'of ^futurity aloncT^can^evoLve C — ' Chicago Ledger. Th E spirit of liberality is not] merely, as gome people imagine, a jealousy of our own particular rights, but a respect f or the rights of others and an unwil lingness that anv be* man, whether high or low, should wronged or trampled ander foot