Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, June 20, 1885, Image 3

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oiiMOBous SKETCHB& “I guesi we'll have some peace at our House now," remarked Johnnie, who waa calling at the house of a friend ho ; , S Ob, e° W .‘.Has1he no, the h^been baby cues aich>; about two * , thirds of the time, but that s nothing. He s a.l nght. i “But what did by . you mean saving there wouid be peace at your house here a “Why ,aJra you ma’s , left , , „ the church , , see, she did belong to and joined the one where pa goes.”— Oil City Blizzard. , ! Off What She Though*. “Pway, Miss Hattie,” lisped a slim to a young woman sitting idly in Nfee sun, “of what ah you thinking, don’t you know?” “Nothing, Mr. Montmorenci, . abso lutely nothing.” “Indeed, Mis 3 Hattie, don t you know > —ah-don’t you know-now,, weallv, I fattahed myself that I occupied youah thoughts, Miss Hattie.’ . and “So you do, Mr. Montmorenci, the fair girl sat idly in the sun, m hile Mr. Montmorenci went off to the horse trough to cool his heated brow.— Mer chant-Traveler. A Moving: Tail. “Here, boys,” called a man. “Come here and catch this rat. Biggest rat you ever saw ran under that pile of lumber. Throw it over here. Now we 11 get ki m *” Three or four men went to work and moved an enormous pile of lumber, but did not find the rat. “The owner of that lumber will be mad,” said some one, addressing the man who had called the boys. “No, he won’t. I am the ownei. “Why, you must indeed be an enemy to rats, going to so much trouble to catch one * “I dm n t see any rat. ‘Then why did you let tlie boys tear down your lumber?” “Oh, you see I wanted it moved. Arlansaw lraveler. A Worthless Animal. Farmer Diggins had a horse to sell, and at the market he commenced to dilate on the animal’s good qualities. him?” “ How much will you give for shouted Diggins. “Forty dollars,” yelled a voice. (< i Twon’t do,” said Diggins. “Ten dollars,” shouted a wall-eyed man. * ‘ He’s worthless, ” cried another. “Who said he was a worthless ani¬ mal?” howled Diggins. “’Twas you, you lop-eared rail-chopper.” “I didn’t say any such thing, . you mule-backed lump said of clay.” replied worth the man. “I only he was Jess than forty dollars, and now blamed if 1 don’t think he is worthless.” Diggins traded the horse for a side of bacon before the close of the day. Carl Pretzel's Weekly. Cure for Infantile Bawling*. Two Dallas iadies were overheard talking over the fence as follows: & 4 What is the matter with your baby? I don’t hear it cry any more.” “I have cured it of bawling.” ‘ ‘Do you give it soothing syrup with opium in it?” “No, I don’t give it any medicine at all. I have adopted an entirely new plan. “What is it?” “When it begins to cry I smear the tips of its little fingers with molasses, and give it a few feathers to hold in one hand. Its attention becomes aroused and it picks off the feathers with the other hand. The feathers stick to the other hand, of course, and the little darling picks them off again. The little angel’s with mind the is feathers thus so completely ab¬ sorbed that . it forgets to cry .”—Texas Siftings. Marrying: a Chemist* “I am determined my daughter shall marry a chemist, and if I had it to do over again I'd marry one myself.” “Well, tbit's the last idea lever heard of. What in the world put that notion into your head, Mrs. Yumley?” “Because a chemist can make a living | easier than any other man, and if a body has one of them in the house, there’s | never any cause for worrying about j what you'll have for dinner day after j to-morrowf” “How do make that out?” | you j “Why, hero it is cold print, and in a can converted In'to‘In artlclT ofd*iet su erior beef, and delicate Idacuita, fancv paatry. as well aa ordinary bread, fi our> Excellent sugar can also bo made from old gbirt8 ttnd rags.” “There, now then; don’t vou see I’m ri ^arpentershop ht? With a chemist in the family and a in the neighborhood, what more does a body want to be com fortable and happy?” I believe I’d take “Yes. to be sure; but mv coffee clear, though.” — Chicago Ledger. Advice to a Would-be Dramatist. “Now listen to me,” said Josephus to p tarximander , “the first thing you want to do when you start a melo-drama is to fc up a high-toned polished villain, You want to give him tine clothes and a hig watch-chain, patent-leather boots, a hnee-doUar-and-ninety-cent ir of kid glove8 an d a brand-new silk hat. Then he must have a face that a blind man wouldn’t trust in a railroad tunnel a f ter davk< j n melo dramas the villains ahvavs dres8 well, but look like fiends, ‘ provide him with Theu you want to a victim. A beautiful girl, nursed in the lap of luxury and fed on caramels, fresh every hour. This beautiful gyurl ought to be as rich as Henry Hilton and as proud ag editor of a Kansas newspaper. Then g h e mus fc have a poor but apparently dis honpst lover, and a stuck-up old pa, who doesn’t go much on the aforesaid lover. The lover oug ht to be a horse-car in S p CC tor or an elevator-boy—something that will make him great intellectually and v j ce vcrsa financially. His appar en ^. dishonesty arises from the frequent disappearance of lead pipe from the building in which he works just about the timo he goeg hom e. The villain, w ho has an oltice in the same building, gets on to this, and tells the gyurl’s father that Robert, the young man, is plotting to become a plumber and ruin him. The old man naturally trembles } n hig boots, and goes in with the vil lain to put up a job on the young man. The villain then steals a little lead pipe himself, and going by night to the young man’s room, on the East river shore at WilliamsbuY]^— ftifffre’s a splendid moon¬ light view of the city for you—sews the pipe up in the leg of the young man’s dress trousers. Then with a detective he lies in wait for the young man, and the two pounce upon him just as he is struggling to get his feet through the leg of the trousers. The accusation is made, and the young man, feeling the lead in his trousers, says: “‘Great Heavens! It is fate!’ “Then they led him away to his dun ^ eon on one j e g the next act we see him on the island. The gyurl, under p re t enC e 0 f visiting the insane patients, comeg to see him, and there’s a chance f or a big love scene, ending thus: ‘Jerusba, you do not—can not be h eve me guilty of this foul crime?’ Robert, I love you, and I be¬ lieve you are guiltless.’ (Throws her¬ self upon his bosam.) “Then they are torn apart by ruthless minions of the law. That night Rob¬ ert escapes and goes to fight the mahdi in the Soudan, Big scene of boats as¬ cending Nile cataracts—new sensation, never done before—and chance for daisy effects in the desert. Robert rescues from the murderous fire of the Arabs a Canadian naturalized bank cashier, who confides to him the fact that he—the cashier—was the partner of the polished villain in the robbery of the bank in New York where they both worked. Robert buys his discharge and hastens back to New York, arriving just villainy in time to hurl the proof of the villain’s into his face at the foot of the altar, and prevent his mnrriage with finding the gyurl. that The old man weakens, and, Robert never stole any lead-pipe, and never was likely to become a plumber, his being only a corporal, gives him millions blessing, the gyurl, and three of trade ducats. How’s that for a melo drama?” “Josephus, I don’t think I’ll write a melodrama as long as you live.”— Puck. The Tjancet says that appetite is a most misleading sensation, only remotely ielat ed to the sictual demands of the organism, should If we only ate more deliberately we find half of our accustomed quantity of food sufficient to satisfy the most eager cravings of hunger, and hence save our selves from the evils tendancy of dyspepsia, or ia- on tho other hand a to ov«r crease in weight. Pictures, Mirrors, Engravings, Or. ticnmgo, hintrc PHOtOgrapHS, FRENGH-PUTEIIRR0B8, BEAUTIFULLY FRAMED. WINDOW CORNICES, TABLES, So. TA8TEFUL AND HARMONIOUS PICTURE FRAMES. point. Tho most, careful ami skillful ItEHTOK ATI ON OF PA1NT1NGH. of stamp. UrCataloRue ou receipt James S- Earle & Sons, No. 816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 1831.__ VIBRATING TELEPHONE. Gives splend did satisfaction. Noexor bitant rental fee to pay—Sold Sold outright outright and and {w guaranteed to work nicely on lines within compass Constructed (s miles), or money and refunded. Constructed on on new new anu scientific principles; works months' entirely by vibration. Two or three ren¬ tal fee to the Bell Telephone will buy outright a complete private line. It is the only PRACTICAL and RELI¬ made, ABLE and warranted non-electric to give Telephone satisfaction, or money refunded. AGENTS can make' immense profits _ and get all tna work they can do. No previous expe¬ rience required. Where I have no agents Telephones may bfl ordered direct for prlvs rivate use. Circular! free. H. T. JOHNSON, Buffalo, N. T. 108 S. Division St.. keliabie . . WANTED.- salesmen .. mO JL celebrated introduce Cigars and sell of ths the trad* NEW YORK J'Jsll-knO'TO A HAVANA CIGAR COMPANY, liberal arrangements. Sclaky or Commission raid to the rigUt iusu. For further particulars and terms address, Hg™. at once, Th. N.w Y.rU a- mr 7 IF PAGES LIQUID GLUE Is mid used Mechanics by thousands thelr^bcst of find class work. 'Manufacturers Received C^ro^, Qyjr|i on ylue known. ^8end card of dcujier whotjkjo* ***** not ke(p ® |fiQ Q Russia Cement Co.,Glonccster,Mass. 01 Docs Your Back Ache I IF SO. APPLY a fMW ness or soreness in any part, instant relief is felt and the parts wonderfully strengthened. Con tains virnies of Hops, Burgundy Pitch and Gums. Used by multitudes. Never fails. Hop Plasters R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard’s Climax Plug bearin g a red tin tag; Unit Lorillard’s Rose Leaf fine cut; that Lorillard’s Navy Clippings, and that Lorillard’s Hnulfs. are the best and cheapest, quality considered 1 BOOK AGENTS WANTED for PLATFORM ECHOES or LIVING TRUTHS for Head and Heart. Row sell JohnB. Gough Ministers say • ‘ Godspeed it.” Every one laughs and cries over it. Tern of thousands are waiting fur it, and Agents sell 10 to 20 a day. Rev. 840 pages. 227 splendid Engrsvingi. Introduction by LYMAN ABBOTT, I». I>. 1(MH> more Agents wanted on Verv Special Terms. Send for Circulars, etc,, to A. D. WORTHINGTON Sc CO., Hartford, Conn. MORPHINEoKUt? EASILY CURED. BOOK F|IEK. OR. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson, Wisconsin. p ATENTPL fU. andFormgn Patents procured. Fifth ave„ (next Lea^r ’building)’ PitMburgh^Pu FITE HUNDRED VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE. lands. Mills, Storey, Houses, Lots, Mineral and Timber J. F. WINGFIELD & KELSEY, In¬ surance and Real Estate A gen in, IJberty, Va Profitable Employment And light home work for Ladies, sent anywhere by mall, bimple and strictlv bona-fide. No canvuss ing zr- no stamps. Addrets WILSON & DA VI*, ers, frSf-EFOR It teache® the Mtitches. NOTHiMG Ribbon and Arraseen Embroidery. Lustre and Kensington Painting* T^PA KKB^’ L'ZntSt &y ~ ■ NOW SIE.fi _ _ _ fill _ _ _ HEflPT TFI I tuunurni FHR/IDliY ■ VALENTINE PATCH (AtVini/' WORK. A Hi BB % ^ 9 — c A ?“. w® srsaisidSr tftr* Instruction Book on art of making Fancy Paper Flowers and Tissue Papei Work for home decorations Tissues and Flower Materials sold. tgs?& Hook and price list mailed, 10i ts. f*£ t: "- ,4t " taught and situations FURNISHED- Circulars tree. \Vm. Elegant packages of Silks and Satins sent for 26c, BASSETT,Rochester,N.Y. Embroidery Silks, 10c. doz. A.G. a month (salary or (vnumiMHion) iu a+f'-ntM fiisfoui for THE UOHLII’S WON Ai‘p(jB r Ii , A co < 0 r ^ 1,1 ’ ’ ’ Thirty Uoocnl. by PhyBii»an>. TMn I mm mm *-■*. » “...... FA'1,1s* ^ r ,.u‘;.. — • t , ........... . ■ ■ ■■ ■ i-T-r. .. H ^ mfTJpa l/UlvJbS? ALL DISEASES OF TUB KIDNEYS LIVER BLADDER AND URINARY ORGANS DROPSY GRAVEL DIABETES BRIGHT’S DISEASE PAINS IN THE BACK LOINS OR SIDE INBRVOUS DISEASES RETENTION OR NON-RETENTION OF « urine. WEBSTER if JBU3 JL0 M JL JEsi Jkv 0 In Sheep, Russia and Turkey Binding!, NEW WonasridceM foiOTJONARxEipPLEUEHTi £ %™ n Get the Standard. \JTJEi Wim JL Webstar—it hap 118,000 Wordt». 8000 Engravings, and a Near fllfTTI Standard Jhiogrnphlcal Dictioii&ry« Printing JL JCXXii in Gov’t Office. 38,000 copies in Public Schools. Sale 20 to 1 of any other series. JjJCf&JL XiXJCIITr* aid Beat 10 nmko help a Yamlly for SCHOLARS, intelligent. TEACHERS and SCHOOLS. A5>*The vocabulary contains 3000 more word* than are found in any other American Dictionary. The Unabridged is now supplied, at a small ad¬ ditional cost, urtth DRNMON’S _ has been made in a hundred years." G. & C. MERRiAM A CO.. Pnh'rs. Snrinefield. \ss. PN U STu! distinction One special feature of Its Ridge’s neutral Food, action in contr* tho to others, is upon bowels. For this reason, bowel it Is troubles specially adapted fro- to those seasons when the are so quent Remember Ridges Fowl is an old and trUst preparation, having been In use for thirty years la England and America. It Is a perfectly safe and nourishing diet for all conditions. 11 combined. Pami-hlet free with positive phoo». Americ an Galvanic Co .. 1103 Chestnut St-, Phd.a . , Pa. THORSTOl’S PEmTOOTH POWDER Keeping Teeth Perfect and Gums Healthy* ALL IMPERFECTIONS Superfluous TSarjf of the Face, Hands & Feet, Hair, Moles, Warts. Freckles, Moth, Red gap lk’i&l 9 Nose, Acne, Bl’k Heads, Scars, Pitting jgj and treatment. I)r.John Woodbury* Y* / ^^Established N. I earl St., Albany, N. 1870. Send 10c. for book. $75 our and mo A. ■ utlilv. gi-od*. e xpen»Trp!irnm^wtiv^j«rfu^^ell MONTH Expense, No capital Standard in required. advance. Salary Full Silver par- paid ticuiar* FREE. We mean wh*t we say. Ware Co.. Washington St.. Boston Mass* Blair’s Pil’s Great English Gout ami i Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box, 81.00; round, 60 cto. __ | Snre relltf i n ipmt UiHll. | KIDDER'S PASTILLES. PriceD6cf* 1 by mail. S to well .i Co, Lbariestuwn, Mass. PATENTS IIIVPUTA By tho use of this REMEDY, tho Stom¬ ach and Bowels; speedily regain their: s tr ongth, and ths blood is purified. - It is pronounced by hundreds of tho best doctors, to bo tho ON¬ LY CURE for all kinds of Kidney Dis¬ eases. It is purely vege¬ table. and cures when other medioines fail. It Is prepared ex¬ pressly for these dis¬ eases, and has never been known to fail. Ono trial will oon vinoo you. For sale by all druggists. PRICE $1.85. L Bend for \ Pamphlet of Testi kwibriPv SsJ monials. / W iii;nt»8 ' REMEDY ! co., I adfeS Providence, R. I. Morphine Hnbit Cured In 10 to ‘JO days. No pay till eared* Dir .!. Htkphbvs. I.ebanon. OliiOt "BTUNr.i> for inventor*. Clre