Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, July 04, 1885, Image 1

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THE JASPER NEWS. VO L II P/:UvlN8 SIIKAIF 5ALK. Will be soid before the court hou e 8*.or on the first Tuesday in JuW next in said county withm tlie legal hours of sale t/» the highest bidder f*»r ca-^h the folJ< winp pr< periy to wit. One }, f < f lnr.d being in baid county said land being the < ue upon which tht Gunnery <lahou^e stands von/aininp t he bundled and s xty acres u.ore m ]tf?> said lot is well improved ther being erected upmi it a geed cwclliu > ou»e and netessary tut buildings a i<nit twenty a<*ren in cultivation the rc iiKiindcr in *#ri>iiisl forest Said lot lano known as lot number three hrtnderrd nnd twenty thre» (S23) in tite 6th Hist. iid second section in r»aid count. Said 4 ttnd levied on as the p-n jeny of the Perseverance Mining O nupany Mtisf. I; fas Fonr of said fifas being issued from the justve eonrt of the 1098 I' st G M of said o iuuty ana levied by anu returned to me by John E Johnsoi/ Gonstidle of said Jistr’ct said <*th*v named fi fa being issued fi>m the mu )s?rior C’ourtof said Ooumy of Picicoin ; ud levied by me upon said lot of la d i.fl of same above named fi as inTfaior ot a - v 'll til I 11 ’ i i 5 1 • • rkidl l.< Lerseverance ./Mining Ooinpany Teiient h porsessit-n notified in toru.s * f la\> hLis June the 7ih 1^86. JK. S. Heude/son SherifJ. A iso At the same time and pace will be **oid the following | roperty to wit Jot of bifid Ne*I88 in the 6th district and ^eeond seotn u said caunty levic 1 on as the property of John L (hdT*y bv virim of and to setisfy a fi fa issued rom fustic n 1182 district G. M ii. fa/ »r of R \. 1 ifr. 1 avi>< ti VB.IoliU L C l;ey Levy made .;od r^turnei to m • by E flues*.. L c \in.i the 201.i of April 188) P* 8 Htv.de cson Seer iff ■ w Georgia Pickens CVuaty. To ali whootn it. uiay concern Jlaiiah Burhson, Mary E. Burref Exutrix and t ju;s auderrofl Executor of the iast will and tesiimeut of Isaac Biriison ofsi.il county deceased, having applied to the undersigned for leave to to sell the lauds belonging t> the estate oi Isaac Hurlisou deceased and said ap* piicatiou will be heard »;» the first Mon¬ day in J uiy next this this tho *>t)th day of May. E. Hood Ordinary. JASPER Ga SATURDAY MORNING JULY A * 5 Georg*a Pick n ccur*v To all whom it may o nccrn 1 . Haley has in duo form applwd to the undersigned <or permanent letters of administration wu the estate el d Jam u J j Haley late of said county •teu'»od, a nd I will pass upon said npplcatiun < u the first Monday in July 18*6. ‘»vni tinier mr hand and offio/ai s gnature tb**llth day of tf iy 1885 E. lleod Orpiiury Oe wgia 1 > c' eos c< unt v T>i all whnme it. ma y con •« rn W .11. IVe hm i.i die f»em applied me f«»r erumn nt of ndumr tratirn no he o ' ) i* *> .f > i m U •*' % d conut*? dacea>ed nod w ; <o»ss upon siii l ippUcition on the fi s t Mo’day in Juy 88 5 fjr v'o tvi'V* nr h’od nf c *1 «igiutMC 1st da of u * "*8^6. 1 j fcilK.i. 0 (1 . *v\* rf.Mj tnsm. THE SOUTHERN CCITIYOIOB rn IDI3E22; JFJimSEraS I »y recent punJa tui s It P*W ’w-e; T "" r >, 4 T ' r«w»y ». A riant*, (t».; Titl e I ’^yrA/T T. k, yr^n tgorrft ry,; rum Row At . S'px, N ashvill e, T ^o n.; Tnn *QVTT nrnw r>nu krm* KnwTHt-r, P*. ” yj ---'-------_____--______ T»nnah. Ov^, end unit <-9 tna perrons of 1 h»ac ulih Os j..a bok t i#t of unb . f rUwr*. T bo PrtMw >nd p rtf1# ftn :p» Iffy to It# r r»a t Tu«* r 1 tafor Agrlcutta rl»ta, 1 / ant * ** * mc dhim for comnilllnj; Booth- 1 mi y u SAMPLE COPIES IS? k I^CE. ;:-v M 6. .‘5 * 'WIMm* I swThz Sorrazitif Crx.TiVATOH is d'-vnt<y3 f« ’he Anri'uliural iuuret,?*. / iho Vonth—and ev> ry number trues out Isei^bted with information vital to the suoters of ih««e otiose ivitereKt* H subserve#. It Is one of th# oldijotsad most p«.pular.l<^ima?s in the T’nion, AHi* t.LTDRISTs. for whom It luln>r«d for half a century, hut u The supsrtot following ©f are some the hading tea urea of this gn*t diurnal; rnoicurs fob thbmpntei ValnsljV, I’rn^firal Suggestion# to tha Farmer for Each Month in the Year. Pnblic Roads; Ditching ami l«rracinf| The Orange Droves Legal !>«)<»rtmeutj Letters from the Field, from every State in the South, giving Jesuits oi teat# at o nr best planters 'armer. ou matters ot practical benefit U> the pounded Inquiry and Department, In which ate pro¬ almost thing anawrf'-d ol interest quertJnne the farm covering The ever., Patrons on of Husbandry, everything ot value pertaining to the order; topics of the times; ladle# fashion department, attractive to the s th« apiary: horae notea; live stock doc¬ tor; Southern hog cholera; Kilk Jtney herd ; frnit culture; culture. science and art; the family hold topics Circle; Ths children’s determent; bonne fntenwi ; CrLTivaTi.K cook book, etc. The e Sydem ot Farming, by Ma. DavJd Dicasos, covering the entire ty» tem of Southern Agriculture, is now being published twelve monthly -n Tint rci.TfVATO*, In penes <2 nombers. Back numbers can be furnished JAB. P. HARRISON Jt CO., mate Printer#, Publishers, Engravers, and Clank Book Manufacturer#. P. U. Drawer k an-AWTA. Oa. Tu' South *a* OavmrAtvt Oat Teas uwi NO THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER! J| «<■ fa/ Dr. Samuel Hodges' Alternative Compound Sanmr fli g parilla, with Iodide Potash. This compound is purely mm r%v vegetable; each article or ingredient is perfectly harm less in itself, having been selected from roots and infill herbs possessing great medicinal properties; when combined form a most powerful, efficient and pleasant •3 a vis*: Ul'-w \wflrrvr\_Mi -?*:* 1 **£&**'. Scrofula, Kings Evil. Scam Chills, Rfc natisno, or i Head, or Tetter, Chronic Sore Eyes, Old and Chrome Pores of all kinds, Boils, Pimples, By phi ii tic Rheti matism, Primary and Becondary Syphilis of the Kid neys and Bladder; renovates and invigorates the sys [ tern; acts gently on the bowels. As an appetizer aw. fot general debility, it is a most excellent remedy. CAMPBELL BROS., Druggists, Sole Manufacturers. For gale by all druggists. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5. Lib¬ eral discount to the trade. Also, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of ETHIOPIAN pil£ oinYIMent. A never-failing remedy for Blind, Bleeding, Itch¬ ing, Internal or Protruding Piles, (lives almost in¬ stantaneous relief, and will effect a permanent eure. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5. TESTIMONIAL. Campbell Bros. : It affords me peculiar pleasure to tesnfy to the great efficacy of your Ethiopian Pile Ointment. I was an intense sufferer from protruding piles, and a few applications of this wonderful rem¬ edy speedily effected a permanent cure. Truly, J. M. HAWKINS, 70 High St TESTIMONIAL No. 2. This is to certify that I was affected with Piles for twenty years. I trie© every remedy offered me. Finally used the Ethiopian Pile Ointment, and found it the very best preparation I ever used. It gave me almost instant relief and has effected a permanent cure. ED. A. IRELAND, Formerly of Gallatin, now of Breen, Phillips A Ce., Nashville, Term. CAMPBELL BROS., Druggists, Nashville, Term. For Sale by DR, C. PICKETT, Jasper, Georgia. BLACKSMITH, -i i. .JAsrBit. «koik;i,v. Wed*> a*i kinia A work, uavaJly do«n in a blackainiib shop, wagon and buggy work, wiii te promptly done, and in the best uutuner. rtOKSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Our tacilitien are good for shoeing horses, having followed the business fur non** yearn, our experience enables ns to insure satisfaction. No matter how bad tout horee is we wnl shoe him Dor term* are eaah, this enables us to work at lew Try oa laxUS ** > > ■ -f.’t S