The Herald-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 1981-current, December 21, 2021, Image 18

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8B ®jje l)eraltr <©a?£tt£ Tuesday, December 21,2021 • How are you doing and how is Mrs. Claus doing? What 1 want for Christmas is make-up, new Bantal house and a puppy. You are going to smell cookies and milk. Love, Valeria • How are you? 1 want a punching bag and a Roblox (like Netflix) and snow. 1 hope bell thinker does not ask by again. Santa an Mrs. Claus both of you are the best. Love, Rafael • 1 will ge you some cookies and milk. 1 wish to get a dirt bike and a dog for my sister and 1 would like to ask for $10,000 for my mom. Love, Martin • How are you and Mrs. Claus today? I can’t wait for you to come down my chimney with your big red bag with all the presents. By the way, there are cookies and milk on the table. Do you think you can bring me a big set of make up? Thank you so much Santa. You are awesome. Love, Ivy • 1 hope your reindeer are doing good and Mrs. Claus and you too. Please give me a hoverboard and $100 for Christmas. If my mom or dad lets me I will leave you a glass of milk with cookies. Love Michael • 1 will leave you some cookies and some milk and dear Mrs. Claus and Santa, 1 want you to bring me some presents too. Can 1 have a doll? Thank you Santa an Mrs. Claus. I want you to have a good day and Christmas Good bye. Love, Elaine • How are you doing in the North Pole? Thank you for the presents from last year. I’ll try to leave some cookies and milk also a pretty Christmas tree. Can you please bring me make-up sets, necklaces, bracelets, perfume and make-up brushes and hand bags with glitter on them please? Also Popits! Love, Rosemary • How are you doing? 1 want $80,000 so 1 can give $2,000 to my family 1 would like a punching bag, my granddaddy to come back, a pet snake and to see my girlfriend. Love, Rylen • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have a PS5 and Iwould also love some skates and a lot of Popits. Love, Keela • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. Am 1 your friend? Do you have magic? You can get stuff. I would love to have a pet. Love, Kenleigh • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have a PS5. 1 hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Sirmir • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas.l would love to have a hov erboard. 1 hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Christopher • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas cause it is fun. 1 can’t wait until Christmas. I need a new hoverboard because mine is broke. 1 nee a phone. 1 need a bike. 1 hope you have a good night filling the sleigh. 1 want a PS5. Love, Brayden • 1 love Christmas. 1 would like to have a light pink unicorn and a chap ter book and #1 Popit and a Art Cit and family and presents under my tree. What do you want for Chrismas? Have a good Christmas. Love, Maddi • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have a Bar bie doll house and skate board. 1 hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Ansley • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have a big bike and a PS4 and a TV of my own. 1 hope you have a great Christmas! Love, Eli • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas because of everything I can do. I’ve been wanting a brand new drum set and hoverboard. 1 hope you have a great Christ mas. And I’m 8 years old. Love, Logan • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have a skateboard this year please. 1 was wondering why is Christmas called Christmas? I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Love, Scarlett • I’ve been good this year. I’m happy because 1 get to see my family. 1 would love to have a VR set. It might be too much, if it is I’ll go for some head phones. 1 love Christmas and why don’t 1 see you on Christmas? From Charity • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. To have Santa is nice. 1 want a bike, 1 love Santa. 1 love Santa. 1 want a table and 1 want a PS5. Malike • 1 have done my homework. 1 help clean my dad’s bed. 1 work together to cook. 1 love Christmas. 1 wish 1 can see you in real life. 1 wish 1 had magic like you so 1 can help kids too. Can 1 have a computer. 1 got cookies on the table for you. 1 am a heavy sleeper too. Bye Santa. Love, Ashton • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have an Easy Bake oven, and 1 want a bike with no train ing wheels. Then, I want a skateboard. 1 hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Emily • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have a hoverboard and a RC car. Happy Christmas Santa Claus. Love, Zack • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have a mine car and axe splice. 1 will like Nerf gun and a yoyo and snow. 1 hope you have a great Christ mas. Love, Ayja • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have Popits. 1 hope you have a great Christmas. Love, Wesley • I’ve been good this year. 1 love Christmas. 1 would love to have all six rainbow highballs and the rainbow high home for Christmas. I hope you have a good Christmas. Love, Arya • My name is Preston. 1 have been very good. Please bring me scooter, Power Ranger, Mario toys, iPhone 12. • My name is Arya. 1 have been very good. Please bring me puzzle snacks, gloves, star. • My name is Finn. 1 have been very good. Please bring me Star Wars Legos, Light Sabres, Nerf guns, Rebels figures. • My name is Miley. 1 have been very good. Please bring me a horse, a Barbie, clothes, a kit ten. • My name is Emori. 1 have been very good. Please bring me make up, Elsa dress, Elsa wig, mermaid doll, Elsa doll, Sunny Pony doll, Fianna doll, doll clothes, doll house, car, lot of dresses with a good case, lady bug dress. • My name is Jonnie. 1 have been very good. Please bring me tract, toys. • My name is Mila. 1 have been very good. Please bring me a wellie wisher and crafts. • My name is Kindle. 1 have been very good. Please bring me Barbies, make-up, earrings, toys set. • My name is Chance. 1 have been very good. Please bring me new glasses jeans, map, new phone, Nerf, scooter. • My name is Alexis. 1 have been very good. Please bring me bike, Barbie, Christmas tree, LoL doll. • My name is Jazmyn. 1 have been very good. Please bring me Barbie, play make-up, Xbox. • My name is Lukas. 1 have been very good. Please bring me dinosaur, a train, construction vehicles. • 1 hope you have a nice Christmas. I would like a Baby Alive, a build ing set, and a workout stand a toy cat, for Christmas. Love, Audrey • 1 hope you had a great year! 1 would like a Lego and a Baby Alive for Christmas. Merry Christ mas Santa! Love, Ava • 1 hope you had a great year. 1 would like a Lego set and a Baby Alive and a LoL doll and a game Chili, and a Nanana 101 Houston Street Barnesville, GA 30204 770-358-1961 Fax 770-358-9233 Lee T. Woodall, M.D. Berri M. E^ilson, M.Ds Haley M April Beck FNP Give the gift that gives all year for only *30 * Local & Surrounding Counties l\}t ieralti da$te P.O. Box 220,509 Greenwood St. Barnesville, GA 30204 770-358-NEWS Call or email today to find out how easy it is to give a gift subscription to ®jt