The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, February 06, 1902, Image 2

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Just Tell Me That You Saw it in The News=Gazette And Thursday and Friday, Feby. 6th and 7th inclusive ly and exclusively, you can buy at mv store, for the SPOT CASH only: 6 lbs standard granulated sugar for - -25 c 6 bars Octagon soap 10c 1 !t> gunpowder -16 c Itb grain pepper - -20 c 24 tbs Faultless brand flour for - -08 c (This flour is as good and white as PosteU’sj and 1 merely want to prove it to you. How about Cottolone? Are you prejudiced against it? [f so, I am certain you don’t know what it is. Cottolone is white —pure and whole some. It is never sold other 1 han in 2, 1 and l< * pound pails. It is odorless and tasteless, and will go one third farther than pure leaf lard or butter. It. is sold under guarantee to do this or your money back. Re member. you can’t buy cot tolene in bulk. I grind my own black pep per. I sell the “A Colburn Cos.” brand Cayenne pepper and sage. A sniff for a proof. I sell Ralston’s Health Food products, Heinz’s pickles in bottles and kegs. I sell lots of truck that you know nothing of. Come, price and take/ If 1 owe you anything, bring your bill around. If you owe me anything—turn about is fair play. Do right and fear not. Jim Reeves P S—For the above two days I oiler the celebrated Dietz Lantern at 60c each. They are rightly priced at 75c each. ' JIM It. THE HOME GOLD CURE An Ingenious Treatment by Which Drunkards arc Being Cured Daily in Spile of Themselves. Mo Noxious Doges. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. * It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and j not weakness. A body tilled with poison, and nerves completely shatter ed by periodical or constant use of in toxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving j for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure | themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this won derful "HOME GOLD CURE” which hns been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to direct ions of this wonderful discovery is positive ly guaranteed to cure the most obsti nate ense. no matter how hard a drink er. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunk ards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum hut is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepar ed that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards ♦have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "C UR E” administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or ten. and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. IH) NOT W \IT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement .” Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The ” OME GOLD CURE” is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $25 to SSO. Full directions ac company each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. H 20. EDWIN B. GILES At COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confiden t. time. Sold by drusKt*'* I*l W. B. MERRITT WANTS TO BE STATE SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. Valdosta, Ga., Jan. 61.—Pro fessor \V. 11. Merritt, of this city, candidate for state school commis sioner makes the following an nouncement : To thjc Pkoplk ok Geouoja: The fact that so many have Iwen urged to announce is very strong evidence of the state-wide desire for a change in the office of state school commissioner. “The demand for a change by so many thoughtful people; the demand for a more practical and harmonious administration of school affairs; the innumoral crit icisms, many of which are well founded, seem to overbalance the claims of the incumbent to a fifth term. “.4mong the gentlemen who were urged to become candidates, 1 was in favor of one whose inter est, sympathies and earnest activ ities have for years been given to the cause of education as opportu nities presented; a man whom the people of Georgia have many times entrusted with positions of honor and responsibility. It is a matter of regret that his health would not permit him to accept this office at the hands of his fel low-citizens. “The providing of ample and efficient, school facilties for the rural districts of Georgia is the most important question ed wit h t he future growth and de velopement of our state. The burning issue now is, how can the present state fund be so expanded as to give the best results to the masses of the children of the ru ral districts. “For t hirty years there has been operated in Georgia a so-called common school system, and yet no definite plan for the systematic education of the children of the masses, on sound educational principles, has been devised or put into operation by the execu tive head of our schools. In the earlier history of the system, when the funds provided were small, and w hen teachers and boards of education were not so efficient as now, there were undoubtedly good reasons for an absence of syste matic work, but now, with a state fund of one million five hundred thousand and with teachers, many of whom have been trained for their work at the state’s expense, and with school officers growing in efficiency every year, there can be no acceptable excuse offered for the continued lack of plan and system. “It is true that large numbers of towns and cities in the state have excellent school systems in which the well-rounded education of Ihe children in their jurisdic tion is sought, but these are the results of the efforts of local VIRGINIA— C.VUOIjINA CHEMICAL. ('(>MI*AN V. Tlu> Largest Manufacturers of Fer tilize!** in the South. Attention is called to the adver tisement of the Virgin-Carolina Chemical Company, which appears elsewhere in these colums. They are the largest fertilizer company doing business in Geor gia. They own twelve large and well equipped plants, distributed all over the state so as to give t heir customers everywhere quick lost service from nearest, factory, and lowest freights. They are so largely interested in Georgia that ; they have shown their faith by their works, and invested most heavily in the Empire State of the South. The long established reputation and popularity of their j goods ts testified to by the fact that they sell upwards of 75 per j cent, of till the fertilizers sold in ! Georgia. Clerk’s Wise Suggestion. “1 have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia, belching and sour stom ach.” writes M. S. Mead, leading phar macist of Attleboro, Mass. “1 could eat hardly anything without suffering several hours. My clerk suggested 1 try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure winch 1 did with most happy results. 1 have had no more trouble and when one ean go to eating mince pie. cheese, candy and nuts after such a time, their digestion must be pretty good. 1 endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heartily.” You don t have to diet. Eat all the good food you want but don’t overload the stom ach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. Jno H Blackburn. L. Holmes, Barnesville, Milner, Ga. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought BABNESYIi JE NEWS-GAZETTE. THt. school authorities and do not need the constant care of the state superintendent. His special work —the work for which he paid—is with the county schools. “To inaugurate and operate a real system of common schools in Georgia, three tilings are necessa ry: first, a knowledge of the act ual educational conditions exist ing in the state; second, the abili ty to plan a system to meet these conditions and to see that this plan is executed; third, a willing ness to put time and labor in tin place where it is needed, instead of wasting time and expense money in gratuitous labors in local systems where the state superintendent has absolutely no authority. “There is a striking clause in the school law touching the visits of the state school commissioner to the several counties. It says these visits shall be ‘for the pur pose of examining into the ad ministration or the school law, cornice!ing with school officers de livering popular addresses, in specting school operations and do ing such other acts as he may deem subservient to the interest of popular education.’ “Among these duties, we think the fourth on the list should re ceive due attention. No amount of ‘popular addresses,’ etc., can compensate for a lack of ‘inspect ing school operations.’ “From a long connection with Georgia’s educational system, as pupil, teacher and superintendent, I have become convinced that the emphatic needs of Georgia schools is system —a different plan from the elementary education of all the children of our state. The members of the educational boards by whom I am now em ployed, and other friends, have kindly expressed their confidence in my ability to discharge the du ties of the office. Educational questions and practical school work have claimed the best ener gies of my life. I have used every opportunity of becoming familiar with all the educational work of the state and the object, and pur pose of every line of this work has ray approval and cooperation. “As special opportunities of learning the needs and conditions of the common schools have been afforded me, I feel that my train ing and experience lit me for the satisfactory performance of the duties of the state school superin tendent, and with a sincere desire of serving her highest interest in this way, I announce ray candi dacy for the office of' state school commissioner, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. Yours res pectfully, “W. B. Merritt-” AVliat is the*Model Farm. Discussing the “model farm” a writer in the Independent finds, in contradistinct ion to the trend in; industrial affairs, that the ten dency in agriculture is leading to ward small farms and more thor ough tillage. The • American farmer has been doing this thing wrong for generations. He has been loading himself with broad acres to such an extent that real productive capacity of America is an unknown quantity. He has to pay taxes on wide infertile areas without return. He is com pelled to erect great buildings for the storage of crops which some times come and some time fail. Time was, and is now, to a great extent when the farmer considered himself poor if he could not look at a whole section of land and call it his. He forgot that one part of his posession was brush, another swamp land, another briar. He had, not yet come to the notion that his comparitively small tilla ble acreage was worth more alone than when combined with the rest of his square miles But the farmer is changing his mind. He has been thinking these things over and in time will come to the point whore he will bt* satisfied with the smallest possi ble acreage which will produce the greatest comparative profit. He will put under cultivation im mense areas now given over to waste, will make more money and lie much happier, his burden of responsibility decreasing with his diminished acres. PALE, PUNNY CHILDREN. If a child lias a bad smelling breath, if it habitually picks its nose, if it is cross and nervous, if it does not sleep soundly, if it is hollow eyed, if it has a pale, bloodless complexion, if it grow ing thin and lifeless give it Mother’s Worm Syrup and you will remove the cause of its distress quickly. Then will its little cheeks get red and rosy, its appetite and digestion improve and its health be better. Price only 25 cents. No other worm-killer so effective. Irish Bo!icitude. Wljen shooting landlords was ; morf of an occupation in Irealnd j thf tis now, thanks to laws more fav6. ble to tenants, a certain lord of the soil, who had cleared out half a countryside, fell under the ban of the Carders or of the redoubta ble Rory of the Hills, and two men were selected to carry out the sen tence of death. It was the doomed man’s custom to drive from his rent office in a neighboring town to his home at a certain hour on a certain day of the week, and secure in the bracken behind a stone wall which skirted the roadway the execution ers lay in wait for their intended victim. The hour came and passed, but no car bearing the landlord hove in view. Another hour slipped by, and still no landlord. It was now late in the afternoon, the shadows of night were creeping over the moor land, and the two watchers had grown hungry and uneasy. Then there was a rattle of wheels over.the broken stones on the roadway, and the men grasped their blunderbusses and peered out. But it was only a farmer driving from the market. This disappointment was too much for the men, and one of them ex claimed : “Begorra, Mick, he’s not cornin’.” “Faix, then, Pat, I’m tkinkin’ that way mesclf. I hope nothin’s hap pened to him.” Hopeless Case. The laziest man in Scotland is said to have been the Galashiels joiner who after repeated dismissals from his employment by his master was at length forcibly laid in his coffin by his shopmates and carried off for burial by way of a .joke. On the way they met a fanner, who ask ed if the man was dead. “No,” was the reply, “but we in tend to bury him. lie is that lazy he should not be allowed to live.” At the farmer’s request they took off the lid, when the farmer asked the lazy one if he thought he could eat two or three boiled potatoes. “Are they peeled?” inquired the man. “No,” replied the farmer. “Ah, weel, just let the funeral gang on.” —London Answers. Counsel to Smokers. From the Royal academy of Bel gium comes the following advice to smokers: “Do not use moist tobacco, since nicotine then escapes with the va por and is not decomposed. “Do not smoke either while fast ing or a short time before meals. “When smoking cigars or ciga rettes, always use an amber, meer schaum, horn or cherry holder. “Nicotine vaporizes at 250 de grees, and that portion of it which is not decomposed in the center is attracted toward the tip and ac cumulates there. It is therefore prudent to throw away the last quarter of a cigar. “Do not smoke a pipe which has a short stem-” ksa@*3Biirl \* • •] l\. ‘I i / "roSSr *1 !• • j 'V *| J - .Aa V *! | IML B 1 / / • —fiM housework! Too much housework wrecks wo- I men’s nerves. And the constant 1 careoi children, day and night, is 0 often too trying for even a strong 1 woman. A haggard face tells the fi story of the overworked housewife 1 and mother. Deranged menses, I leucorrhoea and falling of the fl womb result from overwork. ■ Even - housewife needs a remedy 1 to regulate her menses and to I keep her sensitive female organs m in perfect condition. WINE 1 * CARDUI is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter: Glendeane, Ky., Feb. 10,1901. I am so glad that your Wine of Cardui is helping me. lam feeling better than I have felt for years. I am doing my own work without any help, and I washed last week and was not one bit tired. That shows that the Wine is doing me good. I am getting fleshier than I ever was before, and sleep good and eat hearty. Before I began taking Wine of Oardui, I used to havo to lay down five or six times every day, but now I do not think of lying down through the day. Mbs. Riceakd Joses. 81.00 AT DRCCKIISTS. For advice and literature, address, giving symp toms, *' The Ladies' Advisory IVparbncnt The Chattanooga Medicine Cos.. Chattanooga, Tenn. MR. WHEELER GOT RID OF HIS RHEUMATISM. “During the winter of 1898 I was so. lame in my joints, in fact all over my body, that I could hardly hobble around, when 1 bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. From the first application Ibegan to get well, and was cufed and have worked stead-! ily all the year.— R. Wheeler. North wood, N. Y. For sale by Jmo. H., Blackburn. VIRGIN! A-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPAK ATLANTA, GA. RICHMOND, VA. CHARLESTON, S Largest Manufacturers of FERTILIZERS J IN THE SOUTH. Importers of PURE GERMAN KASNIT, MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SODA, SULPHATE OF POTASH. i In buying fertilizers it is important, not only to secure goods of estal lished reputation and high grade, hut to buy where YOUR WANTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CAN BE SUPPLIED. We are in position, with our unparalleled facilities and our many plants located all over the territory, to furnish all classes of goods and in such quantities as buyers desire. When you buy of us, with our immense capacity, you know you can get the goods, and all you want of them. See our nearest agent to you, or write us direct. ... Address VIRGIN lA-CARO LINA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. £V*Send for the Virginia-Carollna Almanac. Free for the asking. ♦ ' ARE f'&S§ ANY YOU HEAD DEAF? NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. r. A. WERNIAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen: Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. ■’SKfe” 4 YGU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL POTTS-THOMPSON LIQUOR CO., Atlanta, Georgia. ACME XXXX Pure Rye Whisky. It is Old, and Absolutely Pure. It Has Few Equals— If Any. Stone Mountain Corn Whisky, The purest and best brand of Corn Whisky made in Georgia Recommended very highly for Medicinal Purposes . '. SOLD BY The Barnesville Dispensary. Executor’s Sale. In accordance with the last will and testament of Simeon C. Mil ner. will be sold on the property in Barnesville on Tuesday, Febru ary 4, 1002, the following real estate: Five vacant lots fronting on Central railroad, lots Nos. 1 and 2 having 98 feet front and 180 feet deep. Lots Nos. 8,4, and 5 fronting 87 feet on the railroad and 20(5 feet deep, back side feet wide. Lot No. (5, fronting Colwell’s alley, 92A feet and run ning east 842 feet, south 85 feet and west 842 feet. Terms cash. B. J. Milner. This property will be shown in tending purchasers, by said exec utor at any time prior to the sale. VIGOR i MEN Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored ttT V r TATDj4 OR- JEAN O’HARRA’S rilA Dll U (PaIis)GREATFRENCH TONIC AND VITALIZER is sold with written guarantee to cure Nervous Debility, Lost Vitali ty Failing Memory. Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria. Stops all Drains on the Nervous System Causetl bv Bar. Habits or Excessive l -e of Tobacco, Opium Liquors, or "Living the Pace that Kills” It wants off Insanity. Consumption and Death. It clears the Blood'and Brain, Builds up the Shattered Nerves. Restores the Eire of Youth, and brings the Pink Glow to Pale Cheeks, and Makes. You young ami Strong again. soc, 12 Boxes S5. By Mail to Any Address. JORDAN'S DRUG STORE, Sole Agents, Barnesville, .... Georgia, Ogßgpaa COCAINE and WHISKY B iEIIH Habits Cured at your home ° * or at mjnitoriura. Best of references. Book on Home Tre armeni sent FREE. Address S. M. WOOLEY, M. D.. Box 33. Atlanta. Ga Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what" you eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat* This preparation contains all of the digestants. and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the foot’ you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. 0. DfWitt&Co., Ohlrag® The sl. bottle contains 2H times the 50c. size. VIGOR of MEN EASILY, QUICKLY AND PER MANENTLY RESTORED MAGNETIC NERVINE is sold with a written guarentee to cure Insom nia, Fits. Dizziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility Ist Vitality, Seminal Losses. Failing Memory— the result of over-work, Worry, Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence" PRICE st; 6box es 85. By mail in plain package to any address on receipt of price. Sold only by JORDAN’S DRUG STORE, Sole Agents, BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA. WANTED —Reliable man for man ager of a branch office we wish to open in this vicinity. Here is a good open ing for the right man. Kindly give good reference when writing. Illustra ted cataloge 4 cts. stamps. . A. T. Morris Wholesale House, Cincinnati, Ohio.