The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, March 06, 1902, Image 6

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MORE COTTON to the acre at less cost, means more money. More Potash in the Cotton fertilizer improves the ppil; increases yield—larger profits. fiend tor our book j explaining how t get these resitUt, / *• GIRMAN KAT.I WORKS,' 4.' 93 Nassau St., New York. wanted inventors to write for our confidential letter before ap plying for patent tit may be worth money. We promptly obtain V. a. and Foreign PATENTS FdfEE W,* Js. the heal legal twrt+de and advice, aud our cnatge* arthrtWrate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patent Lawyers, •pp. U.S. Patent Office,Washington, D.C. BO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ■ILJJ ' L 4 J ” /l l I J k I 111 k I r* 1 u * > mmm hi h Trade Marks Designs > Copyrights Ac. * Anyone sendlnu a sketch nnd desrrtntton may qnlrlily anoortum our opinion froe whether an invention ta probnbly pntentabM. Oommnnleß t lonaatHotlycontldontlal. Handbook on Patents sentfree. Oldest nveriey for ieonrtnu patents. Patonts taken through Munn A Cos. receive tprcMnotue, without clmrvo, lutlio Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nreest cir culation of any aclantllle journal. Terms, :t a year: four months, |k Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & CO 361 Broadway. New York Branch Office. ffiiS K fit., Washlnattm, 11. tf. WEORGIA, y PERFECT PASSENGER AND SUPERB . SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE Southeast Con nect i ng at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYING BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing dates of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company. THEO. D. KLINE, W. A. WINBURN, Qanaral Bup’t, Traffic Manager, J. O. HAILE, General Paee'r Agent, P. J. ROBINSON, Aee'f General Paee'r Agent, SAVANNAH, QA. GENTLEMEN: Get the New ami Novel Discovery PIGEON MILK INJECTION. Cures Gcnorrlnva ami Gleet In 1 to 4 days. Its action it magical. Prevents stricture. All com plete. To;lie carried in vest pocket. Sure preven tive. Sent by mail in plain package prepaid, ou reeeipt of price. SI.OO per box; 3 for JORDAN'S DRUG STORE. Sole Agents, BARNESVILLE GEORGIA. COTTON. Cole’s Cotton Planter Will Save You SI.OO on Every Acre You Plant. COLE'S COMBINATION PLANTER is positively ®nd absolutely without en equal as n money and labor saver.— Cotton, Corn, Peas. Som-lieaiis. fcte. as well and even better than any special machine ever built. Wk RkOVI IT IN TOUR OWN FlSI.l) AT OUR r *xPENRF.. Write for full information. THE COLE MEG. GO., Charlotte. N. C. The “Kmart Set." The “Smart Set” lieJd their | usual meeting last Thursday even ing at th<* home of Mrs. J. C. Col lier t)ii Greenwood street. Not withstanding the constant down pour of rain, quite a number of the members braved the storm to attend, but they wore liberally re -1 warded, because it was an unusu ally pleasant occasion. Besides I other pleasant features, dainty re freshments were served andalto get her the members present greatly enjoyed the meeting. For Over Sixty Years. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with per fect success. It Boothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures >yiud colic and is the best remedy for Dj&ffhoefl..' relieve the poor little sufferer' immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world at 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing j Syrufcb hint take no other kind. To The l>aiiKhtrn of the Confederacy i All members are requested to be present, and we would be pleased to have those who would like to join, meet with us at Mrs. J. W. Hightower’s Friday, March 7, at U o’clock p. m. Rkoordino Secretary. A TEXAS WONDER. HALI/ti CHEAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of Hall’s (treat Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabe tes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularity j of the kidneys and bladder in both | men and women, regulates bladder i troubles in children. If not sold by I your druggist, will send by mail on re- I ceijits of sl. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any ! lease above mentioned. Dr.E. W. Hall sole manufacturer. P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by W. A. Wright. Martin, Tenn., June 3, 1901. This is to certify that I have used Hull’s Texas Wonder for kidney trou ble and have never found anything its | equal. Its merits are wonderful. Try it, as l did, and be convinced. Rkv. R. C. Wiutnki.i... Methodist Market. The Market-Circle of tin* Meth odist church will he ready again Saturday to serve you. Any house keeper wanting special orders till ed can leave order with Mrs. Otis Murphey, chairman of the com mittee. * We will have on hand Saturday, Dressed chickens, chicken salad, stuffed eggs, mince pies, custards, cakes, home-made candies. Let us help you about your Sun day dinner. The Pitts-Gray Cos. have given us space this week. Methodist Ladies. I* It ACT 10 ALL Y ST A R VING. “After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per fect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic ease of stomach trouble.” says.l. It. Holly, real estate insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, 111. “Be fore using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an ordinary meal without intense suffering. She is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to give relief.” •You don’t have to diet. Eat any good food you want but don’t overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will always digest it for you. Jno.H. Blackburn, L. Holmes, Barnesville, Ga. Milner, Ga. The Bllad Leading the Blind. Little luu bad always lived lu tlis country until her parents moved to the seat of the State Normal college. lua was sent to the “practice school" of that institution, where during oue hour of each day she was taught by mem bers of the senior training class. When asked how she liked the school, she replied, "I love my regular teacher dearly, but I don’t much like It when those false teachers come In.”—Harper’s Magazine. Too Late For Regret*. Tired of life and the ever present necessity of earning his dally bread by working he had taken a dose of car bolic ucid and laid down to die. But the meddlesome doctors pumped him out and saved him to society. “Oh. Horace,” moaned his wife, lean ing over him, “why did you take that awful stuff? Laudanum would have been less painful and so much surer!” —Chicago Tribune. Ironmnklng. The first mention of ironmaking in Pennsylvania goes back to 1002. It Is contained In a metrical composition en titled "A Short Description of Pennsyl vania,” by Richard Frame, which was printed and sold by William Bradford lu Philadelphia in 1002. Frame says that at “a certain place about some forty pound” of Iron had then been made. Genuine stamped C.C.C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good.” BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDj REALISM. Hear the wild and howling tempest hurst in fury on the stage. Hear the wind sweep o’er the housetops,and the rolling thunder rage, See the flaring, flashing lightning glaring through the window wide, To reveal the scowling villain, lamping from the dark outside, While the rain is pouring, pouring, and the hero, warmly cloaked, I’auses briefly on the threshold to observe that he is soaked. See the canvas houses tremble in the fury of the gale, And the heroine, poor creature, look all terrified and pale. Oh, the dread of those dark moments, there amid that awful din. Which is shaken by the stage hands from a few square yards of tin, Oh, the terror of those vivid sheets of blinding lightning, w hich Are produced by quickly turning on and off a rubber switch, Blit the hero weathers safely all the fury'of the storm, Braves the shot that makes the rain fall, and escapes quite dry and warm, While the villain, like an Ajax, gives the thunderbolts pie smile, And amid those blazing flashes smokes the prop man's pipe the while. Hear the solemn curfew ringing at the tender close of day, As the molten notes go floating o’er the hills and far away, See the peasants streaming homeward through the ruddy twilight's glow,'ning to the bell's soft ringing as along their way they go; How the solemn spell is carried till it thrills the very air, And o’ercomes those simple people as they stand bareheaded there. What a flood of sweet emotion that melodious music brings, As it’s hammered from a crowbar that’s suspended in the wings. Now the foaming charger gallops till he almost comes in sight, By the tavern dooryard gateway—almost, mind you, but not quite, He, no doubt, would lightly canter to the center of the stage, And his thirst itt youder fountain realistically assuage; But, although you hear lilnt fomlng very often in J lle P la y> He’s a habit of remaining quite persistently away, And he has the best of reasons for abiding in the rear- Jle’s a horse composed of cog-wheels, built exclusively to hear, —Portland Oregonian. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CITY AND COUNTRY BOYS. An interesting article in the Southtern Farm Magazine on this subject is W ell worth reading. It is too long for republication, but the points made are well worth noticing in all our agricultural papers. . The entire subject revolves about the farm at & tftuhifti &6RQOI and practical discipline for young and receptive mittdS; Hteit is what it has to say of the city boy: "He lives in a house that is simply one little piece of a block of houses. It is like a brick raised on its edge. He has only two ends of the house exposed to the air—for it is shut in on both sides. "Nevertheless that house is provided with all of what we call conven iences. It has every convenience for comfort. Even the heat is brought in from some outside source —which can be turned off or on at pleasure. Light is so furnished that when an illumination of the rooms is desired, it is only necessary to strike a match or turn an electric switch and the thing is done. "The boy knows but little how the food is brought in. The milkman, the butcher and baker may deliver while he is asleep in the morning, and he goes to the table and eats, without the necessity of knowing more than the situation requires. He knows that everything is brought to the house, without knowing how it grew or got to him. "He walks out of the house, goes to the corner, steps on a street car and pays five cents for his trip. He goes to school or wherever he is going, then he gets on ihe car, pays another five cents and goes back to the j house. Everything is provided to his hand. "In the evening, perhaps, there is a place of amusement or enter tainment. He goes to sleep and gets up and goes again, as he did the day before. "Let us see what the country boy has been doing: He is called up in the morning to make fire, draw water, feed stock, or may be bring the i cows up from the pasture. Maybe he is barefoot and the ground is cold. He brings them up in the evening and stands where some old cow has been lying down, to get a little warmth. Maybe old Brindle won’t drive, and he must fix a plan to make her. This is one of the best things that can happen to the boy. He is thrown on his own resources. Perhaps the cows must be fed. At different seasons they need different foods. These cows have to be milked, milk vessels made clean and there is a why and a wherefore to all his work and he must understand it all. "Maybe he must chop wood and do a dozen different things before he sits down to eat his breakfast. He is not like the city boy who has everything made ready for him. The country boy is surmounting obsta cles all the time, and all the time learning something by experience. It makes him self-reliant and resourceful. "Take these two boys when they get to be men and put them at the same kind of work. One will be resourceful and the other’s facilties are dormant, because of disuse. Granting equal mental ability to both boys, the test will come in their ability to encounter and overcome obstacles. "The city boy goes along finely in the groove. So long as no accident happens he runs easily in the groove. But accidents are reason ably sure to happen, then he has no experience with difficulties to aid him in solving difficult problems. "When the country boy goes to the city, into the factory or into an office, this training in self-reliance is prominently helpful. One day on the farm is hardly like any other day. Each day’s work brings new issues and new contingencies. He is being taught continual disiepline and self reliance. ” Dispensary Burglarized. Burglars entered the Barnesville dispensary last Thrusday night and it is supposed they got all the whiskey they wanted. They broke into the building through a large glass in a rear window, and there fore had little trouble to get in and out. The robbery was not known un til next morning when Mr. J. F. Graham, the dispenser, opened up for business. He does not think there was much taken out. There was no money in the cash drawer and it is supposed that finding no money the burglars took a little whiskey and left. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the sj?'v/fj+JZ? Signature of C Yarbrough’s Market. I have purchased J. R. Chap man's Market and am now in the business to serve and please the public. Will keep on hand at all times a full and complete line of FRESH MEATS of all kinds and also FISH and OYSTERS. Will handle nothing but the first qualities and will give prompt at tention to all orders. W. C. Yarbrough. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR “SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN.” All doctors have tried to cure CA TARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry upon the mucuous membranes, causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eat en away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old an experienced practi tioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treat ment of CATARRH, has at last per fected a Treatment which when faith fully used, not only relieves at once, but permantly cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stopping the dis charges. and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as “SNUFFLES, the GUARANTED CA TARRH CURE” and is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, each package containg internal and external medicine sufficient for a full month’s treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. “SNUFFLES” is the only perfect CA TARRH CUIK ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permantly and is also won derfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION “SNUF FLES” will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each pack age. Don’t delay but send for it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of “SNUFFLES” the “GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE.” Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. H 20. ED WIN B. GILES A COMPANY,233Oand 2332 Market Street, Philadelpia. MARCH 8,1802. Mexican Mustang Liniment is excellent for Rheumatism and all deep-seated pains. / For. Sprains and Strains it is useless to apply a liniment that remains on or near the surface. On the contrary, they require something that goes down into the flesh where the trouble is lo , cated. That is why Mexican Mustang Liniment it the best thing to use for Sprains and Strains. It pen etrates at once to where the injury lies, drives out tha inflammation and heals the wounded tissues and tendons. Don’t be stingy in using the liniment nor fail to rub it in as thoroughly as the soreness will permit. \ \ Mexican Mustang Liniment is a good thing to have on hand when accidents happen- R. P. Beoht, Pres. E. G. Becht, Sec. & Treas. Chas. Becht, V-Pre&. Honest Pianos at Honest Prices. Becht Piano Cos. Manufacturers and Dealers In High-Grade Pianos and Organs. STEINWAY & SONS., HOBART M. CABLE, SOBMER & CO., STEGER & SONS, SINGER, Pianos. BURDETTE & MILLER, Organs. jdP Write us for Catalogues and Prices. Speeial prices for the holidays. BELL PHONE 1505 ENGLISH-AMERICAN. BUILDING ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. 2ns PENNYROYAL PILLS- I kllll I llu I FIL> | ILLy omissions, increase vig ■KA. or and banish “pains of menstruation.” They are “LIFE SAVERS” to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. SI.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale by W. C. JORDAN & BRO. Asthma Cure Free! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY". CHAINED FOR TEN AiYEARS cvEfn^pPl^pßiNec, RELIEF. state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or either. Very truly yours; REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Cos. Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb. 1,1901. Gentlemen: I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your win dows on 130th street. New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared Ad she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recom mend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. Dr. Taft Bros. Medidine Cos. Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen • I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numer ous Remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased full-size bottle, and am ever grateful. I have family of four children, and for gjj years was unable to work. lam now in the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see fit. Home address. 235 Rivington street. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th st., New Y’ork City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: “Your trial bottle of Asthma lene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it.' I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting dis ease, Asthma, and thought you had over spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle.” REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. New Y’ork, Jan. 3, 1901. Drs. Taft Bros’. Medicine Cos., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can