The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, March 20, 1902, Image 1

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Barnesville N ews-G azette. VOLUME 35. New Goods... nphe beautiful, bright and attractive colors leads one off to the thought of joyful spring when the violets be gin to bloom and the birds sing their merry songs. Such sentiments are welcomed after -an experience of a long, bleak winter like the one just past. Marshburn’s store is being filled with all the new fabrics for spring apparel. Ginghams, and Madras Cloths Percales, Woolen Goods, Embroideries, Laces, &c., are being received every day. All the new shaped Hats and Shoes are seen at Marslibnrn’s. Two thousand dollars worth of Clothing will ar rive this week. Don’t forget they sell McCall’s pat terns for ioc and 15c. The best fitting of all Bazaar Sheets given free. See their Royal Worcester Corset —the best fitting of all. Marshburn still has great piles of winter goods that is offered at cost to make space. Remember that Marshburn has the largest exclusive dry goods store in Barnesville. Cash and credit customers both are cordially invited to deal with us during the year 1902. V. 0. MARSHBURN, Manager. -A SUPPLY oF== Buist’s Carden Seed, Eastern Potatoes ==AND== EARLY CORN Can be Found at W. C. Jordan & Bro. Druggists and Stationers. Do Your Eyes Ache n Pain g or Burn If so, you had better consult an eye specialist at once. You will only i havy one pair of eyes to a life-time, and it pays to take care of them. If you need glasses, we can fit you —no matter how complicated the case, and if you do not need them, we will tell you so. Consultation free. J. H. Bate & Cos., Jewelers and Opticians. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COUNTRY WEEKLY. Nothing Takes Like New Goods Fresh From The Loom. % BARNESVILLE, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL Turner —Hon. C. A. Turner, of Macon, was in Rarnesville, several days recently a guest of relatives. He is one of the best citizens and ablest lawyers in the state. Fur thermore, he is one of the best men in Georgia—he stands for that which is best, in every sphere ' of life, and gives moral tone to everything with which ho is con nected. He is well known person ally to many of the people of Barnesville and Pike county and will always be given a cordial wel come when he visits this commu nity. * * * Zeu.xeu —Mr. S. H. Zellner, one of Monroe county’s most sub stantial and upright citizens, spent Monday in the city on busi ness and meeting his friends here. He reports the rains very heavy in his section last Sunday. Quite a number of bridges that had been rebuilt since the severe rains some weeks ago were washed away | again. The damage from Sunday’s rain was about the same as from I the previous one. * Steed —Col. Clem P. Steed, one i of the Central City’s leading law yers spent Monday in Barnesville ,on important legal business. Col. 1 Steed has frequently been engaged in business before Pike superior ; court and he has made a good im pression on the people of the j county by his conduct in his cases. Two years ago he was put out by his friends as a candidate for the | state senate from this district and while he was defeated, he made a I strong race and would have made |an able legislator had he been ! elected. Bkadi.ey —Rev. H. S. Bradley, well known here, who is now pas tor of the Trinity M. E. church of Atlanta, is taking a bold stand against the public evils of that city. Last Sunday from his pul pit he entered a vigorous protest against the licenseing of pool sell ing by the city council. He said that if Atlanta’s prosperity de pended on the money received from the race track, he would pre fer to see the city razed to the ground or swept away by a cyclone. No doubt such a brave stand against the evil will accomplish good. * * * Haygood —Mr. T. M. Haygood was in the city Monday from Gog gansville. Mr. Haygood is one of the largest and best farmers in this section of the state, and be sides he is one of the jolliest of men. He has made money by farming and his patronage is greatly appreciated by business men wherever he has traded. Mr. Haygood is well known through out this section and we are sorry that he is a citizen of Monroe county instead of Pike. Milner —Mr. J. H. Milner, the efficient sheriff of Pike county, was in Barnesville Monday on business. In fact he has had con siderable business here lately, but nevertheless he is always welcom ed by the citizens. He is a candi date for re-election and it goes without saying that he will be a hard man to put out of office. While his office frequently puts unpleasant duties upon liiln. In* knows how to perforin them pleas antly. He is unquestionably one of the best officers in the county. * * * Bui,l,—Dr. (J. W. Bull, who conducted the revival service at the Presbyterian church last week, returned Saturday to his home in Atlanta. Dr. Bull has preached and lectured a number of times in Barnesville and really is quite a favorite among the people. He is quite a fluent speaker and time listening to him is well spent, for he is not only interesting but in structive and helpful. * * * Lifsey —Mr. W. V. Lifsey has ; been in the city this week, a guest iof the family of his father, Mr. B. A. Lifsey. He has a splendid position with the Plant System |of railroads, his headquarters being at Montgomery, Ala. His rise in the railroad world has been (remarkable. It has been only a few years since lie left Pike county a mere boy to take a posi tion in the office of Mr. B. W. Wrenn. tin n with the Southern at Atlanta. Mr. Lifsey is now a; high otheial and his fronds predict that there are important promo tions still ahead of him. The citi-1 zens of Pike county will cont inue to watch his career with deep in-. t crest. * * * Murumey —Col. Thad E. Mur-j pliev, manager of t he M iddle Geor gia Department, of the North-j western Life Insurance company at Macon, has been a guest of rel atives in the city this week. He has many warm personal friends j here, among whom he lived until a few year ago when he took up his residence in the Central citv. He is one of the smoothest talkers among all the agents of this strong company and has been a great success as in insurance man. Col. Murphey is also a great lover of a fox chase and often goes off on a hunt with a party of friends to enjoy this sport, camping out a for a week at a time. He is a genial, companionable fellow and there are always plenty of people who want to join in these hunts. A Surprise Party. A surprise party was tendered Miss Olive Williams by a number; of her friends Thursday evening last. Miss Williams did every thing in her power to entertain j her guests and made a great suc cess of the evening’s pleasures. Various games and other amuse-; ments were indulged in until a late hour and the occasion was a thoroughly enjoyable one to all who participated. Those present at this event were, Misses Lueile Blackburn, Priscilla Stroud, Hat tie Jordan, Edith Seltzer and Myrle Rawls; Messrs. Pierce Hammond, George Mitchell, .Jack- son Bush, Clarence Willis, Broughton Hardy and Robert B rown. New Dwelling; Going' I'p. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Smiley are having a handsome new home I erected on their lot on Forsyth street. It will be remembered! that their old home was destroyed ; by fire last Christmas. Their new home will be fitted up with all modern conveniences and will be better in many res pects. Their lot is a valuable one, being well located and convenient, [their new home will be quite an important addition to Forsyth street. I’KAK DAMAGK. Local Fruit Growers Heltl in SiiKpenwe as to Results of tle Gold Weather. 1 The cold Monday night created considerable alarm among the fruit men here. Mr. W. C. Staf ford and Mr. S. M. Marshburn, the largest peach growers in this community, state that they fear the damage is considerable. Mr. Stafford says that it has been al most impossible today to learn whether there lias been any dam age or not, as the crop has been kept back by the recent cold. Mr. Marshburn is alarmed about the result. He fears that, the damage has been considerable, although no definite estimate can be made now. Itake Tolnaloes. Mr. W. C. Stafford is anxious to know how many people will raise tomatoes for the cannery this summer. Mr. Lowden wants to get large quantities for canning and he has asked Mr. Stafford to find out how many he may count lon for this purpose. It will no doubt be very profitable to raise them, and anybody who will agree to plant them are requested to re port same to Mr. Stafford who ; will be glad to furnish any inform ation possible about the matter. It is said that raising tomatoes will beat cotton. Mr. Gray Heller. Mr. 11. Hollis Gray, who has been confined to his home for some days past, threatened with pneumonia is much improved and will doubtless be out again in a few days. He was right sick for a few days, but it is believed that ! he will recover rapidly now. Canl of TliunkH. Mrs. B. C. Milner and family wish to return thanks to the neigh bors and friends for many acts of kindness and sympathy during (Mr. Milner’s sickness and death. Green Trading Stamps To My Cash Purchasers. JNO. H. BLACKBURN. Spend Your Cash J. W. Stafford & Sons We Give Trading Stamps We have just opened a handsome line of LADIES’SKIRTS. If you want a tailor-made skirt for spring, it will pay you to see what we offer. We Give Trading Stamps. Our DRESS-MAKING Department, underjtlie able management of Miss Lane, is open and ready for jmur spring orders. We have an able corps of assistants, and can promise prompt and faithful work. Place your orders now. We Give Trading Stamps. Our Chicago tailor, representing Price it Cos., will be at our store Saturday of this week —March 22nd—to take orders. We offer these goods as the BEST the market affords. Every suit guar anteed to fit and please you. Remember the date and come to see us. J. W. Stafford & Sons. Our Greeting. The Old Year is gone—the New Year is here. We wish you well as the years change. We greet all our friends with good wishes and are ready to make them happy through substantial savings and increased benefits both to them and to us, and at the same time thank them for their patronage during the year that has just gone. Beginning with the new year, turn over anew leaf in your flour department and buy the best —Brand Milled AZ-I-LE. Guaranteed absolutely pure. M. M. ELLIOTT <S CO, mineral. • n .it will advise without that Barnesville,i t i”—'„ wbi “: NUMBER 8