The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, March 27, 1902, Image 7

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Bakery< The place MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Always on hand a fresh supply of Light Rolls, and Bakers Cread, Cakes, Candies, Etc. J. G. SUGGS, Proprietor. Seasons and Styles Come ancl go but the appetite remains the same. fine Steaks and Roasts^ Are as necessary and as much wanted this season as last and we are still in the market to supply these wants. We will take your orders by phone, or otherwise, and deliver promptly. Our meats, fish and oysters are always fresh and first-class. P. F. fIATTHEWS & SON P. S. J. W. Stocks is with us and solicits the patronage of his friends. Insurance, Fire g Accident. CALL ON Otis A. Murphey, And protect yoursef against Fire and Accidents. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. RICHMOND, VA. CHARLESTON, S. C. Largest Manufacturers of FERTILIZERS IN THE SOUTH. Importers of PURE CERNIAN KAINIT, MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SpDA, SULPHATE OF POTASH. In buying fertilizers it is important, not only to secure goods of estab lished reputation and high grade, but to buy where YOUR WANTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CAN BE SUPPLIED. We are in position, with our unparalleled facilities and our many plants located all over the territory, to furnish all classes of goods and in such quantities as buyers desire. When you buy of us, with our immense capacity, you know you can get the goods, and all you want of them. See our nearest agent to you, or write us direct. Address VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO.. ATLANTA, GA. gy-snd for the Vlrginia-Carollna Almanac. Free tor the asking. ORE fS| Sit ANY YOB HEAD DEAF? NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen : Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you ft fall faistorv of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost Biy hearing in this car entirely I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat jneni. After I Had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day. after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. ' F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md, Our treatment doer, not interfere with your usual occupation. ■“•SSfe- YOU CAN SURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AUSAI OUBB, LA SALLE AYE., CKIuARO, ILL THE BAENESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 102. Pointed Paragraphs. Duties put off until to-morrow bear interest. Ee who would leave foot-prints on the sand of time'must come down heavily. To-morrow will obey you more readily than to-dav. The better days will come only as you do you;;-best to-day. The man who coins his con science into cash will never make a percentage largo enough to buy it back. Courtesy is never . costly, yet never cheap. No furnace oau ever burn out the gold. It is a common error to try to plant blossoms instead of seed. THE.BEST TIME. The best time to cure a cough or cold is when you are first affected. A pleasant and sure remedy for sore throat, weak lungs, bronchial soreness, coughing spells, etc., is Gooch’s Mexi can Syrup for coughs and consumption. Be wise in time and keep a bottle in your medicine chest, always handy for immediate use, remember the old ad age, “a stitch in time saves nine.” It is a true Lung tonic and sells for only 25c. Ristori says that the married life of herself and her late hus band, Marquis Del Grillo, was a “living contradiction of the say ing that no marriage in the pro fession is happy unless both hus band and wife belong to the stage.” Bluff Spring Trustees. The Board of Trustees of Bluff Spring Camp-ground is requested to meet on Thursday of the first week of court at Zebulon. It is desired that a full membership of the board be present on this day, as there is business of importance to transact. A. E. Eubanks, Chairman. j This is a famous camp-ground, i and large numbers attend the ! meetings held each year, and a ! thoroughly enjoyable time is to he ! had at every session. A TEXAS WONDER. HALI/S GREAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabe tes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and ail irregularity of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will send by mail on re ceipts of sl. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall sole manufacturer. P. 0. Box 629, >St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by AV, A. Wright. Martin, Tenn., June 3, 1901. This is to certify that I have used Hall’s Texas Wonder for kidney trou ble and have never found anything jts equal. Its merits are wonderful. Try it, as I did, and be convinced. Rev. K. C. AViiitnki.l. Confederate Veteran’s Reunion, Dal las, Texas, April 22-26, 1902. Southern railway announces very low rates to Dallas, TeX., for the Confederate Veterans’ Reunion Tickets will be sold April 18th, 19th and 20th with final limit May 2nd, 1902. By depositing ticket (in person) with joint agent at Dallas on or before April 80th, 1902, and payment of fee of 50 cts at the time of the deposits an ex tension of the final limit to leave Dallas not later than May 15th, 1902, may be secured. The rates for this occasion are the lowest rates ever enforced to Texas. Southern Railway affords quick est line and best service. For information apply to near est ticket agent or address. J. C. Beam, Jr., D. P. A , Atlanta, Ga. R. W. Hunt, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. W. R. McGee, T. P. A. Augusta, Ga. ! Jas. Freeman, T. 15.I 5 . A., Macon, Ga. j AV. H. Tayloe, Asst. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. W Rais and sweat \ \ . \ ■ have no effect go g.M'frt W" MrU K< m harnv.,i treated FMIBC§> K A, ■ ■ with Eureka Har- g SS ■ ■ ness Oil. It re- ■*"—* v B 9 tists the damp, W m \ \ a keep, the lea tL MMt>HtFCT tT ■ ■ er .oft and pli- M gfxKl\T \ \ ■ m able. Stitches J If B do not break. \ ' \ J, V H ■ harness not \ I wears twice Standard Oil J{ \ \I OUR CORRESPONDENTS. MEANSVILLE. Spring has come at last. Miss Mary Ella Means one of Zebulon’s most charming young ladies spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Means. M iss \\ lllie Brawner, an attract- j ive young lady of Atlanta, is visit ing her grandmother Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mr. Otis McKenzie, of East Point, is visiting his sister Mrs. 1. R. Bloodwooth on Main street. Miss Susie MeGinty returned home last. Sunday from quite an extended visit to Bartlesville and Forsyth. Mr. R. M. Williams and family of near Bartlesville spent Sunday last with the family of R. W. MeGinty. Mrs. Harry Smith and son, of Macon, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Whittle. Miss Nannie Gunn spent Satur day and Sunday in Concord. Joe Waller, of Piedmont, was in town last Sunday. Miss Edna Collier and Mrs. J. C. Collier and Master Clifford spent last Monday in Zebulon. Miss Bertie Jackson gave an en tertainment|last Wednesday night, which was enjoyed very much by the young people. Mrs. Mattie Hoodoo is visiting the family of Mr. M. V. Shekee Mr. Ewell Jones who has been visiting friend in Forsyth returnd last Sunday. Bernard Slade spent Saturday in Barnesville. Mr. V. H. Collier is quite sick. We wish him an early recovery. “Cooie.” FOR THE COMPLEXION. The complexion always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impurities from the body appear in the form of unsightly eruptions. OeAVitt’s Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remove the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper. Albany. Ga., says: “I took IlcAA’itt’s Little Early Risers for biliousness, they were just what I needed. 1 am feeling better now than in years.” Never gripe or distress. Safe thorough and gentle. The very best pills.' Jno. 11. Bi.ackburn, Ga. Bartlesville, L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. WEAVER. Mr. G. W. Ridley and wife were the guest of their son N. O. Rid ley Sunday. We have organized our Sunday school and will start the first of next quarter with much intent to do good, for we have one of the best super intendants in Pike, Mr, J. C. Wood. One day last week a candidate passed some men on the road and I said if they would help him k*> Congress that he would put in a bill to work the roads easier but we don’t think it would amount to any more than any other goose bill. We are having so much rairl that all the farmers of this sec tion have the blues or greens, I don’t know which. The pastor of the church at this place filled his regular ap pointment Sunday, had a nice crowd and good order as usual. His text can be found in St. John Brd, chapter and 14th verse. John Doolv. CHRONIC DIARRHOEA. Mr. C. B. AVingfield, of Fair Play, Mo., who suffered from chronic dysen tery for thirty-five years, says Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did him more good than any other medicine lie had ever used. For sale by Jno. H. Bi.ackbckn. Banter Egg Hunt. The Ladies Aid Society, of the Methodist church, will have an Easter egg hunt Friday afternoon, beginning at 4 o’clock, on the ; lawn from Mr. R. L. Swatts to Mr. R. G. Matthews/ Lota of pretty eggs will be hidden and the children are promised a good time. Every child in town is cordially invited to meet on the college campus at four o’clock. Ten cents admission to the ground. Where there are more than two children in one family, all can go in for 25 cts, no matter how many. Any of the parents will be gladly wel comed to see the children have a good time. HICK'S CAPUDINE Cures all Headaches, Colds, LaGrippe, Neuralgia, etc. Your money back if it fails. 15 and 25 f at all Drugstores. For sale by Jordan Bros, & W. A. Wright. : V J " , ' The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, lias homo the signature cf and has been mode under his per s sonal supervision since its infancy. / Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 0:1, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SJ Bears the Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUN COMPANY, TT MUN WAV OTNrCT, N*W VnPK Cf TV. Did You Know—^ that we keep constantly LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED, CEILING, FLOORING, MANTLES, BRACKETS, MOULD ING, SHINGLES, LATHS, LIME, BRICK, CEMENT, PLASTER PARIS, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, WINDOAV AND DOOR FRAMES, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS and other things of this nature. Our prices are reasonable, too. You try us. BARNESVILLE PLANING MILLS. MACHINERY We ■ Manufacture the best Saw Mills ON THE MARKET Let us have your Orders for Mill Supplies or Shop Work, Mallory Bros. Machinery Co M Mention this pfiper. MACON, GEORGIA. GOOD HORSES AND MULES always on hand for sale or trade. Will giVti bargain iii 7 Second-Hand Top Buggies. So I can got new Barnesville Buggies for Livery use; day or night and Sundays. T. W. COCHRAN. APRIL SHERIFF SALES Will be sold before the court bouse door in the town of Zebulon, Pike coun ty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in April 1902, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: — One EHo (Hty Iron Works No: 5, 2f> H. P. Standard tulmlar boiler complete No. 29,858 and one Erie City Iron works !i x 12, elans D. center crank 20 H. P. Engine complete No. 14,190. Also two (2q?in fe< tiers and condensers, 1 press, 1,6 H. P. Portable Frick engine and boiler on wheels and one thresher on the premises ofC. A. (Strickland. Levied on as the property of T. .1. Williamson by virtue of and to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from the superior court of Pike county, (la., in favor of Mals by & Cos., against T. .1. Williamson Legal notice given on this levy as required by law This the 7th day of March, 1902. J H. Mii.nku HheritT. COULD NOT BREATHE. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis other throat and lung troubles arc quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liqui fies the mucous, draws out the inflam ation and removes the cause of the dis ease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. “One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it,’’ says Justice of of the Peace, J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. “My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family.” Jno II Blackburn. L. Holies. Barnesville, Milner, Ga. SAY IfftpGUARANTEE liemnroiitpills To cur© SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, and all diseases arising from In digestion. They will purify your blood and make youroomplexlon as FAIR AS A LILY. They are gelatin coated. PRICE 25 CENTS. MANY WONDER. Many wonder how it is that pin worms and stomach worms get into lit tle children, or how a tape worm 300 feet long, can get in and exist and grow inside of a man, as it sometimes happens. They may well Wonder, for it is a great mystery. However, many now know from experiencce that Mother’s Worm Syrup will rid one of intestinal worms and greatly improve the health after the worms have been destoyed and expelled. It is absolute ly a harmless remedy to take, and as it only costs 25 cents, all should try it who suspect worms to be the cause of tbpiv ’.v*'.liH. Engines, Boilers, Grist Mills, . Ginning Machinery