The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, April 17, 1902, Image 8

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55?5ur zonophone -ea- OR TALKINC MACHINE It will he GIVEN AWAY. Everybody that buys a box of KENTON BAKING POWDER of us, is entitled to a chance. Remember, the machine will cost you nothing. You simply buy a one-pound can of Baking Powder for 25 cents, and with each purchase you will receive a numbered ticket and whoever holds the lucky number, will get the machine — FREE OF CHARGE. We Keep Nearly Kverything—-Ask for What You Don’t See—Most Likely We Have It. B. F. REEVES, |TJF“Bring me your chickens, eggs, butter, hams, shoulders and other country produce. Will pay highest market price for same. JOHN T. MIDDLEBROOKS Only the Best. THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR THINGS YOU HAVE TO SELL, i want ybnr Chickens. Eggs, Rutter, Hams, Potatoes and will give you the very best prices possible. * THE LOWEST PRICES ON THINGS YOU HAVE TO BUY. I always carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and have them market] down to the very lowest notch and can make it to your interest to t ry me. J have recently added to my stock of Groceries a line of FARMERS’ SUPPLIHJS, such us are necessary for every farmer to have. I also have a complete line of Crockery and Tinware. 1 don’t give trading stamps, hut give you the amout. off on the prices. Don’t forget the place, I am not on the corner any longer, but am still “in the ring” when it comes to competition, and can knock most of the rest of them out. Yours truly, John T. Mlddlebrooks. Weak? “ I suffered terribly and was ex tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last 1 tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again.” Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can rake for purifying and en riching the blood. Don’t doubt your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. *"T*oTyonrdortm^h*rTo*Silnkro^ l yerT" SuraaparllU. He known nil nhont this uruml old family medicine. Follow till advice aud we will be aMllntlcd. J. C. Aver Cos., Lowell, Umi. a THE PRONUNCIATION FAD. Where polite usage gels its nu ithorily nobody knows. Now it is paying that “valet,” the final sylla ble of which wo have learned to gi\o offhand with a highbred "a,’ shall be anglicized just as “parquet” was a few years ago and shall appear in polite soeic ty in its plain English etubhiness. It is likely that we shall all stumble and stutter and make mistakes at first, but eventual ly fall in line of “els.” There are'those who claim that a polite “suburb” should have a long “u,” that “tapestry” should be “a” long and that the sun never “shone” politely with a long “o.” The same authorities are busy with the new automobile importa tion, “chauffeur” (sho-feur), which has been called everything that is polite. It might be called some thing more, for it is not a truthful term. It means when interpreted "fireman,” “stoker” and is innocent ly a good joke on our millionaires who speed their own autos. —Grout Round World. . H IVrn't tie the top of yonr Jelly and preserve Jars In /V'S the old fashioned way. Seal quick, ■<>r ii ■nr. ■ lor. fra *1 ■>; r. ■ > ■ M .' - !■ A Picture of De Wet. Philip Pienaar, a Boer, who has just written a book entitled “With Steyn and De Wet,” says of the lat ter: “Compared with Louis Botha or almost any other of our generals, Do Wet presented hut a sorry sight. His manners are uncouth and his dress careless to a degree. His tact lessness, abrupt speech and his hab it of thrusting his tongue against his palate at every syllable do not lessen his undeniable unattraetive ness. But De Wet, if he lacks cul ture, certainly has an abundance of shrewdness and is not without some dignity at times. And 1 must con fess that it is chiefly owing to De Wet and Steyn that the war did not end with the fall of Pretoria.” Quick Beard Trimming. Because Michael Itosnik of Hazle ton, Pa., refused to shave off a huge black beard, which made his ap pearance objectionable to his wife, Mrs. Itosnik put a match to the hir sute appendage while he was asleep at his home. Pier method was al most too successful, ltosnik’s beard disappeared in a quick blaze, and his face was also badly scorched. He narrowly escaped being seriously burned. Congressional Black Eagles. A letter came to Washington the other day addressed to “The Black Eagle, M. C.” There are two “Black Eagles” in congress. One is De Graf fenreid of Texas, “the Black Eagle of the Pinv Woods;” the other is Senator Clapp of Minnesota, “the Black Eagle of Fergus Falls.” The house postmaster got the letter first and gave it to De Graffenreid. It belonged to him. “C” With a Tail. The “C ” with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Salary of the French President. It is often said that the French president receives no more than $120,000 a year for his services— that is, as a matter of fact the actu al salary of the head of the republic, but it is not generally known that M. Loubet is Supplied gratuitously with a number of household neces saries which represent in value at least SIO,OOO a year. For fruit, veg etables, game, oil, logs for his fires, gas and electricity he pays nothing, while in addition his household lin en is washed free of charge. Unconscious Humor. The London St. James Gaaette draws attention to an unconscious piece of humor on the part of the British war office. Volunteers for South Africa are directed in certain circumstances to communicate with tlie war office by telegram, addressed "Fessitude, London.” The diction ary explains the selection of this tel egraphic address. Fessitude ia in terpreted! u “weariness, obsolete.” NEWS -GAZETTE, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1902. EXPOSING A FRAUD. Dishonest holders of accident in surance policies frequently put the companies’ physicians to needless trouble by claiming damage for tri fling hurts, which under the law en title them to nothing. Some de liberately practice fraud, says a phy sician quoted in the- /Ulanta Jour nal, and pretend to have raiments when they are sound in every part. A few days ago,' says the physi cian, I was summoned to a hospital to examine a man who prfetended to have had his hearing totally de stroyed by the premature explosion of a blast. I had an idea from the start that- the man was shamming, but all the tests that I could apply seemed to show that he was stone deaf. Still I was not satisfied and resolved to trv a little strategy. Coaching the nurse beforehand how to act, I entered the room has tily and cried: “Quick, quick! The fire extinguisher! Where is it ? Nev er mind the deaf man! Save your self!” Then we both rushed for the door. But the patient wds quicker than we were and got out before us. He had the good sense, however, to realize that the game was up, and he never appeared again. Criminal Leniency In Paris. It is just a year since Mile. Chau vin, the lady barrister, made her first appearance at the Paris bar. Interviewed on her experiences, she states that the fact that she is a woman seems to be forgotten by both bench and bar, and she no lon ger excites the slightest curiosity at the law courts. She has appeared in some fifty cases during the year, including a divorce ease. She far prefers equity work, however, and never wants to enter an assize court. In the first place, she says, one has to tell too many, untruths there, and, secondly, for her part she reso lutely refuses to accept a brief un less absolutely convinced of the jus tice of her client’s cause. Mile. Chauvin looks upon 4he sickening leniency meted out to inunderers in Paris and especially to murderesses with disgust and stupe faction and adds that no woman need trouble to get a divorce. She only need kill her husband to obtain her freedom and become a popular idol. lleallhy Kidneys Means Long Llffc. If you want to restore your kidneys to their former health state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure —50 cents at J. H. Blackburns. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will produce both. Try a bottle and be convinced. Your druggist sells it for 50c —at J, H. Blackburns. Laxative Chocolates cures Chronic Constipation and Liver Troubles. Pleas ant to take. Purely Vegetable. Guar anteed by J. H. Blackburn. If You Suffer From Kidney Troubles^ Use Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing like it for diseased kidneys. 50 cts at J. H. Blackburn’s. Familiar Names. “Who represents the defendant in this case?” queried Justice Hall of Chicago after he had announced that the case of the People against Aird had been reached on the dock et. “I do,” replied Stephen A. Doug las, stepping before the bar. “And the prosecution will be han dled by?” “Robert E. Lee.” “I’m more than glad to meet you, gentlemen,” declared Justice Hall warmly. “Your names are quite fa miliar to me.” The spectators in the court look ed amazed as they listened to the conversation at the bar. “I t’ot them was both dead,” remarked a small boy. Lee, a distant relative of the Con federate general, is city prosecutor at the Harrison street police court, and Attorney Douglas, son of the “Little Giant,” represented the de fendant in a larceny case. OASTOZtXA. Bear, the s? The Kin(l You Haw Always Bought The Cash Trade is Very Dull! 1 Have a Large Stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, and Notions, which must be sold—not to get "room”==but to get money. I MUST HAVE MONEY, and I will give more goods for the money than any merchant in Barnesville. One price to all. W. K. Wilkinson. CUFF MATTHEWS DEAD Passed Peacefully Away Monday Morning—Was Model Young Man And Had Many Friends. Mr. Cliff Matthews, son of Mrs. J. T. Matthews, who has been con fined to his home for some months past, with a serious bronchial trouble, died Monday morning at 2 o’clock. His condition has been quite serious for sometime, but notwithstanding this, his death was very sad und caused somewhat a surprise. Cliff was a noble young man, and had as many friends as any young man in the city. During all his illness he has been cheer ful, and when he realized that he could not live long, he said that while he regretted to die, he was not at all afraid of death. He was perfectly satisfied that his future home would be in Heaven. He was just past twenty and until a few months ago he was in robust health. His untimely death is indeed sad, but his short life is an example worthy of imitation Iff all the young men of liis acquain tance. Te funeral services were held at the Barnesville Baptist church Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock, conducted by Rev. C. W. Durden, his pastor. We sorrow with this beloved family and join the peo ple of the entire community in ex tending tenderest sympathy to them in this, another occasion of deep sorrow. SAVED MANY A TIME. Don’t neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often result seriously at this season just because people are careless. A dose of One Minute Cough Cure will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles. “I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years,” says Post master C. O. Dawson, Barr, 111. “It is the very best cough medicine on the market. It has saved me many a se vere spell of sickness and I warmly recommend it.” The children’s favor ite. ,Jno. H. Blackburn, Barnesville, Ga. L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. Some Fine Horses. Mr. Robert Mitchell returned Sunday from a week’s trip to the Blue Grass regions, where he pur chased some tine horses. He pur chased nearly a car load, and they are said to be the finest horses ever brought to Barnesville. They have arrived and many people have seen and greatly admired them. They are carefully select ed and are beauties. Catarrh Cannot. Bo Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease. and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try for years, and is a regular prescrip tion. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Memorial Exercises Posiponed. Memorial day exercises have been postponed from Friday2sth., to Friday, May 2nd. This was done on account of the absence of Prof. Oliphant, who will be the orator of the day. He goes next week to Athens to meet the Ogden party and cannot be present here next Friday, so the exercises have been postponed. Mrs. Otis A. Murphey, Our Greeting. The Old Year is gone—the New Year is here. We wish you well as the years change. We greet all our friends with good wishes and are ready to make them happy through substantial savings and increased benefits both to them and to-us, and at the same time thank them for their patronage during the year that has just gone. Beginning with the new year, turn over anew leaf in? your flour department and buy the best—Brand, Milled AZ-I-LE. Guaranteed absolutely pure. M. M. ELLIOTT O CO. Barnesville, Ga, J.D. HIGHTOWER, SUCCESSOR TO J W. HIGHTOWER - DEALER IN Agricultural, Mechanical and Sniders’ Hardware, Farm Equipments, Water Supplies, Guns, Cutlery, Silverwares, Lisk’s non-rustible Tinware, China and Glassware, Decorative Bric-a - Brae, Crockery and Queensware, wooden ware, Stoves, Holloware, Paints, Oils, Brushes etc., etc. Agt for Deering’s Binder, Mower & Rake Forsyth Guano Factory. The Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company are manufacturing High Grade Fertilizers at their Guapo Factory and Oil Mill at Forsyth this season. The factory is under the management of Messrs. Pres ton Maynard and Robert Reid of Forsyth. They give the mixing of these goods their personal at tention. They use nothing but high grade chemicals in the man ufacture of the goods. The am monia in these goods is derived from cotton seed meal and sul phate of ammonia. The botash is derived from imported Muriate of Potash. The available Phospho ric Acid is derived from Bone Phosphate. They do not use Ger man Kainit or a filler of any kind.' They are making the best manipu lated goods I ever sold, perfectly dry and free from lumps. I am shiping car loads of these goods to many towns in Middle Georgia every day. The farmers appreciate these goods from the fact that they can be distributed through Gantt distributors, which are now used extensively all over Georgia, much more easily and evenly than any blood or tankage goods can be. I feel that every business man in Forsyth as well as every farmer in Monroe county ought to appreciate the efforts of the Chemical Company in making as high a grade fertilizer at their mshj PFNNYPnYfII Pll IS | Lilli I IkU I FIL I ILLU omissions, increase vig- IBMKoV ... —===== or and banish “pains JDJK3 of menstruation.” They are “LIFE SAVERS” to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. SI.OO HER BOX BY MAIL. Sold 'iSSSSiIS’ by druggists. DR. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohiot For Sale by W. C. JORDAN & BRO. factory in Forsyth as they make at any other factory owned by them. The work at this factory gives em ployment to a large ‘number of people. I hope at an early date that the Chemical Company will enlarge their plant at Forsyth by adding an acid chamber and mak ing acid phosphate as well as all other grades of fertilisers. This would give employment to hun dreds of people and help the town and county. Call at Preston Maynard’s bank and Watts & Alexander’s ware house, see samples and get prices of these goods before buying else where. We sell in addition to the goods made at our factory at Forsyth, Animal Bone Fertilizer, Blood Guano, Blood and Bone Guano, and Blood and Tankage Guano manufactured at Macon, Atlanta, and Newnan Georgia. We also sell Nitrate of Soda for top dress ing on wheat and oats. The farmers of Pike will find these goods at the warehouse of J. L. Hunt, Barnesville and those of Spalding will find them with Grif fin & Mitchell, Griffin, and with M. F. Swint, Orchard Hill, J. H. Reeves, The Rock, Reeves & Louis at Delrey, Ga. D. J. Procter, Agent, Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cos. Forsyth, Ga., March 20th, 1902.