The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, May 15, 1902, Image 1

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BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE. VOLUME 35. Great Bargains! Each day something in New Goods is offered at the Marshburn store. A net work of connections with the largest Job bers and Manufacturers enables this busy place to anticipate the wants of people and prepare for their demands. Ribbons in all grades and shades. Xaees and Applicas in all the widths and designs. Embroideries in all widths and textures. Silks in all the new shades. Dress Goods-especially black goods in all new weaves can be found at the Marsh burn store. Men’s and ladies 9 fine Foot wear. Men’s new shapes in Hats. Boy’s, youths’ and mens’ Clothing the best in quality and make. Come where you can get suited in goods and price. Friday is Bargain Day. Don’t forget to ask for coupons with cash purchase. Ten dollar cash purchase will get you a beautiful Trey or Pannel. If you have a ticket bring, it with you, as a fifteen dollar purchase will get your Photograph enlarged free. With liberality in credit, low prices, good goods, and big discount offered for cash, this is the place to buy. V. O. Marshburn, J_ an ???L SPRING.. has arrived, and your thirst needs quench ing, so make our Our Fount your headquarters. Come and see our elaborate stock of STATIONERY. We carry** full line of Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, &c. Our stock of Drugs and Chemicals is always fresh and pure. If we should not have what you call for, w'ill take pleasure in getting it for you any and all times. We are yours to command day or night, W. C. Jordan & Bro., Druggists and Stationers. I am back after my illness ready to wait on all my customers. Thanking you for past favors, with a large stock, I am ready to attend to your every want in our line. Yours truly, BATE, The Jeweler. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COUNTRY WEEKLY. CAPT. HOUGH TO RUN FACTORY. The directors of the Barnesville Manufacturing Cos. held a meet ing last week and made a contract with Capt. J. D. Hough, of Macon, to take charge of the factory and run it. He will have entire man agement of the mill and it is be lieved that he will make a great success of the enterprise. Capt. Hough is an experienced mill man and of course thoroughly under stands the business in all its de tails. He will give the mill his entire time and will doubtless move his family to Barnesville'. It will probably be about July Ist before the factory starts. Some new machinery must be put in and other repairs made. In fact, there will be much work to do before it can be started. It is believed that the mill will make money, good money, now. It is a fine plant and is well equip ped in every way. THE OLD MAID’S CONVENTION. Will Meet, In Open Session at the Auditorium Tuesday, May 20, H p. ni. j PROGRAMME. ACT I. Going to the Convention. . act 11. Call to order. Roll call. Responses with Quo tations. Minutes. Tresurer’s report. Miscellaneous business. The following officers and mem bers will be present: Marabah Lovejoy, president. Priscilla Hope, treasurer. Amarilla Hey wood, secretary. Augusta Prim. Fredora Bobkins. Selina Baxter. Miranda Price. Anxiety Doherty. Faithful Blossom. Rhoda Larkin. Susannah Smith. Mary Ann Barnes. Sarah Jane Springster. Eliza Hooker. Esther Snyder. Marion Perkins. Asenath Baker. Amanda Horn. Amy Little. Sophia Potter. Professor Pinkerton has prom ised to be present and give an ex hibition of his Wonderful Electric Transform(?)er, which is warran ted to change the dried and wrinkled spinsters to blooming maidens and cause their cracked and squeaky voices to trill like the notes of the nightingale. Admission 25 cts, children 15 cents. Sunday School Picnic. Committees from all the Sunday Schools of Barnesville met at the drug store of Mr. .J. H. Blackburn Monday afternoon to arrange for the Sunday School picnic. They decided to have it Friday of next week, May 23rd. Gogginsville was selected as the place, provided arrangements can be made to have the Thomaston train to carry the crowd down and bring it back. Definite arrangements will be made at the Sunday Schools Sun day about the various details for the picnic. Every member of It. E. Lee lodge, No. 63, I. O. O. F., is requested to at tend the meeting tonight (Wednesday), Business of importance to be transact ed. ffl BARNESVILLE, GA., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1902. BARNESVILLE’S NATIONAL BANK THE FIRST OF ITS KIND ESTAB LISHED HERE -IS DOING A SPLENDID BUSINESS. The people of Barnesville and com munity are glad of the fact that for the first, time we have a national bank lo cated and doing business here. The charter for The First National Bank of Barnesville has already been granted and the bank is now operating under the national banking laws. The amount of capital stock required for the establishment of a national bank is governed by the population of the city. #25,000 is required for a city with the population of Barnesville, but the stockholders of the above bank have put up #SOOO more than the re quired amount and have a paid up cap ital of #30,000. One of the advantages of a national bank is that a fixed per cent 'bf the de posits must always be on hand and available. The law requires that the bank deposit a large amount of bonds with the U. S. treasurer. The curren cy issued by the bank is secured with government bonds, and in case of any irregularities in the management of the bank or any suspicion of insolvency the government takes immediate charge and after thorough investiga tion winds up the business or allows it? to continue, withoutcost, to the pdbple whose money is involved. Then again it is the policy of national banks to make a large number of small loans to business men, farmers and others, rather than a few large loans to corporations. The law also requires ail officers and employees who handle the funds of the bank to give heavy bonds. National bank ex aminers are said to be far more rigid in their investigations and require strict compliance with all the laws under which the banks are chartered. The First National Bank of Barnes vilb* is well officered and it is certain to be a strong and successful banking institution. The Meetings Continue. The meetings at the Baptist chutch will continue until Friday night. Rev. Joe Jones is doing all the preaching and has had large crowds to hear him since the'services began. His preach ing has accomplished much good. Many resolutions have been made for a better life by men, women, boys and girls. All of his sermons and talks have been very practi cal. He lias made people think of their daily conduct toward one another. He apparently has an unlimited supply of illustrations which he uses with good effect. Sunday afternoon there was a special service for men which was attended by several hundred and Mr. Jones made a powerful appeal to them. At times the audience was moved to tears and the dis course made a profound impres sion on many who were present. The meetings will doubtless close Friday evening. Dr. ltipley Honored. Dr. E. C. Kipley was last week appointed by Gov. Candler a del egate from Georgia to the Ameri can Congress of Tuberculosis, which meets in New York, June 23rd and 24th. Dr. Ripley was one of 23 delegates appointed to go from this state. It is quite a distinct honor to be a delegate to this body. The leading physicians and doctors from all parts of America and the other countries will be among those who attend the congress and it is a thing of international im portance. Dr. Ripley has not yet deter mined whether he will attend. LITTLE JEWELS, kg’ery mother that has a child has a jewel more precious to her and worth more than tne King of England’s en tire collection of diamonds, etc. Pity the little one that is rapidly losing its health because its mother does not know it has worms, and that a cent bottle of Mother’s Worm Syrup will expell them quickly. OABTORXA. Bear* the y? Th Kind You Have Always Bought * t T<2L& 4 SICE COLD Soda Water Frozen Dainties <1 Qive Trading Stamps.) Blackburn’s Drug Store. J.W. Stafford & Sons The Old Reliable Firm. “ What we advertise, we sell, U 'hat we sell, advertises us.” Don’t buy trash because its cheap. Deception is like had money —it won’t pass. Wind is cheaper than water, - Bluff and bluster sounds well, but means little. Ambition is praiseworthy, but conceit is unpardonable. Honesty in business counts as much as honesty in religion. The confidence of a customer is worth more than the profit we make out of him. The bargain-hunter often pays more for goods than other people. Some merchants laugh in their sleeves when they have fooled you. Think well before you look—look well before you buy. Good stuff is cheaper than trash, even if the trash is given to you. We want your business, but can’t make up our minds to deceive yon. We are not saints, but we try to be honest and we think honesty is the best policy. Think on these things, and join the vast host of customers who get fall value for their money in our store. J. W. Stafford & Sons. L. O. BENTON PRESIDENT W B. SMITH, VIOE-PREfIIDENT. J. A. MoORARY, CASHIER. The First National DIRECTORS : |\ 4 DIRECTORS r W oij. lT S%h&SonH. K/IHh Hi W.H MITCHELL IF M. STAFFORD, ilUllll U 1 with Robert MiUdioU. of J. W. Stafford ie Sons. L. O. KENTON, A P. KEMP, jv fgg Merchant and Banker. i° TiB Z?iS? HEY ' Barnesville.^ COPY OF CERTIFICATE: Treasury Department. m okf/ce of _ ® Comptroller of the Currency. • Washington, D. C., May 7, 1002 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The First National Bank of Barnes ville,” in the city of Barnesville, in the County of Pike, and State of Georgia, Ims complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to he complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking. Now therefore TANARUS, William B. Ridgely, Comptroller of the CnrreflM ey, do hereby certify that “The First National Bank of BarnesvillejjM in the City of Barnesville, in the County of Pike and State of GeaßT gia, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provifpa in section 5169 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Jg® In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, thp 7th day of May, 1902. W.m. B. RIDGE^iY^IHp^ Comptroller of the OtßYemyg. < SEA I, OF THK COMPTHOI.t.EB I Ifflp > ormCut kkm'y. i 4F' " NUMBER 16