The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, May 29, 1902, Image 2

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I’ve Got ’Em.. and lots of ’em Mason’s Fruit Jars. with porcelain lined tops. I’ve just received a big shipment of loose rubberss —white and black—good ’uns, too. Blackberry time is right on us, and the right thing to do, is to prepare for war in time of peace. Try a Macbeth Lamp Chimney for a change—strictly a dime —but cheaper in the long run. This is the season for CAN GOODS. My stock is unbroken, and prices are reasonable. If you haven’t tried COTTOLENE, suppose you try it now, white lard is so costly. Come to my sty re for Cottolene — wholesale and retail. I’ve got the finest Cuba Molasses you ever sopped. Jim Reeves Sunday Schools Hold Picnic. The members of the different Sunday Schools of this city held their annual picnic atG-oggins last Friday. The larger part of the crowd ■was carried by the Thomaston train which went down immedi ately after regular trains. The •others went through the country in wagons and buggies. A large ■crowd was present and all had a very pleasant day. A fine dinner was spread for them and barrels of lemonade and ice water were provided. The crowd was composed mostly of young people but a number of older people were present to make all the arrangements for the day. Goggins is a very pretty place for a thing of this kind and every body enjoyed themselves. A TEXAS WONDER. HALL'S GItKAT DIBCOVKHY. One small bottle of Hall’s Groat Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabe tes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularity of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will send by mail on re ceipts of sl. One small Dottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned, l'r. E. \V. Hall sole manufacturer. P. O. box St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by \V. A. Wright. Martin, Tenn., June 3, 1901. This is to certify that 1 have used Hall's Texas Wonuor for kidney trou ble and have never found anything its equal. Its merits are wonderful. Try it, as I did. and be convinced. Ukv. R. C. Whitxsix. On her wedding day the happy bride can see no reason why the honeymoon should not last for ever. CANDY CATHARTIC . *** Genuine ftamprd C C C. fold In bulk. Beware of the dealer u hd> trie* to sell a ’ "something ju*t es g<bcd/' WASHINGTON LETTER Chatty Gossip About the Ping- Pong Fad And Its Official Vic tims; The Youngest Grand dad in Congress; Sibley’s Wild Ride; Etc. Krom our reifiilar eormipondpnt. The president and Mrs Toose velt have not adopted the pirg pong fad, but there is no saying how soon they will, as it lias got offieial Washington as no other fad lias ever hud it. Grave Justices of the Supreme Court, members of the Cabinet, Senators, and representatives, and their wives and families have taken up the fad, and play and talk about ping- pong as though it was one of the most important affairs of life. The tables are mostly used, abused, the careful housekeeper would say after examining a table upon which the game had been played awhile. The fad strikes out of town visitors of prominent olfieials —social visitors, I mean — almost as soon as greetings have been exchanged, as one of the first questions asked them by host or hostess is “Do you play ping-pong?”. One of these visit ors—a prominent gentleman from Wisconsin said of the fad; “The game must have a strong hold on Washington. I had no sooner arrived in thecity and called upon an old friend, sane on most sub jects. but who poured a hysterical recital of the joys of ping-pong into my ear. He had the craze in aggrevated form although not so had that bethought he felt the peng-pong pang. Ho asked me if I’d learned to play,and insisted on teaching me, but I had the strength to resist. I have seen many amusement maladies, but never one so virulent or demoral izing us this apology for tennis— ping-pong.” Representative Lessler, of New | York, whose capture of the vacan cy left on the House Naval com ! mittee by the death of dear old Amos Cummings served to remind everybody that he had been go ing ahead much faster than anew member does. Opinion may differ as to why, but he probably doesn’t care about that ho long as he’s ahead. Mr Lessler is small in size, but instead being sensative about it, as many small men are, he tells all the odd experiences it gets for him as jokes on himself. One of those experiences was in St. Louis, where Mr. Lessler went to make a speech not very long ago. This is the way he tells it: As 1 stood up before quite a crowd, I was somewhat embarassed but started off to give the boys a warm talk. ‘Hullygeel’ shouted an bid fellow with whiskers and a mild jag, ‘look at that little runt’ The crowd went wild with laughter, and the incident seemed to establish a feeling of cordiality | between us. I quickly gained some enthusiasm and believe I i succeeded in delivering a few i ringing sentiments. At any rate they gave me a mighty warm re ception.” Speaker and Mrs. Henderson gave a delightful dinner to about twenty personal friends, at a sur burban hotel that is easily reached by trolley ear, as the celebration of Mrs. Henderson’s birthday. The Hendersons are liked by all who know them, and wherever they are there is likely to be en joyment. A Capitol guide says New Englanders as a rule wish to see every thing in the building, from the dome to the crypt—to see congress in session and have the members named to them, as well as all the pictures and stat uary; that the New Yorkers and Chicagoans do the building in a rush and only ask to have impor tant things pointed out to them, and that many of the visitors are disappointed to find that the pres ident does not live in the Capitol, and that all branches of of the are not quarter ed under its roof. Representative Caldwell, 0f,111., is thought to be the youngest j grandfather in Congress. He has : beeu blessed with two grandchild- THE BARNESVTLLE NEWB-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1902. ren within the last three months, the first in the family of his son, John, and the last in the family of his son-in-law, ex-Representa tive Turner, of Louisville, Ky. Mr. Caldwell hears his grandfath erlv honors modestly, hut he doesn’t fail to show that he is proud of them. Chairman Foss, of the House Naval committee, said in a speech of 1 lie passing of a typical figure from our navy; “The evolution of the modern battleship brought about a wonderful change. The •Jack Tar’ who was the inspira tion of Cooper’s tales lias become a tradition. Old Jack, with his rough exterior, with language largely of profanity, sitting and smoking his pipe perchance squirting tobacco juice with great er accuracy than the trained gun ner r f today can hit his mark with shot or shell —has become a tra dition. ‘Jack’ went off the ship when sails went off, and when masts went off. He went off in the evolution of the modern bat tleship. And in his place has come the trained machinist, the trained gunner, the trained sea man ; and it requires education to train these men to manage the ship and to perform the different duties in connection withthecare ful manning and officering of the ship in view of the great complex ity of machinery and mechanism which obtains in our battleships. And so this in some measure is a reason why it become necessary to some extent to train apprentices and to train officers on shore. Representative Sibley, of Pa., who is famous as a whip, as well as other things, gave a dozen of his fellow-Congressmen a four teen-mile ride the other morning that none of them will ever forget. It was in a big tally-ho coach, with four fast horses, driven by Mr. Sibley. The party was driven to a well known Club House, seven miles north of town, where they had breakfast, and then driven back to the Capitol in time for the assembling of Congress. Although it was over one, of the best roads in this vicinity, several of the party have said that it was the wildest ride they ever took, and that about half the time they didn’t know whether the wheels were on the ground or in the air. Mr. Sibley says it was only “a nice morning drive.” We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. ,T. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wkst it Tkavx, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Waloing, K inn an it Maßvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cuje is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces or the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. MOTHERHOOD 1 The greatest ambition of Amer ican men and women is to have homes blessed with children. The woman afflicted with female dis ease is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife. No medicine can restore dead or gans, but Wine of Cardui does regulate derangements that pre vent conception; does prevent miscarriage; does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and docs bring babies to homes barren and desolate for years. M ine of Cardui gives women the health and strength to bear heal thy children. You can get a dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui from your dealer. WINE" CARDUI I4S Market street, Memphis, Tenn., April H. I*ol. In February. 1901, I took ono bottle of Wine of Cirdui and one package of Thodford’s Black-Draught* I hadooen married fifteen years and had never given birth to a child until I took Wiie oft’ardui. Now i am mother of a fine baby rirl which was born March SI, 1901. The baby weighs fourteen pounds and I feel as well as any persou could feel. Now m.v home is happy and I never will be without lit ine of Cardui in mv house **xiu. Mrs. j. w. c. Smith. * dTlr *, x™t literature, address, (riving symptoms. The Ladies’ Advisory Ik-part ivent , 1 lie Chattanooga Metueuw Company. Team. Weak? “ I suffered terribly and was ex tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last 1 tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again.’’ Mrs. J. w. Fiaia, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don’t doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. >I.BO a bottle. All druggltU. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. He knows all about this ({rand old family medicine. Follow hia advice and we will be satisfied. J. 0. aver Cos., Lowell, Mass. Small Farms a Remedy. That the old system of tenant farming has outlived its days of usefulness and profit there is no doubt. Only in rare instances do we find a land owner receiving profitable returns from his plan tations where he is running them by tenants. It is more often the case that the land owner is losing money every year by this system. He may receive as much from his farm in rents as he would make under an other system, but his lands are washing away, his fences are rotting and his houses are falling down; hence in this respect he is a loser every year, for there is not one tenant in a thousand who will care for the plantation, keep up the ditches and fences, repair the houses as faithfully as he would if they were his own property. It seems that an Ala bama paper has given the proper solution to this problem. Let the big land-owners divide up their lands into small farms, sell them to those who desire to purchase homes of their own, and numerous small prosperous ones will take the place of the unprofitable large plantations, and the whole com munity will be much the gainer thereby. WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW. “I have used DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for constipation and tropid liver and they are all right. lain glad to indorse them for I think when we find a good thing we ought to let others know it,” writes Alfred Heinze, Quincy, 111. They never gripe or dis tress. Sure, safe pills. Jno. H. Blackburn, Barnesville, Ga. L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. THE HOME GOLD CURE An Ingenious Treatment by Which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness isadisease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shatter ed by periodical or constant use of in toxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this won derful “HOME GOLD CURE” which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positive ly guaranteed to cure the most obsti nate case, no matter how hard a drink er. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunk ards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepar ed that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the “C UR E” administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowlodge in coffee or tea. and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading “improvement.” Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The “HOME GOLD CURE” is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others aosting $25 to SSO. Full directions ac aomnany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. H 20. EDWIN B. GILES * COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street. Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confiden tial. IMPORTANT TO COTTON 6INNERS. Investigate the most complete and efficient ginning system on the market. The Murray Cleaning Feeder —the best feeder in the world. Plain Gins, Huller Gins, Feeders, Condensers, Single and Double Box Presses, Pneumatic Cotton Elevators, Cyclone lint flues, etc. BETTER PRICE FOR COTTON. Demands I"2c Pound More. F. H. Lummus Sons Cos., Columbus Ga. BOSTWICK, Ga., Feb. 11, 1902. Gentlemen —I wish to express my entire satisfaction with the three 70-saw Battery Gin Outfit, the Cleaning Feeders and Pneumatic Elevator, Double Box Steam Cylender Press—in fact everything complete. Everything works as nice and as smooth as can be ; the workmanship and material are unsurpassed ; COT TON GINNED ON YOUR SYSTEM DEMANDS FROM igth TO CENT MORE PEK POUND THAN WHERE GINNED ON OTHERS. The “Lummus” Sys tem is death to competitors in this section, and wins all customers who give it a trial. I have gained custom from a distance this season, growing out of the efficiency of your ginning system. In quality of work, of good sample, clean ing seed and quick work, I would recommend your machinery to all parties thinking of installing a plant for ginning cotton. Yours truly, (Signed) R. R. Jones Obtain our estimates and particulars before purchasing. F. H. Lummus Sons Cos., coiumbus o a . Insurance, Fire h Accident. ON ttv Otis A. Murphey, 1 And protect yoursef against Fire and Accidents. mi Hl# any YOU HEAD DEAF? NOISES? ALL CASES OF DiAFWESS OR HARD HEARING ARE MOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born cleaf are incurable. head mm mm immediately. F. A. WZIXMX'X, OF CALTSiVIO^2 f SAY*: Baltimore, Md . March 30, 1901. Gentlemen : Being entirety c.ired of thanks to your treatinciit, 1 will low give you a fitlT liisto*y of mv cn c e. to ugo-I at vs sir >l. About five yorirs ago no . : (M cur began to ring, and this kept on getting werse, until I lost my hearing in tins e.\r entir. !y I ui:cL : v. c 11 a irv. . t fi-r catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physician.*, a::r u , otbe’V thjTncvt c i:ic!;L car of this city, who told me that only ru cp'.vr.t?..•:? cou.l i liL/p :• and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would ♦.lie:! cease, but the h ;ri:v r in the affected ear would he lost forever I the 1 s'iw your a• 1 dsement ace .h u a*, yi 1 u h.’cw Vrk paper, and ordered lcu: Af •IMI !v. !it only a few days according to vour directions, the noises ceased, end o-day, fit r five veeks, mv hearing iri 1. led : aed ear has been entirely restored. I thank you uewrtiiy and beg t > remain Verjrtru’.y yours. . „ , j F. a. V.'URJIAII, 730 S. Broadway. Baltimore, I-la. J fht"tZocn ■ >;:! interfere w'i't your usual <•<■ uyr:lion. Examination and WfR5 f **s uirf! YA Dftr* CAT i Uyi*fX m n nominal advice free. t• ■ *■ hi. ’ ~ * '• r >1 i 1 w-‘ ! i a- - • -a * r * *.* f ll. t A INDIAN TER.^^J Are bf st reaimad Co ton Belt, wiich line'i runs two trains SkAlaylfrorti Mi mphis to Texas’, f / without change. NTteseVtrairts eifner reach j director make close ConnecVo J for alj parts of Texas, OMahcW , Y 1 T**oi>o| SsMnevEPonT { \ \ r \A J 7 AW fcwTQmo / \\ I y! , If you want to flnYd a *x>d home houitohW^-^^ in Texas, where \biif crops are __ 2/ ( raised and where ueVoble prosper. J write for aeopy of ourUtandsorae j booklets. •• Homes in the) South- ✓v west" and “ThroughTefxaswitb > a Camera.’’ Sent freevTolany- C body who is anxious to beurirhis/' N. |. BAIRD, T. P. A., • • ATLANTA, 6A.’ C ° t. W. LiBEAUME, G.MT.A., ST. LOUIS,. 1 ■ ■ —B POTTS-THOMPSON LIQUOR CO.,' Atlanta, Georgia. ACME XXXX Pare Rye Whisky, It is Old, and Absolutely Pure. It Has Few Equals— If Any. Stone Mountain Corn Whisky, The purest and best brand of Corn Whisky made in Georgia Recommended very highly for Medicinal Purposes .'. SOLD BY The Barnesville Dispensary. £X JILV/H .4 S'.a BEKOKK AND AFTER USING, llttVitßAJuatiJiawinu. RESTORED MANHOOD The great remedy for nervous prostration and all nervous diseases of the generative organs of either sex. such as Nervous Prostration. Fall ing or Lost Manhood. Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors. Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Con sumption and Insanity. With every SS order we give a written guar antee to cure or refund the money. Sold at *l.OO per box. ® boxes lor CS.M. DB. MOTT’S CHEMICAL.CO., Cleveland,Ohio. DR. MOTT’S NEBTEBOHS PILLS