The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, June 05, 1902, Image 7

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Mexican Mustang Liniment is just the thing for Harness and Saddle Sores on horse*, Try riexican flustang Liniment for Lumbago, Lame Back, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, etc., and'you will find that you never in all your life used anything that so successfully fought aches and pains. To pet the full l>eneflt you should rub it iu most thoroughly. Mexican Mustang Liniment is a positive cure for ltoup or Swelled Head in poultry. To Those who Desire to be Always Well Dressed Yet may be perplexed regarding the means for gratifying that desire at the least possible cost, we suggest our Mail Order De partment. We fill out-of-town orders the day they are receiv ed. Money sent with order is promptly and cheerfully re funded if goods sent do not please, or we send C. 0. D., sub ject to examination; or when satisfactory references are sent we send goods on approval. Write for handsome illustrated booklets — sent free; ask for numbers desired. MEN’S GOODS. I—Evening Dress. 2—Tuxedo Dinner Jacket, 3 —Princa Albert Frock Coat. 4—Rid ing Clothes. s—Singles—Single Breasted Business Suit. 6—Double Breasted Sack Suit. 7 Norfolk Suit. B—Flannel Suit. 9—Top Coats. 10—Liveries and Uniforms. 11—fur nishings. 12—Shoes. 13—Suit Cases, Bags and Hat Boxes. BOYS’ CLOTHING. 14—2-Piece Outing Suit. 15—3-Piece Suit. 15—Norfolk Suit. 16—Boys’ Sailor Suit. 16—Peter Thompson Sailor Suit. 17—New Columbia Double Breasted. 17—Double- Breasted Jacket and Pants Suit. 18-Boys* Coatee Suits. 18—Full Dress Tuxedo. 19— Irvington Suits. 19—Russian Suits. 20—Wash Suits. EISEMAN BROS., Department L. Atlanta, Georgia. Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. Seasons and Styles. Come and go but tlie appetite remains the same. Fine Steaks and Roasts✓ Are as necessary and as much wanted this season as last and we are still in the market to supply these wants. We will take your orders by phone, or otherwise, and deliver promptly. Our meats, fish and oysters are always fresh and first-class. P. F. fIATTHEWS & SON £ P. S. J. W. Stocks is with us and solicits the patronage of his friends. Wright & Garfield Bankers and Brokers. 52 Brodway, New York. Branch Offices: 30 West 23d St. 219 West 125th St. Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN. COTTON, iH any amounts for cash or on moderate margin How To Make More Than 50 per cent. A Year on Your money EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Shares United State Steel Common (say 43) on 3 percent, margin. CREDIT. Margin deposited Interest on deposit @ Q%, .in on 4% Dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common, $718.00 DEBIT. Less 6% interest on 100 shares Steel Common, .$258.00 $400.00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without considering ANY advance in the stock at all, and we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a CREAT DEAL higher. A Big Bull Market The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country has ever known. It is rumored that John \\. is backed by a pool of $250,000.000 composed of J. Pierpont Morgan, .Marshal Field, John J. Mitchell, President Illinois Trust Cos.. Moore Bros, and several other eapiatalists, for the purpose of putting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of all good dividend paying stocks, such as Manhattan, St. Paul. Rock Island, Atchison common, Steel and I eoples Gas. Write for Special Letter (living Full Details. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1002. THE GRADUATING DRESS. Stand still, ye whirling planets; Ye have no need to whirl; Wo have no eyes for thee, they’re on The graduating girl! Beribboned and belaeed, she Is just about to show Your brighest constellations A thing or two, I trow ! Now clips she with her scissors And wields the silken thread, While visions of her triumph Are racing through her head — And on her finger nimble She fits the festive thimble, A rosy, blushing symbol, Of youth to conquer sped. Back, all ye weighty questions And problems of the day ! We have no time for you now. No matter what, you weigh ! Let business complications And great affairs of state, Stand back, we’re near commence ment, And other things can wait! Let armies vie with armies, Let nations fall or rise, But for these lesser matters, We have no ears or eyes ; We’re deep in admiration Of all this preparation For early graduation And incident surprise. Stand still ye whirling planets, Your dizzy dance suppress ! Ye deem yourselves important, But stand ye none-the-less ; You’re hardly worth a mention — We rivet our attention On each demure dimension Of the graduating dress. —Baltimore News. A certain Colonel somewhere in the south (no matter where) was in the habit of telling yarns and greatly exaggerating. He had a negro servant who corrob orated everything his master told. One day the Colonel had some gentlemen to dinner, and they were enjoying some fine venison very much. The Colonel said: “Yes, I went hunting the other and I saw a fine buck. I took a good sight at him and shot him through the head, and the bullet went through his hind leg.” The gentlemen looked at each other a little mystified. The negro scratched his head and at last said: “Yes, indeed, gemmeu, just as massa raised de gun to shoot de buck he raised his hind leg to scratch his ear, and de bul let went through de head and right through de hind leg.” Af ter the guest had left the negro said to his master :“Gorry mighty, next time you tell one of dem yarns do get de ends closer to getter. I had hard work to make both ends meet.” CASTOTIIA. Bears the y? The Klnd You Hav9 Alwa f S T i Her idea of It—“ Mrs Geezer in tends to have a number literary evenings,” said Mrs. Tt mport to Mrs. Hojack. “What is her idea of literary evenings?” “Well, she is to give a ‘Ben Hur’ progressive euchre followed by a Longfellow ping-pong.” —Detroit Free Press. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR “SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN." All doctors have tried to cure CA TARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their povrders dry upon the mucuous membranes, causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eat en away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reacli the disease. An old an experienced practi tioner who has for many years made a close studv and specialty of the treat ment of CATARRH, has at last per fected a Treatment which when faith fully used, not only relieves at once, but permantly cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stopping the dis charges, and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as “SNUFFLES, tlie GUA RANTED CA TARRH CURE” and is sold at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar, each package containg internal and external medicine sufficient for a full month’s treatment and everything necessary to its perfect tise. “SNUFFLES” is the only perfect CA TARRH CUrvE ever made and is now recognized as the onlysafeand positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permantly and is also won derfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION “SNUF FLES” will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each pack age. Don’t delay but send for it at once, and write full particu'ars is to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy retarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of “SNUFFLES” the “GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE.” Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. II 20, ED WIN B. GILES & COMPANY,233Oand 2332 Market Street, Philadclpia. J. D. HOUGH FOUND DEAD. NEWLY ELECTED SUPERINTEND ENT OF THE BARNESVILLE MANUFACTURING CO. DIES SUDDENLY. Mr. James D. Hough, who was recently elected superintendent of the Barnesville Mf’g Cos. died very suddenly at his home in Macon Sunday morning. Mr. Hough was in good health Saturday aad was on the streets of Macon hut Saturday night he became very sick and a physician was summoned at once. He was soon resting easy but Sunday morning his condition became serious before the physician could arrive, he passed away. The cause of his death was acute indigestion. Capt. Hough was well known here, as he had visited our city several times recently and it is with regret that we hear of his sad and untimely death. For Over Sixty Years. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with per fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays a" pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world at 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Rami Concert. The Barnesville Silver Cornet Band will give a concert Friday evening at the armory of the Barnesville Blues. Avery cordial invitation is ex tended to all lovers of good music and the friends of the Band. The lady friends of the Band will serve refreshments and the funds will be for the benefit of the Band. No admission will be charged and comfortable seats will be plentiful. Americans are known as a dys pepsia people. The extent of this disease may be infered from the multitude of so called “medicines’ offered as a remedy. They are often in tablet form and have no value except as palliatives of the immediate effects of dyspepsia. The man who is useing them may feel better but is surely getting worse. They do not touch the real cause of the disease. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine specially prepared to cure diseases of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutri tion. It is not made to give tem porary relief but to effect perm anent cure. in ninety-eight cases out of every hundred it cures perfectly and permanently. It has cost Dr. Pierce $25,000 to give away in the last year the copies of his People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, which have been applied for. This book of 1008 pages is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the expence of mailing only. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. KOyioWORKj Too much housework wrecks wo- ■ men’s nerves. And the constant B care of children, day and night., is I often too trying for even a strong ■ woman. A haggard face tells the ■ story of tho overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, leucorrhoea and falling of tlie womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. ‘J WIN E of CARDUI is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter: Gl<;ndeane, Ky., Feb. 10,1901. I am so glad that your Wine of Cardui is helping me. lain feeling bettor than I have felt, for years. I am doing my own work without any help, and I washed last week and was not one bit tired. That shows that the Wine is doing me good. X am getting fleshier than I ever was before, and sleep good ar.d eat hearty, before I began taking Wine of Cardui, I used to have to lay ■ down five or six times every day, but ■ now Ido not think of lying down through ■ the day. Mas. Kichakd Jonas. 1 Bi.oo at nsccKiism B Yor advice and litvrati’rr’. addrc-, giving “TTnf- U torns, “The ladies' Advisory p-narfmetit ", The <1 thatunooga Me'livdr.e Cos., CbaUauoofa, i>n,l. CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ' —and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations n:id ** Just-as-good” are but Experiments that triile with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, T 7 MURRAY RTREET, NfW YORK CITY. There Are No Flies on People Who buy screen doors and windows at the Bartles ville Planing Mills. Orders filled promptly. Esti mates furnished on application. BARNESVILLE PLANING MILLS. MACHINERY We Manufacture the best Saw Mills ON THE MARKET Let us have your Orders for Mill Supplies or Shop Work. Mallory Bros. Machinery Cos., Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA. GOOD HORSES AND MULES * always on band for sale or trade. Will give bargain in 7 Second-Hand Top Buggies. So I can get new Bartlesville Buggies for Livery use, day or night and Sundays. T. W. COCHRAN To cure SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, and all diseases arising from In digestion. They will purify your ! blood and make your complexion as FAIR AS A LILY. They are gelatin coated. PRICE 25 CENTS. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING. Then don’t neglect a cough or cold, especially when only twenty-five cents will buy a bottle of Gooch’s Mexican Syrup. It is so soothing, and so many consumptives have been made well by its use. Read some of its testimonials on the wrapper around each bottle that prove this remedy more sure for deep seated colds, habitual coughing and even consumption, than any other remedy known to physicians, many of whom recommend and prescribe it where less efficacious remedies fail. PILE-INE CURES PILES! Money refunded if it ever fails. None but the initiated know the intricacies of a printing of fice. The average reader who de tests a misspelled word or a letter upside down feels that his mis sion on earth is not fully accom plished till he has called the at tention of the overworked editor to the glaring defect. He does not notice the thousands of let ters that are in the right place nor the multitude of words that aro correctly spelled, but his eagle eye is glued on the one that is out of place. So with our deeds. Man does a thousand good things and no attention is paid to them, but if he makes one mistake it is flashed all over the world. A life-time may be spent in building up a reputation that may be wrecked in a mom ent. The world is a harsh critic, exacting to a fault, and if the Father of all does no:t temper justice with mercy we may fail of heaven. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura Digests what you eat. Engines, Boilers, Grist Mills, Ginning Machinery