The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, June 12, 1902, Image 1

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Barnesyille N e ws-G azette . VOLUME 35. Will Cut Prices! S. M. Marshburn. From this date, prices on all early * • Spring Goods will be cut to the core. You can buy Silk Ginghams,.{Merceriz- ffjgj ed Ginghams, Madras Cloth, Covert > W , Cloths, Crash, Cheviots, Slipper &c., in s \ \ the radius of cost at Marshburns’. s < S This place is receiving daily - news s S things in the way of White goods, Laces, Beadings, Ribbons, silks, Hosiery Hand herchiefs and Corsets. Marshburn handles the elegant make of Geo. F. Daniel Slipper, and being over stocked will cut prices in half. Come and see the bargains that we are offering and be convinced that we mean busi ness. Don’t forget to call for tickets and have your picture enlarged. All work that has been done is satisfactory. ...Get Coupons with Cash Purchase... as $lO gives you a beautiful Tray or Pannel free ! V. 0. Marshburn, Manager. Visit Our Fount And Quench Your Thirst with its delicious and refreshing drinks and freezes. Our Stock of Cigars is unsurpassed, and we keep nothing but the most choice selections. Our Prescription Dept. is open to your demands and needs, both day and night, with fresh and pure drugs. W. C. Jordan & Bro., Druggists and Stationers. J. H .BATE & Cos., Bate’s Specials! If you should need a Watch, Clock —or for that matter, a Diamong ring— we have a nice line. Come to see us for Cut Glass, Sterling Silver or Pictures. JEWELERSAND OPTICIANS THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COUNTRY WEEKLY. OWEN PIKE’S REPRESENTATIVE TKIIUKMi. MK UK ITT, WILLIAMS AM) STKVKXS Ol'.T THU COUNTY'S VOTK. The primary last Thursday passed off very quietly, but the deepest interest was shown throughout the county in the result, in the race for both county and state offices. The registration had run up to 1792, and thus a hig vote was expected. The result was received with general rejoicing, and has given greut satisfaction to the friends of the successful candidates. Probably the greatest interest was felt in the race for the legis lature. Mr. E. M. Owen who enterred the race late, easily won the nomination, carrying the county by a majority of 295. In his home precinct, Hollonville, he received 91 votes out of 94 cast. Out of 380 votes in Bartlesville, he lost this precinct by two votes. Out of 107 votes at Molena, he got 105. Out of 1387 votes for repre sentative, his majority is 295. Mr. Owen is a bright and prom ising young man, whose strong home endorsement commends him warmly as a gentleman worthy of the confidence which the people of Pike county have placed in him, and it is freely predicted that he will make an admirable record as a legislator and as the representative of a noble demo cratic constituency. The News- Gazette heartily congratulates him and people of the county on his nomination. ! Terrell carried the county by a | plurality of 69. Hon. \V. B. | Merritt for state school commis sioner received 991 out of 1321. Williams won over Eason for prison commissioner by 600. Nesbitt got only 154 votes against Hon. O. B. Stevens 1147 for com missioner of agriculture. COUNTY OFFICERS. In the race for sheriff, Mr. J. H. Milner won out over Mr. B. F. Wilder with a majority of 810. Mr. J. T. Vaughn for tax receiver received 586, and Mr. E. M. Eppinger, the next highest man 475. Mr. J. E. Smith was nominated coroner over Mr. J. L. Hamil, by a majority of 112. Mr. T. E. Strickland for county surveyor received the highest vote given any one, namely 1359. He, of course, had no opposition, as was also the case with Maj. J. T. Hunt, for tax collector, who got 1855 votes. Mr. M. G. Harrison, for treasurer, 1855, Dr. J. B. Matthews, for clerk, 1858. Hon. Charles L. Bartlett, our popular congressman, received 1884 votes; Hon. A. S. Clay, for the U. S. Senate, 1885; Hon. W. A Worsham, for state senator, 1844; Hon. E. .T. Reagan for judge 1281; Lumpkin and Cobb, for justices supreme court, respect ively, 1827 and 1807; Cook, for secretary of state, 1848; Bark for treasurer, 1848; Hart for attorney general 1848; Wright for comp troller general, 1846. No effort was made to carry the county for Col. Estill for govern or, but he received 168 votes, while Guerry received 467. The people of the county are well pleased with the result as a whole and have now turned their attention to other and, maybe, better things. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS. The democratic executive com mittee met in Zebulon Friday and consolidated the returns and ap pointed delegates to the various conventions. Delegates to the state conven-; BARNESVILLE, GA., THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902. FIRST NATIONAL BUYS BUILDING. WILL mo A UK A NO K AXI> GUKATI.Y IMI’ItOVK ITS qi AKTEKS. Last Friday the First National Bank bought the two story brick building, corner Maine and Zebu lon streets, in which the bank is now located, and on the same day let the contract for very impor tant improvements in the banks quarters. The bank was repre sented in these deals by Vice-Presi dent W. B. Smith and Cashier J. A. McCrary. The property is a valueable one and splendidly located for a bank. The improvements to be made will still further greatly enhance its value. As soon as the work can be done the vault will be moved to the rear end of the building, the door for the main entrance put in the center of the front instead of in one side, a door made for Zebulon street entrance about where the second window now is, and fine bank fixtures put in throughout. A large space will be reserved in the front end for customers desks. Plate glass will take the place of the present glass and windows and other important improvements made which will make it a hand some banking house. The officials are enthusiastic over the First National’s present and future and they are giving its affairs their best attention. tion were appointed as follows: J. Q. Nash, E. M. Owen, W. A. Strickland, S. R. Green, with E. A. Stephens, J. B. Madden, C. R. Gwyn and Early Owen as alter nates. Messrs. J. B. Madden and F. M. Stafford were appointed to attend the senatorial convention and instructed to vote for a change in the present plan of nominating a senator. The present plan al lows the whole district to vote for any candidate in the county en titled to the nomination under the rotation system. The executive committee instructed the delegates to favor the plan of leaving the nomination entirely to the county furnishing the senator. A large delegation was appoint ed to attend the congressional convention, but we have been unable to secure the list. The following are some of the appointees: Messrs. W.M. How ard, F. M. Stafford, B. H. Hardy, W. A. Strickland, S. R. Green, C. O. Summers, I J . J. Blake, G. T. Welden, T. M. Allen and I. C. Collier. Anew democratic executive committee for Pike county was elected at the primary and the members met and organized im mediately after the old commit tee had finished its business. The new committee is practically the same as the old. Mr. F. M. Staf ford was elected chairman and Mr. S. R. Green secretary. TOM WATSON FRIDAY NIGHT. Will Ilecture to One of the Au diences Ever Asm'iii tiled Here. Hon. Thos. E. Watson will de liver his lecture, “The South,” at the Opera House Friday night. The sale of seats already assures one of the largest crowds ever as sembled here. Electric fans will be used and the rooms will be made cool and comfortable. Wednesday’s Atlanta Constitu tion speaks very highly of Mr. Watson’s lecture in Atlanta, of how be magnified the South’s record as regarding many mooted questions. It says Mr. Watson entertained fully 800 people for | two hours, by his subtle magnet ism and eloquence, which is essen tially his own. Those who hear Mr. Watson Friday night will probably heer .something that the people of this j city and section are seldom privil- I eged to do. | FRESH LOT GOLDEN DENT CORN .Just Received At. Blackburn’s Drug Store J. W. Stafford & Sons. Specialties This Week.. Summer and Light Weight Clothing At Marked-Down Prices. Bargains in Men’s Hats and Shoes. Just Received DEPARTMENTS-^ New Corsets, New Ribbons. Grocery Department. * Fresh shipment Shredded Wheat Biscuit and “Force,” two most popular foods for summer. Try them. J, W. Stafford & Sons. L. O. BENTON PRESIDENT. W B BMITH, VICE PRESIDENT. J. A. McCRARY, CASHIEB. The First National DIRECTORS ! 4 / OIRECTORB r W fJ.O IT Hmith&Hon. fit W. H. MITCHELL, K M. STAFFORD, JLIIUIIY UI with Robert Mitchell. of J. W. Stafford & Hon*. L. o. BENTON, A P. KEMP, |\ Merchant and Banker. ° TiH iiEi HEY ’ Barnesville • j a^ ahy> COPY OF CERTIFICATE: Treasury Depaktmenr. OK KICK OF Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D. C., May 7, 1902 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The First National Hank of Barnes ville,” in the city of Barnesville, in tlie County of Pike, and State of Georgia, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall he authorized to commence the business of Banking. Now therefore I, William B. Ridgely, Comptroller of the Curren cy, do hereby certify that “The First National Bank of Barnesville,” in the City of Barnesville, in the County of Pike and State of Geor gia, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in section 5169 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 7th day of May, 1902. ' Wm. B. BIDGELY, Comptroller of the Currency. I Hr.AI. OV THE COMPTHOM.EU I I OK THE CCHKEMCV I NUMBER 20