The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, June 19, 1902, Image 6

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I’ve Got ’Em.. and lots of ’em Mason’s Fruit Jars. with porcelain lined tops. I’ve just received a big shipment of loose rubberss —white and black—good ’tins, too. Blackberry time is right on us, and the right thing to do, is to prepare for war in time of peace. Try a Macbeth Lamp Chimney for a change—strictly a dime —but cheaper in the long run. This is the season for CAN GOODS. My stock is unbroken, and prices arc reasonable. If you haven’t tried COTTOLENK, suppose you try it now, white lard is So costly. Conte to my store for Cottolenc — wholesale and retail. I’ve got the finest Cuba Molasses you ever sopped. Jim Reeves Twain ami llopew. Onpo upon a time* Senator Do pew and Mark Twain wore fellow passengers on a trip across the ocean, says the Washington Post. One night a dinner was given and Twain was called upon for a speech. Ho made a number of character ist ieally humorous remarks and then sat down, amid applause. Mr. Depew was next eallen upon. “Mr. Clemens and 1 exchanged speeches before dinner,” he said, "and he has delivered mine. His is so bad that 1 won’t disgrace him by repeating it.” Then Mr. Depew sat down, while nobody laughed. The next morning, while Mr. Clemens was pacing the deck, an Englishman came up to him. “Mr. Clemens,” he suit}, “I al ways thought that Mr. Depew was a smart man, but that speech of his which you delivered last night was certainly the worst drivel I ever heard.” A TEXAS WONDER. HALIi'S (iItK.VT KISniVKItY. One small bottle of Hall’s Groat Dis covery cures all kidney amt bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabe tes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularity of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your dTuggist, will send by mail on re ceipts of |l. One small iiottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. l>r. E. \V. llall sole manufacturer. )’. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by W. A. Wright. Martin, Teun., June 8. 1901. This is to certify that I have used Hall’s Texas Wonder for kidney trou ble and have never found anything its equal. Its merits are wonderful. Try it, as 1 did, and be convinced. Kev. U. C. Whitxkll. HICK’S CAPUDINE Cun>s all Headaches, Colds, LaGrippe, Neuralgia, etc. Your money back if it fails. 15 and 25* at all Drugstores. For sale by Jordan Bros. A W. A. Wright. “UNCLE”MORGAN HOWARD DEAD. ONE OF BARNESVILLE’S PIONEER CITIZENS SUCCUMBS TO THE GRIM REAPER AT HOME IN FORSYTH. On Saturday morning last, the 'remains of Morgan Good rum How ard were sent, here for interment in the Greenwood cemetery, hy I the aide of his consort, who had passed over to the evergreen shore many years before him. For the last half year, lie had lived in Forsyth, < la., and there the mandate reached him and he fell in sleep Friday last, having passed the M4th anniversary of his birth, ripe in years and experiences of a life well spent in many works and of his faith in the ever risen Saviour. He was a citizen of Barnesville for over 00 years, in which time he occupied the places of a in erch an t and farmer and a man of general trade. He did much, to build up the citizen ship of Barnesville, investing and reinvesting his means in real estate, improving and enlarging it and then selling it to friends who came into town to enjoy the privi leges and facilities of the excellent school here. He was a kind father, particu larly anxious to benefit his child ren and give them all the advan tages of a good education and give them a good start in life. He loved his home and was hospitable and kind and fond of the company and association of his relatives and acquaintances,. He was a Fraternity man of the strongest typo, and never was too tired nor too luisv, but that he was always found at hiH place in the Hall with his brethren. His words of advice will be cherished by many as the words of wisdom, coming from the lips of one who was old in the cause, and his punctuality will ever be remem bered, was one who loved humanity and frequently lie was brought out because he demanded to meet the Lodge and it would take at least two to held him up and down the stairway, and the craft would always be deeply impressed by his earnestness for the great cause of Fraternity. But more than all else, he was a I consistent Christ ian—he loved his Schurch —and he delighted to have the miuinters of the Cross to visit him and talk of the imperishable things and of the great future. His faith was strong and his love for all the followers of the Lord Christ was ardent . He has passed into the presence of the Great I Am and has left a heritage—not of silver and gold, of bonds and lands, but of an humble, sincere Christian life. He knew whom he believed, and resting on the as surances of his Lord he is now rest ing and enjoying the happiness and bliss of the redeemed in the visible presence of His Lord. May we imitate all of his noble, sterling qualities and endeavor to meet him when we are summoned to meet t hose who have preceded us —and may it be said of us as we ran say of him —that he did all he could for his Lord and his family and community, doing it consistently and truly and well. “It is well with him.’' A. M. L. READ IT IN HIS NEWSPAPER. George Schaub, a well known German citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Yolkszeitung. He knows that this paper aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain lbilm advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate buying a, bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He says: “After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, '1 feel as though born anew,’ and before using the ent ire contents of the bottle the uniw'arable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties.*’ He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery This valuable liniment is for sale by Jso. 11. Blackbikx. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1902. Morgan Goodrum Howard. Ptnta Lodge F. A. M. ) Baknesvii.i.e, Ga. \ To THE MEMORY OK M. G. HOWARD : A universal feeling of profound sadness, sorrow and bereavement was felt and expressed by the en tire citizenship of our town, so long the permanent and happy home of our venerable friend and neighbor, when the sad and unex pected news was conveyed from street to street and home to home that “Uncle” Morgan was dead. An uninterrupted citizenship and a close and intimate relationship with this people for more than 60 I years endeared him to all young and old in bonds of friendship and esteem that will not cease or he forgotten in death. Born in the year 1818 he lived a long, honorable and useful life of more than four score years. In the early morning of the 18th of present month, when the busy world was actively engageing in every day life, in our sister town of Forsyth, to which he had re cently moved to receive that ten der, loving care required by his enfeebled condition on account of extreme age from his , devoted daughter and watchful son, his immortal spirit broke the bands of confinement in its earthly tab ernacle and peacefully but tri umphantly took its flight to its permanent and eternal abiding place with its God, and the companionship of the host of friends and loved ones that had gone before. Asa citizen, “Uncle” Morgan always entertained and expressed high and exalted convictions of the responsibilities imposed and obligations necessarily assumed by any true subject to the laws of his country. He was a law abiding man. Asa neighbor and friend he was unfaltering in his devotion, self sacrificing in his deportment and unshaken in his fidelity. Asa Christian, a professed fol lower of the Blessed Christ, he professed a loyalty to his church and an allegiance to his God beautifully impressive all through life even down to old age. His ac customed chair in the sanctuary was never vacant when he was physically able to occupy it. For more than a half century he was a free and accepted mason in good standing; honored, loved, and esteemed universally by his brethren. His love for and loyal ty to the tenets of this order was conspicuously evidenced by him all through life. He was a char ter member of his lodge and its perpetuation with the wholesome, uplifting influences that went out from its walls in the entire* sur- i rounding country in the lives of men old and young was largely due to his active influence and un tiring zeal and interest in every movement that tended to its per manent upbuilding and advance ment. A truer friend and brother in all the associations of life, through the grand and sacred teachings of a true and exalted masonic broth erhood andchristain fellowship we have never known than “uncle” Morgan. His fidelity to the order was wonderfully striking and impass ive. Up to a few months prior to his death, he regularly, with fal tering step and tottering body, on account of extreme age and infirm ity, attending every meeting of his lodge. He loved its associa tions. He delighted in the com panionship of his brethren within these walls. The beautiful and impressive burial ceremony of the order, participated in bv so many of his surviving brothers, was never performed over the mortal remains of a truer, more loyal, de voted member. Asa token of our love and esteem for his memory your com mittee respectfully submit the following resolutions: Resolved Ist. That the name, birth-date of admission into our beloved order and death of our venerable, beloved and esteemed brother be conspicuously engraved upon a page of the minute book of the Lodge. .Resolved 2nd. That a copy of the above action of the lodge be transmitted to his lonely, grieved and sadly bereaved children with assurances of the profound sym phathy of .his brethren for them in the trying ordeal through which they are called to pass. Resolved Brd. That we rejoice with his family in the possession of the priceless heritage he has left them of an honorable, useful, well spent life, a gift more prec ious than gold and more lasting than bronze or marble. Res pec tfu 11 v sub mi t ted. H. 11. S WATTS, W. A. Prout, Jno. T. Hunt. Committee. Mrs. Neely Entertains. Mrs. S. P. Neely entertained in honor ot her guest. Miss Kathleen Willis, last Wednesday evening, at her home on Zebulon street. The parlors and lawn were taste fully decorated for the occasion. The young people were made to enjoy themselves in various ways and left to disperse cn the lawn and amuse themselves as they saw fit. A novel feature of the evening’s entertainment was a “Musical Romance” which proved to he a very phasing diversion. The prizes were won by Miss Kathryn Lockhart and Mr. Leon Porch. Refreshments of cream and cake were served the guests and the par ty was one of. great pleasure and enjoyment to the young people. Mrs. Neely was assisted in receiv ing by Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Hurst. The following is the list of those present: Misses Olive Williams, Edith Seltzer, Annie Lambdin, Pricilla Stroud, Hattie Jordan, Lucile Blackburn, May Ella Cop pedge, Mary Minhinnette, Rosa Monsalvatge, Mirta Monsalvatge, Lillie Mitchell, Maude Patillo, Lockhart, Maynita Arnold. Messers. Jackson Bush, Gus Bush George Mitchell, Pierce Hammond Clarence Willis, Broughton Hardy .John Holmes, Roy Blount, Merrit Thurmond, Earl Murphey, Charlie Hunt, Ben Turner, Percy Patillo, Leon Porch, Edw r in Minhinnette. Saved From An Awful Fate. “Everbody said I had consump tion ,” writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Pa., “I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by hay fever and asthma, but few thought I could get well, but I learned of the mar velous merit of Dr. Kings New r Discovery for Consumption, used it, and was completely cured.” For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Af fections. Guaranteed bottles 50c and|l .00. Trial bottles free at W. A. Wright’s. THE HOME GOLD CURE An Ingenious Treatment by Which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi tive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body tilled with poison, and nerves completely shatter ed by periodical or constant use of in toxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this won derful "HOME GOLD CURE” which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positive ly guaranteed to cure the most obsti nate case, no matter how hard a drink er. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunk ards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepar ed that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given iim cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the “C UR E” administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. IX) NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading “improvement. Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The “HOME GOLD CURE” is sold at the ext remely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $25 to s<so. Full directions ac company each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. H 20, EDWIN B. GILES A COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confiden tial. LEADS THEM ALL. One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicine I ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles,” says P. Scott Currin of Loganton, I’a. One Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely safe cough remedy which acts immediately. Mothers everywhere testify to the good it has done the little ones. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late, ltjy ields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. Jso. H. Blackbcrx, Baruesville, Ga. L. Hoi.mks. Milner, Ga. M Threshing Outfit | for a fanner to use is the * arquhar Celebrated I IE and the EARQIIIAR SEPARATOR. EnSnes ft: 1 combine the advantages of all successful engines I re than rated horaevpower. Have driver’s seat, foou ■ | KA. TOKS of 1 _ l . . _r~r —j|| , IMPORTANT TO COTTON GINNERS. Investigate the most complete and efficient ginning system on the market. The Murray Cleaning Feeder —the best feeder in the world. Plain (tins, Huller (tins. Feeders. Condensers, Single and Double Box Presses, Pneumatic Cotton Elevators, Cyclone lint flues, etc. BETTER PRICE FOR COTTON. Demands l-2c Pound More. F. H. Lummus Sons Cos., Columbus Ga. BOSTWICK, Ga., Feb. 11, 1902. Gentlemen —1 wish to express my entire satisfaction with the three 70-saw Battery Gin Outfit, the ('leaning Feeders and Pneumatic Elevator, Double Box Steam Cylender Press —in fact everything complete. Everything works as nice and as smooth as can be ; the workmanship and material are unsurpassed ; COT- T< )N GINNED ON YOUR SYSTEM DEMANDS FROM %th TO % CENT MORE PEK POUND THAN WHERE GINNED ON OTHERS. The “Lummus” Sys tem is death to competitors in this section, and wins all customers who give it a trial. I have gained custom from a distance this season, growing out of the efficiency of your ginning system. In quality of work, of good sample, clean ing seed and quick work, I would recommend your machinery to all parties thinking of installing a plant for ginning cotton. Yours truly. • (Signed) R. K. Jones Obtain our estimates and particulars before purchasing. F. H. Lummus Sons Cos., columns o a . Insurance, Fire g Accident. ON Otis A. Murphey, And protect yoursef against Fire and Accidents. ARE _ rti. Jlgjl ANY DEAF? ills? ALU CA3ZS OF C>*A f. b*’•%*l% 'r„J v are BEAS K3SR £* • *•„. V*! u - .. , Ur 1 it. ii . f ! I'..Li . .i .Y, . , ' ' 'D. :ooi. C'vt'rvicn : - Briny rnt :, *cly ct 5 d* -fne '. fV-nbs b* your t I will r.w y : ve you a full iiisto'*y of ?::y ca.>e. to be i-- ,hi ; • or and. •;. •: .... A bar.*. iTv_ y -ra * * i:.v ir c.r i.egan to ':i:, and tYs kept on pelting r re, until I lost my h.rar ; ug in this car crk’rdly In”, i -\i n treat iuciK f re.* . rrh, I* r three r? “•r.tVv \v ; * hou tnt? vt* recess consulted a num ber of physician:;, among th mug-i cm ii :u ear specialist of thic city, v. h ) told id j tnat only an <-• rati-* . could 1; Ip me, and even that only u rapora. ily, that the head noises would tnen censj, but the hearing in the affected car would be lost forever” I than : aw vour adve: li.-emcnt aecidcn ally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment After I had us ■ 1 it only a lew days according to your directions, the roiscscc.i. . :!. and to-day. after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear Iras been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very trulv veers. F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. >Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation . advice free. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME jfc cost.’ INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC- 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHIuAGO, ILL UTEX'ASfi IlfllliKfWl AHOIIIA AND INQIAN TER, /j Are bf st reacH&d Colton Belt, which line! f runs two trains a.claylfrpiT\ Mi to Texas, f J without ehangeLM heseV tVai As eirner reach j director make close i J for alf parts of Texas, OVlahoma i and Indian Territory. \\ JP “"jX C \\l/7 j | A FT. OB t (I < ucljaso r\/ \y\ / \ S. I HILLSbQROy*fc COR jU; CANA V* J \ OATE.V.LLE \ f <.wo,LOa- M/1 \ X/ 7 *N AWTWIO Y \ \ I h ' If you want to fln\d a home In Texas, where\biir crops are 2/ C raised and where prosper. J write for a copy of ourUiandsnme J booklets. ••Homes in ine) South- ✓v west” and “ThroughTfxaswitb y a Camera." Sent freeuTolany- C body Who is anxious to betuAr his / Dg. BAIRD, T. P. A., • • AILANTA, GA.’ C ° E. W. DBEALME.G. P. 4 T. JL. ST. LOUIS, ®. I t V POTTS-THOMPSON LIQUOR CO., Atlanta, Georgia. ACME XXXX Pure Rye Whisky. It is Old, and Absolutely Pure. It Has Few Equals— If Any. Stone Mountain Corn Whisky, The purest and best brand pf Corn Whisky made in Georgia Recommended very highly for Medicinal Purposes . '. SOLD BY Tire Barnesville Dispensary.