The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, July 31, 1902, Image 8

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BARGAINS!! *!/• Will conimence to move the Chambers Hardware stock next Monday, August 4. If you want bargains for the next 3 days come to see me and I will sell you, if you are in any notion to buy anything in my line. Stoves arc heavy to move and Crockery is easy broken. Some things I will sell below cost, some at cost and everything at a very close price. . . .< Cash Must Accompany These SHAVED PRICES. I have one Cane Mill which I would hate to move. I don’t know hardly yet what I have got, but you come to see me and we will find what you are looking for and will find a price also to suit you. lam selling more Fruit Jars than any other house in Town. I sold 144 dozen Jar Rubbers in 6 days, and am selling my share of other goods also. Come to See Me. -J. B. BANKSTON, - * Manager of The Bankston Hardware Store. All lOdiiciUlonal Hally. There will be an Educational Hally at Piny Mountain Springs, Lifxey, Pike county on August Bth. Hon. M. L. Brittain, of Atlanta, and Prof. (1. K. Oliplmnt, of Barnesville, will make literary addreaeuß, and we hopoL U> have speeches and recitations by pupils of the various schools of the county. All patrons and children of the white schools are especially invited to attend, lies pec t fully, ' li. D. Aiums. Attended District Conference. Kev. W. U. Branham, Prof. G. F. Oliphant and Judge C. .1 Lester repre sented the Barnesville Methodist church at tin* conference of the Griffin district, which was held at McDonough Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Bishop I'andler presided and the above dele gates report a very pleasant and prof , itabh* meeting. Monday School Association, All who are interested in the Sunday School cause in Pike county are earnestly invited to at tend the annual Sunday School lAssocitttroti which nieets'nt Bluff Camp Ground Ist Wednes day, Oth daV of August. Singing will lie the featur > of the occasion. We expect, to drganiJn* Tl -single class to act nsjjeaders of the tjlusie ton that occasion, consisting of B(*K) voices under the management of directors. We want every man, woman anti “child' in | Pike county to he present and |take part in the exercises. 0. T. Tyi.kk, SG. B. Kiiu.ry, Pres. Pike Asso’tn, Secretary. * ■ f STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THE CITIZENS BANK OF BARNESVILLE, Located at Bamesville, Ga., at close of business June 30, 1902. RESOURCES. t.imns nnd IH'ounts • tI.S.BM Di innm! lanuih M®* W Overdrafts. nono Bond-, Htix-ks owill'd b.v Bank. Horn 1 Banking Bourn' *OOO oi> Furnitwn* and Flkturvw ■ • I,(SC! 10 Othor Rntl B*tti'. none luo from Hnnkx and Bnki*r in tho Stnto ** Due from Banks and Bankers in other Stat.-s. I,WO 03 Currency- L4o#<" Gold WS UO Silver, Nickels and Franks ... I,W W f’hirkM ami Cash items (W 43 Kuchantf for Clearing House—none Profit ami Low none Intenut none" 1. R. Stamps and Stamped Ck#—none Tidal 158.855 rr STATE OF GEORGIA, Coirjnrv of Pike: Before in 1 came 0. H. Humphrey, Cashier of Citizen# Bank of who bsing duly sworn, say# t hat above and foregoing state ment is a true condition-of said Ihruk, a* #howji bv the books of file in said Bank. C. H. HUMPHREY. Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me. this 2Sth day of July, 1902, A. H. ENGLISH, Notary Public, Pike Cos., Ga. Goggansville News. Packing peaches is now the order of the day. Our little city is in a rush. Mr. Charlie Butler, of Barnes ville, spent Sunday at) Johnston ville.; Mr. J. W. Willis, of Summer, (la., spent quite awhile here, the guest of his parents, Mr and Mrs. H. F. Willis: His sister, Miss Karris, accompanied *him, where she will visit friends and relatives for quite awhile. We hope for her a gay time. Misses Vera and Nadine Farley spent a few days of last week with friends in Thomaston, and report a joyous time. Mr. 11. 11. Willis, of your city, hits been spending a few days here with his parents. Miss K/.ra Goggans is anticipat ing a happy visit to friends and rehdrves at CaTTness nOw soon. Miss Salih* 'Abt-rnafhy, of Juliejtjtv, spent a few days last, wyek at the home of her brother, Mr. It T u A ben pi thy. i TherfaVmhrsof this section have Men- ' ii+vSsf-d with good rains lately. Mr. Cohen Milner, of pear iiarnpsyiiie, was seen in our vicin ity last. Sunday afternoon. Who is it so attractive? We wonder I will have to bid you all la re well dear correspondents, 'and write again in the sweet bye and bye, “Jou.Y-BoYy 1 ” 1.1 ABILITIES. Capital Stock*Pid in. 3ft.000 00 Surplus Fund none Undivided Profits, loss Current Ex |'iist>s and Taxes Paid 33 54 Due to Bunks mid Bankers in this . State.. none Due to Hanks and Bankers in other States ... none Due I'njwid Dividends . none Imiivldual Deposits subject to Chock 13.522 38 Demand Ccrtiflcatus, none Time certlticatis. 100 UO Certified Chis-ks none Cashier’s Cheeks none Dnc to Cloaniu: House nore Notm and Bills K< discounted—none KUs Payaltle. including Time Certifl cates, repri'sentiiis’ Borrowed Money none , Total *3rt.855 77 THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1902. ITCHING HUMOURS Complete External and Internal Treatment, One Dollar. CUTICURA The set, consisting of Coticora Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts fand scales, and soften the thick ened cuticle, Cuticura Oint ment,to instant ly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and Cuti cura Resolvent Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humour germs. A Single Set, price sl, is often sufficient to cure the most tortur ing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when all else fails. MILLIONS USE Cuticura Soap, asßinted .by CitICURA Ointmknt, the great ekln ottW, for lng, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of "bwta, •cAlep, n.'.' for dru*. and the stopping of softening, whitening, and soothingrea.rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, Itchings, and chaflngs, and for all the purposes Of W 6 toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women nse CUTICURA SOAP In the form of bath® tor annoying lrnfMHOns, Inflammations, and ex conations, or toft free or offensive uorspir atlon, In the form of washes for uh crittlre weaknesses, and for many sanative, aiitlecbtlo purposes Which readily suggest IhCmselfeS to women, especially mothers. CUTICURA RIBOLVERT PILU (Chocolate Coated) area new, tasteless,odour less, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid Cuticura Rrsolvbxt. as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Put op In pocket vials, Mdosei, prlee, 2oc. . ielSthroughoutthworld MA**fe.OiirTllUT. hats. . British Dtpot: JT-JS. Ch.rtwhousS Bq . ls>- dIHL ..rMSoll Dvpoti It U Pslx. Pans. DaV. ASO Casa. Coar., Sols Props. Boston, U. 8. A. A I'lcattant Evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Swatts en tertained several couples Friday evening in honor of Miss Rosa | Hammond. The invited guests j assembled at half past eight o’clock and were soon enjoying themselves in various ways. The band furnished music for the oc casion and rendered delightful music during the evening. After several games had been played, the guests were invited to the dining room where dainty re freshments were served. At a late hour the guests departed to their homes after having spent a most enjoyable evening. > The in vitediSfm *sts were: Misses Carrie Elder, Ida Thurman, Hejpn Wil kinson, Grace Woodard, Nettie Lee Grace, Myrtiee Nelson, Nell Smiley, Annie Lambdin, Liieile Blackburn, Nettie Matthews, Edith Seltzer, Olive Williams; Messers. Charlie Lane, Kendall Ross, Hundley Blackburn, Ed Howard, George Elder, Walter Marshburn, Warren Woodard, Clifford Curry, Ashford Milner, Jack Bush, Ike Middlebrooks, Bob Murphey, jhirry Reynolds. \\ . 11. Cham Be rs. . (£ • £? ■I. H. Blntikhurn Will Buy it Back. You assume no risk when,* you buy Chambe rlain’# Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea remedy. J H Blackburn will refund yodr motley If you are uot satis fied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleafant, safe and reliable. • Hand shaking with tite presi dent at public receptions is to be abolished. It was the habd shak ing custom which cost McKinley his life. fi * The man who grunts and groans over political conditions and does not even register should lie request ed to “close his speaking tube.” —Birmingham News. The Pingpong Favor. Latest among dinner favors is the miniature pingpong table. It is 4 inches long by 2 wide and stands an inch and a half high. The table and legs appear to be of high brown wood with a fine grain, and the top is covered to within a quarter of an inch of its edge with light green cloth. The pingpong net is of white blond cloth, held ih position by two pearl headed pins. Near one oorfier of tire table a tfiiy ball is caught, and at the other a minute tacket tied With # pale green bow is fastened. In the lower part of the table *s the boj for ice cream. Citizens Bank Statement. Attention is called to the state ment of Citizens Bank published elsewhere, the statement being made up at the close of business on June Both. The Citizens Bank was estab lished a little over two months ago and this statement shows that it is doing a splendid business. It owns the building in which it is doing business and has just put in beautiful office, furniture and fixtures, making quite attractive quarters. The paid up capital is S2S,OCX) and its officers express satisfaction that the deposits now amount to almost as much as the capital stock. It is a splendid institution, deserving the entire confidence of the public. Mr. C. H. Humphrey, the cashier, is an experienced bank man, and since coming to Barnesville, he has won the respect and confidence of the citizens of the community. Mr. J. \\\ Cabaniss, the well-known presidentof the Exchange Bank of Macon, is the president. The deposits of this bank Mon day of this week were $28,1529.40, showing a rapid increase in its business. Charmingly Entertained. The guests of the Rill house party, Misses Nettie Lee tthd Elma Cltttce, and Miss Grace Woodward, of fiirnesrille, and MiiS Ethel Hill, of flfrontfood, re turned to their hollies Tuesday afternoon, after spehdihg two weeks with Misses Winnie May and Fanille Rill. The visitors have been charmingly entertained during their stay and a large num ber of friends regtet to see them leave. —Macon Telegraph. The only Guaranteed Rhlney Cure is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if after taking oue bottle you are not sat isfied with results. 50 cents at Jxo. H. BI.ACHBf-RXS. If YoU can’t sleep at Night use Smith’s Nerve Restorer. It is a true Nerve Tonic. Will cure any case of Nervous Prostration; does not con tain opium in any form. Sold by Jxo. H. Bi.ackburx. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Mrs. Arnold at Cumberland. Mrs. W. W. Arnold, Miss May nita and Mr. Julian Arnold are spending the summer at Cumber land island. Mrs. Arnold enter tained at a tallv-ho ride Tuesday and the Augusta Chronicle has the following mention: Mrs. W. W. Arnold of Barnes ville, Ga., who enjoys a reputation for royal hospitality, complimen ted a congenial party of friends with a tally-ho ride to Dungeness, on Tuesday last. The affair was ideal in every wav and was voted by all as the merriest entertainment given on the island this season. Those who participated in this pleasure were: Mrs. Skellie, of Macon: Mrs. A. B. Robinson, of Atlanta: Mrs. Arnold, of Barnes ville; Miss Essie Skellie, of Ma con: Mißs Essie Bentschner, of Savannah; Miss Mavnita Arnold, of Barnesville; Mr. Julian Arnold, iof Barnesville; Mr. E. A. Alston, | Jr., of Macon: Mr. R. M. Bisell, of Augusta, and Mr. Russell, of 1 Atlanta. On the same day Mr. aud Mrs. C. C. Stubbs complimented a party of Macon friends with atrip to Dungenees. IF A MAN LIE TO YOU, And sav some other salve ointment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as Rueklen’s Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of piles, burns.noils, corns, felons, ulcers, cuts, scalds, bruises and skin eruptions prove it’s the best and cheapest. 25c at AV. A. AVright’s drug store. will \\T’-'sk ££ show whether vJitCVv Jflvi V° ur WOkSh /vOXWJLVA i rig-powder is / dangerous. / from the first V_xgß[w==D4x S\ few washings, yip After a. time “ 11 ’ your clothes 1 ’‘loallatoncs." Costly experi- I meriting. But here is PEARL ft INE. known and proved to fi be absolutely h&rmlsss. I Costs but a trifle more than I the poorest. To save that trifle 1 you risk all the wash. 670 (millions use it, How’s Your Turnip Patch? If you haven’t this necessary adjunct to your premises, you should hasten to plant you a patch now. You can obtain the seed here, as we have a full supply of RUTA BEGA SEVEN TOP. R£D or PURPLE TOP, YELLOW GLOBE and FLAT DUTCH TURNIP SEED—they are BUIST’S and are fresh, too. We have a full supply of all kinds of BEAN SEED, and more on the way. Tie a String on Your Finger after you have perused our advertisement, so you will not forget where vou can find BARGAINS in such things as GROCERIES* Tinwaree, Glassware, Crockeryware, Woodenware, Hardware, Jugware, and every other kind of ware your necessities may call for. We keep nearly every thing; ask for what you don’t see—most likely we have it. Come to see us whether you buy or not, as we will smile at vour out-going as well as at your incoming. If you don’t know where we are, just follow the crowd. B. F. REEVES. Try us on FRUIT JARS, fruit jar caps and rubbers for same. JOHN T. MIDDLEBROOKS Only the Best. THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR THINGS YOU RAVE TO SELL. I want your Chickens. Eggs, Butter, Hams, Potatoes and will give you the very best prices possible. „ . THE LOWEST PRICES ON THINGS YOU HAVE TO BUY. I always carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and have tnem marked down to the very lowest notch and can make it to your interest to try me. I have recently added to my stock of Groceries a line of FARMERS’ SUPPLIES, such as are necessary for every farmer to have. I also have a complete line of Crockery and Tinware. I don’t give trading stamps, but give you the amout off on the prices. Don’t forget the place, I am not on the corner any longer, but am still ‘•in the ring” when it comes to competition, and can knock most of the rest of them out. Yours truly, John T. Middlebrooks. J. W. Cabaniss, President. C. H. Humphrey, Cashier. CITIZENS BANK OF BARNESVILLE, GA. Capital, $25,000. StocKholders’ Liability, $25,000. DIRECTORS: J \V. C’absniss, president Exahange Bank of Macon; E R.pmble, Ga ,J. 1,. Pitts, of Pitts-Gray Cos. ; J. C. Collier, of J. C. Collier Cos ; J M Means, Cotton Buyer, Meansville; V O Marshburn, MerchantTT.’W Cochran, Livery; R p Spencer, of Columbus; Thos. .T peeples, Cashier Maddux-Rucker Banking Cos., Atlanta; C. . H Humphrey, Cashier This bank solicits accounts of merchants, individuals and corporations, and extends every facility consistent with sound banking principles. , Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. J.D. HIGHTOWER, SUCCESSOR TO J # W. HIGHTOWER ■ DEALER IN f4 Agricultural, Mechanical and Sniders’ Hardware, Farm Eaninments, Water Supplies. Guns, Cutlery, Silverwares Disk’s non-rnstible Tinware, China and Glassware, Decorative Bric-a - Brae, Crockery and Queensware, wooden ware, Stoves, Holloware, Paints. Oils, Brushes etc., etc* R. P. Becht, Pres. E. G. Becht, Sec. & Treas. Chas. Becht, V. Pres. Honest Pianos at Honest Prices. Becht Piano Cos., Manufacturers and Dealers In High Grade Pianos and Organs STEINWAY <fc SONS., HOBART M. CABLE, SOHMER & CO., STEGER & SONS, SINGER, Pianos. BURDETTE & MILLER, Organs. J(W Write us for Catalogues and Prices. Special prices for the holidays. BELL PHONE lofio ENGLISH-AMERICAN BUILDING ATLANTA. - GEORGIA,