The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 14, 1902, Image 4

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■ARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE - y 7--- Hi Twentieth Century Country Weekly. ? Published Every Thursday by The News Publishing Company, BARNESVIIiIjE, GA. SUBSCRIPTION *1 PEIi YEAR PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. Entered at the Post Office at, BBrnonville, Ga., as second elans mail matter. AUGUST 14, 1002. SOAP FOR NEGROES. Much ado is being made over the negro, and every now and then, in au effort to be a philanthro hist, some white man or woman goes wild over the question and says and does some very fool ish things. Prof. Sledd, a mem ber of the faculty of Emory col lege, has just had to resign from the college, because hi* lost his head in writing an article for the Atlantic Monthly, in which he I made slanderous statements about the way in which the white people of the south treated the negro. One good thing about it is there are some level heads among the leading negros, who arc really doing something to make the ne gro better. Occasionally one of these negro lenders gets off some thing bright and sensible. Rev. W. W. Lucas, a negro said to live in Macon, recently used the following in a speech, which has been frequent ly quoted and com mended : “I have decided that the only way to get rid of the ‘Jim Crow’ car is to get, rid of the ‘Jim Crow’ negro. If I could us©2oo,oooburs of soap on the unwashed negroes that travel on t rains and hang a round depots I would solve the negro problem about 20 percent. Lazy, ragged, barefooted fellows, longing for silver slippers and long white robes and counting themselves worthy; neglecting to provide a home for their families on earth, and yet claiming a house not made with their hands in God’s heaven! The white man is trying to make this earth blos som as a rose and the negro is getting ready to die. The white man is organizing business enter prises and the negroes organizing societies to turn out at then funerals. Now I object to a SIOO funeral for a flfty-cent negro. ! The negro eats up and dresses away all he makes. One square meal on Sunday sweeps away all the wages of the week. He re-! minds me of the mule which ate I the shipping tag from his leg. An old negro exclaimed: “Gee, dat. j mule dun *et up his whar-he’s gwine!” That's what the negro does; he eats up his living.’’ Now, let a lot of these would be negro philanthropists invest in 1 a ease of soap and go out on a washing expedition and they will j accomplish something practical. ATLANTA'S ELEPHANT DEAD Clio, the big elephant which Inis been the pride of Grant’s park in Atlanta for twelve years, is dead, having departed this life last Thursday, after a week’s illness. This was a tine animal and was especially the joy of the children of Atlanta and the state. Another elephant will be pur chased for the park at once, about ♦ IbQO having* already boon sul>- serihbd for thv purpose by the people of the enterprising oapitol city. For OoinmlKuloner. I hereby annouce myself a candidate for Dispensary Commissioner, subject to the qualified voters in primary for Aldermen. Having been appointed by Judge Reagan for the short term of one year and from the solicitation of my friends, would like to serve the good people of Bartlesville for another term ( \\ ill promise my best endeav ours in every respect. Very respectfully, Z T. Evans. I'riniary Election. There will be a primary election on Saturday, August - ) 3d, inst., to nomi nate three Aldermen to serve two years and one Dispensary Commiasioner to serve three years. \V. C. STAseoKii, W. M. Howard, \V. P, HoI.MKS, H. P. Powell, Executive Committee. ELECT CITIZEN’S TICKET. The News-Gazette feels called upon to urge the nomination and election of the citizens ticket nominated at a citizens meeting Monday evening for Aldermen and Dispensary commissioner. We believe that the election of this ticket will promote the peace and prosperity of the city, and very probably save a vast amount of strife among the people of the community. It will be in harmony with the present administration which is certainly doing every thing possible for the best interest of Barnesville. Mr. Otis Murphey is especially qualified for continuing at the head of the electric light and water board. Under bis adminis tration, for the first time in its history, this department of the city’s affairs lias been self sustain ing, and in fact, has made a little more than expenses, and no citi zen can really take his place, without some impairment of the service and loss to the city. In other respects also, he is thorough ly competent for the position. Judge W. A. Prout is not only one of the best men in the world, but he is a conservative and sound business man, whose record as an Alderman and familiarity with municipal matters qualify him in every possible way for making a a most valuable official. Mr. J. C. Collier has demon strated the fact that he knows how to manage business and finances. He is energetic and economical and will make a fine man for alderman, being particularly fit ted for aiding in putting the city’s finances on a fine and successful basis. Mr. \V. M. Howard, who has been nominated for Dispensary commissioner, is certainly as well suited for this office as any man in Bartlesville. He can render the city splendid service just at this time in this position. While he will travel for the present, he says that he will have plenty of time and opportunity for looking after the duties of the office. Elect the citizens ticket. GUARD AGAINST SICKNESS. It, is strange that people are so negligent about their health and the tilings that relate thereto. In a great many cases of sickness the people sick might as well he well. Proper care and timely physic would often save suffering and heavy doctor's hills. At this season of the year fevers are quite prevalent, and it be hooves every family to look well after the premises, the yard, gar den and barns. Clean up thorough ly and apply lime and other dis enfeetants freely. A little precau tion will be exceedingly profitable from a physical and financial standpoint. This applies to the pepple of the country districts, towns and cities but especially to towns and cities. The citizens of Barnesville should see to it that their own premises are in proper sanitary condition. Let every one “sweep before his own door." Go to some trouble and expense if necessary aud do not delay to have these matters attended to. Life and health should receive attention first* Serviiv-s Silll Continue. The protracted services at the Methodist church are still in pro gress. The meeting has been one of deep interest, good congrega tions attending. Rev. Mr. Shaw is preaching strong, earnest and heart-searching sermons, produc ing a profound impression upon his hearers. The meeting will close Sunday night. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1902. FIRST BALE. Marketed here Tuesday and Brought loi-lflc per Pound. The first bale of this years crop of cotton was brought here Tues day by Mr. J. M. Cauthen who lives about a mile and a half from the city on the farm of Mr. T. W. Cochran. Mr. J. W. Hanson, who repre sents Sanders Swann & Cos., was the highest bidder and payed 10 1-1(5 cent per pound for the staple. The bale was weighed at Baird and Hunt’s Warehouse, and weigh ed 511 pounds Carswell Sells To Evans. Mr. E. R. Carswell, Bartles ville's faithful Deputy Marshall, has sold his home and lot on For syth street to Mr. Z. T. Evans. The deal was closed a # few days ago and possession will be given in the near future. It is a value able piece of property and con tains about ten acres of good land. Mr. Carswell has not decided where he will go when he gives up the place. He thinks now he will buy a lot and build. He is now looking around with this in j view. A NECESSARY PRECAUTION. Don’t neglect a cold. It is worse than unpleasant. It is dangerous. By using One Minute Cough Cure you can cure it at once. Allays inflamation, clears the head, soothes and strengthens the mucous membrane. Cures coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Abso lutely safe. Acts immediately. Child ren like it. Jno. H. Bi.ackbukn, Barnes vile,Ga. L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. Paving Contracts Let Contracts have been made for paving the side walks, in accor dance with the recent ordinance of the city council, by nearly all property owners, and the work of putting down the pavement will begin in a few days. This pork will be a vast improvement for Barnesville, and will not only beautify the city, but it will also result in financial benefit as it will turn loose considerable money for labor, as such improvements always do. The ordinance call ing for the paving of the side walks was introduced by Mr. D.L. Anderson and among many other things, he can always look upoh this as a splendid feature of the administration of which he has been an important part. Bind Springs Camp—meeting. The camp-meeting at Bluff Springs, near Zebulon, begins Fri day night before the tifth Sunday in August. You are invited to come. Pray for the meeting. Good public tents will be provided. B. P. Searcy, P. C. jgspi p in Dyspepsia AND ||||| Liver IT Disease / I CURED BY | Dr. Pierce’s | Golden | Medical UDiscovery. "1 was weak, nervous anti dizzy, with a fainting sensation when walking." writes Jesse Childress, Esq., of Samuel, Sullivan Cos., Tenn. "Could not walk any distance; always felt bad after eating, felt as though something was sticking in my throat, al ways uneasiness in stomach.’ Doctored with three physicians but they did not relieve me. 1 grew worse amt used everything I could think of; was nearly readv to give up and then someone told me that Dr. Pierce’s medicine was good, so 1 began taking his 'Golden Medical Discovery.’ I have taken seven bottles of that now' and am as stout as ever, and en joying heatth as much as ever before. I worked alt summer and this winter as much as any one. My case was liver dis ease and nervous dyspepsia of which vour medicine has cured me. In September iSjB my weight was about pounds, now it is 195. Please accept my sincere thanks.* Collier Co’s. Weekly News. One Half Price on Straw Hats. It’s Easy! to find comfort, even in this sort of weather. If you’ll avail yourself of the opportunity you can find it right here at Collier’s. There’s a way of preparing for this thing or that —just as easy to prepare for hot weather as for cold. We’ve made the preparation for you —this lot of modern ...Shirts at $100... some of last week’s receipts, or thin underwear, straw hats, low shoes, or what not, we’ve got it. This lot of madras shirts are a bit cooler that the spring weights we had—more open then these are the new pat terns. No better shirts sold than these at Collier’s atsi.oo. A light scotch homespun suit would add lots to these summery days—not but $lO. Straw hats at % price boy’s and men’s. J. C. Collier Cos. Haberdashers. Barnesville Wins in Tennis Dr. E. L. SpartlirfS; and Mr. Louis Anderson, two crack tennis players of Forsyth, were defeated by Dr. K. L. Reid and Mr. E. L. Cook, of this city, Tuesday afternoon at the courts near the Institute. Three set were - to be played but as the first two were won by Barnesville the third set was not played. The result was as follows : First set. Reid and Cook 6, Sprat ling and Anderson 3. Second set Reid and Cook 6, Spratling and Anderson 3. After the doubles were over I)rs. Spratling and Reid played a sin gle resulting as follows; Spratling (3. Reid 4. Mr. Cliff Elder then played Anderson and Spratling two singles, resulting as follows: Elder 0. Anderson 0. Elder 7. Spratling 5. LOOK PLEASANT, PLEASE. Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, 0., can do so now, though for years he couldn’t because he suffered untold agony from the worst form of indigestion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters Bitters, which worked such wonders for hint that he declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the stomach, Liver and Kidneys they build up and give new life to the whole system. Try them. Only 60c. Guaranteed by W. A. Wright druggist. Base Ball. A nice game of base ball was played Friday at Yatesville, be tween the Yatesville and Prospect base ball teams. The game was full of brilliant plays from start to the finish as both teams did fine work. The risult was Yatesville 4. Prospect 4. IiICK’S. CAPUDINE Cures all Headaches, Colds, LaGrippe. Aeuralgia, etc. Your money back if it fails. 15 and 25* at all Drugstores. For sale by Jordan Bros. A W. A. Wright. COLLIER CO’S. WEEKLY NEWS Collier’s Summer Dress Goods.. One-Half Price Commencing Saturday.. we offer till sold, all wash dress goods that have been 6,7, and Bc, all at once, price 4 cents. All'/wash dress goods, that have been All wash dress goods that have been 22, 25 and 35 cents, choice now at 13 cents. Nine thousand bundles of rem nants at less than half price. All summer goods must be clean ed out, and it will be money in your purse to visit this store. Cut prices are for cash. J. C. Collier Cos. murri cmpifti West side Main st —Dry Goods, Furniture. J ( East side Main street—Clothing, Shoes. Green Trading Stamps. We will, as heretofore, continue to give GREEN TRADING STAMPS on all SPOT CASH PURCHASES. It will be a great saving to every customer to get these stamps. We guarantee to sell you goods as CHEAP —if not cheaper — than any house in Barnesville, and by buying your goods where you can get GREEN TRADING STAMPS, you will get some valuable presents FREE of cost. When in our store, ask to see the valua ble presents that you will get by trading at a store where you can get Green Trading Stamps. If you can do better elsewhere in buying Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, BoysClothingand Millinery we can’t ask you to deal here. But so long as you can do better here than elsewhere, we will be glad to have your trade. We are buy ing very heavy for the fall in ... . ...ALL LINES OF GOODS... and expect to show the prettiest, and biggest stock of everything in Dry Goods, Shoes and Millinery that we’ve ever been able to show. Come to see us. You will be waited on in a polite, business-like manner In every dept. Miss Yelicia LeSeuer will be in charge of the Dress Goods and Notions department. Mr. C. L. Butler will be in charge of the Gent’s Furnishing, Shoe and Domestic department, and will be glad to have their friends call to see them. A. L. MILLS. fyWg Qive Green Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases.