The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 21, 1902, Image 2

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,'1 to the acre at less cost, means more money. More Potash in the Cotton fertilizer improves the soil; increases yield—larger profits. Send for our book (free) explaining bow to get thebe results. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. Ngjk RY.CO. J PERFECT i’ASSENfiER ANl> SUPERB SLOPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE Southeast Connecting at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYINCI BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing dates of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company. THEO. D. KLINE, W. A. WINUUKN, General Bup't, Traffic Manager. J. O. HAILE, General Pasi'r Agent, P. J- ROBINSON, Au'l G moral Pate'r Agent SAVANNAH, UA. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of th*. dißestants and digests nil kinds of food. It Rives instant relief and never fails to cure. It- allows you to eat all the food vou want. The most, sensitive stomacl s can take it. Hy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after evorythitiß else failed. It prevents formation of Rason the stom ach, rclieviiiß all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. I'loasantto take. It oan’t help but do you good fci>purodonlyby K,t\ I)KWirr&<'n. l UhleaM tfhv (1. bolt u- oouliilus 2S turnsUlo il)e. tuii. Traoe Marks Dt signs r 'nTi' - Copyrights Ac. AnroiH* (undinff n sketch *ml ttoaertptlon may qulcklv M(vrtlti our oplnton frN who! her hii Invention t* probably |vttcnt*bliv (Yimmmtca lionsr*tnotlytsmtldeutml. Handbook on t'nfoutii wnl(rsfl. Oldest mrenoy for ffiCHHtrin# patoni*. Patents takou through Munti \ Cos. receive tprrfcti nofuv, without chwryo. In the Scientific American. A handsomely tllttttratfHl weekly. ].nre*t cir culation of any nvnmt me journal. Terms, |3 a year* four month*. |U gold by nit newedenlere. MUNN & Co™" 3 '**"”-New York Branch Qfftop, rt2s V HU Washington. 1). C. wanted jnventors to writ* for our confidential letter twfbro ap plying Tor patent; it may be worth money. We promptly obtain C. 8. and Koreigu PATENTS “‘’TRADE MARKS or return EN TIRE attorneys ice. Send model, sketch or pln-m and we send an IMMEDIATE FREE report on patentability. We trive the Best legal service and advice, and our chaises are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patent Lawyers, Ipp. U.S. Patent Office,Washington, O.C. Wanted Help. # We want to build a school house at Piedmont. We arc now teach ing sixty pupils in an old barn like concern made of the ruins left by the cyclone of a few years ago. We are in the natural center of a territory containing a hun dred students who are deprived of attending during the most of the yeur on account of inadequate ac commodations. Our community is poor, composed principally of tenants. Believing that the future of our section depends on this work, we appeal to those who have landed interests here, to those in sur rounding towns who are benefitted by our patronage, to those to whom offices of county or state are intrusted and are interested in their welfare, to all lovers of chil dren, education and noble endeav or—to these we appeal for assist ance in this much needed work. Through the kindness of the News-Gazette we will give the subscription list in full each week. Send your subscriptions to the building committee. .1. C. Collier, I. C. Collier, T. M. Allen, Z. B. Head, H. J. Cato, W. B. Whittle, J AMES T . Wa RTH ENf subscriptions to date: J. C. (Jollier SIOO.OO I. C. Collier 60.00 H. J. Cato 10.00 (i. I). Collier 6.00 C. E. Casey 6.00 A. A. Sutton 5.00 J. T. Warthen 10.00 .Tames C. Collier 5.00 Z. 11. Elliott. 6.00 W, T. Waller 8.00 J. (i. Spear 6.00 \V. B. Whittle 8.00 W. .7. Adams 10.00 H 11. Nelson 5.00 N. W. Hurst 3.00 Z. 15. Mead 5.00 .7. R. Torbert 2.00 C. T. Harp 5.00 T. 1,. Hussey 2.00 W. T. and .7. W. Elliott 4.00 M. G. Harrisson ; 1.00 Hike County 100.00 T. S. Yates 5.00 Chas Matthews 2.00 C.J. Harrell 1.00 Congressman (J. E. Birtlett .. 10.00 Hill Stallings, 2.00 J. R. Franklin,. 5.00 Dodd Grocery Cos. 5.00 King Hardware Cos., 5.00 J. S. Milner, 3.00 (1. H. Warthen 10.00 $401.00 James T. Warthen, Secretary. JEST LOOK AT HER. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich rosy complexion, smiling face. Here’s her secret. She uses Dr. King’s New Life Rills. Result, —All organs active, digest ion good, no headaches, no chance for “blues.” Try them yourself. Only 25c at \V‘. A. Wright, When a woman is thoroughly tired she finds nothing so refresh ing as a nice long talk. —Smart Set. ('tin-K Kc/.umu, Itching Humors. Especially for old, chronic cases take Botanic Blood Balm, lt.givosa I healthy blood supply to the alt'ect j ed parts, heals all the sores, erup j (ions, scabs, scales; stop the awful itching and burning of eczema, swellings, suppurating, watery sores, etc. Druggists, sl. Sample free and prepaid by writing to, Blood Balm Go., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Uricsol. We beg to call attention to the advert ising of the Uricsol Chemical Cos., who make the famous cure for rheumatism, Uricsol. Those in need of a preparation of this kind will do well to try their medicine, as it comes well recommended and no doubt, will do much good for tho above named trouble. MICA JL * JHhnkes short roads. AXLE JL BBbnd light loads. QREASE for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Evarywhtrt. L Made by STiRDARD OIL, COw J Educate Tour Bovrela With t'ascarets. Candy Cathartic. cure constipation forever. Oc, Ssc. If CC- C. fail, druggists refund money. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GA2ETTE THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1902. LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWM The business man who wishes his business to grow must keep it before the people. The most approved way of keep ing before the public is in the newspaper. The newspaper is your introduc tory salesman; it talks to the prospective customers about your store and goods in their homes and they are told what you. have in stock and helps them make up their minds before they leave home where they will make their purchases. If you don’t tell the people what you have to sell how are they going to find it out? You have got to make your wants known in this world. If, you want trade you must ask for it or you will he like the donkey in the following story: Once upon a time a donkey fell into a drop hole, and after nearly starving, caught sight of a pass ing fox and implored the stranger to help him out. “I am too small to aid you, said the fox, “but I will give you some advice. Only a few rods away is a big, strong elephant. Call on him and he will get you out in a jiffy” After the fox had gone the don key reasoned thus: “I am very weak from want of nourishment. Every move J make is just so much additional loss of strength. If I raise my voice to call the ele phant I shall be weaker yet. No, I will not waste my substance that way. It is the duty of the elephant to come without calling. ” Bo the donkey settled himself back and eventually starved to death. Long afterward the fox, on passing the hole, saw within a whitened skeleton and remarked: “If it be that the souls of ani mals arc transmigrated into men, that donkey will become one of those merchants who can never afford to advertise.—Jackson Ar gus. TO MY FRIENDS. It is with joy I tell yon what Kodol did for me. I wafc troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon being advised to use Kodol, 1 did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it—Geo. W. Fry, Viola. lowa. Health and strength of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dys pepsia. Kodol digests all the food you eat. Take a dose after meals. Jno H. Blackburn. L. Holmes. Barnesville, Ga. Milner, Ga. A young girl is the nearest ap proach to an angel thatwe have — and the most exasperating. It has never yet been decided whether a woman is happier when miserable. THE DOCTORS EX TEND THEIR TIME Owing to the Inrgt l Number who have Keen l T liable to nee the KriiiNli I toe tors, These Eminent Gentlemen Have Extended the Time for Giving Their Services Free for Three inontlis to All Wlio fall Upon Them Before Sept. 17th. Owing to the large number of invalids who have called upon the Brittish doc tors at their office in Macon at 354 second Street who have been unable to see them, these eminent doctors have, by request, consented to continue giving their services entirely free for three months (medicines excepted) to all invalids who call upon them for treatment between now and Sept. 17th. These services consist not only of consultation and examination and ad vice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally ac quainted with the sick and afflicted, and under no conditions will aiiy charge whatever be made for any services ren dered for three months to all who call before Sept. 17th. The doctors treat all forms of diseases and deformities and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the lirst'inter view a thorough examination is made, and. if curable, you are frankly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for useless treat ment. Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also varicocele, goitre, rupture, cancer, the opium habit and all diseases of the rectum, are positively cured by their treatment. I The chief associate surgeon of the Institute is in personal charge. Hours, Pto 8. Sundays, 10 to 1. SrsctAL Notice : —lf you cannot call send stamp for question blank for home treatment. The Jukes Family. SOO Outlaws and Criminals by Neg lecting One Family. New York is wrestling with a great problem, what shall we do with the Jukes family? This family of near 800 criminals be gan less than a century ago by neglecting three little orphans, Margaret and her brother and sis ter, as they wandered along the Hudson river. The neglect has turned to be a great disaster. These criminals are banded throughout the State for every kind of villiany; murders, arsons, highway robbery, prostitution, i idiocy, degradation of the child ren of the best, and every other i crime. Neglecting Margaret has cost New York $8,000,000.00 and the family and crime will contin ue to increase The orphan’s homes of Georgia, at Decatur, Hapeville, Atlanta, Washington, Macon, Augusta and elsewhere are trying their utmost i to save us from such families and I such families. The -best children ! neglected will become criminals. We are wise to put our gifts in to these Homes, for they will save us taxes and future crimi nals, and save our children from degrading companions. A few dollars in some Orphans Home might have saved New York $3,000 000.00. Will Georgians be wiser? To help these Orphans Homes an Annual Work-Day has been ap pointed on which every one is asked to give at least the value of that day’s work to the orphans. We hope every friend of humanity will keep Saturday, Sept. 17, as work day for the thousands of orphans and send up their gifts through their Sunday Schools on Sunday, September 28. There are thousands of orphans, waifs, babies and cripples who truly need a helping hand to keep them from drowning in crime, sin and worthlesedess. Give them your hand, your work-day. H. M. Crumley. The greatest depth of water in the world is in the pacific Ocean near the Island of Guam, 81,624 feet —just about six miles. CURES WH£Rt ALL ELSE FAILS. Ed LJ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. (| REGISTRATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the ] Commissioners ot Registration ! will open their books for the pur ! pose of registering the qualified j voters of the City of Barnesville ion Wednesday, August2oth, 1902, i and keep the same open for three days, to-wit: August 20, 21 and ; 22—as provided by law and the ordinances of said City. Only the qualified voters of the City of Barnesville thus registered, shall be entitled to vote at the annual Municipal election to be held on Tuesday, August 26th, 1902, at whiel time 3 Aldermen of said City and one Member of the Dis pensary Commission of Barnes ville, Ga.,”will be voted for and elected. All persons wishing to vote at said election will take no tice hereof, and govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Mayor and Council, this August 6th, 1902. J. A. Blalock, Clerk and Treas. j Lost Hair “ My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color.”— Mrs.M. D.Grav, No. Salem, Mass. There’s a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. SI.M ■ bottle. All Arogjist*. If year druggist cannot supply yon, send'us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address. J. C. AYER CO., Lowed. Maas. Pv / You Can Sit On^lpi H ~ / First rate Bessemer steel and heavy galvanizing of the everlasting^^— , / kind are the foundations of the strength of the Ellwood Steel Wire ■ 7 / Fence. The maimer of weaving it, as true as a die, adds to strength Y=r ■=y by distributing all strains evenly. The method of fastening the wird to Wt V the twisted cables, making a hinge joint, takes up any strain applied at Y= the top, as when a man climbs over or sits on the t I JpU ELLWOOD I ; Steel Wire Fence j if \ ** It fences perfectly, having small meshes near AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITY! For the next 60 days, we will club the... News=Gazette, SEMDWEEKLY JOURNAL Thl- HOME AND FARM For the Minimum Sum of Only $1.501 This is a bargain seldom of= fered by a news paper. The News= Gazette, weekly, Atlanta Journal, semi=weekly and Homeand Farm, semimonthly. 4 Papers a Weekfor 3c. PAGES.^-C^ Surely you can afford 3 cents per week for so much reading matter. The Regular Price is $2.50 for the 3 Papers The News-Gazette furnishes the home news; The Journal handles the state and national matters; The Home and Farm gives you all the farming information. This Offer is to Cash Subscribers Only. Call and give ns your subscription. The News-Gazette. GRIFFIN HAS FIRE WITH $3,000 DAMAGE. The stock of goods of J. H. Huff it Son was seriously damaged by lire yesterday morning at 4 o’clock. The stock was composed of books, pianos, organs, etc., and was valu at *8,509, on which there an in surance of $2,300. The fire was discovered before it made much headway, and the greatest damage was caused by smoke and water. The buildings were owned by Dr. E. R. Anthony, and was damaged to the extent of several hundred dollars, but was fully protected by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it started in base ment, which was used for storing empty boxes. Teething Then the baby is most like ly nervous, and fretful, and doesn’t gain in weight. Scott’s Emulsion is the best food and medicine j for teething babies. They j gain from the start. Send fora free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. I 50c. and >1.00; all druggists. I