The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 28, 1902, Image 3

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Mexican Mustang Liniment cures Lameness, Soreness, Stiffness and Spavin in horses. The quickest „ way, A) The cheapest and f (J )ivT\\ \ The surest wa} r \ to cure ire Burns, \C f Powder Burns, / ft \\ \ Wt. Scalds from 'll V\\j Mjp"* Steam or Water, f j\\ n ° ma^er k° vv j \ Severc case j may be, is to saturate a piece of soft, old linen cloth with Mexican Mmstamg Liniment and bind it loosely over the wound. It gives quick relief from the sting ing, smarting agony, prevents inflam mation from developing, heals the sore with a haste that is most gratifying, and so thoroughly that it seldom leaves a scar. Keep the cloth wot with the liniment. Mexican Mustang Liniment cures Bumblefoot, Frosted Combs, etc., in Poultry. Seasons and Styles. Come and go but the appetite remains the same. Fine Steaks and Roasts-' Are as necessary and as much wanted this season as last and we are still in the market to supply tljese wants. We will take your orders by phone, or otherwise, and deliver promptly. Our meats, fish and oysters are always fresh and first-class. P. F. HATTHEWS & SON P. S. J. W. Stocks is with us and solicits the patronage of his friends. Insurance, Fire g Accident- CALL Otis A. Murphey, And protect yoursef against Fire and Accidents. R. P. Becht, Pres. E. G. Becht, Sec. & Treas. Chas. Becht, V. Pres. Honest Pianos at Honest Prices. Becht Piano Cos., Manufacturers and Dealers In High Grade Pianos and Organs STEINWAY & SONS., HOBART M. CABLE, SOHMER & CO., STEGER & SONS, SINGER, Pianos. BURDETTE & MILLER, Organs. us for Catalogues and Special prices for the holidays. BELL PHONE 1565 ENGLISII-AMERICAN BUILDING ATLANTA. - GEORGIA. TER. Arebfcstreamfsdbylthe Colton Belt, Wnich line* f [ runs two MimphiAto Texas, / without changeTNDieseVnsanU either reach• f director make closeYonnecborr • S for all}parts of Texas, Oklahoma \ and I pdi an Territory. \\ Jra/ iTT \ j FT. Z—y— / 1 J s Vj a aitf in *htre'ill, crops are .—“ raised and where pey*>jple prosper. write for a copy of ouryliandaorae * booklets. “Homes in the) South- SV I west*’and “Through Te/xas w ith ? a Camera.'* Sent free(mnany- C iti amt 4 f.l . body who is anxious to betteir tkisj fL |. BAIRD, T. P. A., •* AT LAMA, HA. condilioD - I. W. ÜBEALME, 6. P. * T. *■. 51. LOUIS. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1002. WHITE HOUSE INVITATIONS. The preparation of invitations to the four social events of the season at the White House, the receptions of the president, is a work that re quires great care and the most ex pert penmanship. The several thousand people who receive invitations to each of the four receptions necessarily notice the attractive and beautiful pen manship, amounting almost to en graving. This work is done by some of the most noted penmen in the service of the United States government, says the Washington Evening Star. The cards of invitation to each reception are engraved and contain blanks for the name of the person or persons invited. These blanks are filled in by the penmen. Dur ing the social season just closed two penmen were engaged in writing the names on the cards, while two others wrote the addresses on the envelopes containing the cards. With all four men writing beauti fully, frequently those invited to a reception would wonder whether the name was engraved or written. Handy Shirt Studa. Oliver Herford was with a party of friends who were discussing the troubles of masculine mortals with collar buttons and shirt studs. When Mr. Herford’s turn came, he said: “I never use shirt studs. I buy brass paper fasteners. They cost 35 cents a gross and when new look like Roman gold. I insert them in my shirt bosom, and they would de ceive the oldest inhabitant. I am not bothered about removing them. I let the laundryman attend to that.” “Why didn’t you wear that kind of substitute tonight?” asked one of the party, pointing at Mr. Her ford’s wide expanse of immaculate shirt front, in which three tiny gold buttons showed. “I did,” said Mr. Herford, and he reached up, grabbed a button, gave a tug and pulled it out. It was a paper fastener.—New York Times. A Rector In the Stocks. The strange sight was seen re cently of the rector of a Lincoln shire (England) parish sitting in the stocks. This reversion to the ancient form of punishment was not due to any offense committed by the clergyman, but to a local custom, dating centuries back, by which certain tolls can be obviated by undergoing this ordeal. Rather than pay, the rector of Corby, ac companied by the churchwarden and chairman of the parish council, publicly put his feet in the stocks. Sir J. B. Stone, Conservative mem ber of parliament for East Birming ham and president of the National Records association, afterward vol untarily underwent the same expe rience. The Club of Death. Commenting on the advantages of eating nuts and fruits before the Vegetarian society in New York, Emile la Croix said the other day: “You have heard bread spoken of as the ‘staff of life,’ but I think it should be called the ‘club of death.’ It is full of calcareous matter, which goes into the arteries and clings to the walls. The reasons why you are stiff in the morning when you wake is that your pulse has been beating slowly during the night and has not wasted away any of this calcareous matter. It is necessary for fowls because they lay eggs with hard shells, but not for man.” —Argo- naut. A Grateful Convict. A curious scene took place in a court at Emporia, Ivan., the other day when a convicted murderer, who had been sentenced to five years in the penitentiary, delivered an ad dress of thanks as follows: “I am entirely satisfied with the verdict and the sentence, and I am confi dent that not one jury in ten would have been so lenient with me. I de sire to thank sincerely the court for its just and courteous manner of conducting this trial, and 1 hope that the blessing of God will remain with you all.”—Topeka Capital. DYSENTERY CURED WITHOUT THE AID OF A DOCTOR. “Tarn just up from a hard spell of the flux” (dysentery) says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tenn. “I used one small brittle of Chamberlains Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having a doctor. 1 consider it the best cholera medicine in the world.” There is no need of employing a doctor when this remedy is used, for nodoctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form either for children or adults. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For sale by Jxo. H. Blackburn. ciLSTonxii.. Bear, the S) Kind You Have Always Bought Bif T” KJocxte Tour IVis.lil With Cxecaret*. Car,ay Cr*:..-rti<-. rnre constipation forever •'hi jjv : . is c: c.C fi.l. drngmstsii fun-1 mane? 'CUE FORJDITORS. All Georgia’s Newspaper Men Invited to One Oct. 11th. The Southern Inter-State Fair, At lanta. has Invited all the Georgia Edi tors to vlait the Fair Saturday Octo ber 11th. The Editors will be given a barbecue and shown all the sights on tho grounds. Front seats will be reserved for them in the grand stand at the races in the afternoon, and there will be a magnificent display of fireworks for them at night. The Fair Directors appreciate the aid which the daily and weekly papers always give to the fairs, and they de sire in this way to show their appre ciation. GEORGIA’S MAYORS. The Mayors of Georgia will hold a convention In Atlanta Tuesday, Oct., 14th. Mayor Mims, of Atlanta, has called the convention, and Mayor Bridges Smith, of Macon, will pre side. In the afternoon, the Mayors will he tendered a barbecue by the Inter-State Fair, and they will be the Fair’s guests that day and night. SKY LINE ON A BUTTON. Atlanta has more tall buildings than any other southern city. The Equit able, eight stories high, was the first modern office building erected there. They have been building taller ones ever since. The Empire is fourteen stories high, and now one of the banks 1b getting ready to build a sky-scraper sixteen stories high on a corner lot. The lot costs $145,000 six months ago. Sixty years ago lot sold for SSOO. Frank Weldon, Secretary of the Fair, has adopted a picture of tall buildings as a fit emblem for an At lanta button to advertise the big fair, October 8-85. Buffaloes which once reamed the western plains in herds numbering thousands, are now almost extinct It is seldom that a buffalo is seen outside Yellow Stone Park, wnere the Government is trying to preserve a few specimens of this animal. Half a dozen parks and menageries have from one to half a dozen buffaloes. The Southern Inter-State Fair. At lanta, Is negotiating for a small herd to be exhibited free at the fair grounds. $25,000 IN PREMIUMS. Copies of the Atlanta Fair’s live stork, poultry and other premium lists have been revised at this office. The Fair offers $25,(00.00 in premiums and purses. Copy of the premium list may be obtained by writing Frank Weldon, Secretary, Atlanta. The Fair has spent thousands o' dollars in former years on its lire stock shows. In order to bring out more home cat tie, the entries for cattle premiums this year are restricted to the south. In former years, the professional 3x hibitors from the north and west have come south and carried away thous ands of dollars in prizes. Ttiis time the money is offered only to southern herds, and it is believed that thin will bring out a large dis play of home cattle. For Over Sixty Years. M rs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup lias been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with per fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will re lieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world at 25 cents a bottle. Be sure ask to for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing syrup, and take no other kind. Some men get a vacation from worry by going away from home for a little rest at his business. NOT OTHER-WISE. There is an old allegorical picture of a girl scared at a grass-hopper, but in the act of heedlessly treading on a snake. This is paralleled by the man who spends a large sum of money building a cyclone cellar, but neglects to provide his family with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowels complaints, whose vic tims outnumber those of the cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy is every where recognized as the most prompt and reliable medicine in use for these diseases. For sale by Jw. H. Blackburn. It takes a girl to ,wink her eye with out doing it. Resignation sweetens a bitter disappei ntment. DON'T WAiT. If you Knew how SCOTT’S EMULSION would build you up, increase your weight, strengthen your weak throat and lungs and put you in con dition for next winter, you would begin to take it now. Send for free sample, and try it. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 4.-19415 Pearl Street. New York. '/X. pndfi.op*. all dmggihta. Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, lias borne tho signature of— and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. s-cccc+UrtA Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but* Experiments that trille with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signaturejof^^^^ The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CENTAUR COMPANY, ft MURRAY STREET, NEW TORN CITY. JUST LOOK AT HER. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich rosy complexion, smiling face. Here’s her secret. She uses Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Result, —All organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for “blues.” Try them yourself. Only 25c at W. A. Wright. Havanas ooneyard.” The “boneyard” of Color.e ceme tery, Havana, is one of tho odd and grewsome sights of the Cuban cap ital. This famous pit was first dug by Don Pedro Valdas in IGO2. It is 110 feet square and 20 feet deep, and an eight foot wall incloses it. A ruan dies, is buried in a rented grave, is forgotten in a short time, und the rent is unpaid for one year. Then his bones are dug up and thrown among his ancestors’ and others’ ancestors in the mass of dead humanity. Tho grave, being open, is held to receive the next body. A careful estimate puts the num ber of human skeletons in the pit at 700,000. The Sultan and Coffee. The sultan’s diet is very simple, lie eats very little of the plainest food and never touches wine or liquors of any kind, but consumes enormous quantities of coffee, which aggravates his nervousness. Up to a few years ago a servant with a coffeepot always followed him when he went out for exercise, and while driving in the park coffee stations were placed at frequent intervals where he could stop and refresh himself. By the advice of his phy sicians he now limits himself to five or six cups of his favorite beverage a day, and it is said that he has him self noticed an improvement in his health. He is not so nervous and sleeps better. Russell Sage’s Home. Russell Sage owns the house in which he lives, at 506 Fifth avenue, New York, and El bridge T. Gerry owns the ground upon which it stands, Mr. .Sage some forty-four years ago taking at first a twenty two years’ lease at S7OO a year. At the end of that period the lease was renewed for an equal term at $3,500 a year. Now another renewal has been made at a rental of $12,500 a year, which Mr. Sage says is out rageous, but as be and his wife can not bear tbo thought of moving from their old borne they concluded to submit,. Mr. Sage’s house has been steadily deteriorating in vulue. Attractive Women. All women sensibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty is the stamp of health because it is the outward mani festation of inner purity. A healthy woman is a'ways attractive,bright and happpy. When every drop of blood in the veins is pure a beauteous flush is on the cheek. But when the blood is impure, morosencst*, bad temper and a sallow complexion tellg the tale of sickness, all too plainly. And women to-day know there is no beauty with out health. Wine of Cardui crowns women with beauty and attractiveness by making strong and healthy those organs which make her a woman. Try Wine of Cardui, and in a month your friends will hardly know you. Edaratn Your llovreln XVII It Ca.cnreti. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever oc. 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. University of Georgia. to2nd Session. September 18th, 1902 Academic Department, Law Department, Agricultural Dept. No tuition to residents of state except in Law School. 111 Agri culture, Short Winter Course, One Year Course, and Full Course Dormitory room free. Excellent board in Denmark Hall SB.OO per month. Write for handbook and catalogue to Walter B. Hill, Athens, Ga. Chancelor. £■ Tggjjjp % 1 ( I MRS. L. S. ADAMS. Ol r.itlv.-Hlon, Texan. "Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing to tired women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear. ing-down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities." By “tired women” Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at home with this great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Why not begin to get well today? All druggists have $1 .(X) bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Th edford’s Black-Draught should be used. For ad vice and llUsraf tire, addrenw. Kirin# Myuii/tMinA, Thu Ladi***’ Advisory t" ■ 111 cut, The Chattanooga Medicine <’ ChattanooKa, Twin. WINE° f CARDUI RON FOUNTAIN Route EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD. Tickets on sale to either San- Francisco-or Loa Angeles and re turn at very low rates, August Ist. to August 7th. q- Final limit to return Sept. 80th. For further information write I. E. Rehi.andkb, T. P. A. Chattanooga, Tenu.