The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 28, 1902, Image 8

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School Supplies! Pencil Tablets, ? Ink, Ink Tablets, ( Pens, Composition Books, s Pencils, Drawing Books, > Crayons, Examination Tablets ( Pen Holders, Examination Paper, < Colored Pencils, Slates, | Marbles, Envelopes, i Lunch Boxes, Box I ap' is, | Tops and Cords, Book Straps, < Rubber Balls, Book Satchels. S Jump Ropes, Remember, we keep nearly everything; ask for what you don’t see—most likely we have it. B. F. REEVES. Hon. J. L. Webb, President. John A. Darwin, Gen’l Mgr PROTECTION AT HOME FOR THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. THE MUTUAL LIFE OF^GEORCIA. Do you want an income for life, and the best and easiest Company to get business for? What the Southern is to fire, the Mutual Life of Georgia is to life. You can write three men out of five, as other agents are doing that. Why not you? AVe want an agent in this community. Me must be an hon orable gentleman. None other need apply. Where we establish an agent the Company introduces itself. If you want the agency for this territory apply with reference to J. A. Darwin, Gen. Mgr., Athens, Ga. A MONSTER CIGAR. Paymaster General Bates is the proud possessor of what is prob ably the largest cigar in the world, says the Washington Times. It is a product of the Philippines and was the gift of Major W. 11. Com egys of the pay department. It is sixty-three inches long and as big ns a man’s arm. It is a curiosity in another way. inasmuch as it: con tains specimens of t wenty-two kinds of native Philippine tobacco, lit a note accompanying the gift Major Comegys says: "1 send you the lar gest cigar you have ever seen, at least the largest 1 have ever seen. It is made of a number of the finest brands of tobacco grown in the is lands. It was manufactured at San Fernando do Union, in Union prov ince. P. I. The ease is also a curi osity. It may be called a family cigar, ns nil smoke it, and the grand mother is supposed to finish it or the cigar to finish the grandmother.” The Utah-Arizona Boundary. 11. B. Carpenter, a civil engineer who has just completed the survey of the southern line of Utah, says the boundary between that state and Arizona does not cross a foot of cultivated land. It traverses a desert, which is cut up by great canyons that are almost impassable. The length of the line is 277 miles. Landmarks along the line will make it possible for the boundary to be located without any difficulty in the future. Just east of the Colorado river a sandstone butte rises 1,000 feet above the plain, and the very peak of this butte is exactly on the boundary. Mr. Carpenter named the peak State Line butte. Not far from this butte is another which stands 1,300 feet above the plain and was named Tower peak. These two gigantic stones will always he a guide to persons who have enough curiosity to penetrate the desert in search of the state line. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests whet you eat* FREE! FREEH FREEH! 25,000 Bottles. Every reader of The News Gazette is entitled to one. Here is a propsition which will interest every reader of this paper. Gilbert’s Gravel Weed Coin pound has met with the most cordial reception of any remedy ever put on the market. It has effected quick cures and gives such genuine satis faction wherever introduced. Mr. E. <). Mays, engineer for the Southern tty., was cured of a severe ki tney trouble by this wonderful medicine. I lon. Walter A. Given, a prominent druggist of Gurley, Ala, says: “It is the most wonderful medicine of the age.” We have hundreds of similar grateful tributes from those who have used tills medicine. So confident are we of the merits of our remedy that we are willing to have you try it with out one cent of cost. If you snffer from Brights Disease, diabetis, gravel, inttamation of the bladder, pain in the back, sleeplessness, nervousness, ■iniwtiestion, rheumatism or are in a general rundown condition, write to day for a sample bottle which will be sent you absolutely free. Address, Thk Squaw Vink Mkmcixk Cos.. HrNTsvn.i K, Ai a. Regular size 60 cents per bottle. Sold by John H. Blackburn, Barnes ville, Ga. K>r llrlKliiN IHsi-nst', etc. Gilbert’s Gravel Weed Com pound is the name of a medicine just placed on the market here. It comes well recommended Rrights disease, kidney trouble, etc. And should you have a need of this kiml of medicine you cannot do better than try this remedy. A TEXAS WONDER. H.V1.1/S Oltl VT DISCO VKIIY. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabe tes, seminal emissions, weak ami lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularity of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will send by mail on re ceipts of>l. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. l)r. E.W. Hall sole manufacturer. IV 0. Box tf’.*?. St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by W, A. Wright. Martin, Tenn., June 3, 1901. This is to certify that 1 have used Hall’s Texas Wonder for kidney trou ble and have never found anything its equal. Its merits are wonderful. Try it, as 1 did, and be convinced. Rev. R. C. Whjtsria. How Are tour Hldnry* Dr Hobbs' Spawns pills cure oil kiiluer tils- Pom* pie tree AUd Sierlln* Kcaiedj Cos Cbieoyo or N. Y THE BARNEBVILLE IffwS-GAZETTE THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1902. Mr. Jim Reeves Buys Deavours' Stock of Goods J Mr. Jim Reeves laifc week bought liiH- Deavours fetock of goods and has taken possession of th • -am'-. He will move I into the ."■mil 1 1 bni ;<ii mr in a .few <|ays. He will combine the two stocks and also enlarge his stock of goods, when he gets intolhis new quar ters. He will no doubt do a fine business. improving Rapidly. Rev. C. W. Durden and family, who have been sick at the home of Judge W. A. Prout on Zebulon street, are all improving rapidly, to the delight of their numerous friends. It is likely that Brother Durden will conduct the service at the Baptist church next Sun day. TO MY FRIENDS. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon being advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good it has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it —Geo. W. Fry, Viola. lowa. Health and strength of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dys pepsia. Kodol digests all the food you eat. Take a dose after meals. Jno H. Blackbcrx. L. Holmes. Barnesville, Ga. Milner, Ga. Gospel Voices as No. In abundance on hand 448 pp. Prices here Bsc. per copy, to be mailed postage added 9c. $4.00 per dozen. An interesting class in music is progressing this week atthe C. M. Church to be continued twelve days. E. T. Pound. Cures Rlood Poison. Cancer, Ulcer*. If you have offensive pimples or emptions, ulcer? 011 any part of t ne body, aching bones or joints, falling hair, mucous patches, swollen glands, skin itches and burns, sore lips or gums, eating, festering sores, sharp, gnawing pains, then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginnings of deadly cancer. You may lie per manently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) made especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. Heals every sore or ulcer, even deadly cancer, stops all aches and pains and re duces all swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such ns eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running sores, carbuncles, scrofula. Druggists, $1 To prove it cures, sample of Blood Balm sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed let ters. Malaria ami Argue Cure. Ayers Malaria and Ague Cure is a medicine advertised in his week's paper. Call on your druggist for it, if you are in need of a medicine of this kind and no doubt you will receive great benefit from taking the medicine. Congress "Elocuted.” “When is congress going to ad journ?” someone asked Senator Hansbrough early in J une. “Congress will die as Pat O'Brien died,” was the reply. “And how was that?” “Haven’t you heard the story? Well, a friend of l’at’s met another friend. ‘Pat’s going to be hung/ he said. ‘Oh, no/ said the friend, ‘lndade he is/ was the positive an swer. 'lie has been convicted of murthor in the tirst degree, and that means hanging/ ‘No/ insisted i the friend. ‘They don't hang men any more now. They kill them by a | process called elocution/ ” Aging While She Hesitated. Representative Warnock of Ohio, who was judge of the court of spe '■ vial pleas in his district for ten ! years, was once trying a case in | which a woman was on the stand as | a witness. “llow old are you?” asked the at tornev who was questioning her. The woman hesitated. “Don’t hesitate,” suggested the lawyer. “The longer you hesitate the older you will be.” The only Guaranteed Kidney Cure is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if after taking one bottle you arc not sat istied with results. 60 cents at J no. H. 1 Blackburns. It' You can’t, sleep at Night use Smith’s Nerve Restorer. It is a true Nerve Tonic. Will cure any case j of Nervous Prostration ; does not eon i tain opium in any form. Sold by J no. [ 11. BI.VCKBI.KN. tapkk FOR EVERY flumonr Price SI.OO CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thick ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT, to instantly allay itching, inflamma tion, and irritation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS, to cool and cleanse the blood. A SINGLE SET of these great skin curatives is often sufficient to cure the most tortur ing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleed ing, crusted, scaly, and pimply skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Millions of People Usb CUTlcnaA Soap, assisted by CoticurA Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chaflngs, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nurs ery. Millions of Women use COTICURA Soap In the form of baths for annoying irritations, Inflammations, and excoriations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women. Cuticura Resolvent Pills (Chocolate Coated) are a now, tasteless, odorless, eco nomicalsubstltute for the celebrated liquid CutioUba Resolvent, as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. In screw cap vials, containing 80 doses, price 25c. Sold throughout the world. Boat, 2.1 c , Ointhlitt, 50e . Pn.t.a. 2 *c. British Depot, JT-28, Cherterhouee Sq., London. French Depot: fi Hue de la Paix, Pane. Por tia Daco k CaiM. Lour., Sola Prop#., Bolton, U. 8. A. CHEAP STEEIi FENCING. Better ami More Economical Than Wood For Barge and Small Enclosures. This is the age of cheap steel and good steel. Steel implements have increased the production of the soil and steel fences are now increasing the profits of farmers and planters by protecting crops and holding stock at a minimum cost. The prosperity of the coun try is reflected in the enormous demand for and corresponding output of steel and there was never a better time to improve the farm by putting up steel fences that can now be bought cheaply and which will last a life time. The approved steel fence to-day is made of heavy Bessemer steel, heavily coated with galvanizing. The fence is woven by machinery in the works. Such a fence is the Field and Hog Fence which is delivered to the planter in rolls of twenty or forty rods. This has heavy bars of Bessemer steel wire and stays of No. 12 wire placed twelves inches or six inches apart. The larger mesh is suitable for large enclosures, pastures, ranches etc. The smallest mesh is recom mend for hogs pens, sheep or cat tle yards. The fence can be ob tained in heights from 20 inches to 5? inches. The Methodist Market. The ladies of the Methodist Market will servp ice cream, sher berts and cake on the campus Fri day’afternoon from 4:30 to 0:30 and Friday evening from 8 to 11. Everybody cordially invited. The girl is the mother of the woman just as “the boy is the father of the man.” The period when the womanly functions begin is one to be carefully watched and considered. Irregularity or de rangement at this time may T be promptly met and cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription. But neglected at this critical period may entail years of future suffering. “Favorite Prescription” acts directly’ upon the womanly organ, giving them perfect vigor and abundant vital ity’. It removes the obstructions to health and happiness, and delivers womanhood from the cruel bondage of “female weak ness.” You pay the postage. Dr. Pierce gives y’ou the book. The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 page, 700 illustrations is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray cost of mailing only. Send :?1 one-cent stamps for the paper bound book, or 31 stamps for cloth bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Moving —Again. In about three days I am going to move again, and am going to sell im share of HARD WARE before then if . . . IF CHEAP PRICES will be any inducements. I handled most of this stock moving it about four weeks ago, and know it is heavy, also risky. I have since put in a large lot of . . . White Lead, Linseed Oil, Ready=Mixed Paints, &c. If you are going to build a house, come to see me, for I am headquarters for house furnish ings and can meet any prices. Going, Going and GONE —sold to the first man comes along. -J. B. BANKSTON,- Manager of The Bankston Hardware Store. Trading Stamps Jno. T. fVliddlebrooks I am better prepared to supply your wants than ever. I have a full and complete stock of ...Staple and Fancy Groceries... MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE. No one can undersell me on the quality of goods. “Do unto others as you would have them do,unto you,” is my motto. I Give Green Trading Stamps With Cash Sales, but not on accounts. I want to sell you, and assure you your orders will have my best attention. JOHN T. MIDDLEBROOKS J. W. Cabaniss, President. C. H. Humphrey, cashier. CITIZENS BANK OF BARNESVILLE, GA. Capital, $25,000. StocKholders’ Liability, $25,000. DIRECTORS: J XV. Cabsniss, president Exahange Bank of Macon ; E Rumble, Merchant, Goggans, Ga ,J. L Pitts, of Pitts-Gray Cos. ; J C. Collier, of J. C. Collier Cos,; J M Means, Cotton Buyer, Meansville; V O Marshburn, Merchant; T. W Cochran, Livery; R. P Spencer, of Columbus: Thos. J Peeples, Cashier Maddux-Rucker Banking Cos , Atlanta; C. H Humphrey, Cashier. This bank solicits accounts of merchants, individuals and corporations, and extends every facility consistent with sound banking principles. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. J.D. HIGHTOWER, successor to j. W . HIGHTOWER 0 DEALER IN Agricultural. Mechanical and Buiders’ Hardware, Farm Equipments, Water Supplies. Guns, Cutlery, Silverwares Disk's non-rustible Tinware, China and Glassware, Decorative Bric-a - Brae, Crockerv and Queensware, wooden ware, Stoves, Hollo ware. Paints. Oils, Brnshes etc,, etc.