The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 11, 1902, Image 5

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LOOK HERE! We have bought very heavily for the fall and winter trade, and to make room for this immense stock, we are obliged to close out All Summer Goods. s Whatever you need in strictly warm=weather goods, you can buy from u 5.... At Greatly Reduced Prices. Visit our store and convince yourself that we are in the lead on low prices. The Pitts=Gray Cos. ■v> V . PS. After August the first we will discontinue giving Green Trading Stamps. f MADDUX & SON, Successors to Barnesville Mercantile Cos. In fact, not in fancy, we beg to announce to our customers and to the people generally, that we are now ready for the fall business, and are ready in better shape than ever before. We have exercised an extra amount of diligence and shrewdness in the buying of our stock for this season. We have looked carefully after every department and are ready to show styles and quote prices that will astound our competitors and greatly gratify our customers. Miss Fatie Elliott is at the head of our Dress Goods department, and she extends an invitation to all her friends and the ladies generally to call to see her. CLOTHING AND SHOES. We handle the famous Rochester line of clothing, and L. M. Reynolds fine shoes, and are show ing everything in this department. Come to see us, and let ns talk prices to you. MADDUX & SON, Successors to Barnesville Mercantilo Cos. Milner’s Ginnery, Barnesville, Ca. Most complete and thoroughly equipped ginnery in Georgia. Can gin and pack a bale in 13 minutes, and produce very best sample. Satisfaction given in every case. Prices the lowest. Highest prices paid for cotton seed, and every convenience in handling the seed. Cotton seed meal and hulls for sale at bottom prices. The patronage of the public is invited. J. B. P. MILNER, Prop. to WOODWARD & BETBUNE and get the Best Bargains in Bug gies, Surreys, Phaetons. Also all kinds of Repairing and new work done. Come to see us and save money. Woodard a Bethune. Barnesville is a good cotton market also. She pays the best price for everything. Bring what you have to sell here, and then buy what you need from our merchants. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold !n bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good." Second Statement. The second statement called for by the state from the Citizens Bank appears in the News-Gazette today and it is indeed a creditable one. It shows depoists to be more than $30,000 and in every way the statement shows the bank to be in a fine condition. Educate Your Bowels. Your bowels can be trained as well as your muscles or your brain. Cas carets Candy Cathartic train your bowels to do right. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. CABTOZIIA. Boa™ the /) The Rind Yon Haw Alwan Botigfi T* THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, TE [JRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1902. Mr. George Hawley, of Liberty Hill, was in the city yesterday on business. Miss Mamie Dawson, of Columbus, is the attractive guest of Mrs. John Adams on Greenwood street. Mr. Thad Adams of the Thomasville Times-Enterp:ise, was in the city with his family several days recently. atMistak^ women "down” on wa.shing powders. They tried some, were dissatisfied, . and claim that all pow -1 ders are poor. This is wrong. ( PEARLINE is not like other 1 powders. Test it for washing. I Compare the soap paste made ■from PEARLINE with that I made from any other soap I powder or washing powder. 672 I ASK A FRIEND j STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CITIZENS BANK. LOC ATED AT BARNESVILL, GA., AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS, HIP SEPTEMBER BTH., 1902. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $24,737 84 Demand Loans 8,885 00 Overdrafts none Bonds, Stocks owned by Bank, none Banking House 2,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures 2,488 05 Other Real Estate none Due from Banks and Bankers in five State 6,688 90 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 2,385 57 Currency 4,700 00 Gold 460 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies 747 68 Checks and Cash Items—“ Cotton”. 4,108 80 Exehange for Clearing House—none Profit and Loss none Interest none I. R. Stamps and Stamped Cks—none Total $55,927 48 STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Pike : Before me came C. H. Humphrey, Cashier of Citizens Bank of Barnesville who being duly sworn, says that above and foregoing state ment is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the hooks of file in said Bank. C. 11. HUMPHREY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 10th day of Sept, 1902. A. 11. ENGLISH, Notary Public,’ Pike Cos., Ga. Is Smith Crazy? W. D. Smith, who was arrested a few days ago for burglarizing Bankston’s Hardware store, was sent to Zebulon jail on an order of Judge Lester of the City court. He is either insane or good at playing crazy. He will probably be tried for lunacy by Ordinary Means in a few days. Mr. J. L. Pitts made* a business trip to Zebu lon, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Caldwell spent Sunday in Yatesville. Mr. Joe Sappington was circulating among friends in the city Monday. Miss Emma Hardge.of Triune Mills, is the guest of Mrs. I). L. Caldwell this w^ek. Miss Mittie Lee, of Atlanta, was the guest of friends and relatives in the city Sunday. Swap your mule fora good new buggy. Apply to It. G. Matthews or J. L. Hunt. Mr. Otis A.Murphey, the Well known Insurance man, made a business trip to Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. A. H. Harper, a prominent citizen of Unionville, was a visitor to the city one day last week. Mr. James T. Bankston, of Mc- Donough, spent Sunday and Sunday night in the city, as the guest of friends. Miss Nettie Summers returned home morning, after a pleasant visit of several weeks duration to "Wadley friends and relatives. Miss Maggie Sims, of Macon, arrived in the city several day ago, and has been the guest of Miss Laura Summers on Forsyth street. Mrs. J. H. Blackburn arid son Frank returned last Thursday from an extend ed and very pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Thompson. Mrs. J*. A. Blackburn, of Atlanta, arrived in the city Monday and for sometime will be a guest of the family of her son, Mr. John 11. Blackburn. Miss Marv Wright, of Barnesville, spent several days with tier father's family. Miss Mary lias many friends here who are always glad to see her come.—Roberta Correspondent. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, of Klberton, arrived in the city one day last week and are the guests of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Gwynelte Smith on Greenwood street. Col. J. F. Redding returned Tuesday from Atlanta, where he has been in the Elkins-Cooper Sanitarium for the past week, undergoing treatment. His many friends are glad to know that lie iH all right again and able to be out. Mr. Jno. M. Holmes has accepted the position to be made vacant by Mr. Clarence Willis with Jackson G. Smith A.Sons. Mr. Willis will leave on Octo ber Ist for Atlanta to enter the Medical College there, and the Mr. Holmes will take his place. LOST —somewhere between Zebu lon and Barnesville or in Barnesville, on the Bth. of Sent, a ladies purse con taining two live dollar bills, seven cents and a trunk key. The finder will please return it to the News-Gazette office or l it. D. Adams, Zebulon, Ga , and get! the reward. If you want the best daily paper subscribe for The Atlanta News. Only 6 cents a week. Alva Caldwell, ag’t. ; SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. Miss Velieia LeSuer visited relatives in Milner Sunday. Wear Collier’s Clothing, better than ever this season. Mr. Allen Fambro, of The Rock, was in the city Monday. Mr. Ciias. Gardner, of Jolinstonvilie visited friends here Sunday afternoon. See our new line of jewelry, watches and rings J. H. Bate A Cos Mrs. Nathaniel Walker, of Thmaston, spent Monday in the city with friends. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Willis, of Milner, spent Sunday very pleasantly in the city. Miss Maud Crawford, of Thomaston, lias been the attractive guest of Judge and Mrs. W. A. Prout this week. We are offering bargains in china this month. Get our prices. J. H. Bate A Cos Mr. Emmet Elder lias moved from his home on Thomaston street to the new house recently built by Miss I’attic Moye. Expert cutter for Globe Tailoring Cos. will be at J. 0. Collier Cos. Sept. 15th. A 16th. Col. Jt. W. of the promi nent attorneys of Macon, was in the city Monday the guest of friends and on business. Rev. G. A. Whitney wiii preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday afternoon, at 4o’clock. Everybody invited to attend. FOR RENT AND SALE— Several nice one and two horse farms, with good houses, to rent to right parties; Also 3 pairs of extra large mules for sale. S. M, Howard. Mr. A. Peacock and family arrived in the eity last week from Eastman, lie placed his children in school here and Ids family will make this their home. When in need of jewelry, watch and clock repairing, bring it to us. W have an experienced man to do the work. Satisfaction always guaranteed J. H. Bate A Cos. Mrs. G. W. Shipp, of CordeJc, who has been spending several days in the city with the family of Mr. J. L. Hunt, returned home Tuesday. Miss Mary Minhinnette left Monday morning for i’hiladelphia and other cities in the east. She will make quite an extended trip to various points of interest. Wanted— -Several bright young girls from H to 22 to work on hosiery. Employment and surroundings pleasant. Good pay Address Macon Knitting Cos., Second and Hawthrone Sts., Macon, Ga. I’rof. Vi. ( . Wright, of Dublin, is in the city this week visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. Jfe was a short time ago elected superintend ent of the public schools of Dublin, and is rapidly taking his place among the leading educators of the state. Every article brand new In my stock of family and fancy groceries. Spot cash makes the lowjst prices. Call and see for yourself. Fete L. Clordy. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in. 25,000 00 Surplus Fund none Undivided Profits, less Current Ex penses and Taxes Paid 205 08 Due to thinks and Bankers in this State 267 (JO Due to Banks and Bankers in other States none Duo Unpaid Dividends none Individual Deposits subject to Check 30,082 24 Demand Certificates, 312 50 Time certificated none Certified Checks none Cashier's Checks none Due to Clearing House . not e Notes and Bills Rediscounted—none Bills Payable, including Time Ccrttfi cates, representing Borrowed Money ..none Total $56,927 48 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /l? Signature of Ljuzf-fYs Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. W. A. WRIGHT, Druggist and Stationers. I The vt‘ ry lutes t cre - J V ations in Ladies’ Sta- m 1 tionery, Playing KchtaJ Carbon Papers, Type B||lflß writer Ribbons, Era- 4 sers, Paper Fasteners . Ink Stands, Standard Blanks, Copying and Memo Books, Inks, Ftflji Mucilage, Paste and mW j everything for the |Efg ; office, tlic library and HqL the school room. ||§| ; widely ad- Hg i LAUGHLIN M FOUNTAIN PEN Jg Your choice of these !3$ two styles, equal to any Ijm other $3.00 kind, for JM|| SI.OO S Mail orders from our DEI 1 s out of town friends will H receive prompt atten- MB ; W.A.Wri|hl It Mr. Halcott Ayer, of Yatesville, was in the city a short while Monday. Mr. Field Matthews, of Yatesville, was in the city Monday on business. Collier’s “Tailor Man” will be here Sept. 15 A 16. Wait for him. Mr. II B. Miller was the guest of Yatesville friends last Sunday after noon. Mr. I. C. Collier, one of the leading men of Piedmont, was here Monday on business. SPOT CASH GROCERY, Free deliv ery. Pete L. Gokdv. Mr. John W. Gordy spent several days witli his brother, Mr. W. J. Gordy, last week. Hon. Josh Martin, of Milner came down Tuesday and spent the day in the on business. We buy your old gold and silver. J. H. Bate A Cos Mr. Judson Williams came down from Milner Tuesday and spent the day on business. Mr. D. A. Stroud, the popular travel ing salesman, spent several days in the eity this week with his family. Mrs. R. M. Giddins, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. John Adams a few days last week. Mrs Fannie Stallings returned home this week from Atlanta where she has been spending sometime very pleasant ly witli relatives. Mrs. E. K. Aikin, of Hampton, came down Wednesday morning and is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. 11. MitchelJ. HXJO patterns on display Sept. 15 A 16 by first class tailors. J. C. Collier Cos. Farm For Rent- —2 % miles from Milner miles from Barnesville 280 acres, good 7 room house, barn etc, Apply to Mrs. L. P. Campbell San dersvillc, Ga. Mr. Henry Hudson left Tuesday af ternoon forTifton, where he goes to tie associated with Mr. O. N. Gregg in the buggy business. His family will move there in a few days. Subsribe for The At lanta News Only 6c. a week. Alva Caldwell, Agent. Mr. N L. Bush left this week for Atlanta, where she will make her home in the future. She has a large num ber of friends in the city, who regret very much to lose this estimable lady from their midst. I sell STICTLY for cash and a little cheaper than the other fellow. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Pete 1,. Gokdy. r I here wdl be preaching at the City Hall next Friday night, by Rev. 1). F. Woodall, of Pleasant Hill. Every! oiy is cordially invited to attend. Mr J. C. Collier returned Tuesday evening from New York, where he has been for the past few days in the enter est of the Collier Cos, He reports that he has purchased an unusually large and hardome stock of goods for his his stores and expects to do a big busi ness this fail.