The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 11, 1902, Image 7

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Mexican Mustang Liniment for horse ailments, for cattle ailments, for sheep ailments. w The most sensible thing to do when suffering from Bruises or Cuts is to treat the wound with Mexican Mustang Liniment, because it is noted for its ability to drive out sore ness and inflammation, alter which it heals the damaged flesh in a remarkably short space of time. For open wounds soak a cloth with the liniment and bind on the same as you would a poultice. For other hurts apply freely and rub It weU In. For MAN, BEAST or POULTRY. Mexican Mustang Liniment is a sure remedy for curing Scaly Legs among poultry. J. W. Cabaniss, President. C. H. Humphrey, Cashier. CITIZENS BANK QF BAR.NESVILLE, GA. Capital, $25,000. StocKliolders’ Liability, $25,000. DIRECTORS: J W. Cab3niss, president Exahange Bank of Macon ; E Rumble, Merchant, Goggans, Ga., J. L. Pitts, of Pitts-Gray Cos. ; J. C. Collier, of J. C. Collier Cos. ; J M. Means, Cotton Buyer, Meansville; V. O. Marshburn, Merchant; T. W Cochran, Livery; R. P. Spencer, of Columbus; Thos. J. Peeples, Cashier Maddux-Rueker Banking Cos., Atlanta; C. H. Humphrey, Cashier. This bank solicits accounts of merchants, individuals and corporations, and extends every facility consistent with Bound banking principles. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. Seasons and Styles. Come and go but the appetite remains the same. Fine Steaks and Roasts^ Are as necessary and as much wanted this season as last and we are still in the market to supply these wants. We will take your orders by phone, or otherwise, and deliver promptly. Our meats, fish and oysters are always fresh and first-class. P. F. HATTHEWS & SON P. S. J. W. Stocks is with us and solicits the patronage of his friends. Insurance, Fire g Accident. ON —r-\ Otis A. Murphey, And protect yoursef against Fire and Accidents. R. P. Becht, Pres. E. G. Becht, Sec. & Treas. Chas. Becht, V. Pres. Honest Pianos at Honest Prices. Becht Piano Cos., Manufacturers and Dealers In High Grade Pianos and Organs STEINWAY & SONS., HOBART M. CABLE. SOHMER & CO., STEGER & SONS, SINGER, Pianos. BURDETTE & MILLER, Organs. £JF“Write us for Catalogues and Prices. jprJT Special prices for the holidays. BELL PHONE 1565 ENGLISH-AMERICAN BUILDING ATLANTA. - GEORGIA, THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE T IURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1902., Home Keeping Women. “Home-keeping hearts are hap piest,’’ the poet tells us, and where one is congenially mated, life may be anything but a fail ure. Nearly all our most noted women and gratest reformers have been admirable wives and mothers, their wise individurlity per meating their homes and social re lations, and their carefully reared children have gone out into the world an honor, not only to those homes, but to the nation at large. The few outside issues these wo men undertook were carefully chosen, well understood, and in telligently and courageously advo cated. There are thousands of women, capable as these, yet restricted by cramped limitations, who recog nizing their inability to walk these perilous paths without endanger ing the peace of other lives de pendent upon them, have turned themselves about and, with a sub lime self-ignoring, have made wonderful homes among the com mon people, undisturbed bo even, vain longings or frettings over lost opportunities. They have taken up their homely tasks and glorifi ed them by their wondrous faith and patience, and have kept their all discouragements, feeling that in this they were serving the cause to which they would have conse crated their hearts and hands From these quiet homes has gone forth unceasing ihspiration, inciting all who came within its magic influence to a higher, holier life, and speaking most eloquently of peace, puriy and unselfishness. Patient-faced women are these; and tender-hearted and kind ; not unhappy, for they have risen above the petty rivalries, spites, surgings and small bickerings whice so often wreck the discour aged and the disappointed in life’s great race. Who shall say they have not “served” as wisely and as well as have their noble sisters who reap ed with “sword and sickle” in the wide harvest fields of the world? — The Commoner. DR. T. S. HOL LEYMAN SAYS ALL ohkonic diseases can be CUBED IF HIS ADVICE 18 FOIiIiOWED. Editor News-Gazette: “During the past year I have treated in Macon and vicinity, many hundreds of patients, suffering from chronic dis eases of nearly every variety, and not in a single instance have I failed to efTect a cure where my advice has been been followed to the end. This leads me to believe nearly all chronic mala dies can be cured. Ho well satisfied am 1 of this fact, that I will give a written guarantee of a positive cure to every patient I treat, or, in case of a failure 1 will forfeit the entire fee. To those who are ailing and whose cases have baffled others, this will be glad news, so I would be pleased to see it publish ed in your columns. “The maladies which prevail in this section, and which I am most often caiied upon to treat, are catarrh and catarrhal deafness, male and female weakness, blood and skin diseases, goiter, cancer, rupture and diseases of the rectum. Also tin; opium habit. Scores of representative citizens who have been cured by me will bear evi dence of this fact” Dr. Holleyman is the chief consulting associate physician of the British Medi cal Institute, located at 354 Second street, Macon, Ga. He makes no charge for examination, and'should he find you incurable he will frankly tell you so. Hours, 9 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 1. “Go Way 'Back ami—” A lawyer tells how a small hoy once got the best of him in cross examination. Part of the quest ions and replies are as follows: “Have you any occupation?” “No.„ “Just loaf around home? “That's about all.” “What does your father do?\ Nothing’ much.” “Dosen’t he do anything to sup port the family!” “He does odd jobs once in a while when he can get them.” Asa matter of fact, is’nt your father a pretty worthless fellow, always fighting and a loafer?” ~I don’t know, sir; you’d better ask him. He’s siltin’ oxer there on the jury. Baocte Toar IWol* With Citscarets. Tandy Cathartic, r.ur<* eoriatipation forever. '*a.2Sc. If C. C C. full, drncßiauufuO'l mooer His System Failed. )octor Saxton was n very learned m m, with the skin that reddened uinder the slightest provocation an i very light—not to say white— eyelashes. In the hard days im mediately after the Civil War, in the absence of other employment, the good Doctor took charge of the village school, and was s m\\ nearly beside himself with what seemed the impossible task of get ting little Willie Brewer to learn his abc’s. Finally Doctor Saxton resorted to a system of menmonics original with himself, and began with what he thought to be the letters. “Now Willie,” he said, “when you come to this long, straight, letter just think of your eye. Remember now, that is ‘l’.” When Willie came back to the Doctor’s knee an hour later he had forgotten. “What is that my son I” inquir ed the doctor. “I do’ know.” “Oh yes, you do. What is it?” encouragingly. “I do’ know,” with mouseful conviction. “What do you see here? asked the doctor, pointing his fore-finger close to his eye and involuntarily shutting and squinting up that organ as he did so. Willie looked earnestly and much longer than necessary. “I don’t see nothing,” he at last whimpered out, despairingly, hut six little white hairs, sir.”—Ex. BEWARE OF THE KNIFE. No profession lias advanced more rap idly of late than surgery, but it should not be usi'd except when absolutely necessary, in cases of piles for example it is seldom needed. I)eWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and perma nently. Unequalled for cuts, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept no coun terfeits. ‘I was so troubled with bleed ing piles that I lost much blood and strength,” says J. G. Philips, Paris, 111. “Da Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured me in a short time.” Soothes and heals. Jno. 11. Blackburn. Barnesville, Ga. L. Hoi.mes, Milner, Oa. Botanic Blood Balm For The Blood. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, blood poison, cancer, eating sores, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any other blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Especially recom mended for old obstinate, deep-seated cases, cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich, gives the skin a rich glow of health. Druggist, $1 per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing Blood Balm Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. Didn't Flirt Any More. A South Georgia editor, it is re lated, got a letter from an unknown correspondent asking how he con trived to flirt without his wife catching him. He pitied the ig norance of the inquirer and wrote a full explanation of the whole racket. The inquirer happened to he his wife using a fictitious name. When he discovered that fact he had the delirium tremens with out the fun of getting them. And now the places that knew him know him no more, and his “grass widow” runs a lively country paper.—Ex. Consumption The only kind of consump tion to fear is “ neglected consumption.” People are learning that con sumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott’s Emulsion and begin regular doses. The use of Scott’s Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. Neglected consumption docs not exist where Scott’s Emul sion is. Prompt use of Scott’s Emul sion checks the disease while it can be checked. Send for free nample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cliemif ts, 409-4(2 Pearl reef, New York, ;x. fi.cio; all druaaisu. 'W* ' The Kind You Have Always Bought* nnd which Las beeii * in us© for over 30 years, has born© the signature of— ami has been made under his per /y* s sonal supervision since its Infancy. /•GOccAtM Allow no one to deceivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” aro but Experiments that triile with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for' Castor Oil, Hard* goric, Drops and Kuo thing Syrups* It is Pleasant* It contains neither Opium, Morphine iior other Kattotid substance. Its ag© is its guarantee. It destroys WormS and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates th© Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural Sleep** The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM* CKNTAUH OOMMNV, TY MUNNAV STNIKT, W*W YOU* CITY. Would Not Confess Ignorance. A physician, called to attend an injured Irishman, gave his wife minute directions respecting the midicine prescribed, which ho in sisted the patient must take in a recumbent position, Bays the Bal timore Sun. The puzzled woman confided her dilemma to her hus band. “Tim, dear, here’s yer midicin all roight, but the doctor to be after sayin’ yez must take it in a recoombant potishin’, an’ never a wan hev we in the house.” Tim met the situation with the suggestion that she might bor row one. Tiler’s Missis O’Mara, now, she did always he hevin’ things comfortable and handy loike.” So the more provident neighbor was appealed to. “Missis O’Mara, mo Tim hez bin hurted.” “The poor soul!” “Yes; an’ he’s that had the doctors says: ‘Giv’ him his midi cin in a recombant posishin’, an Missis’O’M.ara we hev’nt one in the house. W’d yez moind givin’ me do loan of yours?” “Faith, an’ yez can hev it an’ wilcome; but me friend Missis Flaharty hez it; she borred it Chewsday week—jist around the third corner beyant, fornist the pump.” The bequest was continued: “Missis Flaharty, excoose me f’e trubblin yez, me bein’ a stlir anger, entirely t’ yez, but me man is hurted an’ the doctor sez: ‘No hope o’ savin him onless yez giv’ ’im his midicin in a recoombant posishin!’ Meself aid’nt happen to hev wan, so I stopped over to borra Missis O’Mara’s an’ me fakin it the while, me Tim bein’ so bad?” “Moind! Av coorse not! but, sorra the day, Flaharty—he be moighty onstiddy betoimes —he drapped it on the flure lat noight an’ broke it. For Over Sixty Years. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with per fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will re lieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Hold by druggists in every part of the world at 25 cents a bottle. Be sure ask to for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing syrup, and take no other kind. OilSTOniA. Bean the /) Tl Kind You Haa Always Bought ii l C J fyMSßKGwfc' i MILS. L. S. ADAMS. Of (luhcton, Txum. "Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing to tired women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear, ing-down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wir.e of Cardui was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities.” By “tired women” Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at home with this great women’s remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Why not begin to get well today? All druggists have *I.OO bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thedford’s Black-Draught should be used. For adrl cm and literal lira, addmu*. id ring flyiniftoms, Tim LadlftfC A<lvl*ory hhiiL Tibi Clutttariooga Medlclno Cos t i Chattanooga, Turin. q WINE of CARDUI Perfect and Peerless Rheumatism and all Liver, Kidney and Blad der troubles caused by uric add in the system. It cores by cleansing and vitr.lizing the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone and builds up the health and strength of the patient While using the remedy. URICSOL is a luminary In the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedy i never disappoints. It cures in- I fallibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. I’rice SI.OO per bottle, or 0 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggists, bend stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply you It will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address: IBICSOL CHEMICAL CO., Los Aspics. CsL •r Ike LAMAS’ & RANKIN ORLQ p., Atlaata, (U. Ulssrlbetlsg A (sal*. flow Are Your Kidney* t Dr Hobbs’Hparairns Pills dure all kidneyllls. Sanw (decree. Add merlins Homed? Cos., Chicago or N. V