The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, November 20, 1902, Image 7

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Mexican Mustang Liniment is just the thing for Harness and Saddle Sores on horses, Try Mexican Mustang Liniment for Lumbago, Lame Back, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, etc., and you will find that you never in all your life used anything that so successfully fought aches and pains, j To get the full benefit you should rub it in most thoroughly. Mexican Mustang Liniment is a positive cure for Roup or Swelled Head in poultry. Seasons and Styles. Come and go but the appetite remains the same. Fine Steaks and Roasts^^^ Are as necessary and as much wanted this season as last and we are still in the market to supply these wants. We will take your orders by phone, or otherwise, and deliver promptly. Our meats, fish and oysters are always fresh and first-class. P. F. riATTHEWS & SON P. S. J. W. Stocks is with us and solicits the patronage of his friends. Insurance, Fire g Accident- CALL OH Otis A. Murphey, And protect yoursef against Fire and Accidents. False Ideals. Many a boy is seriously handi capped in life, especially if he is exceeding bright boy, by being told too often by his parents and friends that he may become presi dent of the United States. There is nothing which stunts growth, or cripples steady and per sistent development more than being dissatisfied with downright hard work, which, after all, is the great secret of achievement. It is cruel to suggest false ideals, hopeless attainments, improbable success to a boy or girl. It is cruel to make either chafe under the discipline and drill alone which can make achievement possible. Many a youth has been handi capped in his struggle to get on,and kept from the goal he might have reached, by those who have made him dissatisfied with the ordinary routine of his daily work, by sug gesting that his talent and his genius would enable him to win without drudger.—Ex. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadly. a healthy, robust black smith of Tilden, Ind.,that for ten years he suffered such tortures from liheu matism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. “1 wo bottles wholly cured me,” he writes. “,and I have not felt a twinge in over a year. They regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism, Neural gia, Nervousness, improve digestion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50? at W. A. Wright’s drug store. O a. s T O irt I A. ■ B#(irj the HaV6 BoUgtli If we could take stock of our civ ilization, to-day, we would find that the men and women who had done most to sweeten and refine our national life have not been, as a rule, the millionaires, or those who have gained notoriety, but the plain, every day people, the burden bearers, the sacrifice makers. We would find that those who are doing the most to advance civilation in the aggregate, ane to preserve the greatest of all our in stitutions, —the home, —are un known toilers.—Success. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. fThe kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, achesand rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble cduses quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits _ by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar six es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Home ©f free, also pamphlet telling you how to .Ind out if you have kidney or biadder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co-- Y v THfe BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, ThGRSI I .NOVEMBER : The Democracy of Death. Here is a gem from a fuiferal ration delivered at the grave of a ceased congressman, John Ni' ~ ns, by the late former Senator Biu l ohn Ingalls: J “In the democrary of death all 1 ■> at last equal. There is mei ank nor station nor pre neitl, ei 'u the republic of the rogati this fatal threshold grave. her ceases to be wise, the phih * of the poet are and the fc ° ngt linquishes his mil silent. Div us his rags. The lions and L 1 has the richest, s ric , poor man is a i poor as the and the rich m rec jjt or loses his j pauper. The c is acquitted usuary and the de. yj iert the proud of his obligation. : ties, thfi man surrenders his ° world-1 politician his honors, x nvalid ling his pleasures, t ■ j abor needs no physician, ana v er rests from his unrequi ml Here at last is nature e *|o equity. The wrongs of tin . , j J , med, redressed, injustice is expla the irony of fate is refuted, unequal distribution of weal. ' ’ honor, capacity, pleasure and oj portunity which makes life so cruel and inejqfiicable a tragedy, ceases in the realm of death. The strongest there has no supremancy and the weakest needs no defense. The mighty captain succumbs to the invincible adversary who dis arms alike the victor and the van quished.”—Ex. STEPPED AGAINST A HOT STOVE. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlin’s Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Keller, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic liniment and es pecially valuable for burns, cuts,bruis es and sprains. For sale by J. H. Blackburn. Make It Short. Long visits, long stories, long essays, long exhortations and long prayers seldom profit those who have to do with them. Life is short. Time is short. Moments are pre cious. Learn to condense, abridge and intensify. We can bear things thataredull if they areonly short. We can endure many ache and ill if it is over soon, while even pleas ure grows insipid, and pain intol erable, if they are contracted be yond the limits of reason and con vience. Learn to lie short. Crop off the branches, stick to the main side of your case. If you pray ask for what you believe you will re ceive, and get through; if you speak, tell your message, and hold your peace, if you write, boil down two sentences into one and three words into two. —Swiped. CURED OF PILES AFTER 40 YEARS Mr. C. H. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had the piles for forty years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruses, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name De Witt on the package all others are cheap, worthless counterfeit*. Jno. H. Blackburn. Barnesville, Ga. L. Hoi.meb, Milner. Ga. The Height Hide. “Whatan optimist Binksley is.” “Yes, It’s pretty hard to dis courage him.” “When he fell and broke his leg last week he lay there and smiled while they were bringing the am bulance. Finally, someone asked him if it didn’t hurt. ‘0 yes,’ he said ‘but I can’t help being tickled because it’s the left one. J had a corn on the little toe of that foot and it will have a chance to go away while I’m laid up.”—Chica go Record-Herald. Not so Bad After All. “Ah, it’s a Had old world,” sigh jed the man who had been cheated 1 out of S2O. “Yes,” assented his friend, “one l of my horses got his head fast in hayrack last night and broke his neck. 1 was offered .S2OO for him j less than a month ago.” “Pshaw! That’s too bad. Looks as though it was going to clear up, don’t it?” And he went on his way whistling cheerfully.—Chi icago Record Herald. Thanksgiving Day. t'he OrlßiTThls Grcal Day and Its wuo Signtiicance. ... & . 831 Sm. Hof Thanksgiving sinking as to the |. .The l '*' atv per s ofiiie Post who f the origin and the day. Few y regard Thanks ,han a day of in ,B and being dined * entire satisfac-, | man. The real She first, thanks §aperit y yted on this con nentl® be Ifctfitan forefathers, i has .oafVewei? and is a thing of jfksgiving occurred ballots Colony soon af for thy of the Pilgrims, in IQ mn lie harvest of the settlers gotten in, the Im l ms were for the minute peaceful, and everything looked brighter and more promising to the little community than it id £ *r a longtime, so a day of Thanks . -ing to Gc I for his great mercies appointed. Of the best hunts \yng * 1 , >f the colony four were sin- Tl * ell c tby the Governor who sent g ec 'owling, that there might tin U ] ithal for a feast of ro be \i The game they brought ioicii ®’,. *em was the wild tur back \\ ~ e bird whose sover key; he. t h day has for over eignitv c. , rs been undisput s - ed yea two hundr ed. j the bestautho- It is beliei ‘v first celebra rities that tha q c tober, as it tion took place ’ted nearly was out of doors twelvel non *'^ l or a week. Every muk i ving fol so other clays of Tl Beyen y ear8 > lowed for about for* ... sea but at no one given i , QIJ a >t son. Each congregat. nu )Bt ing the day that it dec ~o ccurre and convenient, sometimes i, winter in the spring after a hard return more often in the fall to . _ thanks for generous harvest, worth Post. Trapped. “Are you fond of birds?” sh asked innocently, as she stood at the piano fumbling the music. “I dearly love them,” he re plied with never a shadow of sus picion. Then she ran her slender fingers over the keys and began to sing: “Oh, Would I were a Bird.” Anew nest will lie built in the spring.—Chicago News. Loss of Flesh When you can’t eat break fast, take Scott’s Emulsion. When you can’t eat bread and butter, take Scott’s Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott’s Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott’s Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott’s Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott’s Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott’s Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. n We will send you HEe sure that this picture in thi form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle Of Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE, 409 Pear! St ,’ W. Y. 50c. and 51 * all druggist*. CASTOR A The Kin cl You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borne tuo signature or and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health or Infants and Children— Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops nucl Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panaccor-Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jj Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH* CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUNPAV ATACtT, NEW VOP* PITY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. PIERCE KEMP, M. D., GENERAL PRACTITIONER, BARNESVILLE, GA. Office over Jordan's Drug Htore. Residence: Thomaston street; 'Phone B. DR. J. M. ANDERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BARNESVILLE, GA. Residence: Thomaston street, 'Phone No. 25. J. A. CORRY, M. D., BARNESVILLE, GA. • Mitchell building. Offlce. ~e ; Forsyth street. Phone 28. Itesid en rK: 7toß b. ni., 11 to 12 a. m, 5t06 p m Offlce hot. T. R. SIMS, DENTIST, L ISVILLE, GA. BARNI 0 Reevaa Btoro. Ice over B. F.. er-oi. ■vpivnr C. H.PI DENT) S T,’ . VRNESVILI 8.,4 • Store. Jordan's Drus, iarOffice over THURMA N ’ JP * GEON ’ PHYSICIAN , ’ILLE, GA. BARNESV drU(?Htorfe • N(i Office over Jordan Br itreet; 'Phone Residence, Thomaeion; Calle promptly attended. _ EID, DR. K. L. R IIARNESVIU-K, GA Offllce over Firet National Ban Residence, Magnolia Inn. -i EDWARD A. STEPHENS ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BARNESVILLE, - GEORGIA. Oeneral practice in all court*—State and Federal. Negotiated. W. W. LAMBDIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BARNESVILLE, - GEORGIA. Will do a general practice in all the courta —Htateand Federal —eapeclally in the counties comporting the Flint circuit. Loaiirt negotiated. C. J. LESTER, Attorney at Law BARNESVILLE, - - - - OA Farm and city loans negotiated at low rates and on easy terms. In of fice formerly occupied by S. N Woodward. It T. Daniel. A. B. Pope DANIEL & POPE, ATTORNEYS AT-LAW Offices at Zebulon and Griffin. GEO. W. GRICE, PHOTOGRAPHER. Work done promptly and neatly. t3T*Offlce over M iddlehrooka Building. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* W. B. SMITH, F. D. FINEST FUNERAL CAR IN GEORGIA EXPKRIENCKD"kMBALMERB. ODOKI ESS EMBALMING FLUID W. B. SMITH, Leading Undertaker BARNESVILLE. GA. Jordan, Gray & Cos., Funeral Directors, Day Phone 4-1. Night Phone 58. 188 B HBR stopped free ™[9 W Permanently Cured bv | | \ OR. KLINE’S GREAT | | NERVE RESTORER wn ■■ ™ No aftr first day * us. H o onuultation, personal or hv mall; treads* and " TRIAL BOTTLE FREE to fit patient* who pay express**** ou!r on delivery. I'rrmanatxt t'ur*. nntoulj temporary relief, for all VOUI Disorder*, Rpltep-v. Spasm*. St. Vim* Danes. Debility, Kihamtlon. |>H. It. II.KLINE, I*4, 331 Arch Itreet, Philadelphia. Founded lU7L Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* This preparation contains all of th<r dlgestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomach scan take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. 16 prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you goo toeparedonlyby E.O. DeWitt* Cos., Ohicagf *l. buttle contains if H times the 50c. sidRF Jno. H. Blackburn, Barnesville, Ga. L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. Perfect and Peerless theu 'maiism 'idney and Blad \ll Liver, K -d by uric acid and tables cun It cures by der tx system. tr.lhdng the in the % ud n g the cause cleansic ’*• remevn vigor and blood, th It gives 'ie health of di3eas*. uilds up t patient tone and t h of the and etrengt He remedy, ’ry in while using t, * a lutnhn ured URICSOL i. 'd. Ith.iat. tore the medical wot * to curs n all and will continu *es than if of the above dist Res, many other known remei ' than good, ■which do .more ham. tested YLtis great and tliorou. t Remedy and endorsed Californi. Hires in- V [ never disappoints. It i *d. I j fallibly if taken as direct i that I Try it and be convince 'g to I it is a wonder and a Lle&sk 1 I suffering humanity. ot- ■ Price SI.OO per bottle, or 0 b *. ■ ties for J-'). For sale by druggist • K Send stamp for book of partic- f ulars and wonderful cures. If * your druggist cannot supply you , it will lie sent, prepaid, upon I receipt of price. Address : I URICSOL CHEMICAL CO., Lot /.aides. CiL I or the m LAMAR * RANKIN DhLO CO., Atlaata, oa. \ biilrllMtlag Jno. H. Blackburn. Bamesville, Ga.