The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, December 04, 1902, Image 11

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Iffl “At and Below Cost” tlte jfek ■Kw Al has got to be ascommon as “pig=tracks.” We’ll sell you goods as cheap WWJk\ as any of ’em, but we don’t propose to deceive you in thinking we are IF! ° runn * n £ business for the fun that’s in it. All we want is a small profit on what we sell==and so do those who sell “at and below cost,” Just try us once on glass- jg* ed that it is more ■ a ■■ AH hh ■ Jf We Have Talking LAMPS! * f g ..... ° grade goods at a crying dolls, Uegro dolls, fhat’we prevaricate when'*we say that what VOU dOtt’t SCC M ITIOSt likdV WC liaVC it cheap price. The 5| £g| muslin dolls, kid body ftolls, we have the most, the prettiest and WIICIL /UU W X. 3 C 31 VVC lIdVC 11. best goods are the fM rnKVif>r rlnllc the cheapest line of LAMPS ever shown best value in the Hi jw ruuuei uuut>, cil. to t j, e p eo pi<, 0 f our little city before. long-run. See OUT line of dolls. It will pay you to call, inspect and get ™ ™ our prices before you buy. B. F. REEVES. The Man Who Succeeds. The man who does things, who brings about results, who feels in himself the power of achieve ment and is determined to make himself known in the world, nev er waits to see what the crowd is going to do. He never asks advice of every body he knows or wants for his precedent. He lays out his plans, thinks his own thought, directs his own energy. He does not complain because obstacles appear in his path, and, when he comes to them, goes over or around them. He never whines or grum bles; he simply keeps to his task in a vigorous, manly way. He goes about every thing that he un dertakes with a determination that insures victory. It takes courage and originality to take steps out from the crowd and act indipendently —to jump into deep water, —as it were, and swim or sink. The man who acts boldly wins the confidence of the world. —Ex. A MILLION VOICES Could liardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Lis ten why : A severe cold had settled on hre lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consumpion, but could not help him. When all thought that he was doomed he began to use Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption and writes — “It completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 pounds.” < It’s postively guaranteed for Coughs. Colds and Lung troubles. Price Trial bottles free at W. A. Wkiohtb. Every man knows that a crank is some other fellow. A rope often gets tight because that is the way it is taught. The man who is willing to help you is usually unable to help himself. It is a curious psyscholcgical fact that a man can be in a dozen different minds. OASTORIA. B.u.the Haw always Boaflt Correcting the Prayer Book. In a recent Book of Common Prayer the King’s printers omited the word “well” in the offertory “for with such sacrifices God is well pleased,” and left out a com ma after “grace” in the sentence “outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace given unto us,” in the Catechism. The home secretary explained yesterday that in leaving out the word “well” the printers of the Universities of Oxford and Cam bridge, corrected an error in earlier editions of the prayer book. The printers agreed that the comma should be omitted, so that the interpretation of the sentence should not be prejudiced in any direction, it being clear that the system of punctuation used in the seventeenth century is not such as to justify the basing of an argu ment on the presence or absence of this comma. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor Sand cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent , that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with v/eak kid neys. If the child urin- __. ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. V/omen as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. Ttys mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, alse pamphlet tell- Horn* of samp- Root, ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer 8t Cos.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. THE BAB NEBVILLENEWS-G AZETTE. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1902. Farm Life Best. The happiest man in the world, in all probability, is the progress ive farmer. He labors enough to insure health ; sees his broad acres year after year, yield bountiful harvest and has the respect and good will of his neighbors. He is more indipendent than any mon arch on athrone in the whole world. He sleeeps sounder and more peaceful than the Czar of Russia amid his gold, and this condition will continue under the stimulus of the friendship of his neighbors when all the powerful rulers shall have been gathered to their fa thers. Blessed be the farmer! He is the man we look to through good and evil, in sickness and health, in storm and in drouth. He is the foundation of our whole fabric. It is a hundred times easier to succeed on the farm than in than in the towns and cities, but the young men and young women can have more pleasures along with the trials of town life than in the country hence they go for this reason to the towns. If the men and women who raise the boys and girls would look to the pleasure and comfort of the young people, exodus from the farm would cease.—Ex. HOWTO PREVENT CROUP. It will be good news to mothers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup is hoarseness. A day or two before the attack the child becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, (-riveChamberlin’s Cough Rem edy as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and it will dispel all s mptomg of croup. In this way all dangcrand anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take For sale by Jno if. bI.ACKBL’RX. Some men come into the world asking “Why?” but no one is able to answer. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat- A Printer on the Farm. The story is going the rounds about a printer who tried his hand at farming recently, but couldn’t make it work right and is now back at the case. He had a “wrong font” team, a horse and a mule and they would not “justify.” He said the farmer “docked” him af ter he had “pied” three or four “colums” of potatoes, and bis ex perience in agricultural pursuits came to an abrupt end when he asked the farmer’s wife whether she wanted the hens set Tended or solid.’, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sjfl, C Signature of LjlaS^fY. She Knew Them All. She was a very talkative old auntie and her memory was re markable. Her nephew from the city soon realized the strength of both of these characteristics., “Say aunty,” he puts in when he found an opening in the old woman’s continuous chain of rem iniscences, did you ever know the Keeter family that used to live around here somewhere? “Knew’em all,” cried the old woman without a moment of hes itation. Yes indeed.” “Did you know Amos?” contin ued the joker. “Amos Keeter!” cried the old woman again. “Well, I should say I did. Many’s the party he’s taken me to. Amos Keeter? Dear, dear how his name does call up good old times!” And then the wicked nephew had to go out behind the wood shed to laugh.—Ex. OA.STORZA.. Bean the _/J Kmd You Haw 11 ways BougM Killed two Birds. A worthy man, who was very sensitive and retiring, having lost his wife, privately requested that he might be remembered in the minister’s morning prayer from the pulpit but he usked that his name might not be mentioned. On Sunday morning the good minister prayed moat eloquently for the brother, “upon whom the heavy hands of sore affliction has so lately fallen.” At this point an elderly man whom the minister bad married to a very young wife during the week, rose with a bounce, and stamped down the aisle, mutter ing loud enough to be heard all over the church: “It may be an affliction, but I’m blest if I want to be prayed fof in that fashion.”—Ex. She—“ You say the chicken soup isn’t good? Why 1 told the cook how to make it. Perhaps she didn’t catch the idea.” He—“No 1 think it was the chicken she didn’t catch.” —Ex. CATARRH The treatment of Catarrh with antiseptic and astringent washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco I#w'’ and cigarettes or any external or local application, is £ fL just as senseless as would be kindling a fire oil top of the pot to make it boil. True, these give temporary \JBjm HHU relief, but the < avities and passages of the head and the bronchial tubes soon fill up again with mucus. Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh, for it I cheek-s perspiration, and the poisonous acids and WhmH' vapors which should pass off through the skin, are thrown back upon the mucous membrane or inner skin, producing inflammation and excessive flow of mucus, much of which is absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation reaches every part of the system, involving the Stomach, Kidneys and other parts of the body. When the disease assumes the dry form, the breath becomes exceedingly foul, blinding are frequent, the eyes red, hearing affected and a constant ringing in the ears. No remedy that does not reach the polluted blood can cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the S, - | circulation all offensive matter, and when rich, pure blood is again coursing through the body the mucous membranes become healthy and the skin KOj [Oj active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disap pear, and a permanent, thorough cure is effected. S. S. S. being a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the Stomach and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve under its tonic effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical advice free. Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application. THE SWIFT SPCCIFIC CO.. Atlanta, fte. Where The Sun Jumps A Uay. For many years wise men were constantly asking the question: “Where does the sun skip aday?” It took along time and a great deal of discussion to settle the question, hut ut last it was settled. Chatham Island, lying just off the coast of New Zealand, in the South Paeific ocean, is the one habitable point of the globe where the day of the week changes. It is just in line of demarkation be tween dates. There at high 12, Sunday noon ceases and Monday noon begins. Sunday comes into a man’s house on the east side and becomes Mon day by the time it passes out the western door. A man sits down to his noonday dinner on Sunday and it is Monday noon before he finishes it. There Saturday is Sunday, and Sunday is Monday, and Monday becomes suddenly changed into Tuesday. Some witty observer has said that people who have lost much time ought to go to Chatham Is land for, by taking an early start, there they can always be one day ahead.