The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, December 04, 1902, Image 9

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13ARNES NE WS-G AZETTE. VOLUME 35. S. M. MARSHBURN. Barnesville’s Dry Goods Emporium You Can Find at This Place Everything in Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats and * CLOTHING * TWO rooms one hundred feet long filled to their utmost capacity with new, up-to-date goods. No old * stock to run off “at cost,” but goods fresh from manufacturers sold at a small profit. The liberal patronage accorded us shows the people’s good judgment in not buying old stuff “at cost,” but buying new goods well bought, and sold for a small profit. See our new shipment of goods for Skirts and Waists, things not shown in Barnesville before. Our highest ambition is to secure what the people want from the right place which enables us to suit our customers both in price and style. We Sell The McCall Patterns, The Best On Earth. We give a premium on every cash purchase of one dollar. We give to everyone that buys from us their money’s worth and show them all courtesy that can be expected. We sell the Stetson Shoe for Men. This Shoe Has No Equal. It is our purpose to add Millinery to our business next spring and will give closer prices than ever from now until January ist, 1903, in order to make room for this department. Come and See Us and We will Do You Good. V. O. MARSHBURN, Manager. A Deserving Entei^rise. Barnesville is indebted to Mr. Suggs for a restaurant that would do credit to a much larger city. A more favorable location could not be desired. It is convenient to the busy public and at the same time a suitable place for ladies who love to eat when hun gry. The eating room is as neat as a parlor and the kitchen a mod el hygenic science. The grocery department carries a line of goods that can lessen the housekeepers labor. Mr. Suggs is a public spirited man and his generosity proves him in sympathy with every good cause. On Nov. 22 ult. he gave the entire preceeds of an oyster supper, which amounted to .$50.25, to the baptist ladies for the bene fit of the Church Improvement Fund and at their last meeting they voted Mr. and Mrs. Suggs a resolution of thanks. Such a ben efactor is meeting with the appre ciation he merits and the patron age he deserves. By order of the Pres. Sect, pro tern. ■f CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direetly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a tegular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on themucoos surfaces. The perfect cembination of the two in gredients is what produces such won derfulresults in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonial free. F. J. Cheney a Cos, Props,, Toledo,O. Sold by druggists, price 76c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Death struggles are sad, but they are nothing in comparison with the struggles of some people to live. A Big Young Turnip. Mr. J. S. Milner,.one of Pike’s sterling citizens and hustling far mers, brought to the city j’ester day a beautifully shaped turnip, just three months old, which weighed lli pounds. He has plenty of them this large. The turnip crop this year is very fine as many specimens show. Pope-Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pope, of Dublin, Ga., announce the engage ment of their daughter, lone, to Mr. Richmond Griffin, of Pensa cola, Fla., the marriage to occur at their home in Dublin, on Dec. 17th. Miss Pope has many friends in Barnesville, having held a po sition for some time with the J. C. Collier Cos., all of whom join in congratulations, WHATS IN A NAME? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Halve, E.C. De Witt A Cos., of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For Blind, bleeding, itching and pro trotruding Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts Salve has no equal: This has given rise to numerous worthless counter feits. Ask for DeWitt’s—the genuine. For sale by , Jno. H. Blackburn, Barnes vile.Ga, L. Holmes, Milner, 6a. Thursday Night. The Royal Comedy entertainers will be on the boards at the opera house Thursday night. They pre sent an entertainment of clean comedy and music. The company is composed of artists of a high order and no doubt will give a good show. They come well rec ommended by the press of the coun try. Seats on sale at the usual place. Kodoi dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COUNTRY WEEKLY. BARNESVILLE, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1902. Thanksgiving Service. Thanksgiving service was held last Thursday at the Baptist church, it being a union service. Rev. Hugh Morris, the new pas tor of the Presbyterian church preached an able and interesting sermon, on the subject of “Hap piness.” The sermon was great ly enjoyed by the congregation. There was some splendid music, specially selected for the occas ion, which was an enjoyable fea ture of the service. The music was in charge of Miss Maynita Arnold, assisted by members of the choirs of the different church es. Ifyou feel ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitts Early Risers Are little surprises, Take one—they do the rest. W. H. Howell, Houston,Tex., writes: I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, sick head ache, etc. To their use lam indebted for the health of my family. For sale by Jno.H. Blackburn, L. Holmes, Barnesville, Ga. Milner, Ga. Fine Col lards. Mr. W. H. Willis, ex-chief marshall, probably is entitled to to the blu* ribbon forcollards, for he exhibited two in the city Sat urday, that attracted mtich otfcen tiod. They each weighed about 16 pounds, but he has grown some that weighed as much as eighteen pounds apiece. He has a large quanity of them, and can supply a large number of people with all the collards they can use. SAVED AT GRAVE'S BRINK. “ I know I would long ago have been in my grave,” writes Mr*. 8. H. New som, of Decatur, Ala., “if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I had suffered untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, Water brash, Stomach and Bowel) Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since taking it I can eat heartily and have gained 3ft lbs.” For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kfdney troubles Electric Bitters is a positive, guaran teed cure. Only 50* at W. A. Wright's drug store. The Missionary Meeting. The Missionary Society of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs. J. L. Fogg, Dec. Bth 2:80 p. m. The program is out of the usual order. Ladiescontemplatingjoin ing the Society are cordidly in vited ns guest,B. Subject—The Georgia Baptist Convention. Memory Thought. “No church bound up in itself can prosper. It is like the Dead Sea which all the Jordan cannot sweeten, because it has no outlet.” Prayer. Hymn—All hail the power of Jesus name. Reading—A Psalm of praise— Mrs. O. M. Jones. “The Presidents Message.” Piano Solo —Mrs. N. W. Hurst. The Georgia Baptist Conven tion—Rev. C. W. Durden. A chain of prayer or quotation for the work in China. The Missionaries return—Mrs. B. M. Turner. Business. Mas. J. W. Rkkvks, Pres. Miss Rohkrta Mitchkll. Seel. Don’t Let Your Policies Lapse. I represent a firm that offers higher surrender and loan values than the Companies themselves for endowment, tontine and acccumulative policies, when in force over half their period, even if the policies are hypothecated for their full value and even if they are lapsed for non payment ofpremiuns or interest, if they can be re-Dstatcd, H. P. Powgr.i., Nov. 18th. 1902. Agent. It is easy to have the patience of Job when the boils are on some other fellow. Policemen should be successful speculators; so many servant girls let them in on the. ground floor, OASTOHIAL. Bwuith* Holiday Goods Received. J. H. Blackburn. .* „♦*.*- m |J 12 ** A BE CAREFUL the quality of your GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Defects in either may greatly reduce the size of yope “bag.” Our Guns, Revolvers, etc., are not alone handsome-looking, but they are solid value clean through, and are efficient weapons. All prices have been tested and will do good work. We offer absolutely perfect hand-loaded shells for guns of every calibre at moderate prices. And don’t forget that lam headquarters for Paints, Oils, etc., and if you want a STOVE, just come look and price. Also, have some fine Ranges. Buggy Har ness to suit all—good set for $13.50. Good one-horse wagon harness for $8.75. Collars of every description. Come to see me,.and I will save you money. J. B. BANKSTON, Manager of the Bankston Hardware Cos. NUMBER 45