The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, December 18, 1902, Image 3

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WR'H Ay E *-, f - W ef V V_*fS j AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE iin.l " ii'ill'll ii n~ifaat iWAA njl yi I n !■ ii ini in iiwii !—■ nin >i ii ii in - ■■*.■ www n —nmn-rraTWftaaga—-- mnn-mrM 'wiiii —i u ~ r Uti—lWl'M I ■■■■ l nr imamiA**-~ "iws ■ —i euw-.-w.-~ . ...a: 8 .Workl 0 ffuiaMel ft 0 efc® ,ie * Xfd mohi sjlill .H9'iblmo sili o£ gniiliv *vv hm^od* * * f - si ui, n Our specialties are Flour, Meal, Sug|r, Meat Corn, Oats, Hay, §tc. & itn. /T| laoen aril ni ' I '"Tit Gh#lstmas! OMy ;(Mfe wi<arfl pbotft have. M burr r to get youi> •GjAKES afid-Sa&td Okw Hhaye a fre h supply of all Pound Cakqg,ntots, r feinsur; success with your Cakes— ‘ Th u %Msß f pmFr There is none better. 0( f nafijr j, 1( cho l c l e^ltfe^‘n;SS„fe| -o . Fire Wprks palori f i aioraFfesft crt ck^ter-alltfoip-j corn, flour, dQWft-I{.J*keep ] i$E& with the market, and can always give you the advantage of any decline in pricgs* g ( £o ; my ? and custc mere: I appre ciate your friendship'and patronage, and take t lis opportunity, to thank you*T&t c -hill c> fti , 'Pbfi£aß# 1 ' > I>htronage, anc shall ia.ttihe' future, as in the past, strive to merit a continuance of same. •Wwbiny yaw am, the same, JOtKr. ■BJ.I /. tis mrl should be restocked with go ids from my stock. Whatever game you may be after, I can supply the right instrument oj implements for takiqg it. lamMSotHgftaiWitP 3dJ oT ; ' in all serviceable calibre, and at prices from SI.OO to $25. I carry a full supply of loaded shells for all kinds of guns, Come to see me for your Christmas something nice and serviceable. I have a full line of othei goods afc.rotk-bp^ti>irpri ( epf. £J ;C9pi^ ! tQ ppe me.,,| Tr ; j one ni— B. BANKSTON, < Manager of the Bankston Hardware CS v/sVI mot'l J u‘J7;h OiU&'j I .av/obnrv/ v/r,. \>. vu-im wiHn 4 *A w# ill Ain O 18 the name aomelimea given tp \%at ■ Alll2lfllflkl3m generally known as the BAT) S&S- Vlilli Ijg Elr SJ3 EASK, It in not confined to denjfof , 'D'T r~'.. T/iJ ,)::■/?: lvic6 or the lower classes. • The puAst __ m mtw A ___ and best people are sometimes infected with this awful pialftdy gft 111 \l B V l3 Vll tlir6 ng h handling the dbtlitf g, ® V drinking from the same vesslls, the same toilet articles, orotherwiae cmnipg in contact-with pei%ns *who have contracted it. ... . ► Ft It>bfegns W* & >re,4ii swelling ,q*he groins, a red eruption breaks out on Ten years ago I contracted a the body, sores and, ulcers appear of Blood Foion. I wai under treaAnt ►ulcerated, the hair, eye brows ana s 8 8 i commencod to improv* at%ice ■laalyp; fall out; the bipod becoming, andiii ayfery alu>rt,time all eviden# of more contaminated, copper colored i ho disease ttuappeared. I took * i *% ot * Biuie wuumiuakvu, yr . ties tad today am iound and vell.^ 'sglptphes-and pustular eruptions and It; Wall, Morristown, &m. >sons appear upon 4UMW paWloO ;i£iJWhi .the body, and the poison even destroys >the bones. . S. S. S. is aSpecificfor thislpathscme disease, and cures iteven 'worst forms, ’it isa perfect antidote lot the powerful virus that pol*tes , __ the blood and penetrates to all parts of the systn. you get this poison out of your blood VSv ruin you, and bring disgrace and disease llppn • 'fiSr i tout obiWScn, for it oan be transmitted from p#enfe C- 7 to child. S. S. S. contains no mercury or p<J*sh, , but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable compound W ; ♦ Write for our free home treatment book and learn all a.xmt ’ Blood Poison, if yon want medical advice give us a history of 3L a a tlW* ~WltlifeUßKD i y charge whatever. . ... tnfbwlFT WT wiwfffßA, THEBARNE&VYLLeOeWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ft, 1902. 1 Married Sunday In Griffin. Sunday on at the reside- rtlis ljtidefs grandmother, Mrs. J, W. Cooler, Miss Irene Askew< was mfcrrlftMo Mr. Robert McMahon, of Barnesville, in the preserrcrof the family Rev. J. A. Drewry officiating. 4 The bikit; is a most lovable and wo- 3 T WU^ who is admir ed by aIT who Know her modeit.y aiuP "tdit Atf A/Shlt Mr. McMajjon hpkls position with saeklon G.T?inffh ife Sons in this by all tjjho imjtimtis** m, “ wi 4 .* most promising future. Ihe wsd- HMgJuUU#ifdhrfifd to this city do’clock and |fill make this their home in t lie-f u tnre. Wemrtecd coogratutatidns on the part of their many y|ell wiflle®. f U Winter. Cheney cures a ajpm mtf*co ijany other rehie- other medi cine of a similar character, I am hre pared to say that Cheney’s Expectorant has no superior. A. R. Wilsmt. f feH.H6WsI Mor - 1 In Honor of Captain Howafjl. .*■ ■:■? :: 10 ,fKfcH*FJI£ The following from the lastp is su*of GieMouroe Advertiser J of wt(?6e read with ii Mer est by the numerous friend® of fee'“'ijeftsteB ir A“ v | l9 i where he has lived the mosffi of -IMj£siriim'xe(l si ek | On Thursday night, Dec. 2jwth, frontS o’clqek, thjere will be Mjsrl ocal ‘l 11 ’ toiy- cyfnwiuy. in Jionor of tleir. captain, Jno. r. Hdward, wlnSre twpe from, their body on Jammry ml' ' v TnfeF' tkke r: tmV methoifi of to iim foi* hii iioMief drtheir lip-' tain 1 — B ’®™ r;i:rr Dua ala- > X 1 The banquet to beime >pf ? 4lj#oiV>Wtttat(” social aljirs: quite a Wle, and all of the company seensj to Ur Tmb+rip -frrrwM* ■ wrMrilifer-' est to this occasion. Ttm.repast w®U consist of o’]|ob sums, (fttail on toast mud sev’&safl* artic||s. Mm M, tliv .#llit to be quite a Bucceßs. . Bacon Briefs. After a long and beautiful fall the rain has come at last, and we may look for bad weather, for our “Sunny South” has its dark days just the same as Other places, yet we hear very little grumbling among our people. Corn and grain crops have fallen far short of our expectation. Coitbn has also fallen short of-what it once promised to be, but never in the history of our country, have farm ers had a better season forgather ing their crops. Pretty holds of grain are waving, where only a fefa 'wieekts ago they were white v/ifh cotton, and a great deal of fall.plowing has been done, fro the good wpjcljc gpe* on, and, the farm ers are looking- forward to. bettejL times in the future-titan in the past. ; - Mrs* T. E. Mullins was buried last Sunday. She left a husbanij aiid several children as well as many fribiids to mourn her death., feer .f. T. Qooper spent Satur day and Sunday in Griffin. Mr. Erank Darden, of Atlanta, eaine dcAvn Sunday to attend the burial of Hit sister, Mrs. T. Kv Mullins! Mr. George Saw ley, of Liberty Hill, spent Saturday night and Sunday >vith bis friend, Mr. Tayr, lor Mullins. ,;1 • *** ‘ ( '* 1 *-*J J -til Mr. Mat Darden spent Saturday 1 and Sunday in Darnesville. Mr. Wilber Maddox, At SeanperC was ip 6ur realms Sunday to see his “bestes.” , ,yf tO)/ and A .i* rt-.t Mr. T. M. Mallios went up tV> tr Mfi,:¥ibtor/Mariyp Ba)r h4esviM4iSnday. .-id ur.i i:*rt l ia’tipejMiiii** isowietipie v/ wjjsj, bl ■pagein*- a t llmib pi aeavi af im bn <• '• '*ov y. un ii mhWF*K'''il J .rn .q Of oj .in .a Of noqO j Bm Lodge Elected Officers. Quite an interesting and enjoy able meeting of the R. E. Lee lodge No. 08, I. 0. O. F., was held at their hall, in theSwatt’s build ing one night Inst week. TJie election of officers for the ensuing term was entered into and resulted in the following: Noble Grand—H. P. Powell, Vice Grand —E. A. Stephens, Permanent Secretary—l’. L. Gordy. Recording Secretary—A. J. Stephens. Treasurer—Wi C- Jordun. Trustee —J, G. Suggs. WIIATS IN A NAME? JArerything is in the name when it comes to Hazel Salve. E. 0- be Witt A Cos., of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For Blind, bleeding, itching and pro trotruding Riles. ocze;na. cuts, hums, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counter feits.: Ask for Do Witt’s—the genuine. Rorsale by Jno, H. Bi.ackburn, Barriesvilc, Ga. ■L. HoiiWis, . n e ~ Milner. GA. Mrs. Ida Owens Dead. : .li :Ift : .7T*nTTWfr ii i:' - . /•' ii-q ,’* ;• Mrs. Ida Owmm, of Hoilonville, died suddenly last Friday! night oPherift 1 trouble. 0 MrSiOweTia' was an<l the stfipmthei-,of -Owans,;:qf Pii.kei 'v:> lv q•.•.;{ v.'. r ■' Shbihad :rcimtly fraotured an ankle, fro pi wlvil'h h'lk v had nteAPly. reciA'Ori'd. Sfifi wris I ti ,pf pmqyjkdpiirfVjßJ tra *i °*i dha'raa ter, anid-a. Isiiute pircie.-iftf! with tlnv bermtvetl fanriliy moiirii “uhtirheiy* 1 d^th. Ji; We #iitebd- saw u To Cure a Cold in One Day SX Take Laxative Bromo Qinine TaNets. Seven MBBob fcoxea soW in parti 2 $20,000.00 CASH CONTEST ' OF THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION . UPON TOTAL PORT RECEIPTS OF COTTON Ist SEPT., 1902, TO 10th JAN., 1903. jSronmNfrffioHSlKlriiH. to the On© Making the exact, or the nearest to the exact, estimate of the receipt* of cotton AT ALU UNITED tTATES PORTS from ••PM, . 1002. to January IQ. 1903 So*9gP 'if-■ ■- Toth# neat nearest estimate- TotheiOoond next nearest *.•••- JiW® J ■'/ TO tha five n©*t nearest - 8300 each ■ r ggg _ 1 To the ten next nearest,-,- • • 200 each-. • - Ji,OQO •V,; j To!thteWteeo oo*t nOireat •••••••••••-'’ fOOoaOh*.*~ 1.000 - i ‘ : "> ' ;/i To the twenty next neatest DO eaoh 1,000, ■ / 'r.c.r To the fifty noxt nearest ; MP* fOeaoh.— ' , 300 To the Oho hundred nearest 3each ..699 n , distribution among thoes estimates (not tallies *®f th© above 20S P rIM4M) ■mom *~> 7 ■•*"* Should tds *ot figures glvan during the prior to thoro wai offered to the auacessfu' •stlmete, If mad* before than.. ............ ; ,.. vv ......... Grand t0ta1.... J iv..-..ny. n. j;n..;u.i...^.b. , : - 7r • Conditions of Sending Estimates In TMo Mammoth 5 20,000 Contest, HJ smaglho fcrW*dKl.r coKaTIWPtop*UKKVOUTU,‘><Hii *!••'. •“* In MO* to ••• Sl&NKiCttJ'I if Brt •notUe. •m*u fo Tlia ppSTfTUTIOM. , |,ff i•; ; !T -ntf f ji) B*nd Slloo nr wivwll.T cottNtltVpillX on yo. til lth tt an* In th* .niMi. (>J B#n4 i'O# forSCKW ireOCTU on. Hn# •■rtnl## I# lk*> #•■*••• ' " ■■■ [43 Send SOofor opo estimate alone intho oontoet If you don't want a subscription, or_lf you wish to make r umber or estlmatea on this basis you may send TH * E JF ONBDOL LAP forwarded at the eamt:m© estimates are sent. If as muriy asi TEN '*,*"* same time, without subscription, the sender may forward them with smy Tmfß^TTirr^h la spe cial dlapoupt being ofTsred only to estimates of ten. A postal card rso*lptwlll bo sstlmste so redeTVDd. Wha/re suhadrlptlons are sent ths arrival of tha paper Itself Is sn aoknowlsdKO msnt that youroStlmst© bbs been rsoslvsd and carefully rsoordod. , w i, Tk, p>nn*y cd thr mtiaarlption b 4 llk nul co 1 B, Mm* nv,top ~rj Uoo*. |H, murtf sad tk iubßarfy- Hoa c ,-Thir*l* l psKI f. 1 1] Uu v’luim KfiiStx aaalud later UMII *lt. IM. ; m uom <yrp St ajns r-u* hh*w, m* ar • Mitia .rj -, v q J; i Hi ' ■ )! .•; ; MITIWK /I o r LAST Bum FQiII.OfcJIIO THU EE ESTHMTfB, WITHOUT SUBSORIfTIOII. l b,n. CAtor*. , . ■•L i M , #s£W.a®s2r •:> ff 1 isti- i' i • i- .fniwajhiswaa ' U —j ■■--Y— — 3 WMJM •w? v>Bßptemt}l 1. 1902, 411 v \ yoo'i 10# 1903. v 1 fri! ;ir 1 H *u*—u 44- tv* <T> "sift Tm Port V ; ' ; eu I .I u . i -uf ylrn’r-iiinJ J#niiv ICH . 3fas.. iuitk. -•••*! ' “jjjMSffl Postoffice ,!h I \ r- i-Atoti :l ■*■■■< ..r.nae ■#!.. J>i .fit*, O ' > fiillW.U.i • " 4 faSKOnT.. 4J104J14 ‘'l™ , .‘ijtat©. ..-bV.. ..4- U, H ...... •01*02.. s THE CONSTITUTION, gg| Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas J. Har din announce the engagement of their daughter, Rosamond; to Mr. James Edgar Bogle, of Covington. The weddjng will take place At home tin the afternoon" of Wed nesday, December 81st, at half past tiye. The young cquple. will leave on the southbound traili for the land of flowers: The. groom is in the employ of the Central railroad at Covington, and is an excellent' young man. The bride is one of Forsyth’s very popular and attractive t young ladies. Congratulations iii advance are being extended to both.-*-Monroe Advertiser, Forsyth. Miss Hardin is jyell known here and inis quite a number of frieiids in this city, having visited this place several times. We extent congratulations on the part of her many fribmls. KOPOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. ■ ’■l Digests all clHSBes of food, Unies and strengthens the stopiach and digestive organs. Cures DyßpepSia. fildgestfon, Stomach Troubles and makes rich wed blood, health and strength. KocTol re builds worn out tissue*, p u r J fi-o s, strengthens and the stomach. GoV. G. W-. Afkinsoti, bf W; V'A., srtys: “ lliaye used a number of, bottles of Eodol and have fmittd it to be a Very icffeetivy and, indeed,, pqwyt/ul reme-' dy for stomach ailments. T refedmoha it .to my Jno, H. Blackburn, '•'tii 'V.Jjj ll'j.-. Ba#ni.\iille,.Ga. ! **™- -'h Y:<rfj H iuoil i vitb" Intfl i Xo practice ill U. S. Court. d,t i.: n.T' flolsna r ;,r oviob m At Macon Saturday before Judgo kmory Speeiq Jiiilgb Lester was granted thW Tight "to lVractio<* iii 'United -’iStates rContrt:- j cj Judge,.LqetUjT;ja ,tho, 1 knpwir judge of. this city epurt of. yille and is held in high esteem bfc tHe who; wrph him. Crnrt. And all Forms d# Itchltsg Scaly Humours InstaiUjy Relieved and Speedily ' GUREO BY; GOflGi'Rfi. Complete Treatment (s!),' o* cuncum* SOAe.-to * v ; tb? skin of crusts and acales and t. itouthe thickened CUtiCW, CuriCtruil'Oinc ment, to h ,Bt *! Dtl y albijr itching, irrltatlbh,'’ arid 1: Inflainmatleirt ' and soothe aud bw l , and CimcußA Ij£- sOi.vfAt PILLS, to cdoT tfftd efrrinse the blood, ginaiß Set . U ofum sutllclept to cure the most torturing, distlghrlog, Jtehlna jbnrtdim,] hieea lna;, scaly, crusted, and piinply hu • ikmirti when itll'elbo falls, •' .> a - f MIULIQNS USE CCTICURA SOAP. asßletfed by CuTicura Ointmen r Kir boautlfy lng the skin, fv oleiimlng tjifjhbuli/, rfii'l plng of falling hair, for softening und whiten }ng Uie baJitlH, forihaby lUVUnj*!,aigl/itlties. In baths for aimoylnir Irritations ntnirfianiigs, r too free or-cSenlvS| many sanative, antise|itle pun’osoii wklrn uggpHt themsefvieato andf oJI Uifi purposes of the toilet, Imth, anil uni scry. CvutWHA Ba<tvM^i:PtW ( Sj ! ft?hW4* Coateil) are anew, tasteless, oToi'less, eeo blisul purlflers ajul humour cures. In screw cap allata. amtauangißii itose*. isrtue She. . J CSold throughout th. world. So.r, Me., OmniiXT. uTTeu Oauu amD Cush. Cosr.,Bale l'jcpe., Jjo.WA •ikHtcjfA i ,anq rignotoi